have to say.

Xu Ye's preparations were very effective in both hands. He refused the combination of flames and smoke, and successfully blocked the mastiff out!

He himself, after taking a short break, took off the English hunting bow from behind, mounted his arrows, and looked out.

Once a mastiff has broken through these two lines of defense, he will shoot without hesitation!

that's it.

Both sides froze for several minutes.

For these two minutes, for Chen Xu and Lina, it's almost like a second.

Anyone, staring at thirty or forty brutal carnivorous dogs, would have a chill on his spine.

During this time, the mastiff group also tried to go around the rejection horse, looking for other possible offensive entrances.

Fortunately, when Chen Xu built the rejection horse before, he enclosed the entire camp, and even the entrance was set as a movable "rejection door".

In desperation, in the end the mastiff group can only gradually disperse.

However, it is ridiculous that the two mastiffs that were stuck in the rejection horse at first followed them, but they couldn't move because they were full of spikes and they couldn't leave at last!

"It turned out to be superficial brothers, so I sold my teammates!"

"A cool song for two dog brothers!"

"Xu Ye: Learn about dog hot pot!"

"One hundred and eight dog friends like Er Ha, Alaska, and Teddy expressed sympathy for this!"


The result was as expected by the audience!

Of course, Chen Xu would not give up such a good opportunity and killed two mastiff dogs with arrows.

In fact, even if he didn't kill them, just having so many black palms and spines wounds on his body would be enough to traumatic infection and death!

Lina couldn't think of such a dangerous thing that turned out to be a good thing.

Watching the two split the mastiff dogs, some viewers couldn't help but regret. Just now, while taking the time to block the road, shoot a few more with arrows, and go out for hunting later in the province.

In this regard, Chen Xu shook his head: "That way, it will stir up the wild dog's counterattack, and rejecting the horse is not a panacea. Once there is too much stuck in one position, the remaining wild dog can be directly Step on your companion's body! "

"At that time, instead of having no chance to eat meat, I may even lose my life!"

The mastiff is a full circle larger than the crab-eating fox. After processing the two corpses, remove the skin, bones, internal organs, etc., leaving about 10 kilograms of pure meat, plus the electric eel just hit, enough. People eat for seven or eight days!

He kept fishing for the remaining internal organs, and the stomach just replaced it to make a new water bag. Two pieces of dogskin can be supported by a leather frame, kept for making quilts to keep warm, or used for making shoes.

Anyway, he has a paper clip, plus a tree rope for knives and knitting, and weaving a simple fur shoe is relatively easy.

Of course, Chen Xu wasn't always busy with these things.

He had not forgotten the weather signs of the fish scale clouds that he had seen in the valley before.

During the rainy season in Argentina, it doesn't rain very well. It can be as short as ten minutes or as long as several days.

Therefore, Chen Xu must cut some dry wood in advance and reserve it.

In the evening.

It really rained heavily in the sky.

However, compared to the earthen house made by Chen Xu and Lina, there is no threat at all.

Even the stove for bacon in the yard could not be extinguished.

He also lost his foresight.

This heavy rain lasted for four days and was not over yet!

In these four days, the two have been nesting in the earthen house, relying on electric eel meat and mastiff meat, and rainwater in earthen jars to survive.

But other survivors have no such luck.

Within a few days, several survivors have been eliminated because of this. The original "28" people now have only "21" people.

Thirty-two days of primitive survival.

The rain finally began to decrease.

Chen Xu and Lina finished dog meat in the earthen house and began to discuss the next survival plan.

They have about six pounds of food left, which is enough for two or three days.

Most importantly, there is not much firewood to keep the fire burning!

That is, the fire is about to go out!

If you do n’t go out hunting today to find combustible materials when the rain is lighter today, you may not know what time it is.

After all, no one can guarantee now when the rain will stop.

In particular, Chen Xu's camp is located near a swamp lake and the water level has risen. In a flash, you can see that there are many good opportunities to kill aquatic life.

Finally, he couldn't help but put on a parachute raincoat, carrying various hunting tools, and started walking towards the swamp lake.

This is one of the reasons why he chose this place as the campsite.

Near places where the water system is developed, you almost never have to worry about food, because the abundance of aquatic life is much higher than that of terrestrial life.

The most important thing is that the location of his camp is significantly higher than the swamp level line ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even if it rains heavily and the water level soars, it will not flood his shack.

After twenty minutes.

Chen Xu walked into the marsh lake so boldly, holding a dart pike in one hand, and a fishing hook with internal organs in one hand, and then carefully observed his whole body.

"I can feel that there are fish swimming around me, but I'm having trouble locating them. I don't know why. They don't seem to be interested in the internal organs of the mastiff ..."

After a circle, he didn't feel the slightest shaking of the fishing line in his hand.

And just then.

Suddenly, in the distant jungle, there was a sound of "slamming" and "slamming" pedalling.

It sounds like something is passing by a place with water.

Before Chen Xu could recognize the position of the pedaling sound, the next moment, a "humming" sound came again, and it came in the same direction!

It's wild boar!

With such a recognizable voice, the audience instantly confirmed the identity of the source creature!

"That's right! It's a wild boar! If we can catch it, maybe we will use worry food until the end of survival!"

Chen Xu was also excited.

I still remember that in the forest of Shennongjia, he killed an adult wild boar with a huge body size of two hundred kilograms. He removed all kinds of miscellaneous animals and left dozens of kilograms of pure meat, enough for him to eat for a month!

"We have to figure out how to find its place first!"

He whispered, "Most of us think the wild boar is a stupid creature, but in fact, it is a very alert and extremely dangerous beast!"

"The wild boar hunts by scent. This is half good news for us, because now it is raining lightly, the rain will dilute the smell of our body, but it will also make our footsteps easier to make sound!

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