Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 892: This little chic looks so real!

The sound ...

Something is wrong!

Many viewers remembered the cat that Miss Lina saw last night!

Just before leaving this morning, she specifically reminded Xu Ye to be careful.

Who dreams.

He actually met!

When Chen Xu heard the deep breathing, his eyebrows were locked tightly, and he hurriedly drew an arrow and stared carefully around him.

"The breathing sound just now is very low, which means that the lung cavity is very large and it should belong to a large creature, but it may not always be a large creature. You know, I just shot the wild boar and it is still raining heavily. It won't smell **** so quickly ... "

"Unless, the beast moved around from the beginning, and when he heard the scream of the wild boar, he came over immediately, but this was a bit unreasonable."

"If it was really nearby, it should be easy to find me and the wild boar, at least one of us would be the target and attack, but I have never heard anything near the wild boar before. . "

And just as he spoke, the low sound of breathing came again.

"There are few other large mammals in South America other than large cats, right?"

"Can it be a large wild boar?"

"It's over, Grandpa Xu, you're afraid it's going to be cold, it must be the child's father who's coming to trouble you!"

"What's wrong with the big wild boar, haven't you come to send double kills?"


The audience's barrage was just halfway through. Suddenly, there was a jitter coming from the trees about 20 meters ahead.

is coming!

Seeing this, Chen Xu immediately pulled the bowstring and aimed at the target.

As long as he confirmed that it was a large cat, he would release his finger without hesitation.

With his current strength, it is almost impossible to escape from the feline without being injured!

Once injured, no matter the size of the injury, it is easy to affect the quality of life!

Therefore, only by hitting the big cat with his arrows, he will have the opportunity to retreat.

A few seconds passed.

The bush was squeezed more and more, which indicates that there must be a big guy behind it!

And just at the moment when the branches are separated.


A sharp shout stunned everyone!

"Crouch! What kind of creature is this!"

"Nima, come out and see the ghost!"

"Is this a pig or an elephant? Or a pig like a cross?"

"Marmot: Ah !!!"

"23333, this little chic looks so real!"

With this shout, I saw a creature like a wild boar in the bush.

But what makes everyone wonder is that this guy's nose is much longer than a normal wild boar, just like an elephant, and it is very soft. It can shake left and right as it walks, looking inexplicable. .

To be honest, Chen Xu was startled by the sharp scream at the beginning, and almost shook his hand, then shot his arrow out.

But the moment he saw this guy, he was relieved, and the hunting bow in his hand followed.

"It turned out to be it! We were lucky to see the American badger here. This guy is the largest terrestrial mammal from Central America to South America. Yes, it will be even bigger than a jaguar. It grows to 2.5 meters and weighs more than 300 kilograms. "

"The salamander is a very rare ancient herbivorous species. At present, there are only five subspecies in the world, of which there is one in the Malay Peninsula, and the remaining four are all in the Americas, and it is ancient in that."

"This guy is the most primitive surviving hoofed species in existence. He still maintains the original features of four fingers on his forelimbs and three fingers on his hind legs. He lives alone, perches in a well-developed forest area, is good at swimming, and enjoys diving in lakes. This may be why we I haven't heard any reason why it was moving nearby. "

"Because the sound of swimming in the water is originally less than that of moving on land, and coupled with the rain, it is more difficult to attract attention."

While listening to his commentary, the audience watched it.

Because this guy looks so weird, just like the octopus in SpongeBob.

Some viewers took notice and directly asked Xu Ye to shoot it to death, 300 kilograms, maybe they could eat until the end of the show.

Who knows, Chen Xu shook his head and smiled: "Rare and existing paleontology, we should be able to associate these two words, this guy must be a protected species of the World Conservation Union, the highest level of red endangered.

"Once I shot it in front of everyone for no reason, it is estimated that I will be sued by the Protection Association to the Argentine court and arrested me."

The audience heard:

"It's also a pig's body, so the treatment is so different!"

"A harmonious society has saved you!"

"Little boar: I still don't look ugly!"

"When do pigs become protected animals, then humans are not far from extinction!"

At this time, the American vulture finally saw Chen Xu and the boar carcass squatting there.

After a moment's sleep ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ it screamed quickly, and turned away in the opposite direction.

Looking at his fat body swaying, Chen Xu also laughed twice, about to pick up the wild boar.

Anyway, the rain is still falling, and the **** smell is hard to spread, so he is too lazy to bleed blood in this circumcision artery.

After all, the animal's blood contains a lot of sodium ions, that is, salt.

Before the new natural salt ore was found, he and Lina could only rely on this to supplement the missing nutrients and minerals.

Back to the camp, it was not yet noon.

Lina was completely shocked when she saw the little boar.

She could not imagine that on rainy days, Chen Xu could even hunt such a large animal.

"Thank goodness! Chen, you are so amazing!"

Back in the dirt house, she picked up the knife excitedly and helped Chen Xu dissect the body.

As for the pig blood, all of them were received by Chen Xu in the earthen jar.

The whole little boar obtained a total of nearly 15 kg of edible meat. Most importantly, it contains a lot of fat!

This is a good thing!

Science has proven that fat can be exciting through the contact of taste buds.

This is why everyone feels very fragrant when they eat fat. It is also very practical that fat can provide a lot of calories!

While Lena barbecues.

Chen Xu continued to wear a parachute raincoat and started cutting trees nearby.

Seeing this, many viewers expressed their incomprehension. They had not cut a lot of wet wood to dry before, so why are they still busy cutting trees?

In this regard, he explained: "I want to make a lake platform, and it rains for six days, so I don't know when the rain will stop, and 15 pounds of meat is enough for two people to eat for 5 to 7 days. So I need to plan ahead and find a way to get food for sustainable development. "

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