Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 865: Only by charging money will you become stronger!

Get rich!

The bigger the tarpaulin bag, obviously there are more things in it!

The audience was excited. This feeling was like playing a game and bursting into good equipment!

To be honest, Chen Xu's chest also fluctuated.

Not only for mission one, if you can really get any beneficial equipment from the airdrop, you can really improve the quality of life!

"Huh ... let's open it and see!"

After taking a deep breath, Chen Xu meditated on "Ou Huang Possession", and immediately tore the seal of the tarpaulin.

The next moment, the white light flashed, which of course is impossible.

But it is indeed reflective.

An object glowing with metallic luster attracted everyone's attention first!

It's an axe with a weird shape!

"Indian tomahawk?"

Chen Xu raised his eyebrows and took the axe out of his bag.

It is about forty to fifty centimeters long, and is composed of a blackened axe of unknown material and a cement gray axe blade, which is a small axe.

The reason for its strange shape.

It is because his axe blade is larger than the average small axe, but there is an obvious indentation at the lower end, and the tail is not a plumb, but a dart-like spike.

If you look closely, there are a lot of snow patterns on the axe steel surface of the cement gray. They are matched with the blackened and yellowed axe handles like leopard skin. Don't be too handsome!

"This axe is so handsome, please beg the same paragraph!"

"The show crew is very playable, the axe is handsome, but how do I feel useless?"

"Is this kind of axe chopping, I am afraid it is not as good as ordinary axe?"

"Programme: Only with enough money will you become stronger!"

Chen Xu shook the axe a few times and explained: "Everyone guesses the same. This Indian tomahawk is indeed not suitable for hacking, because it is a light short-handed flying axe used by ancient Indians for hunting!"

"Ancient Indian tomahawk, with an axe blade at the head and a cigarette holder at the end, the axe blade represents war, and the pipe represents peace, showing their interpretation of power and their awe of nature."

"In the modern era, throwing axe has become a competitive sport. Many manufacturers of military cold weapon tools in the world have also seen the special mechanical properties of the Indian tomahawk, and have developed and manufactured many improved models!"

"The most famous of these is the Vietnamese Indian Tomahawk jointly launched by the Indian Tomahawk Company and the Emerson Tool Group. During the Vietnam War, as a unified standard equipment for the US Army infantry and armored forces, it was also added to the ninth category of military rescue. package."

"It has strong hardness, high shock resistance, and great lethality. It is mostly used for melee combat, destruction of equipment, excavation, etc. It has the same function as modern survival blasting axe!"

"The most important thing is that the performance of the Indian Tomahawk in field hunting is almost the best in the axe category, because it was designed to kill and hunt at the beginning of the design!"

After he finished speaking, the audience understood why the axe was designed like this, which turned out to be easy to throw.

The inner groove may be more aerodynamic.

In addition to this Indian tomahawk, there are two paper clips in the airdrop bag, which can be used as wire fixation, as a hook, and a pack ... tampons!

Yes, yes, it is a tampon!

Simple transparent plastic packaging, with a string of blue English written on it, should be a brand or something.

Chen Xu covered his face with black lines, and almost missed six "dots" on the top of his head.

"23333, the shadow area of ​​Lord Xu's heart now!"

"Xu Ye: Is the program group Nimabi intentional?"

"Why not a small nurse sanitary napkin, bad review!"

"Sanitary napkins are rarely used abroad, and most of them use tampon, which is really convenient!"

"Lying trough, do not need sanitary napkins abroad? This is the first time I have seen this kind of thing!"

"When you first saw sanitary napkins, are you a straight steel man?"

As soon as the sanitary napkin appeared, in a short time, it aroused the surprise of many male audiences in the live broadcast room, and the barrage immediately exploded.

Many people said that this was the first time they saw this kind of thing.

Chen Xu was not as exaggerated as the barrage said, but he was indeed speechless.

If he could grab this airdrop early, why would he waste that time to find cotton for Lena ...

"Fortunately, Lina can also be used in the future, and the rest can be used for other purposes, such as medical bandages, water filters, velvet, etc."

When he said this, a bunch of question marks immediately appeared in the audience's head.

It is easy to understand as a velvet and water filter. After all, sanitary napkins are high-density composite materials. The main components are cotton and man-made fibers. They are flammable, have strong adsorption, and can filter out impurities.

However, when the medical bandage ...

"Emmm, Grandpa Xu, are you sure the sanitary napkin can be used as a bandage?"

"Isn't that what you used to **** menstruation, used to wrap up the wound, don't you have to **** people to death?"

"Is it ridiculous to say" **** people to death ", as you think, do girls have to be sucked to death if they use it?"

"Sanitary napkins **** people? Do you think that is a pump!"

"23333, I always thought that such things as sanitary napkins, except for girls, were used as insoles by our boys during military training."

Chen Xu looked at the barrage's comments and couldn't help but laugh. "As some barrage said, although sanitary napkins **** blood, the suction power is not as strong as everyone thinks."

"In fact, the birth of sanitary napkins evolved from the hemostatic cotton of World War I soldiers. Modern sanitary napkins are strictly sterile and non-toxic, but they are actually suitable for emergency bandages.

A simple sentence, but to the live broadcast room, many male audiences opened the door to a new world.

After the airdrop, the rest is back to the ground.

Chen Xu glanced at the top of his head, and the huge hole looked like a deep well.

"Really sit on the well and watch the sky!"

"Ye Xu can come down and go up, this is the most ridiculous!"

"Void Escape Beast: Leikexu!"

"The bomb shelter has been searched ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's time to go to P City!"

When he went back, the method was exactly the opposite, but the difficulty was more than double!

This is the same as rope climbing, climbing up and sliding down, the former consumes too much physical strength!

Fortunately, Chen Xu had not lost too much energy due to sufficient food supply during this time.

Packing things up and stuffing in a tarpaulin bag, he began to take the tree stick and prepared to go out of the cave. As for the Tomahawk, it was too big and was tied with a rope around his waist.

Ten minutes later, Chen Xu finally reached the hole.

"Huh ... one step closer!"

Looking out of the eye hole, he let go of one hand and slowly grabbed the tree stick under him. As long as he put this stick up, he could use his strength.

However, at the moment when he bowed his head:


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