Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 890: Handsome but less than 3 seconds

Lying down!


"Miss, don't scare me, it's early morning in Huaxia!"

"Lina: I checked my eyes, I met the right person!"

"Just because I glanced at you more in the bush!"

"Watch in the dark, find out!"


After hearing Lina's exclaim, Chen Xu turned her head for the first time, but when I looked at it, the bushes didn't have any reflection, let alone eyes!


Lena pointed to the south, and said, "Just here, I just saw a pair of white flashes, like cat eyes!"



Or Jaguar?

Chen Xu's face changed, and he hurriedly picked up the English hunting bow, struck a string, and stared carefully around him.


After two full minutes.

Nothing was heard from the bush.

Many audiences started talking, did Miss Lina not have a good rest and had hallucinations?

Seeing the barrage, Lina shook her head. "Impossible, that creepy reflection is by no means an illusion!"

Chen Xu pursed his lips, his face solemn, "It's not impossible to have big cats."

"Because the south of the campsite is a small river, the water system is rich, and the species are abundant. Animals always drink water, so it is also a gathering place for many meat hunters."

"For example, various carnivorous fish, crocodiles, and mastiff dogs, etc., it has been raining for several days recently, and various herbivorous organisms will shrink at home, and carnivorous organisms have little chance to hunt."

"Maybe it's been for a few days, and when the rain is getting weaker, the big cat will come around and look for opportunities!"

After speaking, he continued to pay attention to the movement around him.

Although he has a dirt house and a horse, but these things, it is OK to stop small and medium animals such as mastiffs. Want to stop medium and large cats?

Dream it!

Even domestic cats can jump at least two meters high!

Waited for another moment.

There was still nothing in the bushes.

Chen Xu gradually relaxed his vigilance, but Hunting Bow still did not leave his hands.

At present, this is his only weapon that can cause fatal damage to the big cat. "Perhaps it has been hungry for a long time and has no physical strength. Seeing our two large creatures, we are not sure and dare not explore."

Modern large carnivorous creatures rarely treat humans as food. At most, when humans offend their territories, they will attack unless they are extremely hungry.

However, as soon as carnivorous creatures are hungry, their physical strength decreases.

Especially cats, such as puma, which have very few fat layer reserves, will lose all their functions once they become hungry.

In the face of more than two human beings, it will definitely be futile.

Not to mention it, even if a land overlord such as a black bear or a brown bear is strong, he will not dare to attack easily when he encounters multiple humans.

Animals are far more powerful than humans!

Because if they fail to attack, they will face hunger, and if they are injured again, they will face death directly!

Although Chen Xu and Lina both know this feature.

But few people really gamble on their lives.


At night, the two still take turns sleeping vigils, because cats are more active at night!

And because Chen Xu is the main force to find resources.

Therefore, he is responsible for the middle of the night, and Lina is responsible for the middle of the night.

Overnight, there was no danger.

The 33rd Day of Primal Survival!

Chen Xu slept until eight in the morning.

After getting up, he glanced at the rain for the first time. Instead of stopping, he was a little bigger than yesterday, but still within acceptable limits.

On the monitoring bracelet, it was revealed that two people were eliminated.

In other words, there are only "19" survivors in this Argentine mountain forest!


Food remains Chen Xu's main goal.

Because there is not much meat left for mastiff and fish, it is only enough for two people for this two days.

If there is no food and it rains heavily, they will start to starve to a deadlock.

no way.

Chen Xu could only go out with the equipment and braving the rain.

Before leaving, Lena reminded him to be careful.

After all, they "saw" a big cat activity nearby yesterday.

Two people together, it dare not attack, but this does not mean that when Chen Xu goes out alone, it will not attack!

"Relax, I have a hunting bow!"

Chen Xu gave Lina a confident look.

But to be honest, he wasn't as confident as he was talking.

Not to mention carrying a hunting bow, even with a gun, those explorers going to the Amazon jungle, **** still dead!

But he can only say so.

They have been in the jungle for thirty-two days, thirty-two days!

One month!

If you do n’t rely on the traditional food and chat with the audience, everyone will go crazy.

And Lina stayed in the middle of the night again, now is the most sleepy, tired, weakest time.

Therefore, Chen Xu must give her the hope that she is safe.

Otherwise, once she falls asleep with fear and fear, and waits for her to return empty-handed, she will definitely collapse when she learns that there is no food.

He already said it in the previous live broadcast.

Sometimes, what prevents people from living is often not the harsh natural environment, but their negative emotions ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Give up yourself first.


After facing the rain for more than ten seconds, Chen Xu rubbed his face with both hands, washed the face directly with rain, and awakened himself, then walked towards the swamp lake to the north.

"At this moment of rain, most animals will not come out to move. Therefore, the probability of hunting on land is very low. It is better to press Bao in the water and focus on water creatures to hunt!"

As he talked, he also showed you the internal organs of the mastiff in his tarpaulin backpack.

In order to attract the big fish, Chen Xu sacrificed the only piece of liver left.

Both humans and natural creatures like to eat the liver because it contains iron, high sodium, and is rich in nutrients.


Just when he said this.


In the jungle on the other side of the swamp, a sound of "humming" and "humming" appeared again.

It's wild boar!

And, most likely, it was yesterday!

"666, Grandpa Xu?

"Master Xu is just three seconds away, and he is smashed by the speed of the boar!"

"This should be the one that escaped from under Xuye yesterday. There should not be so many wild boars nearby!"

"I'm afraid the pig thinks it's not long enough! You won the grand prize once, and still think about winning it once?"

"Wild boar: I've put my head on my trousers belt, Grandpa Xu, you take care of it!"

Perhaps Chen Xu was amused by the barrage and laughed a few times. He immediately replaced the shuttle dart with a hunting bow and slowly leaned towards the boar: "It's not the problem I explained, but the pig's brain I guess Impervious, who would come out and hang out on a rainy day! "


What I didn't expect was that the voice had just fallen, the next moment, the entire live room, the screen full of barrage, brushed this!

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