Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 823: Looks like lying

The firing takes at least two or three hours.

Chen Xu could use the waiting time to go out to cut trees and repair the shack.

The first thing he was going to make was a bed.

In the wild, especially in the subtropical and tropical areas of the Argentine forests and rainforests, there are abundant species and many insects.

At night, many reptiles will come out for foraging.

By the fire alone, it is difficult to defend all around.

Therefore, building a wooden bed off the ground is what Chen Xu most desperately wants now. He doesn't want to be crawled by a highly poisonous scorpion when he sleeps in the middle of the night, and then eliminated for no reason.

Making the floor is simple.

He cut a dozen trees with a thickness of three fingers at a time, and after trimming them all smoothly, he took out three of them, cut them from the middle, tied them in the far right side of the camp, and made two nearly meters long and 1.5 meters wide. "H" shaped shelf.

The rest is to put the trunk one by one into the upper slot of "H".

Because there are bumps on the front and back, so after the tree sticks are lined up, a solid ground stick tree bed is formed directly!

Just after he had done this, Lena returned from the forest, carrying a black trunk on her shoulder.

"I saw a lizard, but unfortunately let it run away. I finally found this one, the Palm Tree in Cote, Argentina. It has palm cores, which is rich in starch and can replenish energy!"

"Nice, at least some!"

Chen Xu knows that looking for food sometimes requires luck.

This palm tree is about one meter long, with a brown skin and a lot of green leaves on the top. It looks like an elongated "pineapple".

Its trunk is very thick, and the location where Lina cut it off is at least ten percent in diameter. Although the wood of the Palm of Cote is softer than half of the tree, it still takes a long time to cut it with a stone knife.

Later, he began to work with Lina, preparing to "cut" the palm tree upright with a stone knife to dig out the palm core inside.

Many viewers are no stranger to this thing.

As early as in Guatemala's survival live broadcast, he once consumed small palm tree cores.

This thing is in vain, much like yam, and it is rich in energy and nutrition.

It is a pity that a palm tree as large as this one has only palm cores in the middle and yields very little.

Chen Xu and Lina only ate half full.

This is one of the disadvantages of multiplayer teams. Under more efficient labor, food consumption has also increased exponentially.

After eating the food, Lina saw the off-ground bed in the shack, and was slightly surprised. He didn't expect his efficiency so fast. In the morning, she made a double bed.

What surprised her even more.

When Chen Xu pulled the earthen pot out of the pit with a tree stick, a total of four earthen pots turned out to be three!

Lina tapped lightly, and she heard a crisp echo, indicating that the earth was really earthen!

"It's incredible, with these clay pots, our survival level will rise by one level!"

As he said, with clay pots, not only can water be stored, transported, and boiled, but also many foods that cannot be directly grilled on fire.

The audience laughed after hearing her praise of Grandpa Xu:

"Oh, woman, now you know Grandpa Xu?"

"No way, Grandpa Xu is so great. Whoever teamed with him looks like lying down ..."

"Sister Miss isn't lying, right? At least she helped Xu Ye a lot!"

"There are so many keyboard guys, are you afraid that you are not even qualified to participate in the game?"


While everyone was discussing around the clay pots, at this time, there was a noise of mechanical turning in the distance above the forest, probably the western location.

"Da Da Da Da ..."

"It was the sound of a propeller. A helicopter came over ..."

When Chen Xu said this, he subconsciously glanced at Lina, and then the two stared at each other and shouted in unison: "Airdrop material support!"

"Judging by sound, it seems to be approaching us!"

Lena's voice was a little rushed, "Chen, I think we should try to fight for this airdrop!"

No way, for everyone who has nothing, this airdrop is equivalent to the treasure chest artifact in the game. Any equipment that bursts out is enough for them to go to heaven!

Otherwise, she would not be so surprised that Chen Xu can make clay pots.

"To fight, you stay here and stay home, I'll check it over!"

While listening to the voice of the sky, Chen Xu started the generation.

Seeing this, Lena held him, "I'll go with you, multiple people, multiple cares!"

"No, the show team prohibits deliberate attacks on other people. Force is not very useful here. The key is who can catch the airdrop first. It is more important that you stay here to stay home."

"Lest it be snatched by other survivors passing by, or destroy our shack!"

After speaking, Chen Xu had rushed into the jungle with tree thorns and stone knives.

Because the plants in the woods are too dense, and many tree canopies are blocking it, it is difficult for him to observe the specific position of the show crew helicopter.

Therefore, his primary goal now is to find a high-level open space to observe the direction of the airdrop.

Head west, uphill!

This is what Chen Xu is currently doing.

He stopped occasionally, and while traveling through some dense jungle, he did not forget to explain to the audience the reasons for chasing the airdrop support.

In fact, it is very simple, just four words: the conditions are met!

Compared to yesterday's nothing, Chen Xu and Lina now have both water and camping grounds, and have just eaten food. They are everything and have capital that can waste precious time.

In other words, even if the airdrop was not seized, he did not lose much, at most it was a physical exhaustion.

After returning to the camp, he can still maintain basic survival.

It is also important that the airdrop passed through the camp where Chen Xu and Lina were camped. Perhaps the airdrop would land nearby.

They at least occupy the convenience of distance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ According to the game's total of thirty teams and forty-five days of survival time, the show group may not throw airdrops every day.

Otherwise, either the airdrop will become worthless and everyone has materials and equipment, or it will be concentrated by a small number of people, and the difficulty of the game will instantly drop and become a stable win.

Either way, it undermines the fair environment of the show group.

Therefore, Chen Xu estimates that the airdrop will be robbed once and less, and will become less and less in the future.

Don't forget, he still has a mission and a requirement to win five airdrops.

At least, like this airdrop that looks very promising, he must participate in the competition, otherwise, don't even think about this task!


Five minutes later, Chen Xu climbed to a rock on a hillside and stood on a high platform. He saw the helicopter of the show crew in the sky at a glance!

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