Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 833: Look at my eyes

After cushioning his belly, Chen Xu took another rest.

Time came to Argentina at nine in the morning.

He started gathering dead grass around, preparing to weave straw ropes to make straw shoes.

There is no way, without shoes, Chen Xu didn't dare to run quickly outside the camp. For fear of this foot going down, he stepped on something sharp and scratched.

Fortunately, although the sandals are time-consuming, weaving them is relatively simple.

Some viewers have already seen the weaving method of straw shoes as long as the deserted island in the Pacific Ocean.

But this time, perhaps because of the complex terrain of the forests in Argentina and the large number of mountains and rocks, Chen Xu reorganized the two-layer foundation to make it safer and more wear-resistant.

But it also took him an hour.

Although Lina can't move for too long with her right hand, she still carefully watched his knitting method. Two of them came down and basically learned the same.

In fact, Chen Xu didn't have time to make another pair for her.

It is now ten o'clock, and it is only two hours away from noon, and none of their survival plans have been completed today, let alone how the two men's noon food can be solved.

Moreover, according to the time points of the first day and the second sky cast, it is also at noon.

Therefore, Chen Xu should always be prepared to grab airdrops from the program group.

In this way, he actually has little time to waste.

"You stay in the camp first, and take care of your injuries. I'll go out and collect the supplies, and see if I can get mineral salts."

"If nothing unexpected happens, I will be back at noon, but if there is an airdrop ..."

Chen Xu didn't finish talking.

Lina rushed and said, "Relax, I just have a sore hand, and other things I can do!"

"it is good!"

Chen Xu nodded and pointed to the Qu Liu bow piece standing beside the fire, "Help me look at it!"

After explaining everything, he left with a tree thorn.

Mineral salt appears on one side of the rock wall with water seepage, or on the shore where the water flow is not turbulent.

If the river is crooked, the rock wall will be constantly abraded, not to mention the mineral salts left behind.

Therefore, the search route he chose was the downstream of the brook, and in terms of location, it should be east.

With the shoes, Chen Xu's walking speed was significantly faster than before. After more than half an hour of work, he had driven out of the distance of nearly two kilometers.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the terrain.

Because the road on the bank of the creek is relatively flat, and there are no dense trees or branches that require him to drill, it is naturally much better to walk than in the forest.

After a while, he finally found a boulder in the stream in front of him. Under the scorching sun, there seemed to be a lot of crystal stars.

Fragmented flashes indicate irregular crystals, most likely mineral salts.

So Chen Xu hurried to the water and came to the stone.

This is a large stone standing near the north bank of the stream. It is about the height of his knees. There is a pit in the position facing the current. Water splash.

Once they are splashed into the pit, it will be difficult to flow out again.

Finally, after the high temperature of the sun, the water evaporates, and the remaining materials will precipitate, so that over time, there will be strange crystal precipitation.

Chen Xu could not tell from the surface whether these sediments were salty.

So he wiped those white crystals with his hands, and licked them with his tongue.

After two or three seconds of tasting, he grinned: "It's salty, there should be salt in it!"

After speaking, he found an angular stone from the stream, and folded a broad leaf from the shore. Then he began to scrape the white crystals in the pit and wrapped them in the broad leaves.

"Although these crystals don't look like much, if we ignore the flavor and only use it to supplement sodium ions, it should be enough for us to use it for a while."

When Chen Xu explained to the audience.

At this time, a trembling sound of bushes came suddenly about 20 meters from the far south of the bank of the river.

He squat down instinctively, hiding behind the boulder.

A second or two later, a small brown figure appeared in the jungle, looking like a mouse.

Just when the audience thought it was just some ordinary rodents to drink water.

Followed closely, behind these little guys, followed two huge and extremely incomparable figures!

"Crouch! Big Mac?"

"Oh my God, I'm afraid such a cat is not afraid of cats, right?"

"This is really a mouse? It looks like a pig!"

"Looks like a giant otter. I seem to have seen it in the news. It is to protect animals!"


Everything is said in the barrage between live broadcasts.

The key point is that these two "rats" are really too big, one meter in length, half a meter in shoulder height, one head larger than a basketball, extremely fat body, and brown hair on it.

If it weren't for its constant sniffing of the air, and the two yellow fangs that occasionally emerged from its mouth, the audience might have thought that this was some kind of wild boar!

"It's Capybara!"

Chen Xu's eyes glowed brightly. "It is more than a giant otter. It is currently the largest rodent in the world. It is widely distributed in South America and belongs to semi-aquatic herbivores. It generally likes to be near rivers or swamps. activity."

"Different from the rare giant otter, the number of capybara is very large. In 16 years, there was a disaster of capybara in Argentina; in many cities in South America, they even use capybara as a substitute for pork . "

"That said, this is a very tasty usable animal!"

After listening to the audience ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, they said that the three views have been refreshed once again, and there are still people in the world who use mouse as a substitute for pigs.

"Nima, I don't have an appetite when I think of the meat of a rat!"

"No appetite +1!"

"It feels like capybaras are cute, especially their squints. It feels inexplicable taunt!"

"Capybara: Look at my eyes, destroy God!"

Chen Xu quickly packed the crystals of salt impurities and carefully shoved them into his pants pockets.

The show team did not set mandatory requirements for the guests' underwear and shorts, so most people chose outdoor multi-purpose shorts with a lot of pockets. Before the backpack, this was their only portable personal space.

Next, he picked up the tree thorn and whispered into the camera: "Capybara meat is delicious, but they are difficult to grasp, especially in water. They are very fast and good at swimming. We have to think about it first. A strategy to force them to shore! "

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