Tang Li can be considered to have discovered that since he coaxed Xiao Chu to call him "sister" in the tattoo mirror, Chu Chisi has been thinking about this name.

The age difference between the two is not big, only about one year old. Tang Li relies on his wife in most things, but he is unwilling to compromise easily on the issue of calling.

"Come on, call my sister."

Chu Chi held her softly, knuckles gently caressing her cheek. Tang Li tilted her head and scratched her palm with the tip of her nose, "No."

Tang Li said, "I don't shout."

Chu Chisi frowned, and stopped stroking her cheeks. Instead, she pinched her face gently: "Why?"

Tang Li blinked and said, "I just don't want to shout. We are only one year apart. With such a small difference, I don't want to call my sister."

"You lied and called me so many times in the tattoo mirror before," Chu Chisi continued to pinch her face, "Come on, call me sister."

Tang Li's mouth was hard: "Don't shout."

She was tall and firm, with a well-proportioned body, but her face was soft. Chu Chisi held her in his hand like a marshmallow, and said vaguely, "Don't shout."

If it is hard, it will be soft.

Chu Chisi stopped pinching her, rubbed her head instead, her lips fell on the tip of Tang Li's nose, and kissed her softly: "Shout?"

The lips fell on the tip of the nose and on the cheek, soft and fragrant like strawberry jelly, and kissed her lips all the way, biting the soft flesh lightly.

Tang Li got cheap and sold well. While enjoying his wife's kisses, he continued to speak stubbornly: "Don't shout."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Tang Li is a shameless person, and does not eat hard or soft. No matter how much Chu Chisi coaxes him, he still refuses to call "sister". How can this be good?

Seeing Chu Chisi's distressed appearance, Tang Li wanted to laugh, and couldn't help but want to tease her: "Chi Si, if you try to coax me a few more times, I might shout."

Look at me more, coax me more, just keep your eyes on me alone, stay by my side, don't think about leaving me anymore.

Chu Chisi raised her eyebrows to look at her: "Really?"

Tang Li nodded: "Really."

Chu Chisi sat on the table with her legs hanging in the air. She was wearing a pair of small leather boots, the leather rubbed the fabric, and lightly rubbed Tang Li's calf.

There are some messy things on the table, Tang Li is not as organized as Chu Chisi, there are a few pens in the pen holder, and the documents are also stacked next to them.

Chu Chisi looked around, she took out a metal pen, weighed it in her hand, turned it around smoothly, and then stopped at Tang Li.

"I'm not very good at coaxing people."

Chu Chisi said slowly, the metal pen cap pressed against the leather of the neckband and pressed lightly inside: "What should I do?"

The leather is close to the skin, and her strength is against the throat, and every breath can vibrate the cap, and it is transmitted to Chu Chisi's palm along the metal.

The pen slid down, draped over the collar of the uniform, and then hooked up a brilliant silver chain that circled around the pen a few times, black and white, with a strong contrast.

The metal collided with a lingering sound.

Chu Chisi hooked on the silver chain and pulled back, pulling Tang Li forward a little, and she needed to raise her head to look at herself.

Tang Li looked up at her, her throat tightened, and she made a swallowing motion unconsciously: "Chi Si..."

It may be Tang Li's illusion, the collar seems to be a little tighter, rubbing against the throat bone, tightening her breathing slightly.

Chu Chisi just smiled. She traced Tang Li's lips, pressed her fingertips, and made a small depression on her reddish lips.

Her voice was soft: "Shh."

The pen was wrapped around several silver chains and was held by Chu Chisi in the palm of his hand. The metals collided with each other, like pearls and jade, and the sound fell crisply in the ears of the two of them.

The neat and straight neckline of the uniform was messed up by the pen cap, and the collar opened a narrow opening, and the milky white skin could be vaguely glimpsed.

Just when Tang Li thought that the pen was going to continue to slide, Chu Chisi took it slowly.

She hugged Tang Li's neck, her soft body fell into her arms, and whispered in her ear, "Tang Li."

"Good, be obedient."

Because of the popularity of electronic devices, there are actually very few places where paper and pen are needed, and most of them use electronic pens to record information.

Maybe only God or surveillance cameras know where Tang Li bought a fine brush and put it in the office.

"Tang Li, I'm really curious. Where did you buy all these weird things?"

Chu Chisi sat on the table, pressed the brush with his fingertips, and silently spit out a sentence: "Have you disinfected?"

"Of course," Tang Li said, "following the ten steps you listed, all of them have been carefully disinfected."

Chu Chisi: "..."

The fine nib has been placed for a long time, and the nib is a little hard. Generally, it needs to be immersed in water at this time, and the fluff on the nib will be scattered. It is also called "opening the pen".

Tang Li rubbed the tip apart, touched the small pink porcelain plate with the tip of the pen, soaked it in the water and stirred it, and it softened a little after a while.

Xihao spreads out softly, depicting the light red paint in the porcelain dish, the tip of the pen is soft and delicate, sweeping around like a feather.

It's light enough to leave.

The fine strokes are gently drawn on the paper, the brush strokes are delicate, stroke by stroke, and rustling sounds can be vaguely heard.

The light red paint was smeared, and the layers of small circles, circles and inches, were painted with small flowers and small messy objects.

When did Tang Li have artistic cells?

Chu Chi thought dazedly.

Tang Li held the brush, turned the shaft a little, and dipped the brush deeper into the clear water. The warm water droplets wrapped around the tip of the brush, sticky and moist.

The curtains were pulled up, and only some dim light could be seen, and the tulle generally fell between Chu Chisi's hair.

It's quiet in the office.

But there were some sounds outside the door, footsteps from far to near, approaching and leaving, each step on her precarious heart.

Chu Chisi couldn't sit still, accidentally knocked over the pen holder, and watched helplessly as pens, pencils, and a few small clips were scattered and smashed under the desk.

The jingle clattered far away.

Chu Chisi was startled by herself, she glanced back with trembling all over, for fear that someone would knock on the door suddenly, but Tang Li would drag her back.

"Chi Si, I'm writing," Tang Li was attached to her ear, her voice slightly hoarse, "Why aren't you concentrating?"

The porcelain plate was dyed with thin red paint, and the white paper was smoothed out by her and spread on the desk of the office.

Tang Li drew with a gentle touch, two completely different feelings intertwined, but she accidentally knocked over the porcelain plate and sprinkled clean water everywhere.

The porcelain plate was upside down, the desk was a little messy, and the paper-covered table top was full of crystals. Tang Li wiped off some water droplets, and then drew back the pen.

The brush was soaked in water and accidentally dropped a few drops.

The curtains were drawn, and the lights in the room were dim, falling on Chu Chisi, making her look like a moon falling into the water.

So bright, so hazy.

The broken moon in the water was held in Tang Li's arms, and it was easy to change the position, dipped a brush in the water and touched the white paper, and wrote a few words gently and slowly.

Chu Chisi stood beside her, her long hair softly scattered on her back, her shoulders undulating with her breathing, revealing a delicate outline.

The soft tip of the pen swiped across the paper, and every stroke and every painting could arouse boundless rustling noises, like insects crawling on white paper, which could not be touched or touched.

"Chi Si, guess what I wrote?"

Tang Li weighed the pen holder and swayed it gently, as if signing a letter, and drew another small flower in the corner.

If there was a pillow here, then the pillow would be smashed into Tang Li's face in the next second, Chu Chisi turned his head and glared at her, and said, "I...how do I know."

The nib of the fine nib was dipped into the porcelain plate again, and it was wetted with water again during the shaking.

"Then I'll write it again." Tang Li picked up the pen, her voice unhurried, "Try to write slowly this time, so that you can see clearly."

The office was in a mess, Chu Chisi bent down silently, put all the scattered pens back in the pen holder, and then smashed the pen holder on the table: "Bangdang!"

Tang Li felt guilty: "Chi-Chi Si, are you angry? I'm sorry, am I too..."

Chu Chisi glared at her, not angry: "Of course you are angry, you unbelievable guy."

She slumped on the small sofa and waved to Tang Li. Tang Li walked over obediently, bowing her head and admitting her mistake.

The silver chain was grabbed violently, pulling Tang Li up, Chu Chisi pressed her forehead with a fierce look in her eyes.

"Did I coax you?" she asked.

Tang Li quickly nodded: "Coaxed, coaxed very well."

Chu Chisi bit her lip, and her eyes were still a little red: "What happened? Sister didn't even shout."

Tang Li: "..."

After a long time of trouble, Chi Si is still struggling with this? ?

The two were very close to each other, Tang Li blinked, and the fluffy long eyelashes fluttered, almost swept across Chu Chisi's cheek.

The long brown-blond hair brushed over the back of her hand, very light and soft, just like her voice in her ear:

"Sister, don't be angry."

Tang Li held her hand, and there was a constant warmth in her palm, so she wrapped Chu Chisi in this way.

She smiled warmly, her brows and eyes were soft, and she shouted again: "Sister, are you still angry with me?"

Chu Chisi: "..."

Chu Chisi pursed his lips, the blush on the tip of his ear has not faded, and then another surge came: "You know how to deal with me."

Tang Li said, "Of course, otherwise, how could I get you and get married with me?"

Chu Chisi "puchi" smiled, rubbed Tang Li's long hair like a puppy, and then leaned over and kissed her forehead: "It's so cute."

The voice "really good" was said in a low and soft tone, with boundless tenderness, and Tang Li blushed a little when he heard it.

"It shouldn't be early, right?" Chu Chisi said, "When was that press conference?"

Tang Li glanced at the time: "It's just past now, Chi Si, do you want to follow?"

Chu Chisi shook his head decisively: "No."

"There are too many people, and it's noisy and noisy," Chu Chisi nestled on the sofa with a small blanket over his shoulders, "Go on your own, I'll wait for you."

Tang Li responded, and finally pestered his wife to give him a kiss. Then he packed up and walked towards the venue of the media meeting. .

Because Tang Li and Tang Yiqi both appeared at the same time, the media meeting went very smoothly, and no one even dared to ask too sharp questions.

The two briefly reported the situation, and after answering the questions, the meeting ended successfully. As for the trend of public opinion, etc., that is something to be dealt with later.

Tang Li stopped moving, waiting for his wife with all his heart, and was about to go back when he heard a slight cough: "Cough, cough, cough."

Tang Li stopped and looked up.

Tang Yiqi was holding a handkerchief and coughing lowly. Because of the makeup, she had to get very close to see the haggard expression on her face.

"So haggard," Tang Li walked over a few steps and asked half-sarcastically, half-jokingly, "What's the matter with you?"

Tang Yiqi folded his face towel, hiding the blood on it, and said indifferently, "It has nothing to do with you."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't care about you," Tang Li raised her arms and leaned against the wall, "I have something to ask you."

I had tormented Yin for a long time before, but unfortunately the other party didn't know much more than me, and unfortunately, no useful information was found.

Only one step at a time.

Tang Yiqi coughed a few more times, put away the face towel, and said in a hoarse voice, "What's the matter?"

"What else can happen," Tang Li frowned displeasedly, "What is the matter with the toxin in Chi Si's body? How can I get it out?"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Yiqi looked at her in a daze, and after a while he said, "Didn't Chu Chisi tell you?"

Tang Li: "What did you say?"

"Just a few days ago, she came to me," Tang Yiqi explained, "and took away all the information about the toxin."

There was a knock on the door, "knock knock", three identical sounds like an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Tang Yiqi stopped flipping through the documents and responded in a low voice, "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, Tang Yiqi looked at the person who came, and was a little puzzled: "Academician Chu? Why did you suddenly come to Xingzheng."

Chu Chi said succinctly: "Well, there is something I need to talk to you face-to-face, so I flew over."

She pulled out the chair and sat down, not forgetting to glance at the time, "I have booked a return flight in the afternoon, and there are still two hours and ten minutes to take off."

Tang Yiqi: "..."

Chu Chisi is really old.

Tang Yiqi put the document aside and put his fingers together: "So, academician, what do you have to do with me?"

Chu Chisi shrugged: "I'm not as powerful as Tang Li, and I'm catching a plane again, so I won't go around the corner and say it straight:"

"I want the toxin activator back, and all the documentation on the 'remotely controlled neurotoxin'."

Tang Yiqi: "..."

This is also a bit too direct.

"You handed this to me personally as a guarantee to marry Tang Li," Tang Yiqi frowned, "Why do you want to take it back?"

Chu Chisi hesitated for a moment: "Because we are already married, we don't need any documents."

Tang Yiqi: "...Do you think this is in line with the logic you always follow?"

"Then put it another way," Chu Chisi said in a light voice, "I don't want to die, I want to live well and be with Tang Li."

Her expression was calm, and she couldn't even hear any ups and downs in her voice, but hidden behind every word were extremely deep and majestic emotions.

Tang Yiqi's breath paused, and she didn't even notice that the hands that were held together were tight and creased a few folds on the gloves.


"But this is a document used as a guarantee. How can you say that you have to go back if you want to go back?"

Tang Yiqi said slowly: "Or, have you prepared something, or promise to exchange it with me?"

Suddenly, Chu Chisi laughed.

She leaned over and nodded with her hand covering the table. Those dark eyes looked at Tang Yiqi, very familiar, but somewhat unfamiliar.

At that moment, the soft-hearted Chu Chi Si, who was used to being cold and distant, disappeared.

In its place was a madman who was very similar to her mother, carved from the same mold.

"Sorry, I'm not prepared for anything."

Chu Chisi chuckled: "But you will definitely give me all the documents, because this is the decision that maximizes your interests."

This is a simple sequence game (SequentialGames), and Tang Yiqi seems to be facing two routes, but in fact there is only one.

[Route 1: Do not hand over documents]

①: Killing Chu Chisi, Tang Li takes revenge

Final result: (-5, -5)

②: Killing Tang Li, Chu Chi thinks revenge

Final result: (-5, -5)

③: Successfully killed two people to avoid revenge

Final result: (0, -10)

【Route 2: Hand over documents】

①: Gain two (temporary) allegiance

Final result: (+5, +5)

(-5, -5, 0): The reason could not be simpler, as long as Tang Yiqi chooses not to hand over the documents, she and Chu Chi Si Tang Li will only end up with a lose-lose outcome.

(+5): Only if she chooses to hand over the document can she gain even a temporary positive benefit.

Chu Chisi pressed against his forehead, and said leisurely, "I don't like being controlled by others, so the general must also understand this truth."

【Is it uncomfortable to be held by the handle? 】

She sat on a chair, with her slender hands folded, her brows smiling faintly: "Admiral, you have no other choice."

As Chu Chisi said, Tang Yiqi has no choice, she can't afford revenge from any one person, nor can she afford to lose both of them at the same time.

She has only one way to go.

Seeing Tang Li happily, almost running back, Tang Yiqi let out a long sigh.

Looking at this situation, Chu Chisi must be there.

Her forehead began to ache again. Since killing Yin, she has not been able to sleep well all day and all night. She is deeply disturbed by nightmares, and even coughs up blood.

Did Yin take the opportunity to poison me?

When did she get poisoned?

Tang Yiqi walked back slowly, her footsteps as heavy as cement, and each step was extremely difficult, causing her to sweat thinly.

There is a huge Beimeng flag hanging on the wall next to it. The dark color occupies most of the wall. The stars are adorned high, and there is an indescribable sense of oppression.

After an unknown amount of time, Tang Yiqi finally returned to her temporary office in the armed forces, locked the door with her backhand, and locked it tightly.

Tang Yiqi looked at the empty room and let out a deep breath, his lungs filled with blood that couldn't be dissolved.

Long life, Yin said, you will live a hundred years.

It sounds like a blessing, but it is actually the most vicious, most desperate, curse from the bottom of my heart.

His head hurt more and more, tingling his nerves. Tang Yiqi had to hold the table top to prevent himself from slipping off.

She frowned tightly and pressed her forehead with her hand, but the intense pain was buried deep in the bone marrow, and it could not be peeled off.

【That's Silver's curse on her】

There is a log photo frame standing on the desktop, inside is a group photo of three people, and there are three different handwriting and date in the blank.

The photo has been put on for a long time, and the corners are already curled and yellowed. The two dead people in the photo both smiled happily and looked at Tang Yiqi outside the frame.

My head hurts, it hurts to the bone.

While pressing his forehead, Tang Yiqi stretched out his hand to put on the photo frame, and slapped it down fiercely:


With a clear sound, the door of the office was pushed open. Chu Chisi was curled up on the sofa to sleep, and raised his head in a daze: "Who...?"

A familiar figure trotted over, and before Chu Chisi could react, she threw herself into her arms:

"Chi Si, I'm so happy!"

A while ago, his wife was tossed and broken, Chu Chisi fell into a drowsy sleep, and his head was still a little awake: "What's wrong?"

Chu Chisi's body was warm, and there was still tiredness in her voice, and it fell softly to Tang Li's ear, scratching her heart.

"Why are you so happy?" Chu Chisi yawned, trying to cheer up.

"Tang Yiqi told me about the neurotoxin," Tang Li couldn't hide his excitement, "Chi Si, you really intend to take it out, right?"

Chu Chisi was stunned for a while, and her drowsiness was also awake. She smiled helplessly: "Well, she already told you."

"I do want to get the toxin out, but I won't tell you until I'm 100% sure."

Chu Chisi scratched the bridge of Tang Li's nose, eyebrows curved: "I got all the information back, and I will tell you after the research is done."

Tang Li smiled happily: "Really?"

Chu Chisi smiled and said, "Of course it's true."

She raised her hand and stroked Tang Li's cheek, holding her skin softly in her palm, her voice soft as a whisper: "I don't want to let you go."

"We still have a lot of things to do together, a lot of places to go, and a lot of things to buy."

We still have a lot of time.

The sofa couldn't bear the weight of the two of them, and it was so pressed that it couldn't stop sinking.

The air is full of the faint fragrance of pears, and the branches are covered with fresh snow that has just fallen. With a gentle shake, water droplets can be shaken down the sky.

Tang Li was in a hurry this time, as if he wanted to melt her into his arms, heavy and deep, with his arms around his slender waist, and he refused to let her go.

Chu Chisi hugged Tang Li's neck, the silver chain on his uniform fell on his body, the metal felt cold to the touch, but the person holding him was so gentle.

It's so sweet that she's so happy. .

Chu Chisi is not a neurological or medical expert. After getting the documents, she immediately went to other scholars in the Beimeng Academy of Sciences and asked them to help her.

The other party promised, and soon began to research and break down neurotoxins, and at the same time, Tang Li also received information from the Alpha team.

[It's something related to Ni Xitong]

After letting Ni Xitong escape for nearly a month, she finally stumbled close to the border, and in a few days, she will most likely escape into the SAARC territory.

Tang Li naturally would not allow such a thing to happen.

After listening to the report, she thought for a moment, then turned to look for Chu Chisi, who was holding a tablet and writing and drawing on the sofa.

The sofa was so big, Tang Li wanted to squeeze with her.

She snatched half a small blanket from her wife, hugged Chu Chisi from behind, and put her chin on her shoulder: "Chi Si, I may have to go on a business trip."

Chu Chisi held the electronic pen tightly and asked, "How long will you be on a business trip, and where are you going?"

Tang Li said it one by one, but concealed Ni Xitong's part, and didn't want his wife to worry about him.

She only told Chu Chisi that she would visit the snow-capped mountains in a neutral country and should be back in a day or two.

Tang Li could see the obvious hesitation from Chu Chisi's expression. She was about to say, "It doesn't matter if you don't go." Chu Chisi said first, "Okay."

"Come back early," she whispered.

Tang Li rushed to the Beimeng Armed Forces the next day, ready to quickly deal with Ni Xitong, and then rushed back quickly, not to make his wife wait too long.

All it takes is a quick fix.

The propeller hummed, climbed quickly, and took the team of several people to the sky.

The vast snow-capped mountains appeared in sight, a vast expanse of white, whether it was hiding the figure or tracking the enemy, it was difficult to ensure that he would not be discovered.

Tang Li followed the team to the temporary base built. Dozens of uniform tents were set up on the snow, and her teammates greeted her in unison.

But the worst happened.

Just the night before Tang Li set off, a blizzard suddenly fell around him. The wind was blowing, and snowflakes filled the sky, trapping everyone in the tent for a while.

It was a good coincidence that on such a night, Ni Xitong, who was still under surveillance, suddenly disappeared, and he didn't know where to go.

"It's okay, she can't run away."

Tang Li leaned over to check the map and asked the deputy captain, "Where was the last time you tracked her down?"

The sky over the snowfield is exceptionally clear, and the sun shines on top of the snow, making it look particularly dazzling.

Ni Xitong walked with one foot and one foot, her throat was smoking with thirst, her body was covered with wounds, her body was extremely weak, but her mind was unusually clear.

She lacks combat training and doesn't know tracking or anti-tracking skills, but she's not a fool.

For nearly a month in a row, Ni Xitong was like a rabbit who was kicked out of the nest, fleeing east and west between heavy snow and mountains, trying his best to avoid the enemy.

Strangely enough, whenever she gets a chance to rest for a while—such as finding a water source, capturing a small animal, discovering a snowy mountain cabin, etc.—the pursuers will appear "in time", forcing her to continue fleeing.

It came and went countless times, and while Ni Xitong became increasingly desperate, he also noticed the law of the "appearance" of the chasing soldiers.

The Beimeng pursuers didn't seem to want to kill themselves, but watched from a distance, torturing her with the most brutal means.

Every time Ni Xitong gets a piece of hope, they will take it away mercilessly.

It's... so bad.

Ni Xitong groaned as he stumbled forward, hoping that Blizzard would buy him more time and escape the sight of the pursuers completely.

Both she and Chu Chisi are downright atheists, but this time, the gods seem to have really heard Ni Xitong's wishes.

Three days, three whole days.

Relying on luck and constant hiding, Ni Xitong really got rid of the chasing soldiers, and did not see any trace of the other party for three days.

After so many trembling sleepless nights, she finally didn't have to worry anymore and could sleep peacefully.

There is a saying, "As long as you work hard, you can grind an iron pestle into a needle." After a long journey, Ni Xitong finally got close to the end of the snow field. ①

The surrounding vegetation gradually increased, and after stepping on the snow layer, you could still see the ground with the tip of the sprout, and it was no longer the same dazzling white.

The North Alliance pursuers are just like that.

Ni Xitong couldn't help feeling a little smug, she quickened her pace a little, looking for traces of people on the sparse frozen soil.

‘As long as I find someone,’ Ni Xitong thought, ‘As long as I get in touch with SAARC, I will be completely safe. ’

It seemed that God had come to pass again. Ni Xitong saw a lot of hounds running in the mountains from a distance, and there was a man whistling and giving orders behind him.

Look at how well-trained the hounds are, nine times out of ten they are the shepherds in the neighborhood!

Ni Xitong suddenly became excited, and regardless of the wound that had not healed, she stumbled up the mountain and waved from a distance.

The man saw her and waved.

With a crisp whistle, the hounds suddenly turned their heads and ran to surround Ni Xitong.

One, two... ten, twenty.

Those hounds wore neat dog tags, bared their teeth, and surrounded Ni Xitong tightly. They closed step by step, and she could even hear a low growl from her throat.

No... something is wrong. Generally, a large flock will be equipped with four or five hunting dogs at most. Why does this person have so many? !

The blood flowed back into his mind, and Ni Xitong's face was pale, and suddenly thought of an extremely terrifying possibility: these may not be ordinary hounds.

This time, the gods no longer favor her.

The whistleblower paced over. She took off the veil of disguise while passing the encirclement and came to Ni Xitong.

Ni Xitong's whole body's blood coagulated, and the nerve cells clamored for her to run, but she stood rigidly in place, suppressed by the majestic Alpha pheromone, unable to move.

The man was tall and slender, looking at her with a smile, his body was wrapped in black, and a sharp shadow was cut by the wind.

"It's been a long time."

Tang Li smiled and reached out to her: "Dear Miss System.".

In the temporary base, the Alpha team looked at each other, looked at a tent surrounded by several Alpha guards, and whispered something.

At this moment, three short whistles came from the entrance of the base, signaling that the teammates who had a mission had returned.

The vice-captain's eyes lit up, and he hurried to the entrance. As expected, Tang Li stood alone in the snow and walked slowly into the base.

"Captain, you're back!" said the deputy. "Didn't you say you wanted to track down that person yourself? What was the result?"

Tang Li shrugged her shoulders. Her black clothes were clean and her collar was flat, as if she was just going out for a walk: "I'm sorry, the mission failed."

"It's a pity that we couldn't catch her alive."

The vice-captain just got closer, and suddenly felt the chill in her eyes that had not yet faded away, as well as the faint trace of blood lingering around her side.

Their leader is like ice, like a sharp blade without a scabbard, even if they just stand beside them, they can feel an invisible sense of oppression.

Like a swamp, muddy and suffocating.

"When I chased after him, Ni Xitong had already been torn to shreds by the hounds, his flesh was torn apart, and his bones were scattered all over the mountain, and he couldn't find it."

Tang Li said lightly: "You wait a few days, and the wild wolf will almost eat it and collect a few bones, and report to Tang Yiqi."

Whether true or not, it is a foregone conclusion.

There was no need for the vice-captain, and she didn't dare to ask Tang Li what she said. She swallowed her throat: "Okay...Okay."

Tang Li stroked the bulging knuckles on the back of her hand, moving very lightly and slowly. She tilted her head and looked into the distance, her eyes falling on the tent full of Alpha guards.

She narrowed her eyes and said, "What's up with that tent? I don't recognize those people."

"Those are the escorts of Admiral Tang," the vice-captain also frowned. "They arrived this morning, and without explaining anything, they guarded the tent and prevented people from entering."

Tang Li sneered: "The hand is too long."

Together with the deputy team, she strode towards the tent, and when the strange Alpha guards saw her, they all gave way: "Major General, you are back."

Tang Li glanced at them and found that these Alphas were all wearing restraint stickers without exception, and suddenly became suspicious and stopped abruptly.

"Are you really Tang Yiqi's bodyguards?" Tang Li's voice was soft, her hands resting on the metal around her waist, "Why are you wearing restraint stickers?"

The Alpha guards were stunned for a moment, and were about to explain something when the tent curtain was lifted, and a familiar figure appeared in their sight.

Tang Li was taken aback: "Eh?"

The man ran in small steps and threw himself into Tang Li's arms, wrapping his arms around his waist and hugging her tightly.

"Chi-chisi?" Tang Li was dumbfounded, and quickly removed his hands from the metal, stammering, "You... how come you are here?"

Chu Chisi raised his head: "I'm here to find you."

Her body was soft, and with a little heat from the stove in the tent, she fell into her arms like a mass of snow that was quietly melting.

Tang Li noticed that she was also wearing a restraint sticker and suppressed the pheromones on her body very lightly. Only when she got close could she smell the slight fragrance oozing out of her skin.

"You said that you will be back within two days, but there has been no news. I can't get in touch with you."

Chu Chisi hugged for a while, and then let go of Tang Li: "I was worried that something happened to you, so I hurried over."

With that said, Chu Chisi unloaded the black backpack, and pulled out a silver metal with a strange shape, obviously modified several times, and loaded and loaded it neatly.

She raised her hand, only to hear a small "puchi" sound, and the bullet penetrated a falling leaf and plunged straight into a tree trunk not far away.

This accuracy and speed are too terrifying, the deputy team's eyes widened, looking at Tang Li, and at the person standing in front of her with a calm face.

"In case you are kidnapped, you will die," Chu Chisi said seriously, "I am here to save you."

A bunch of people who have seen Tang Li's skills next to each other looked at each other without saying a word, and their expressions changed unpredictably:

What are you kidding? If Tang Li was kidnapped, she would be able to overturn the opposite headquarters the next day.

Chu Chisi ignored the others, just looked at Tang Li, quietly waiting for the other party's reply and reaction.

The silver metal was pressed against the palm of her hand, with a little perspiration on it. She held it so tightly that it pressed red marks on her skin.

Tang Li was stunned for a moment, and then a smile spread from the corner of his eyes. The light-colored pupils were filled with clear light, reminiscent of the sun wheel in the first birth.

"Chi Si, really?"

Tang Li took Chu Chisi into his arms, buried his head on the other's shoulder and neck, and rubbed like a puppy: "I'm so happy that you can come to save me."

She said cheerfully, "I don't want to stay for a moment, so hurry up and kidnap me!"

The author says:

【Citations and Notes】

①: The Southern Song Dynasty Zhu Mu's "Fang Yu Sheng Lan·Meizhou·Moting Needle Stream" - "As long as you work hard, the iron pestle can be ground into a needle"?

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