This is the first time he has seen the airdrop helicopter of the program group so close.

It is a four-seater version of a military green small and medium-sized general-purpose military helicopter. It is not fast and should be within 100 kilometers per hour. The direction is ...


Chen Xu measured the position of the sun and compared the direction of the mountain peaks to roughly get the flight direction of the helicopter.

Yes, the mountains.

He stood on this boulder, and when he looked at it, he could see that it was surrounded by boundless green mountains. Roughly, there were as many as twenty or thirty, some giant mountains, even white snow lines!

Therefore, his location is an extremely complicated mountainous terrain, the Andes!

"Look down, I feel the scenery is so beautiful!"

"Yu Xu, set off quickly, don't be cut off by others!"

"Unfortunately, the show team will not let the attack, otherwise, according to Xu Ye ’s strength, even if they first grab the airdrop, they must be robbed by Xu Ye!

"If it can be attacked, it will be chaotic. There will be many accidents and deaths, and the program will not be able to continue!"

"How do I feel like someone ..."

Suddenly, an audience barrage said they saw someone on the screen.

Everyone looked closely.

Sure enough, at the foot of a mountain peak right in front of Chen Xu, there were two small black spots, constantly shuttled among the trees, only about two kilometers away from him.

Because the trees around there are not dense, they are occasionally exposed, which is why everyone sees them.

"There are more and more survivors, we have to act quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Xu jumped from the boulder and ran straight towards the northwest.

Because he has no shoes, he needs to pay attention to the terrain under his feet from time to time to avoid stepping on sharp stones or branches and scratching the soles of his feet.

In the wild, even a small injury can cause infection, not to mention frequent contact with the ground, making it more susceptible to germs.

This is also no way out.

Since the beginning of the game, Chen Xu has been busy looking for water sources and setting up camps, and has no time to make straw shoes.

Because of the importance of the former two, it is obviously greater than the straw shoes for comfort.

After finally getting busy, the airdrop suddenly appeared, and he had no time to do it again.

It took less than a few minutes.

The helicopter's voice suddenly started to grow louder, which indicates that it should have dropped the airdrop and started to return!

After waiting for a few seconds, Chen Xu followed closely and saw a thick red smoke coming out of the mountain.

It is signal smoke!

He looked a little excited. "From the visual distance, it is only about one kilometer away from us, which is relatively close. If you run fast, it is estimated that we can arrive in less than ten minutes!"

"Unfortunately, don't buy shoes when you go out, or you can run faster!"

"The luck component of this show is very important. In case the airdrop falls right in front of a certain team, it is interesting!"

"Explore Channel: A big wave of survivors are approaching!"

"Beat it, bike becomes a motorcycle, bet a bet, motorcycle becomes a Land Rover!"

Within the woods, Chen Xu constantly shuttled.

As he traversed the next grove, he seemed to run into some rope.

Rope ...

It's a trap!

As soon as Chen Xu's thoughts flashed in his head, at the same time, he felt on his head, as if there was a sound of wind breaking!

He didn't even have time to take a closer look. The dangerous instinct caused the rectus femoris muscles of his two thighs to quickly contract, and then "popped" and exploded, fluttering towards him!


A loud noise is right next to him!

Chen Xu patted the dirt and dead leaves on his face, turned his head, and he saw a huge dead wood, pressing himself where he was just now!

"Slump, what just happened?"

"This trap is too poisonous. If it wasn't for Xuye's quick response, he would have been directly fractured and out of the game!"

"The real version of" Wild Run "?"

"Isn't it the fruit of Hatsune's hatred that comes into play again?"

This is about three meters long with dead wood, thick with one person. Judging from the wood of the broken cross section of the tree trunk, it should be the recently rotted tree trunk. The moisture in it has not dried up, so it is quite heavy.

As the audience said, if Chen Xu really gets hit, he will definitely be seriously injured.

"Huh ... Fishing-style giant wood traps, use vines to pull the giant wood onto the trunk, hang it upside down, and then set up tree hooks in the grass, pull up the mixing line, the lethality is huge, generally used to deal with wild animals such as wild boar.

"The two survivors who set this trap must be very powerful. Such a heavy trunk cannot be pulled by ordinary people ..."

Chen Xu panted and explained, squinting his eyes:

"Theoretically, the ropes of fishing traps are similar to the rope traps. They have obvious vertical pull lines, which are relatively easy to see, but this trap cleverly hides the pull lines behind the bushes. "

As he spoke, he clenched the thorns of the tree and walked to the bush in front of him, carefully plucking it apart.

What followed was a hut made up of trunks.

If the audience did not see Chen Xu's shack, they would certainly praise the survivor for his good construction.

Indeed, the construction level of this conical hut is already comparable to the level that Xu Ye usually survives live broadcasting.

However, compared to the shack that had been grounded this time, the hut was a bit low because it was spliced ​​and not fixed. Once it rains heavily, it can easily be washed away.

The host of the camp seemed to be out.

Chen Xu waited for more than ten seconds, but did not hear anything, then whispered to the camera: "It seems that they should be all chasing airdrops. The show team prohibits survivors from intentionally attacking. If someone really stays behind, even if they see a trap Failure should not be hid. "

So ~ ~ He went straight through the trees and came to the camp ground.

There is still a fire at the entrance of the campsite, but the fire has been extinguished, and you should not want to expose yourself through the thick smoke.

"This team has survivors!"

Chen Xu glanced at the layout of the campsite. It was very structured. The living area was separated from the tool area.

"666, Grandpa Xu is preparing to steal home!"

"Let this group of survivors poke their eyes out of the house, aren't they stupid?

"I guess they should have all the good things with them, otherwise they would not be left unattended."

Some barrage does make sense.

Chen Xu simply rummaged through the hut and found nothing valuable, but found a very well-polished wooden stick.

"Is this ... a bow?"

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