Suddenly, the gully stuck on the rock wall by the tip of the stick suddenly shattered, and the whole tree stick fell directly from the hole!


Chen Xu only felt his feet empty, and exclaimed subconsciously, his whole body sinking down: "Hoo ... hmm ..."

Seeing this, he hurriedly grabbed his other hand on the only trunk left.

"Crunch ..."

The huge weight all fell on this sole trunk, the whole trunk was bent downwards, and with his constantly shaking body, the tips of the sticks on both sides constantly rubbed in the gully of the rock wall, with a harsh sound.

At the same time, another tree stick crashed for a few seconds with "Ding Ding Diao", and finally "Bang Diao" fell to the bottom of the cave.

It seems to remind everyone that this is a cave more than 20 meters deep!


"Nima, it scared me!"

"It's dangerous, my sweat is coming out!"

"Xuye hold on!"

Chen Xu exhaled loudly, clutching his hands on the trunk with both hands, because the blood on his fingers was too pale because he was too hard.

His heart beats violently. If he can see the heart rate detection, he must be close to the warning value!

too suddenly!

If he hadn't left a hand on the trunk, he would have fallen off with it just now!

And the result of falling from such a high height:

Only dead!

"Whew ... nearly ... fortunately, this did not fall with the trunk ... fall ..."

After stabilizing his body, Chen Xu gasped to the audience and looked at the walls around the cave. "We have to think of a way to climb up and move slowly to the walls of the cave first. It's not good here! "

After that, he slowly released his right hand, alternating his hands, and started moving towards the right.

Watching the tree sticks shake with Xu Ye's movement, many viewers' hearts also followed, for fear that the tree sticks would also fall!

"I feel so helpless!"

"It would be nice if there were teammates at this time, at least I can pull one!"

"Yu Xu: Damn it, how could the tree stick fall!"

"Just tease Xu Ye to get rid of the tree stick, please, may the King of Glory also make a mistake?"

Chen Xu was so busy helping himself that he had no intention of observing the barrage.

After approaching the cave wall, he tried to climb up, but it was not as easy as he thought.

Although his current position is only over half a meter from the entrance.

However, the ditch on the wall of the cave was too shallow, and Chen Xu's hands could not grasp it at all, so it was difficult to borrow.

There is another way, you can use your strength to climb up the tree stick, but with the "revelation from the front car", he was afraid of shaking too much, so he shook it off with the tree stick.

"No, shout! I don't dare to do too much now! I have to find a point of borrowing, shift my focus, and share the load of the tree stick!"

Xuye said so, but which one is so easy to find?

And just as everyone was worried, Chen Xu suddenly released his right hand and touched his waist.

It's that Indian Tomahawk!


The back of the tomahawk is a sharp pointed cone, which can be easily stuck in the cracks and soil, and can be used as a mountaineering pick!

After pulling out the tomahawk, Chen Xu stunned his arm:


After hearing a crisp impact, he tentatively tugged, looking happy: "Stuck!"

The tomahawk's axe has a length of forty or fifty centimeters, which just fills the position where he is now at the entrance of the cave. Naturally, it is easy to get stuck on the rock crack near the cave!

"Be careful, Lord Xu!"

"Be careful!"

"My God, I dare not watch!"


As Chen Xu began to move, the audience also raised their hearts to their throats.

After climbing for a long time before, and hanging in the air for a while, his arms were already a little sore. Every time he moved an inch, he could see the muscles vibrate and spasm under the skin!

"Huh ... uh ..."

He gritted his teeth, forced his intense breathing, and shifted his focus to the tomahawk. His lower body was slowly exerted, trying to minimize the range of movement of the body, and moved it to the tree stick little by little.

In just a few seconds, he felt like he had lived for half a century.

The audience held their breath.

One inch, two inches ...

Watching Xu Ye's rising body, they can't wait to push this last one in person!


Finally, looking at the climb soon, Chen Xu took a deep breath and, with the strength of the last pole, kicked the tree stick and climbed up!

嚓 ——!

Suddenly receiving such a large amount of force, the tree stick directly heard the sound of breaking.

But following the reaction, he successfully climbed to the ground!

"Ah ... finally here!"

The moment he rushed out of the hole, Chen Xu squatted on the ground, and the whole man was relieved.

However, this is obviously not the time to rest.

Although most of the survivors have gone, there are still some people who have not given up looking for airdrops.

Chen Xu didn't want to be "the target of public criticism."

Now he is too weak. If he is followed, he may not even be able to get rid of it.

At that time, people were chased all the way to the campsite, and they were unavoidably attacked.

"This year, it's too difficult to survive well!"

After taking a few deep breaths and calming down the heartbeat, Chen Xu looked at the Indian Tomahawk, who "saved his life," with a smile, and said to himself, "However, it is worth the risk ! "

After successfully obtaining airdrop material support, he immediately found a bush to drill in, and then left in the direction of no one.

Along the way, he checked his task panel.

The data of task one turned out to be 2/5.

Three more ...

Chen Xu narrowed his eyes. According to the current progress, time is a bit urgent!

Back to the camp, it was already noon.

Lina had woke up early, and was so excited after seeing so many equipment.

With two sharp irons, Chen Xu gave her Kabbah Saber.

Compared to the Tomahawk, Lina said that she was more suitable to use a survival knife.

Chen Xu is indifferent to these. He has the Orange Special Forces Skill Group, plus two years of field experience ~ ~, allowing him to be proficient in operating any survival tool.

After noon, the airdrop did not show up.

It seems that the program group has begun to change the time and frequency of airdrops.

After eating food, in the afternoon, Chen Xu was going to try his luck at George Teti's camp.

In fact, their current materials and equipment can already be called "luxury". The sneak attack on George Teti is just the icing on the cake.

But Chen Xu did not do it solely for supplies. The main purpose was to weaken the strength of George Tetina.

According to the information given by Wu Tong, this guy is very capable.

He also personally verified that George Tetti was no worse than him in terms of observation and alertness.

Plus this guy is now also looting resources.

If you just let it go, it will be very difficult to stop him until the end of life!

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