Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 887: Explosive Egg Expert





Under the lens of the drone, four or five serval dogs rushed to the shore, and then four claws and a kick, just like the zombies in the end-time movie, craving their teeth and chasing toward Chen Xu!

Although Chen Xu's speed attribute has reached as high as 21:00, and the outbreak is not bad, but in the jungle, he can't exert his full strength at all.

Moreover, the straw shoes on his feet can only barely maintain the hurry, without the slightest grip.

The audience only saw that more and more serval dogs came ashore, and the distance between them and Ye Xu was getting closer and closer!

Twenty meters, fifteen meters, ten meters!

"Lying trough, will Xu Xu really be bitten?"

"Yuxu: Want to experience the feeling of 'death like wind, always with me', Yabu!"

"Shadow Doppelganger Chase!"

"It's scary, I have never seen a dog bitten to death!"

"What do you mean by the barrage upstairs? Do you want to see Lord Xu killed alive?"

In the time when the audience barraged, the distance between the two sides narrowed again, only less than five or six meters!

Chen Xu can even feel the savage breath of Yabu behind him!

"Huh ... less than twenty meters away!"

As he ran, he reminded everyone, and also reminded himself, "Lina! Get ready for the fire! The group of serval dogs is coming !!!"

Chen Xu called out quickly.

But at the moment when his voice just fell, he only felt a wind in his back, and there was another shadow on the ground, above his figure!

It's a serval!


With a sharp bark, all the audience in the live broadcast room was awakened!

A serval dog rushed over Xu Xu's back!

If this blow hits, he will definitely bite on his neck!


Chen Xu is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

As early as the moment he discovered the shadow, he was ready.

As soon as the dog barked, his abdominal muscles contracted, his upper body quickly dived to the left, and a beautiful boxing shook, which happened to avoid the serval bite.

This is not over yet!

Just when the audience thought that Xu Ye was just dodge, he suddenly jumped up and changed to the right one, his elbow turned into a gun, and the elbow tip was like a thorn, slammed into the lower part of the dog's lower abdomen!

Shake your elbow!

This is a trick!

Some spectators who watched UFC events all year round immediately recognized that this was 14 years, middleweight champion Grein's lore trick.

In that game that year, Grein relied on this trick to break another man's jaw bone and win the championship directly!


Such a top is also deadly to this serval dog!

The copper head, iron tail, and tofu waist, although it is a wolf, basically covers all canine creatures!

Chen Xu's elbow was thrust out with all his strength, only to hear a click, the serval dog flew out without even having the time to scream.

"Nima, it hurts to watch!"

"I just want to ask if the egg of the serval dog is still alive!"

"Broken Ghost: Ji Gexu!"

"Finished, this dog may become **** in the future!"


Although Chen Xu beautifully countered the attack of the first Serval Dog, it was precisely because of the pause of this elbow strike that more Serval Dogs behind him caught up.

And the nearest one is only two meters!

Bite again!

This time it is thigh!

Chen Xu hurried to dodge in a slip, but at the same time, more serval dogs rushed from all directions!

"Chen! Be careful! Run!"

It ’s Lina!

As soon as he looked up, he was only five meters away from the campsite!

However, the first thing in front of him was not the entrance of the campsite, but the refusal of horses and barriers he had built with black palms and thorns!

If you want to bypass, you can open the position of refusing the horse, and at least run more than ten meters to the west of the campsite!


How could the scene in front of him give him another ten meters of running time!

Not enough!

Chen Xu narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth, rushing towards the refusing horse.

Seeing this scene, Lina was stupid: "Chen! What do you want to do!"

Not only her.

Even the audience was stunned:

"What's wrong with Grandpa Xu? Won't you want to jump over right away?"

"Don't be funny, the width and height are more than two meters. If you want to jump alone or jump long, how can you jump together?"

"If inadvertently planted in it, Ye Xu must be strangled even if he is not bitten?"



As the barrage was brushed out, Chen Xu was getting closer and closer to the rejection.


The serval dog behind him also bite less than a meter!

There are wolves before and tigers after!

At this juncture, he can only jump forward daringly!

At the moment when he was ready to take off, many audiences were so scared that they narrowed their eyes and dared not continue to watch.

This is the moment!

Chen Xu suddenly slammed the left hand dart into the mud in front of the horse.

With this force, he kicked his legs, straightened his Achilles tendon, his gastrocnemius muscle and rectus femoris muscle exploded in full strength, quickly stood upright, grasped the tail of the pole with both hands, and jumped into the air!

Feet off the ground.

The weight of his whole body immediately followed his hands and pressed onto the dart shaft ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The whole body bent quickly.

Just as he stood upside down and flew out of the central line, the rod rebounded quickly!

Chen Xu followed this thrust and actually flew the refusal to protect the horse!

"Lying trough! Pole jumping?"

"What a pole vault, obviously a pole vault, okay!"

"Gymnastics gymnastics in the Olympic Games, Xu Ye should really participate!"

"It is also nine years of compulsory education, why is Xu Ye so outstanding?"



Chen Xugang just skipped the refusal, while behind him, two serval dogs also jumped over.

But these two guys are obviously not as lucky as him.

You know, for the serval dog with a maximum body length of only 70 centimeters, it is extremely difficult to cross the obstacle of two meters in width and height!

Only listened to two screams.

They just fell into the crevices of refusing horses, struggling, and were suddenly pierced by countless spikes!

And Chen Xu got up immediately after landing, breathing the air with a big mouth.

Obviously, he just recovered, after experiencing such a tense chase and escape, he was already exhausted.

"Huh ... he ... are the fire ready?"

"get ready!"

As she said, Lena threw the prepared wet wood on the side of the horse.

Suddenly, fire and smoke appeared in front of the servants!

At the next moment, they really stopped attacking, and now they refused the horse outside, staring at the two people in the camp, their remaining electric eel meat!

At this time, the audience understood why Lord Xu had Lina ready for the first time.

It turned out that creatures' instincts for fear of fire and thick smoke forced them out of the campsite!

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