Chen Xu stopped behind the bushes and didn't dare to move his feet, but just scratched his face subconsciously.

The audience was also nervous during the live broadcast.

But to be honest, even if he is actually found by the two survivors, there will be no danger, because the show group prohibits the survivors from attacking each other. However, in the current identity of Chen Xu, he was caught peeping on the spot It still looks quite awkward.

"Nothing happened, wouldn't some of the branches fall?"

"Well, you should go and see. If it's a hare or something, you can grab a full meal!"

The female team members intentionally let the male teammates go out and have a look.

As a result, the men's teammates refused directly: "Satisfaction? You said easily, in case the back of the bush is not a hare but a jaguar!"

When the audience heard it, it was interesting to the heart of the mother [summary].

They thought Ye Xu was a jaguar!

"666, this common sense is no one anymore. Jaguars will come out and walk on rainy days?"

"This man is really persuading! What are you afraid of during the daytime? If Grandpa Xu hears the voice, it is probably already rushed up!"

"It can only be said that not all survivors are called Chen Xu!"

Chen Xu didn't expect that the other party didn't come to find him, so he took two steps tentatively and was ready to leave.

On a rainy day, no matter how careful he was, a sound would still be heard.

And the two were listening attentively, and naturally found out:

"Here again! Here comes the voice!"

"I'm listening to this. It's not like a hare. The pace is very heavy, maybe a big beast!"

The words of the male teammates immediately shocked the female survivors:

"Oh my God, what shall we do?"

"Don't be afraid. We have a fire. It should not dare to approach ..."

Outside the bush, the audience listened to the conversation between the two, and laughed.

To be honest, Chen Xu himself couldn't help laughing.

In the barrage, many people told him not to leave so fast, walk around in the vicinity and scare them, maybe they will be eliminated directly!

But he didn't do it. The two were just tense for a while. If they waited to calm down and listened carefully, they would know whether it was the footsteps of the beast or the footsteps of human beings mixed with Datang's engineering otaku.

Walked for more than half an hour.

On a small hillside, Chen Xu found a palm tree about six meters high, and the top of the tree bears a few black round fruits.

"This should be a palm fruit. It's not very common. It has a hard shell on the outside and palm-like pulp inside. It's rich in starch and carbohydrates, which just adds energy!"

As he spoke, he examined the palm tree carefully.

For Chen Xu, who has not eaten food for two days, the palm fruits in front of him are almost equivalent to the gold ore in the eyes of gold prospectors!

But the embarrassing thing is that this tree is very thin, even the thickest tree root, only the thickness of an adult's arm.

With Chen Xu's current weight, if he climbs to the top of the tree, whether the trunk can support it is very questionable!

Furthermore, after two and a half days of continuous rain, the bark was covered with water droplets, and it was very slippery. It would be quite difficult to climb such a thin trunk with bare hands!

"Let's try another method!"

After watching for a moment, Chen Xu decided not to climb the tree first.

He was afraid that if he reached the top of the tree and couldn't support it, he could fall easily with one hand and fall easily.

Compared to those four or five palm fruits, the risk is too great.

So he looked around for a long time, grabbed a long vine with the thickness of a finger, tied a stone to one end, threw it a few times, and threw it towards the branch on the top of the tree.

As a result, the stones easily crossed the canopy, and the vines hung from the branches.

Next, Chen Xu tugged at the vine vigorously, trying to use a large shake to make the fruit on the top of the tree fall from the mountain wild house.

As a result, he shook for a long time, and only three of them fell off, and the remaining two were like nails. Even if the branches were pulled down, there was still no trace of them coming down.

Chen Xu also saw through this method that the treetops were indeed not very safe.

What's more, the two fruits need a lot of energy to climb the six-meter-high tree to pick, which is really too much.

So he took these three fruits, put two of them into a tarpaulin bag, and the other one directly pierced the hard shell with Kabba BK22, and picked out the white pulp like palm core inside.


Even though Chen Xu was hungry, he still chose to throw the flesh into his mouth in small batches. He felt the crisp and tender palm flesh cracking in his teeth, and his whole tongue trembled.

It's been two days, and I finally have food!

"The taste is very good. The starch content is very high. Some are like raw coconut meat that has been diluted. If you roast it, it will be more fragrant!"

A whole piece of palm pulp, the size of a walnut, was quickly consumed by him.

As for the remaining two, he did not move.

The audience knows that Ye Xu should want to leave it to Lina. After all, people who are sick need more energy to recover their energy.

At this moment, we can see why many of the big names in casinos are not optimistic about Chen Xu.

If Lina is not sick, Chen Xu shouldn't consider so much at all ~ ~ can eat it directly to add more physical strength.

But now, obviously not, he has been dragged down.

What the outside world thinks, Chen Xu ignores it. For him, the help brought by one teammate is much more than two palm fruits, but it is bound to be happy to be born again!

And, even if Lina isn't sick, distributing food to teammates is normal.

Before Lena brought wild apricots and mushrooms, didn't she?

Perhaps it was "this spirit touched heaven". After walking more than 300 meters, Chen Xu finally found a small piece of gray shrub plant in front!

It's cotton!

"It's great, it's gray cotton! Under the influence of more rainfall, during the growth and development of cotton, cotton receives short sunlight, low temperature, poor fiber maturity, and the raw cotton becomes gray-white."

"In modern cotton farming, this cotton is generally inferior, but we don't pay so much attention, as long as it is clean, soft and absorbent!"

As he talked, Chen Xu squatted down and shoved the gray cotton "cotton bolls", which were the cotton-spotted parts, into the tarpaulin bag.

After almost picking up enough of Lena's usage these days, he stopped and started to return.

The time to go back was extremely long.

However, this time, Chen Xu deliberately avoided the survivor camp when he came here.

It was about twelve noon when I walked to the valley where the trap was set.

"I don't know what luck is, let's see what the trap has to offer!"

Then, Chen Xu rubbed his hands and prepared to pull up the horn trap.

However, just as he approached the vine that was trapped in the trap, he suddenly stopped! Be free to read the latest chapter of "Live in the Wild Challenge Claw Book House" for the first time.

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