Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 812: I thought of the child ’s name.

The reason for mentioning the waist muscles is because she only wore a tight gray sports vest, which made the roundness of the chest and the waistline muscles of the lower abdomen clear.

And her lower body is a black sports shorts.

Compared with ordinary foreigners, her facial features are not so three-dimensional, but are somewhat sweet to the Orientals, similar to Jessica Alba, a pair of light brown pupils, with the age of twenty-seven, seems to be full of wisdom With experience.

"Hello, my name is Lena Portman, a biologist and I have three years of service experience in the U.S. Army with a PSR score of 7.9."

Perhaps most Americans are more natural by nature, or maybe Lina is older than Chen Xu. In short, she first greeted and used the usual manner of politeness: shaking hands.


It's not low. At least it should be a medium or low level. According to the fair standard of the program group, shouldn't I be assigned a person with a lower score?

Chen Xu thought for a while, but didn't want to understand for the time being, but still reached out and grasped, introducing himself:

"Hello, I'm Chen ..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Lina laughed, "I know you, Chen Xu, I watched your video on YouTube, it is very powerful, and it is one of the strongest among all the guests. , Glad to be your companion! "

"Thank You, me too."

Chen Xugang thanked him.

The barrage between the live broadcast exploded as a result:

"Look at it, Xiao Gaicai laughed so well, didn't he?"

"It's over, Ma, I'm in love!"

"The one in love, I even thought of our child's name!"

"23333, somehow the **** is green!"



All of a sudden, everyone talked around Chen Xu's newly emerged female teammate, some said that Lu Yao's sister-in-law wanted to be green, and some said that Xuye was definitely hard, but most of them confessed in English.

The show team equipped each surviving guest with a drone, but when the two teamed up, the drone automatically turned into a close-focus lens, a tele-focus lens, all behind Controlled by the camera team.

Guests can see the barrage sent by the network platform from the near-focus drone screen.

So, when Lina saw the inquiries from the netizens in English, she said, "I am 36 years old."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Chen Xu was somewhat surprised.

Because he does not look like a woman in her thirties at all, at most she is twenty-seven years old. It is estimated that she should be regular fitness, so it is very well maintained.

Although age does not have a big influence on this survival game, for Chen Xu, who is only 25 years old, it is not so easy to command a woman who is 11 years older than him and has professional skills.

So, Chen Xu started throwing out the first compliance test, "I'm calling you Lina. Now that we have successfully formed a team, the next task is to find water as soon as possible."

"You have three years of service experience in the Army. You should know that the three elements of survival in the wild, water, fire, and camp, are now the summer in the southern hemisphere and noon. The temperature around here must be at least about 40 degrees Celsius."

"It also means that when we are on the road, the consumption of water will be very rapid, about 1.5 liters per hour, so finding water is the most important!"

Lina accepted his suggestion and said: "I think so too, here the mountains, the water flows down, we should go down the mountain."

Chen Xu's eyelids flickered slightly.

Although Lina accepted his offer to find water without resistance, she followed the specific route.

This means that she is very assertive, has her own idea of ​​survival, and does not want to give him the command completely.

Being assertive is both a good and a bad thing, depending on the depth and breadth of the person's thinking, that is, the correctness.

Anyway, Lina's past service in the military shows that she has teamwork experience, is willing to listen to the right opinions, or pleases Chen Xuxin, at least not those who are not moving at all, but also have to give pointers .

So he secretly used his teammate qualification certificate to Lina.

At this point, the entire "Primitive Survival Game" team has almost assembled.

At the same time, major gambling areas and countries in the world have also opened corresponding gambling markets, which are extremely popular and involve huge amounts of funds.

Because for these big guys who have been tired of betting on the ball and boxing, the new way of betting on survival is obviously more exciting!


And just when the two Chen Xu were walking a few steps down the mountain, Lina suddenly shouted, "Chen, come and see!"

Chen Xu immediately walked over and found that she was pointing at four scratches on a tree trunk.

"Look at the sharp cutting marks. This should be left by the cat's claws. From the size, it is difficult to tell whether it is a lynx or a leopard, but from the degree of oxidation of the trees, it should not exceed 12 Hours!"

Lena analyzed a few words, "There are big cat activities near here."

Lynx, the American nickname for puma, means a feline living in a mountain forest. Like a jaguar, it is a large feline and is a very dangerous top predator in the American continent!

On the side of Chen Xu, he found two tree sticks from the ground around and handed one of them to her, comforting him: "Relax, big cats rarely move during the day. At this time, they Mostly should be sleeping, we can be careful if we are fine. "

"Because the big cat can move around here, it means that the food here is abundant and it is not too far from the water source."

Lina couldn't help flashing her eyes, because those words were exactly what she wanted to say.

To be honest, she has only watched one or two videos of Chen Xu and knows that he has strong survivability, and most importantly, he can fight.

However, he did not expect that his understanding of animal habits ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is also very thorough.

"666, young lady who likes to learn!"

"This woman is OK, at least not dragging Grandpa Xu!"

"Hello, I'm Wang Shouyi. When I was looking for spices, I only found 12 kinds. I also worked hard and finally found them on you, so I want to confirm. Smell your 13 incense? "

"The younger sister has such a beautiful buttocks, so she can **** together when she has time!"


While the audience was joking with Chen Xu and Lina, suddenly, the black bracelet on the left wrists of the two people heard a sudden shock.


They immediately lifted the bracelet subconsciously.

I saw, on the monochrome LCD screen on the bracelet, the number "60" displayed began to jump, after flashing three or four times, it suddenly became "59"!

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