Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 841: I knew I wouldn't vote for Chen Xu anymore

Because the casino has live broadcasts.

Therefore, many people have seen this scene of Lina's "dysmenorrhea".

It wasn't until this moment that they knew that the inside information that the group of big men had said was this.

If you think about it, now the gambling game of "Primitive Survival Game" involves such a large amount of money, some powerful people want to bet, they will definitely find a way to connect with people and investigate the background of some popular players.

Although Lina has Chen Xu with a high PSR score, because of her fatal flaw, it will undoubtedly seriously affect the overall strength of the team.

In contrast, the first combination of the betting amount list, the two of Lisso, one is the British SAS Royal Air Force Special Forces, is good at assault operations, has strong adaptability, one is a senior Australian registered nurse, proficient in various emergency care.

You must know that Australian nurses are highly respected higher occupations, and their income belongs to the upper-middle-class social class. The most senior registered nurses are even more difficult to test.

Therefore, one responsible for fighting and one for adding blood is one of the most perfect combinations of these survivors.

And, most importantly, the two's personalities are also running well.

Then, the next-ranked Bob Sen combination, and the recent popularity of the George Teti combination in North America, the overall qualities of these teams are not lost to Chen Xu, and the female teammates do not have too obvious weaknesses.

Therefore, Chen Xu did not rank in the top five.

"Damn, I wouldn't vote for Chen Xu if I knew it!"

"Who knew this Lena was so pitted!"

"It's over, but I've pressed all my private house money on them!"

"Even if Chen Xu is even more powerful, it is useless. He has not eaten for two days. At this time, he will not be separated from the waste teammates. He will definitely be ruined!"

"Fortunately, I followed the boss and did not vote!"


For a moment, many gamblers in the casino, which weighed down the combination of Chen Xu, complained.

But in the webcast room, the audience was quite optimistic about Chen Xu.

In this, many people started from his first live broadcast, that is, the time of Daxing Press Ling, all the way to the present.

It can be said that they are witnessing with their own eyes how Xuye grew up from a little-known person to what he is today, the world's first wilderness expert!

During this period, not only did he not encounter any difficulties, but he had to go to heaven one by one, but he still solved them with great confidence, without exception!

"Huh ... I feel a bit cold. I have to say that rainy weather has always been one of the biggest problems in the wild, and two consecutive days of heavy rain prevented the helicopters of the show crew from flying in, and the airdrop did not appear."

"I don't know if it will be at noon today, but I don't think most people will choose to take the risk because the rain means that they may get sick. Our parachute raincoat is an advantage, which means that once the airdrop appears, our competition There will be fewer opponents! "

As he approached the stream, Chen Xu did not forget to analyze the current airdrop form with the audience.

Fishing traps should not be set in the valleys near the camp because the current is too small and the fish are basically small.

If he used rattan woven trumpet traps, it would be difficult to shut them down, except with the mineral water bottle traps that had been used in the Xishuangbanna rain forest.

However, in places such as the deep forests of Argentina where birds do not shit, obviously there is no mineral water bottle to pick up.

So, half an hour later, Chen Xu came to the top of the valley, which is the middle position.

The water here should be more turbulent and the brooks should be wider, and there should be bigger fish.

He found some vines nearby, hid in the dense canopy, and began to weave the trumpet traps.

Since he has full-level tool making skills, this simple trap can be completed in about fifteen minutes.

Chen Xu made two of them, each tied with slender vines, and tied one end to a trunk on the bank, then threw the trap into the stream.

It's not that hard anyway, it's just luck.

"Come on, let's go to the cotton bush!"

After setting the trap, he turned towards the jungle.

"Summer happens to be the flowering season of cotton, and cotton plants generally grow in the plains. Of course, there are also a few mountainous areas, such as the southern Xinjiang cotton region in China. Therefore, we can't find it near the valley, we can only choose to enter the jungle Luck in it. "

When setting off, Chen Xu explained that the probability of encountering cotton in the jungle is greater.

But while the probability is high, the jungle is also more difficult to walk.

Originally, the vegetation of the Argentine forest was dense, the terrain was complex, and it was difficult to walk. In addition, it was now raining, the soil was slippery, and the dead leaves were covered with water.

When he stepped on this foot, he easily slipped without saying, the key is that he could not help.

Therefore, Chen Xu often needs to pay half as much physical strength as usual to rush on the road. In addition, he has not eaten for two days, his constitution is weak, and the traveling speed per hour is estimated to be less than 1 km.

Argentina was over nine in the morning.

He had walked more than two kilometers into the jungle to the west, but he still had no trace of cotton.

Just as Chen Xu was about to turn over a bush in front.

Suddenly, a small voice came from behind the bushes: "Damn, when can the rain stop! I'm going to starve to death ..."

"Wait a second! Most of the other survivors are just like us. Now it depends on who is better and more able to survive ..."


And it's a man and a woman!

Chen Xu immediately stopped, came lightly to the bushes, and slowly cut open one of the branches.

Through the gap, the audience saw that there was a flat bed above the ground between the two tree trunks in front.

And on that flat bed, two survivors were lying.

To be honest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Xu didn't expect to meet a new pair of survivors so soon. Unfortunately, these two people seemed very poor, except for a shelter, a fire, and the rest There are only two wooden spears.

No food, no airdrops, no tools.

Forget it, let's check it out when you have time ...

His goal now is to save Lena, for the time being there is no time to destroy other survivors.

However, just as Chen Xu turned around and was about to leave, a "snap" sound came from his soles at once.

It turned out that he accidentally stepped on a puddle on the side of his body.


The two survivors in the sanctuary sat up abruptly from the wooden bed.

"Rui, did you hear that, the bushes facing east seemed to be moving just now!"

"Hear! But I don't see any shadow!"

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