Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 832: Please don't take it, the medicine is gone

Of course, the audience knows this last sentence.

Because Chen Xu repeatedly emphasized countless times in the live broadcast: infection!

In the wilderness wilderness like the depths of the Argentine forest, once a large area of ​​wound ulceration occurs, causing infection and sickness, without medical treatment, it is easy to develop into severe weakness and even death!

"Moreover, the black venom wood venom is different from the general chemical venom. It is a resin and is mucus-like. Like paint, it is difficult to dissolve in water and it is difficult to be washed away by water."

"So, it is best to use cotton **** dipped in hot water to soften the resin mucus first, gently wipe off most of the venom, and then soak and rinse in warm water, which can minimize the damage of the wound."

"It's like washing dishes at home. It is difficult to wash off the oil stains on the tableware with cold water, but if you use hot water, you can easily wash away the oil stains. The reason is the same!"

Chen Xu's explanation is very popular, basically all the audience understand it.

But everyone has a little doubt: Where to find the cotton ball?

You know, it is too difficult to find such clean and soft things in places like the Argentine forest.

Unless using the small medical emergency kit of the program group.

However, everyone heard from the beginning of the live broadcast that once the survivors used the medical emergency kit, it was regarded as automatically giving up the game qualification.

In this regard, Chen Xu was not in a hurry.

After returning to the campsite, Chen Xu hurriedly went to the edge of the creek. Under the surprised eyes of the audience, he took off his vest directly.

After seeing this scene, everyone realized that Xu Ye wanted to replace the cotton ball with a vest!

Yes, the vest is cotton after all!

Instead, the girl audience screamed after seeing him take off his vest to reveal his muscular muscles.

In particular, Chen Xu squatted down seriously, put the vest in the stream and washed it gently with water.

In fact, Chen Xu had to be serious.

After all, Lina is his teammate. If you do not solve the problem of her injury, it will become a drag in the future.

You know, in these few days of survival work, he has tasted the sweetness of team formation.

Compared to single-person survival, team survival is much more convenient, shortening time, multiple events at the same time and so on!

Chen Xu temporarily does not want to destroy such a powerful state.

After returning to the campsite, Lina looked at Chen Xu, who was naked, for a moment, and then saw the wet vest in his hand.

Because the clay pot is too slow to heat on the fire, Chen Xu used the rolling stone method this time.

First throw a few stones into the fire to heat them up, then put them in an earthen jar filled with water, and use the heat of the stones to boil the water.

This method of boiling water is very fast, because the specific heat capacity of the stone is very small, and it will soon be burned hot when thrown into the fire. Almost two stones are enough to make the water in the earth pot gurgle bubble.

As for the dust above, it is all burnt grass charcoal, without bacteria, you can drink it directly, and you are not afraid of infection.

Chen Xu waited for the water to cool a little before immersing the vest in hot water.

After wringing, he took the hot vest and placed it carefully on Lena's wound, "Hold on!"

After he finished speaking, he began to wipe.

Not to mention, with the help of heat, the mucus of the black poison wood is really soft, just like the ointments on the skin, it is easily wiped off.

After wiping out most of it, Chen Xu hurriedly took the earthen jar and pointed it at the wound, and began to pour warm water gently to rinse the wound and the remaining venom.

After all was finished, the audience saw that the position of Lina's right hand, back to back, left a crumbling surface the size of a nail.

It can be seen that there were a lot of blisters before, because there were many round marks and white dead skin left, but later, as the venom corroded and broke open, a lot of bright red flesh was exposed, which looked like it fell off. Like a layer of skin.

Many viewers just feel inexplicable hand pain!

"Dream trough, so real?"

"No one can play this wilderness!"

"Distressed Miss Sister!"

"Bandage is needed to return blood!"

Chen Xu finished the wound and washed his vest again. There is no way. He is such an epic baby. He can add 2 points of physique. Of course, he must put on as soon as possible. You look for any herbs that can accelerate healing! "

"Thank you, Chen!"

Lina breathed a sigh of relief, her frustrated face finally recovered a bit of blood, and immediately wiped the cold sweat on her forehead with her left hand, thanking her.

"Everyone is a team, it should be."

Chen Xu bent the corner of his mouth and put the wet vest directly on his body.

In fact, even if the vest is so hot in the forest, even if it is a dry vest, it will be soaked with sweat soon after wearing it.

Although he is not as good as Lina in biology, he still has a solid grasp of some plants with therapeutic effects in the wild.

After all, this is part of the knowledge of the wilderness.

About half an hour later, Chen Xu returned with some tender green leaf flesh.

It's aloe.

Obviously, Lina also recognizes this plant, a variant of Aloe vera, which is native to tropical and subtropical regions in the Americas, and is currently recognized as one of the six most medicinal wild aloe species globally.

The aloe vera contained in its mesophyll can effectively stop bleeding, reduce swelling, sterilize and heal wounds.

After Chen Xu ripped the leaf flesh, he handed it to Lina, and immediately ripped a piece of leaf flesh, and threw it into his mouth.

Yes, aloe vera can be eaten.

There is also a variant in China, called Yuanjiang Aloe. Many people often stir it with eggs, and the taste is very good.

"666, just serve me Xu Xu, and never forget to eat when he is injured!"

"It seems that the aloe vera survives in the wild, which can not only return blood but also return strength!"

"23333, watching Xu Ye eat aloe and apply the aloe vera to the young lady, it's so cute!"

"Lina ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Grandpa Xu, please don't take it, the medicine will be gone ..."


Of course, Chen Xu did not patronize herself, and Lina chopped up and handed it over.

Although this thing does not have too many calories, the two have not eaten since they woke up in the morning, at least they can pad their stomachs first.

"I don't eat, you eat!"

Lina shook her head directly.

Chen Xu's eyelids jumped. What happened? From the perspective of her smell of dragon lice yesterday, it doesn't look like a picky person?

What's more, the taste of aloe vera is not as unacceptable?

But he didn't think much about it, only when Lena hated aloe in particular, she withdrew it and threw it into her mouth again.

After all, who hasn't liked or disliked this year yet!

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