After speaking, Chen Xu slowly returned to the shore, wrapped the shuttlecock with a rope around his back, and immediately took the English hunting bow down.

Then, while raising his two ears, he looked for the location of the wild boar.

"Patter", "Patter" ...

In the jungle, in addition to the sound of "rustle", the rest is the sound of his own footsteps.



This time, Chen Xu judged its location and said softly: "It seems to be southwest!"

And just when he was ready to adjust his direction.

Suddenly, there was a sound of splashing water in the swamp next to it!

There are water creatures!

And it's a small aquatic creature!

It is likely to be another big fish!

"666, do not open for one year, eat for one year!"

"Is it popular to give teams away now?"

"Ye Xu is afraid of double killing!"

"23333, if you still encounter electric eel this time, will Asahi go crazy?"


Unlike the optimistic attitude of the audience, Chen Xu frowned slightly and said, "When hunting, the most taboo is distraction. Once you confirm the goal, you must concentrate as much as possible until you kill it."

"If you are half-hearted about the prey, or you want to hunt two prey at the same time, you may end up with nothing!"

"For now, we have to make a quick decision and choose which one to hunt, and I will choose wild boar, because these days there have been continuous heavy rains and the water level has continued to rise. It is difficult for us to predict the depth of the swamp."

"In this way, without fishing rods and traps, it is difficult for me to hit blindly with a shuttle dart. Unlike a wild boar, it moves on land and is easy to hunt, and, with good vision, the accuracy of the arrows , Bigger than the shuttlecock! "

After that, he continued to walk southwest.

five minutes later.

Chen Xu suddenly crouched down, touching a sunken shoe mark on the ground, and said, "The impression is obvious, it should have just been left, indicating that it has just left, maybe it is near here!"

So, he began to lean on his waist and moved his feet carefully.

At each step, he turned around and looked for the position of the wild boar.

Just at this time.

In a bush in the west, there was a trembling in the branches.

Chen Xu hurriedly looked over.

Sure enough, the next second, a black shadow jumped into his sight immediately.

It is a wild boar!

However, this wild boar is not as huge as the audience imagined, but is the same as the wild boar that Ye Xu encountered in the uninhabited desert island of Kiribati in the Pacific.

It is only sixty to seventy centimeters in size, but thirty centimeters high, at most twenty or thirty pounds. It has a black-brown mane all over it and is dazzled by light rain.

More fiercely, it has two white fangs rolled up in front of its mouth, highlighting its identity as a wild boar.

Chen Xu was slightly lost in his eyes.

However, at least this wild boar can stand up to two or three mastiffs, and the meat quality and nutrition are better.

"We try to get closer to it!"

At this time, Chen Xu was about 30 meters away from it.

He had previously told everyone that for small and medium-sized targets of about one meter, only within 20 meters can there be a high hit rate.


If it is normal weather, this short ten meters is better to get closer.

But now it's rainy. The ground is full of small reflective puddles. If you can't get it, stepping on it will make you click.

The boar's hearing is so sensitive again, it is too difficult to approach it without any notice!

Chen Xu took a few steps in succession, almost all of which were difficult.

In this way, when he retracted to a distance of about 23 meters, the boar suddenly stopped planing, but raised his head and sniffed around.

He knew that the other party had already started a warning state.

Go forward and it will be exposed!

No way, Chen Xu could only pull the arrow, hold his left hand at an angle, pull the string with his right hand, slowly take a deep breath, and then slowly spit out: "Hoo ..."

And the moment I spit to the end, I just listened:

call out!

The arrows shoot out quickly, through the bushes instantly, bang!

Plunged into the dirt!

"Hum! Hum!"

At the same time, the wild boar immediately barked twice, kicking the back of the hoof, and hurried to the gap next to it.

Chen Xu also followed.

Because the distance was too far, and the light rain, he could not see if he shot.

But judging from the wild boar's escape speed, there is little hope of shooting!

The English hunting bow in his hand, after all, pulls up to sixty to seventy pounds, and when paired with a professional metal hunting head, it can kill elephants. Against this small wild boar, once it hits, it is a blood hole running through the internal organs!

Ran to the arrow.

Seeing that there was no trace of red blood nearby, Chen Xu sighed. "It didn't seem to hit, but unfortunately, it's a little bit like that!"

Looking at the wild boar again, it has disappeared without a trace in front.

After all, in the jungle ~ ~ the small hoofed creatures are far more capable of running than humans.

Not to mention, the dirt on the ground is so slippery now. If Chen Xu falls to the ground, which stone he lays on, or is scratched by a tree branch, he will not dare to run away.

In the event of a bone fracture or trauma infection, it is worth the loss.

Lost wild boar.

Chen Xu had to return to the original lake location.

Of course, he didn't want to hunt the water creature that had been moving in the water before, but cut a branch nearby.

On the one hand, Chen Xu wanted to use the branches to make a few "xiakou" fixed fishing traps, and on the other hand, he also cut some spare firewood for the fire.

Because there are not many burners.

Although he had previously guessed that it would rain and had seen some extra firewood for backup, who could have imagined that for four days in a row, to the fifth day today, the rain had not stopped.

Once the fire is extinguished, there is no way to warm it, but there is no way to boil water or even eat cooked food.

Cold, raw water, raw meat, the three add up, it will soon make people sick.

In this kind of ghost weather, once you get sick, you will face elimination!

So, Chen Xu cut a lot of wet firewood and went back.

Wet wood can't be thrown directly into the fire to burn, it is not only easy to breed a lot of thick smoke, but also easy to destroy the fire.

Therefore, Chen Xu first put them on the fire racks for "drying", and then added them to the fire when the water inside had evaporated.

Lina also helped him put the wet wood on the shelf.

And just when she glanced casually outside the house, a flash of light suddenly scared her, and immediately hurriedly patted Chen Xu's shoulder: "Chen! I just saw a pair of flashing spots near the bush in the campsite, like eyes! "

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