Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 813: Grab an airdrop?

"Crouch? Eliminate someone so soon?"

"Didn't Nima just start?"

"Floating into boxes?"

"Eliminator: Open the door, SF Express!"

Seeing someone eliminated, both looked up and looked at each other.

Chen Xu said, "Don't worry about others, it's important to find water!"

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly a sound of "DaDaDa" propeller came from above in the distance!

Is the rescue helicopter exploring the show crew?

Chen Xu looked for an area not covered by the canopy and looked up.

But then, a small black spot was suddenly dropped on the helicopter.

Is it airdrop material support?

Is it so fast?

Because the distance was too far, he couldn't see it clearly, and the show team never mentioned the law of airdrop delivery. The survivors didn't know when the airdrop started, and there was nothing in it.

With the disappearance of the black dot, about three or four seconds passed.

To the left and back, on the jungle sky in the distance, there was a thick red smoke, which looked exactly like the airdrop support box of "Jedi Survival"!

"It's short material support for the show crew."

Lina murmured beside her, and immediately looked at Chen Xu, as if waiting for the other party's opinion.

"Xuye hurry to grab, there must be good things in the airdrop!"

"Enable lick box mode!"

"Xu Ye don't ask, go ahead and grab the airdrop!"

"666, Discovery Channel has done an interesting job this time!"

"Xu Ye, there is Barrett in the airdrop, go pick it up, I just checked it!"


Facing the urgency of the audience on the Internet, Chen Xu frowned slightly, shaking his head and saying, "We can't pick up this airdrop!"

Unexpectedly, Lina also laughed, "It seems that the two of us thought of it together!"

The unanimous attitude of the two people made the audience even more confused.

Empty investment sources are so important. If you find any machete or axe in it, it will definitely be faster than others when setting up camps and hunting.

In this way, they will have time to do more things, such as stealing other people's materials, so they will take the lead everywhere.

Is it wrong?

Chen Xu nodded: "No, first of all, we don't know what is in the airdrop. Secondly, this airdrop is too far away from us. From my visual inspection, it is at least 5 kilometers."

"When we ran over and said that the airdrop would have been snatched away by other survivors nearby, do you remember what I told you in the Chernobyl live broadcast before?"

"In the wild survival and survival, no matter what you do, you must consider cost-effectiveness, that is, how much physical energy and energy have you paid for this matter, and what have you gained from this?"

"Obviously, this first airdrop is a trap set by the program group to attract survivors to grab it. We should not blindly grab any airdrop without finding a source of water and setting up a camp."

"In that case, the most probable result will be half-dead, but nothing will be obtained, and eventually the establishment of the campsite and the search for water sources will be delayed!"

Next, Lena nodded while listening to his commentary:

"You're right. Even in the natural world, all living things have to calculate pay and harvest. This is the basis of survival. For example, carnivores, when they judge that the risk of hunting is greater than the profit, they will Choose to give up, no matter how attractive the prey is. "

It was not until this moment that she understood why Chen Xu would be one of the most powerful of these survivors.

Because this little man's survival experience is too rich, including the reserve of field knowledge, and his thinking is very sane and hardly affected by the outside world.

After listening to Lina's words, Chen Xu began to fail to understand the intention of the show group to arrange them together.

Judging from the available data, Lina often exercises, has good physical fitness, has served in the army, has some wild survival experience and fighting skills, and is a biological expert. She has a thorough understanding of the plants and animals in the wilderness.

It can make up for Chen Xu's deficiencies in fungi and partial organisms, such as tadpoles that have been eaten before.

This is simply a powerful teammate!

But his PSR score of 9.6 should not match a weaker teammate to meet the fairness of the show?

Is it ...

Did she have any major personality flaws, or did she have any strange and intolerable habits?

Otherwise, there is no reason why Chen Xu can't figure it out.

On the airdrop, the two people's thoughts were the same, so they didn't grab it and continued to rush down the mountain.

From time to time, when descending the mountain, Chen Xu also glanced at the dense fog of red signals emerging from airdrops in the distance and calculated the time of its existence.

Finally, wait until the dense fog has faded and finally dissipated, about a minute and a half.

One and a half minutes ...

The longest horizon of the horizon is 3 kilometers, and the horizon of the mountains varies depending on the angle, ranging from 0 kilometers to 30 kilometers ...

He began to slowly write down in his heart all the information about the program group's airdrop material support.

After all, Chen Xu himself set task one, but to grab five airdrop support, he must plan early.

After an hour and a half.

That is Argentina time, close to two o'clock in the afternoon, the domestic time should be in the early morning of the next day, the difference between the two is 11 hours.

After walking this long mountain road, Chen Xu and Lina were a little tired.

You know, both of them are barefoot, and now they are at the hottest day of the day. If there were no shade around them, they were afraid that they would have collapsed due to heat stroke.

Even so, the gray sports vests on them were soaked with sweat and turned gray-black.

Perhaps Lina's figure is too good, and many viewers' attention is focused on her:

"Miao Renfeng!"

"Staring at the crotch cat!"

"Tortoise operation started!"

"Your old drivers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ hurry up, my sister will not let you defile!"


Lina and Chen Xu didn't have much energy to watch the barrage, because they were already thirsty, apparently they lost too much water.

Chen Xu climbed up to a boulder and wanted to see if there was water at the bottom of the mountain.

And his teammates, in the nearby grass, pulled out a wild grass that looked very tender, cut off the rhizome, stuffed it into his mouth, and sucked the branches and leaves inside.

While sucking, she also handed Chen Xu a piece: "Wild Argentine needle grass, which is generally used as a forage for livestock, has strong water absorption and is non-toxic."

Chen Xu took the forage, took a sip, and felt that the slightly bitter juice entered the tongue, moisturizing the dry mouth. I just want to say that this feeling seems great, but it is just a sensory illusion.

Because of this juice, it has no effect on the body that is already dehydrated!

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