According to the original plan, Chu Chisi actually carried a bunch of dangerous items and was going to the Snow Mountain alone to find the golden retriever wife.

As a result, she just inquired about the location of the temporary base in the armed forces, and this matter reached Tang Yiqi's ears for some reason, and she just stopped Chu Chisi.

Tang Yiqi couldn't believe it: "Tang Li just brought you back! Why did you go out alone without notifying Xingzheng? What if you were hijacked by the SAARC again?"

Chu Chisi was carrying a black backpack with a low cap, and glanced at her coldly: "Last time there were six planes, three transporting people and three escorts, how did SAARC find me precisely?"

Tang Yiqi was dumbfounded: "This..."

"The dark line of the SAARC that led to the hijacking last time was the person who was buried by Yinhua for more than ten years, and it was hidden very deeply," Tang Yiqi sighed, "It has been completely eradicated by Tang Li."

Chu Chisi has no emotion: "Oh."

The two were at a stalemate. Facing the cold-looking Chu Chisi, Tang Yiqi finally compromised, rubbing his forehead and equipping her with a special military plane, and dispatching several escorts to **** her.

But Chu Chisi disagreed. She held Tang Li's hand and whispered to her, "I don't think that bunch of Alpha guards can beat me."

Tang Li agreed: "I think so too."

The misunderstanding was resolved, and Tang Li was very happy to see that the person who came to "Cha Gang" was not Tang Yiqi but his lovely wife.

She threw Ni Xitong's mess to Tang Yiqi's people, asked the deputy team for a small snowmobile, and ran away quickly with his wife.

The frigid wind blew past his ears, and the snowflakes splashed. Chu Chisi leaned on his back, hugged Tang Li's waist, and reluctantly shouted in the wind, "Where are we going?"

She was tightly wrapped, the softness was against her back, and her warm breath fell on her neck, flowing inward along the collar a little bit.

Tang Li said: "There is a small wooden house in the snow nearby, which was used as a temporary base by us before. It is close to the top of the mountain and has a good view."

Chu Chisi leaned on her shoulder and nodded: "Okay."

The sky behind them stretched as far as the eye could see, and the vast snow field was cut into two long ruts, winding upwards.

The first law says that time passes at different speeds, such as when you are on a mountain, time passes "faster".

You have "more" time than someone who lives at sea level, everything around you is growing, and you have to keep up with time.

running, chasing,

Have the courage to go forward.

In the white snow, the brown log cabin was particularly conspicuous. Tang Li stopped the snowmobile and said ostentatiously, "Chi Si, we are here!"

Tang Li hung her black backpack on one shoulder and carried her wife out of the car like a kitten, causing Chu Chisi to frown: "I can get down by myself."

As a downright opportunist, Tang Li will not give up easily: "What a great opportunity, just let me take the opportunity to hug."

"Isn't it enough?" Chu Chisi said that, but still hugged Tang Li's neck.

The ink spreads out, tainted with the breath of snow.

The cabin is some distance away from the temporary base. There are only Xueyuan and Liaokong in sight. Don't worry about being disturbed by others. It's a small space that belongs to the two of them.

There are few people here, the birds are flying by, the grass sticks its head out of the snow, and the little fox leaves a series of footprints at the door.

The snow here is clean and free of pollution.

Tang Li went and knocked some ice cubes nearby and put it in a small container, planning to use it to melt water to cook something to eat later.

She pushed open the door, and the cabin was clean and tidy, with beds, desks, bookshelves, etc. It was more like a small holiday home than a temporary base.

It was a little cold in the house, there was no electricity or heating, Tang Li put the firewood in the fireplace and lit the fire.

The wood was rustling and crackling, and a bright spark or two popped out.

Tang Li sat cross-legged on the carpet, and a person came over beside her. Chu Chisi hugged her and put her head on her shoulder.

Tang Li sat with bent legs instead, and hugged Chu Chisi into his arms. The two of them put their heads together, watching the burning flames quietly.

Chu Chisi leaned against her and played with Tang Li's hand.

The pulp of her finger lightly rubbed against the palm of her hand, and she touched the thin calluses beside the tiger's mouth and joints, as well as the light-colored scars that had healed, which were inexplicably itchy.

"Snow mountain, fireplace, and a small blanket," Chu Chisi said softly, raising her long eyelashes, "We are like two little old ladies."

Tang Li "puchi" smiled, hugged her tighter, bowed her head and kissed the tip of Chu Chisi's nose: "You're ashamed to say, I almost became a little widow."

"You're too embarrassed to say," Chu Chi Si learned from her, "take the 17-year-old girl to play around, ride the roller coaster three times, and buy oversized strawberry marshmallows, right?"

Tang Li: "..."

If Tang Li hadn't kissed her in time and blocked her soft lips, Chu Chisi would have been able to continue flipping through her small ledger.

It was so quiet inside the wooden house, their breaths wrapped around each other quietly, and flowers bloomed in the dust.

Tang Li stared at her eyes, which were clean and clear, reflecting the figure of himself kissing her.

There was a quiet but warm atmosphere that enveloped her, like a stamen, like a migratory bird returning home, perched in the deepest part of her heart.

The tips of Chu Chisi's ears were very red, and she was a little embarrassed to see it. She closed her eyes slightly and only gave herself to this long kiss.

The fire was quiet in the fireplace, the wood was crackling and burning, and the sparks made a thin line before disappearing on the warm orange carpet.

Tang Li suddenly remembered the ice cubes he had chiseled before, and dragged the small bucket over. Because of the fireplace, most of it had melted inside.

The tiny ice cubes floated on the water, Tang Li picked up a piece, the knuckles were soaked in water, and tickly fell back into the small bucket.

Chu Chi thought for a while: "Ice?"

The small piece of ice was held in Tang Li's hand, and it radiated a clear luster under the light, melting rapidly every minute.

Ice water droplets fell on the outline, and slipped quietly along the line, slipping out a transparent water mark.


There was a fire in the fireplace, the ice melted quickly, and the remaining pieces collided and swayed in the keg.

Piece by piece, only clear snow water was left in the small bucket, ripples in the firelight, soaking Tang Li's knuckles.

Snow, ice cubes, hugs with her.

Ice, hot.

The two were snuggling, watching the firewood rustling, Chu Chisi seemed to be still cold, so he leaned over a little and took Tang Li into his arms.

Tang Li turned her head and kissed her hair.

The heat fell on the gaps in his hair, the corners of his eyes, the tip of his nose, and he tossed his lips, rubbing Chu Chisi into his arms slowly and little by little.

Chu Chisi was a little itchy by her, "Puchi" laughed, her thin white knuckles wrapped around her neck and fiddled with her long brown blond hair.

He whispered softly in his ear, "Good."

Outside the window is the swirling snow, the vast white expanse as far as the eye can see, so far, so far, they can hold hands and walk like this for a lifetime.

Tang Li curled her eyelashes, but on the contrary, she deliberately came close to her ear, not far or near, only a few centimeters away.

The heat scorched the tip of the ear, and a reddish cloud burned: "Is this also called good?"

The firewood in the fireplace was about to burn out, and Tang Li didn't add any more. She put out the flames completely, and then cleaned up the fireplace.

The sky was bright, and there was a clear view outside the window. Someone was wrapping Tang Li's neck from behind, and the whole person pressed over and rubbed the side of her ear: "Tang Li."

"Good morning." Tang Li turned her head and kissed her cheek, "Are we going to go back? I'll talk to the temporary base later."

Chu Chisi hugged her, her cheeks were still warm when she woke up, and they were soft against her skin, almost melting her: "Okay."

The boots stepped into the snow, branded one by one, and they held hands and returned to the temporary base. The place was still the same, but the number of Alpha guards was doubled yesterday.

Tang Li knew what was going on at a glance, and whispered, "Why is there an uninvited guest."

It was indeed an uninvited guest. Tang Yiqi was standing in front of the tent, bowing his head and talking to the vice-captain. The guards stood around and glanced around silently.

Tang Yiqi's uniform is still neat and his expression is calm, but his face is obviously haggard, and there is a strong dark color now.

Seeing the two walking towards her, Tang Yiqi frowned, his eyes fell on the hands they were holding, and he said, "Tang Li, can I talk to you alone?"

Tang Li responded, and the deputy team quickly vacated a temporary tent for the two of them. As the curtains fell heavily, they were completely isolated.

Tang Li hugged her arms, leaned against the edge of the table, and asked, "Why are you here?"

The word "you" was said reluctantly, and it was almost impossible to put the words "I'm busy, don't disturb me" into a banner and stick it on the forehead.

Tang Yiqi was silent for a moment, and said, "I heard about Ni Xitong. I stopped by to take a look at you and the academician."

The voice was really hoarse, as if it was being polished on sandpaper: "About Ni Xitong, you have gone too far."

Tang Li sneered: "What is overkill and what isn't? Admiral, you teach me."

"Isn't the torture Chi Si suffered, the torture and the 30,000 cycles of betrayal and betrayal?"

Tang Li's words are like needles, pressing step by step: "I just killed her, you are going to accuse me of overdoing it?"

Tang Yiqi said: "Since Ni Xitong can control a part of Jingfan, it proves that she is a useful talent."

She paused and continued: "Instead of killing a hundred, it's better to bring Ni Xitong back first, maybe—"

"Admiral, maybe what?"

Tang Li smiled suddenly, "Maybe she can take Chi Si's place, so that you will have one more **** in your hand, and you will no longer be controlled by others?"

Tang Yiqi paused and clenched his fists.

This knife that I have cultivated is really powerful. Every word is sharp. It dissects the layers of star politics and puts it in the light.

The reason why Chu Chisi is [important] is because no one can [replace] her existence.

If Chu Chisi really intends to betray Beimeng one day, that would be a truly terrifying thing. That neurotoxin is said to contain Tang Li, but in fact it is more to contain her existence.

Tang Yiqi has already experienced another scientific maniac, and she doesn't want to meet another one.

"It's a pity that Ni Xitong is dead."

Tang Li shrugged: "After you have developed the ability to combine the flesh and bones of a mountain into a man, consider replacing Chi Si again."

The boat was done, Tang Yiqi couldn't say anything more, she sat behind the table, put her five fingers to her forehead, and coughed softly.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air.

Tang Li was leaning against the edge of the table, but then she simply sat up, holding her arms, one leg straight and the other slightly bent.

"Rather than caring about me," Tang Li said with a half-smile, "I think you need to pay more attention to your body."

"..." Tang Yiqi rubbed his forehead without raising his head, "I don't need your concern."

Tang Li sneered: "Who said I care about you."

She put her hand on the edge of the table, traced the edge slowly, and said unhurriedly, "I pity you."

[Tang Yiqi, I pity you. 】

The few words were suddenly smashed into the quiet tent, Tang Yiqi's hand rubbing his forehead froze suddenly, and then he slowly raised his head.

"You...? You pity me?"

Tang Yiqi seemed to have heard some big joke, his eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was hoarse: "You are just—"

Tang Li cut off her words:

"You think, I'm just a **** who climbed up from the slums, without any identity, without any background."

"I'm not qualified to say that, am I?"

Tang Li smiled slightly and shook her head: "But such a **** that you despise, a lowly grass mustard, is pitying you here."

"You are really pitiful and pathetic. You personally killed the people who loved you and poisoned the people you loved."

The dead cannot be resurrected, they cannot betray, they cannot flee, and they cannot rebel against her.

But in the same way, no one will listen, comfort, and support her as always.

[The second law] says that entropy increases inevitably, and entropy never decreases in an isolated system, just like the illusory word: "Fate."

Whether it is a high-ranking person with countless powers, or a rich man with a fortune, none of them can shake the wheel of history and destiny.

Every "choice" we make is locked by "history", so we can only go toward the ending we "choose", and there is no other way.

Tang Li said in a low voice: "I see you being decadent and thin, watching you struggling and unhappy. You are really pitiful, I pit you—"

"Pity you, in the end, you still have nothing."

Those words were sharper than a knife's edge, and penetrated deeply into the heart and lungs, not even a single blood star could be seen, but it could hurt people deeply.

"Shut up!" Tang Yiqi's eyes were cold, his fists slammed into the table with a "bang" sound, and the entire desk shook.

How could Tang Li be afraid? She straightened up slowly, and before leaving, she didn't forget to wave to Tang Yiqi: "I'm relieved to see that you are so energetic."

She smiled and said, "Admiral, see you later.".

Not long after the two returned from the snow-capped mountains, the structure of the Beimeng had undergone earth-shaking changes:

One person stood up. She took a thick document and complete evidence, and broke a dusty past event to the public.

【The truth of the accident at the research institute】

Of course that person was not Tang Li, but the sister of Researcher No. 16. She stood under countless lights with her back straight. The first sentence was:

"Because of adopting Chu Chisi, my sister will live under the strict surveillance and control of Tang Yiqi until her death."

The so-called explosion-explosion accident of the Institute back then was not an accident at all, but a carefully planned [murder].

When the war is over, the Chu lunatic who has contributed countless destructive weapons and has an uncontrollable personality will naturally not need to exist.

Tang Yiqi was in a high position, but with a few words, she let her subordinates bribe several researchers in the laboratory and buried a sufficient amount of explosives.

Poor those researchers, they thought they would be notified to evacuate in time before the explosion, and they thought they would get rich bonuses after the event was done.

As everyone knows, everyone is a victim.

When Chu Lian happily accepted the "Nightingale" music box and carried it with her, how could she have thought that this gift from the person she admired—

In fact, it is a well-designed detonator.

Then the fire raged, and in the roar, all the evidence was buried, all the documents were sealed, everyone died, and all those in the know covered their mouths and noses tightly and dared not speak aloud.

The death of Chu Lian and the explosion of the research institute were all whitewashed as "accidents" and recorded in the Beimeng archives.

nothing at all,

Everything is empty.

The only survivors were Researcher No. 16, who happened to be absent at the time, and Chu Chisi, who was lucky enough to escape. Both of them were under the surveillance of Tang Yiqi. The files were densely packed in three large cabinets, and they never stopped.

When all the truth is revealed, the dust-covered scroll can also set off a huge wave. Even if Chu Lian's reputation is unbearable, Tang Yiqi's methods are too cruel.

When the glorious and dazzling image in the eyes of everyone was shattered, the overwhelming scolding came with it.

Tang Yiqi didn't give any explanation, and in fact, because the evidence was too conclusive, she couldn't give any explanation either.

She has been taking advantage of others all her life and allegiance to the Beimeng that she admires, but in the end, she also became that abandoned child.

The Beimeng responded quickly, and promptly deprived Tang Yiqi of all her identity, rights, and property, and directly expelled her from the country.

No chance was left for her.

And when Tang Yiqi left Beimeng, the position of general fell to her only adopted daughter, Tang Li.

But Tang Li spent three days fishing and two days drying the net, and she lacked interest in power. She helped a trusted junior to be promoted to major general, and then ran away without a trace.

Junior: "..."

Since being expelled, Tang Yiqi has disappeared from the public eye as if he had evaporated from the world.

The North Alliance, which she valued, abandoned her, all the rights she pursued were deprived, she fell from the highest point, and was stepped into the dirty mud.

There was a lot of discussion among the people about this. Some people said that she stole a lot of money and went abroad for leisure; some people said that she was depressed and found a remote place to spend the rest of her life.

In short, there are different opinions, and there is no fixed number.

Among the many different speculations, one niche report stands out. They said Tang Yiqi was crazy, and attached a photo of her in rags, curled up on the street.

It's a pity that the photo was taken secretly, it was out of focus and blurry, and the face on it could not be seen clearly, so no one believed the report.

The photographer was very unwilling, and swore to the reporter: "I can guarantee that the person I met in the neutral country is definitely the former general..."

[The third law] says that "memory" is equivalent to "data", and the general who used to be high and powerful is now only a few pixels in the TV.

No one knows exactly where she went, and no one knows "exactly" her condition, people are just guessing, discussing, and portraying what they think is the truth.

Tang Yiqi's "existence" and her "whereabouts" have all become talk of people, and become "data" that can be modified artificially.

How ironic, how sad.

The TV screen was brightly lit, and the photographer's voice was filled with righteous indignation. Chu Chisi covered a small blanket and watched the news in Tang Li's arms.

Chu Chisi was holding an oversized paper box filled with caramel-flavored popcorn. She chewed it in small mouthfuls and stuffed one for Tang Li beside her: "Here."

"I think this report is very credible - if Tang Yiqi was still in the Beimeng, her location would have been dug up long ago."

Chu Chisi said while chewing on the popcorn.

The reason is very simple. As a former general, Tang Yiqi is known to everyone in the Beimeng.

As a public figure who once lived in the sight of the people, and the initiator of the terrifying "accident", Tang Yiqi's every move was watched, or in other words, closely monitored by the people.

Only after being driven out of Beimeng and going to a place where other people don't know her can Tang Yiqi really [disappear] in the crowd.

"Maybe." Tang Li responded casually. She glanced at the photos in the news casually, and then turned her attention to his wife:

"Chi Si, I still want to eat popcorn."

Tang Li put one hand on her shoulder, hugged Chu Chisi tighter, rubbed her long soft hair, and said in a sweet voice, "I broke my hand, I want you to feed me."

Chu Chisi: "..."

As expected of Tang Li, she was busy making popcorn in the kitchen just now, and in a blink of an eye, she shamelessly said that her hand was broken, and she had to rub against her wife.

Chu Chisi picked out a large popcorn and handed it to Tang Li's mouth: "Here, here it is."

Tang Li took a bite and licked the honey on her fingertips, chewing popcorn, and said vaguely, "Well, it tastes good."

Chu Chi glanced at her coolly: "Of course it's not bad, didn't you tell the 17-year-old girl that as long as it's what she gives you, you like to eat anything."

Tang Li: "..."

The ledger was completely unfinished, so Tang Li had to admit it. The news in the background was still reporting Tang Yiqi's disappearance, but neither of them were very interested.

Tang Li got up and went to the kitchen to cook, while Chu Chisi silently adjusted a table and began to watch the production process of plush dolls with gusto. .

The days are slow and sweet.

The repairs of the two mirror fans are almost completed. After careful consideration, the mirror fan technology has not been disclosed to the public, but has been hidden for internal use only.

The research on "neurotoxin" is in full swing. After continuous testing, the Academy of Sciences quickly analyzed the principle of the operation of the toxin.

Toxins that can damage nerves are hidden in nanorobots. Usually these tiny robots just dormant in the body, and once activated, they will immediately release toxins.

Chu Lian, Dr. Chu himself designed the robot to coexist with the human body. According to the documents left over, the method of manipulating the robot is also very simple.

After the operation that lasted for more than ten hours, Chu Chisi's forehead was near the root of the hair, and there was a small scar.

It was an experiment invented by her mother and injected into her daughter's forehead; it was a document that Chu Chisi used as a bargaining chip in exchange for a chance to marry Tang Li; in the rainstorm and fire, she cried and begged Tang Li to activate and kill him own toxins—

Finally left her completely.

Chu Chisi looked in the mirror and stroked the small scar with her fingertips. It may be that I have been with the toxin for a long time, and I feel inexplicably nothing in my heart.

Tang Li stood behind him, squeezed a grain of ointment the size of a bean into the pulp of his finger, and gently smeared it on the scar, "Chi Si, I didn't use too much force, did I?"

Chu Chisi shook his head: "No."

When the doctor prescribed the scar remover cream, he said that it should be applied twice a day, but Chu Chisi was too lazy to apply it, so he simply threw it on Tang Li.

It just so happened that Tang Li was lazy in everything she did, but she was 100% concerned about her wife's affairs, and kept the smallest things in her mind.

Her movements are called serious and careful, the finger pads are lightly pressed on the forehead, and the movements are careful and gentle, making Chu Chisi close his eyes comfortably.

Tang Li was squeezing the ointment into her hands when she suddenly heard some rustling noises, Chu Chisi turned to her side and looked up at her.

The sunlight was cut into pieces by the cascading branches and leaves outside the window, like beating Christmas lights, falling on the corner of her smiling eyes and in her dark eyes.

She said softly, "Tang Li, you are so kind."

This sudden sound invaded his heart, and even the blood heated up. Tang Li's heartbeat stopped for a beat, and his breathing froze in the air for a moment.

She suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and wiped the ointment on her fingertips: "...what's the matter, I'm your wife."

"Well, my wife is really nice."

Chu Chisi stretched out her hand and stroked her chin, and her face was reflected in the mirror, showing a little lunatic who got what she wanted and smiled brightly.

[The fourth law] said that there is a "limit" in the mirror fan, and the No. 9 area is like a fortress, a loyal guard who strictly protects this "limit".

Tang Pear, Tang Pear. My fortress, my safe haven, my golden retriever puppy, will accommodate me unconditionally, accommodate my existence, and be the place where my heart perches.

Tang Li didn't know what she was embarrassed about after being married for so many years. In short, she was a little embarrassed by Chu Chisi's stare, and she "coughed" in a clear way.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Paipai and Xiaoxi recently. How are they?" Tang Li asked.

Chu Chisi tilted his head and thought for a moment: "Recently, there is a large competition in the Beimeng. As a tutor, I recommended Shuwen to participate. She will not be back almost next week."

"Bian Wei has always been here, but you have been doing a lot of things recently, and the time period when you came to the Academy of Sciences just happened to be staggered from her."

Chu Chisi explained with a smile: "I also made an appointment to help her revise the guidance paper tomorrow."

Tang Li was not happy when she heard it. She hugged Chu Chisi from behind, her voice softened a lot, and she bit her ear: "Then I won't be able to see you all day tomorrow?"

Chu Chisi was helpless: "It's just for guiding the thesis, three or four hours should be almost the same."

"I don't care," Tang Li began to cheat, "It's rare that you are free today, let's go out to play, I'll buy you a super-sized strawberry marshmallow, okay?"

Just like Tang Li would not refuse her, Chu Chisi would naturally not refuse Tang Li's invitation.

After a while, the two people who had changed their clothes appeared at the door of the store. Chu Chisi stood in front of the counter and fell into contemplation while watching the six different flavors of marshmallows.

Tang Li: "…"

She knew that this kind of thing would happen, and if Chu Chisi really made the decision, the two of them wouldn't even want to eat dinner today, and plan to stay at the cotton candy store.

In the end, Tang Li made a decision and bought two different flavors for Chu Chisi, but the marshmallows were so big that they blocked her whole face.

Chu Chisi struggled to hold the marshmallow, and cast a plea for help at Tang Li beside him: "Tang Li, help me get it."

Tang Li took the marshmallow and laughed at her next to her: "Come on, Chi Si, you have to eat it all, don't waste food."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Not to mention eating one, it was enough to eat a third of it, and finally the chocolate-flavored marshmallow was given to a child, leaving only the strawberry-flavored one.

The two sat down on the side of the road, Chu Chisi turned her face and took a bite, her lips were covered with melted candy, she licked the corner of her lips, "It's so sweet."

Tang Li doesn't like sweets, but she likes his wife, so she leaned over and kissed the corner of her mouth, and said, "It's so sweet."

Chu Chisi glared at her, stuffed the marshmallow into Tang Li's hand, and said, "Don't watch the fun, and eat a little along, or it will be wasted."

Tang Li had no choice but to take a big mouthful. After all, the marshmallows were just candy granules.

While drinking water, someone quietly touched him, Chu Chisi raised his head and kissed Tang Li on the cheek.

The air was filled with the smell of melted marshmallows, the sweet white sugar, the refreshing fragrance of strawberries, and the light fragrance on the ends of her hair when she kissed herself.

A light and sweet kiss.

Tang Li tilted her head, with a smile in the corner of her eyes, looked at Chu Chisi without blinking: "Why did you suddenly kiss me?"

Chu Chisi said, "You came first."

"Doesn't that mean that if I don't take the initiative, you will never kiss me?" Tang Li teased her, "Is that the truth?"

Chu Chisi didn't let her go into the pit, and explained softly: "It depends on different situations."

She suddenly thought of something, and her eyebrows and eyes became soft: "I remember that in the tattoo mirror, you gave me candy many times, including coffee candy and a basket of candy carried by Strawberry Bear."

Tang Li "puchi" smiled: "Yeah, I exchanged one of your little mints for a whole bag of coffee candy, no matter what I think, I'm a big loss."

A piece of candy given by his wife, plus an angry Tang Li, turned into a happy Tang Li.

This is her formula and it works for a lifetime.

Chu Chisi also laughed: "It's useless for you to regret, you can't get it back now."

Tang Li raised her eyebrows: "Who said you can't get it back?"

The oversized strawberry marshmallow was held in his hand, and even the penetrating light had a hint of sweetness, like a pink cloud floating, hiding them.

Tang Li kissed for a long time, the strawberry fragrance all over her body, the sugar granules melted quietly between her lips and teeth, and a touch of sweetness was stolen by the dexterous tip of the tongue.

She finally let go of Chu Chisi, pressed her fingertips to her lips, and smiled complacently: "If you don't take it back, it will still be profitable."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Sure enough, Tang Li was still the same Tang Li, and the abacus in his heart was ringing, and he would never let himself suffer.

When they used mints for coffee candies before, they were in area 7, and on the top of the mountain not far away was the ruins of the research institute after the explosion.

Thinking that they have come, the two decided to take a look at the ruins of the research institute, and revisit the old places as a dating project.

The weather is exceptionally sunny today. The vast blue, the clear and transparent blue, is like sea water floating in the sky, and it may fall over at any time.

Holding hands, the two walked slowly on the top of the mountain. At the end of the dirt path, they could vaguely see the ruins of the research institute.

During Dr. Chu's experiment, many different chemical reagents were used, many of which penetrated into the soil after the explosion, causing great pollution.

It stands to reason that this piece of scorched soil does not have the conditions required for vegetation to grow, and it will remain barren forever.

But when the two reached the top of the mountain, Chu Chisi looked at the scene in front of her, her eyes widened slightly, and she couldn't help but stop breathing: "This..."

The sun fell on the ruins, and in the burnt and collapsed buildings, in the black and dry soil, many, many tender white flowers grew.

The wind from the sky blew across their cheeks, blowing away their long hair, and the little white flowers swayed gently in the wind, which was peaceful and incomparably beautiful.

The flames and explosions devastated the buildings and left countless indelible scars on the ground.

But time repairs everything, so even the poorest soil can produce flowers.

Just like what Tang Li said to her: "Chi Si, it will be all right together, won't it?"

Yeah, everything will be fine.

Chu Chisi is the absolute creator of mirror fan, the entire mirror is built on her consciousness, and the hidden "fifth law" is related to her.

The tattoo mirror is like a mirror, it will reflect the most secret thoughts and secrets in people's hearts. This "fifth law" comes from the desire in the heart.

[The fifth law], is her "wish".

Chu Chisi closed her eyes, she heard the wind blowing softly in her ears, mixed with the heartbeat and breathing of that person, and slowly fell beside her.

【Chi Si, what is your wish? 】

The wind that came from afar, swept through the entangled hair of the two, swept through the interlocking fingers of the two, and blew into her chest, filling her up.

My wish has come true.

When Chu Chisi opened her eyes, she saw Tang Li folded a dandelion and handed it to her like a baby: "Chi Si, here it is."

A happy smile spread along the brows, pouring out from the bottom of my heart, no matter how I couldn't stop it, I couldn't hide it.

Together they blew the dandelion away, watching the white feathers drift in the air and disappear into the distance.

After crossing the boundary set by the [Sixth Law], they finally came to the end, the end of the law, in the river of time.

The streak blurs the notion of time, transforming it into data, delaying it by a factor of 64 or 4096.

But when back to reality, they still use the "time" variable to describe the world.

Use "time" to describe the past, present, and future; to draw the changes of the sun and the moon, the ebb and flow of the tides, and the changes of the seasons; to tell the secret and obscure changes in all things.

So, this is the final rule.

[Seventh Rule] She will spend the rest of her life with Tang Li.

Cry, laugh and make trouble with her, go to the playground, go to the aquarium, go to the cinema, go to all the places that have never been before, and buy a lot of useless things.

They want to plant a lemon tree in the backyard, and then watch it grow and become lush and leafy. Every day, they have to pick lemons and soak them in water.

Tang Li stepped on the scorched soil, walked over and took her hand, her fingertips slid across the palm of her hand, through the gap, and tightly clasped Chu Chisi in her hand.

The two walked in the ruins of the research institute, among the small white flowers swaying in the wind, and when they looked up, they could see the boundless sky without boundaries.

In the whispering wind, Tang Li leaned towards her a little, how sweet and attached: "Sister."

She said, "Sister, let's go home."

【End of full text】

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