Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 843: Sleeve in sleeve

what's the situation?

Why did Xuye stop?

When the audience was puzzled, Chen Xu slowly bent down and looked down at the barren grass.

Follow the close-up of the drone's lens, everyone just saw it.

It turned out that among the barren grass and dead leaves, there was a stretched vine all the way to the trunk where Xuye tied the trap.

Looking up the trunk ...

Oh my god, there is a big rock hanging in the canopy full of leaves!

If Chen Xu had touched the vine that was used as a mixing line for the organ just now, this big stone would surely fall from the top.

If it hits his head, he will end up bleeding!

"Nima, who is so overcast and reborn!"

"Looking at the style of this trap, it is very similar to the team that Xu Ye met before stealing the bow!"

"Suitable, expert!"


Chen Xu nodded, "The man who trapped the trap is indeed a master. He knows how to use my eagerness to see the prey. I don't know. If I do this, I will become his" prey "!"

"But fortunately, the bushes on the shore are not dense. Although he has buried the vine mixing line in secret, some places are still missing. With a little attention, it is still easy to find."

As he spoke, he crossed the mixing line and approached the trunk.

It turned out that as he expected, his two fishing traps had already been destroyed, but the two vines were left unopened to attract him near the trunk as a bait!

"You are right. Judging from the triggering mechanism of the trap, it is exactly the same as the last giant wood trap. It should be the white uncle, and only he can treat people as prey!"

Back at the deduction, Chen Xu glanced around and guessed him.

"For a hunter, the trap is like buying a lottery ticket. Although I don't know if I can hit it, I have to take a look at it to be willing. This mentality is difficult to restrain, so he will definitely come back to see it."

"We can pretend to trigger a trap. The white uncle will definitely come over and see if he hits. There is no blood, so we can also set a trap around him and set him up!"

He finished this sentence.

The barrage in the live room immediately brushed up a piece of "666".

Therefore, Chen Xu touched the trap lightly with his feet, and the trap was triggered. A loud bang sounded, and a large stone fell to see the dragon soul in the city.

He then cut around a tree stick with Kabbah BK22 and made a crossbow trap in a bush near the trap.

With the saber, both the speed of production and the simplicity have improved a lot.

In just 20 minutes, Chen Xu placed the type of crossbow trap that he had set up around the camp near the falling rock trap.

In addition, in order to increase the hit rate, he inserted a total of three arrow spikes on the crossbow string.

Three spikes, triple the chance of hit.

It's not that he doesn't want to put more. On the one hand, the more he puts it, the greater the gap between the fixed piles, so that the accuracy will be worse. The more weight, the greater the weight, which reduces a certain amount of power.

"2333, I can't wait to see the arrow in that white uncle!"

"In the Box 2"! "

"It's best that Grandpa Xu comes to see him with a bow and ask him to get angry?"

"What if the white uncle found a trap and made another one next to it?"

"Hahaha, infinite reincarnation, in the end the entire Argentine forest is a trap made by them!"

Chen Xu took a moment to glance at the barrage and laughed, "I'm not coming back anyway. It doesn't matter if the trap succeeds, as long as he can disgusted him!"

After speaking, he started to return to the camp.

On the way back, the time had passed noon in Argentina, the light rain was still falling, and the sound of the propeller was not seen in the sky.

He estimated that today's airdrop should not be a headhunter in the mixed track.

After returning to the camp, Lina was still nesting on the wooden bed, wearing a wet vest on her forehead, and holding a clay pot full of hot water in her hand, as if it was a warm treasure.

It can be seen that by cooling down and drinking hot water, her spirit has been a little better.

"How's it going?"

Seeing Chen Xu's return, Lina immediately asked.

"The collection of materials is okay, that is, not much food is found ..."

While talking, Chen Xu took out the collected gray cotton from the tarpaulin bag, as well as a lot of clean wild grass and the remaining two palm fruits.

Two chocolate candy, Lina did not dare to move, so she has not eaten for more than two days, but it may be because of dysmenorrhea, she seems to have no appetite.

In the end, Chen Xu forced her to eat a palm fruit, then went out of the shack, and let her begin to deal with the litter for the future.

In the afternoon, the rain somehow started to increase again.

They can only stay in the camp.

There is nothing to do. He can only continue to smoke the wooden bow with the fire. In theory, the smoke should be smoked continuously for a week, that is, within two days, the bow should be completely dry from the inside out.

At night, the heavy rain did not stop.

Before going to sleep ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The number displayed on the monitoring bracelet has become "49", which means that another survival guest has been eliminated.

After one night.

The seventh day of primitive survival.

Chen Xuyou woke up, listening to the call of the bird "叽叽喳喳" outside, looked up, and repeated sunlight through the gap in the shack, hitting him on the engineering otaku mixed with Datang.

"Great, this rain has finally stopped!"

He patted his thigh in excitement.

Next to her, Lina probably woke up early because her lower abdomen was still in pain, but looking at the pale complexion, she was still afraid to get out of bed today.

In the live room, the audience kept coming in to say hello.

Chen Xu came down from the bed and was full of confidence. "After three or four days of continuous rain, the animals in the jungle must have been hungry, so today they will definitely come out for food, which is also good for our hunting opportunity."

After speaking, he began to wind the umbrella rope around the bow piece.

After being smoked for several days, the original pale yellow ash will have turned dark brown, with green bowstrings, it looks really murderous.

But Chen Xu really does not guarantee that he can use it well.

Be aware that being able to pull the bowstring does not mean that you can use it to hunt. During the aiming of the prey, you need to keep the string full at all times, which is very physical!

It just so happened that the physique detector on the property board showed that he had entered severe hunger and was weak.

Obviously, the palm fruit yesterday didn't do much.

Chen Xu now needs sodium and protein.

Only these two things can help him restore his spirit and strength.

And this is the main reason why Chen Xu is in a hurry to go hunting! Be free to read the latest chapter of "Live in the Wild Challenge Claw Book House" for the first time.

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