Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 893: Carp Jumping Dragon Gate

Oh my God, this is too stable, right?

In the live broadcast room, many viewers opened their mouths surprised.


The first thought that most people catch when they catch a wild boar is to deal with the corpse as soon as possible and eat meat quickly.

But Xu Xu is not.

He caught the little boar and gave it to Lina, before he had time to eat the meat, he took time to make tools and started preparing for the next hunt!

This Nima is too hard!

While cutting the trunk, Chen Xu explained, "Because of the wild boar hunting, there is too much uncertainty. To be honest, in rainy days, not only are there few creatures, but some animal traces are easily washed away by rain."

"It is very difficult to track down. If we are not lucky today, maybe we will continue to be hungry. Sometimes it takes luck to survive, but if all depends on luck, it is not survival but gambling!"

"So, we must plan ahead and create as much conditions for our future survival as possible under the conditions of physical strength and conditions!"

After that, he held a bunch of small trunks cut down and spliced ​​them on the ground.

The audience just looked at the shape, and it was a bit like a raft.

After all, Xu Ye took a pile of tree trunks and tied them with umbrella ropes.


He found eight trunks that were four or five meters long and the thickness of his forearm, and threw them on the raft.

"Don't you say you want to make a fishing table? How do you make a raft?"

"Yeah, is Xu Xu going to fish in the lake?"

"It's too dangerous to take a raft into the water on a rainy day?"

Just when there was a doubt in everyone's heart.

Chen Xu came to the edge of the swamp lake with a tool and a raft.

The next moment, he jumped directly into the water, holding a raft in his hand, paddling the lake with one hand, and swimming towards the center of the lake.

After entering the water, the raft floats on the water automatically, so it can be pulled without much effort.

Swim for almost ten meters.

Go around the swamp and come to the edge of the lake.

Chen Xu stopped on the water, picked up two of the long trunks, crossed in the water, the intersection was located above, then tied with vines, and finally plunged into the mud at the bottom of the lake, the exposed branches were about sixty or seventy above the water. Cm distance.

Next, he used the same method to make three other cross branches and four branches in the lake, all of which were placed at a trapezoidal angle.

At last.

Holding the raft, he hung the fixing rod under one end to one of the branches.

Wait until all four corners have been placed.

A table was actually formed!

next moment.

Chen Xu picked up the edge of the raft and slowly climbed up.

After he stepped on the raft, we can see that the height of the entire platform from the water surface dropped another seven or eight centimeters. It is estimated that it was his weight and he pressed the trunk into the silt for a few minutes.

Despite this, the platform was still more than half a meter above the water.

"666, there is such an operation!"

"This is also Xu Ye, who has always eaten meat, so he has the physical strength to build a variety of hunting equipment. The average person can't even lift a raft!"

"Xu Ye, this is‘ **** ’. Get food without waste, build equipment as soon as possible, and use it to get more food.”

"How does this stand work? Wait for the fish to jump up?"

"23333, the one who said the fish jumped up by yourself. Do you think it's a carp jumping?"


Chen Xu stepped on the raft and explained: "This is a fishing raft. I have checked the indigenous peoples from all over the world. They use this raft on lakes and oceans. They just use the way I am now, Raise it in the lake, and then go fishing smoothly. "

"You know, you are fishing on the edge of the swamp, and you are fishing in the center of the lake, which is exactly two hunting ranges. Here, you are facing deeper water, a 360-degree angle of fishing without dead ends, and ... Bigger fish! "

After hearing these two explanations, the audience suddenly realized!

In the end, the indigenous people who lived in the jungle from an early age could even come up with such a clever way.

At the next moment, when Chen Xu took out the parachute from the tarpaulin bag, the barrage collectively brushed out "666" again.

Because the parachute in front of him has transformed him into a fishing net!

That's right.

He snatched a total of two airdrops and two parachutes, all of which changed him into a raincoat, on himself and Lena.

But before, in the campsite downstream of the creek, he had sneaked into George Tethy's house and snatched a tarpaulin bag with two things in it.

One is a magnesium rod and the other is a parachute.

The extra parachute was transformed into a fishing net by Chen Xu.

The specific method is very simple. You only need to burn the branches into charcoal, and then use charcoal to lightly touch the parachute. A high temperature will automatically burn out a hole.

Because the parachute is a composite chemical material, it is fire-resistant and non-flammable.

So don't be afraid to burn the parachute.

Now, on this parachute, hundreds of holes in the thickness of the little finger were burned by Chen Xu.

With them, the resistance of this "fishing net" in the water will be greatly reduced.


Next ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Xu stood on the high platform, holding the parachute fishing net with his left hand, holding the parachute rope with his right hand, twisting his waist, loosening his left hand, and threw it out abruptly.

Just listen to "wow".

The parachute hit the water and set off a splash of water. Immediately because of the hole, the lake quickly passed through and it began to sink.

After waiting for about five or six seconds, he was very busy pulling up.

The parachute dehydrated and a large amount of lake water flowed through hundreds of holes.

Chen Xu pulled it to his side, and as soon as he opened it, there was no fish except some plants that had already withered.

Tried a few more times.

He shook his head: "It seems we still have to give them some sweetness!"

So he reached into the tarpaulin again and took out a small intestine cut from the small wild boar, which had been cut into small pieces and small pieces by his knife.

The audience joked that his tarpaulin bag was just a robot cat and had everything.

As for why it is the pig's small intestine.

Everyone who has watched Chen Xu Borneo's live broadcast knows that this thing tastes great and can easily provoke those carnivorous fish.


He sprinkled his small intestine in the lake water, and then "wowed", and threw down the parachute net again.

After five or six seconds.

Pulled up, still empty.

But Chen Xu was very patient.

Repeated a few times again.

The fifth time he pulled on the fishing net, suddenly, he felt that the fishing net in his hand seemed to be shaking!

"Successful bid!"

He opened the fishing net with excitement, and sure enough, there really was a carp that was more than ten centimeters long and had blue-black scales!


Just before he had time to look at its specific kind.

There was a long-lost sound in the sky!

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