Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 899: No, this is a home demolishing game

Go to bed together.

The first time Chen Xu listened to the rain outside the mud house.


Three or four seconds passed, and no obvious ticks came!

Has the rain stopped?

With a look of joy, he hurried out of the house.


In the eyes, the sky is still gray, the whole jungle is still cold, the camp and the surrounding trees are all wet, and the leaves are also covered with drops of water.

Including Chen Xu himself, after spending a little more time outside, his face was covered with mist.

Suddenly, he understood that the rain hadn't stopped, it just turned into drizzle!

But this is already very good.

At least, drizzle is almost equivalent to not much rain, the environment is not as bad as heavy rain, and those kinds of wild beasts that have been holding for a long time in these days, will definitely come out today for food.

In terms of food, it is estimated to be easier.

The only pity is that the forest is still too humid.

If it is wet and cold, you need to keep the fire warm.

But as long ago, the firewood in the campsite was not enough.

Although Chen Xu was very foreseeable, he placed all kinds of wet wood next to the fire and roasted it until it was dry.

But after so many days of heavy rain, the wood was too damp to be dried.

Basically, roasting a pile of firewood thoroughly requires at least one day and one night.

This way, it can't keep up with the consumption progress of firewood.

"In addition to the need to find food today, what we need to focus on is the burning stuff, otherwise, in a few days, the camp fire will be completely extinguished!"

After Chen Xu greeted the audience, he began to analyze the materials of the camp.

And this sentence of him is not "dangerously alarming".

In fact, the fire in the camp's oven was extinguished as early as two days ago. Now, only the fire in the earthen house remains in the entire camp.

When baking food.

Lina crushed the compressed biscuits and evenly spread them on the wild boar as a seasoning.

Don't say it.

When the barbecue skin was zoomed, a strong scent of green onion really came out, coupled with the oily and attractive color, the two greedy insects were immediately hooked out.

"Scallion oil biscuit roast wild boar, why do I think this combination is still delicious?"

"Ah, why do I watch Ye Xu's live broadcast in the middle of the night ..."

"It seems that compressed biscuits are going to increase in price!"

Take advantage of the effort to chat with the audience.

Chen Xu took out the burning red stick from the fire, made the newly-obtained airdrop package parachute into a fishing net, and handed it to Lina: "This is for you, the lake to the north of the campsite, I have set up a high platform , When you go to the high platform to use the fishing nets to spread fish, the safety and success rate are higher. "

The reason for saying "safe" is because today is the first day when the rain is really getting smaller, various beasts are infested, including various ferocious crawling creatures, such as crocodiles and anacondas!

After so many days of rain, the water level has been rising.

In such deep water, there may be any living things in it. Staying in the water for a long time is naturally very dangerous.

"Relax, leave it to me!"

Lina nodded and added: "There is still more than half of the wild boar, plus fish and compressed biscuits, we will not worry about food in the short term, and you don't have to go out to hunt, it's too dangerous."

Chen Xu briefly explained the lack of firewood in the camp.

"However, I went out today, not only to find burning things, but also to explore the campsite."


The audience froze for a moment with Lena.

He definitely nodded his head, and briefly recounted what Zhang Ye said yesterday.

"From his mouth, we can know that a group of foreigners formed a huge team, and Zhang Ye himself is a team. We saw that the Southeast Asian veteran was a team, and I and Lina were a team."

"Now the monitoring bracelet shows that we have a total of 18 people remaining. According to this information, it is estimated that there will be no more than ten teams. Moreover, according to our previous rules for airdrops, these 10 teams are very likely. , Should be concentrated near the mountains on both sides of the valley. "

"And we used to live in the mountains in the north, where the survival resources are basically scarce, so the team should concentrate more on the mountains in the south, such as Lisuo, such as Southeast Asian veterans, such as Zhang Ye, they are all in me. Found south. "

"According to this map, we can stop by the mountain peng in the south and try our luck, maybe we will encounter camps where we can" slaughter "!"

When the audience heard it, they all smiled with different meanings:

"666, the stealing operation started again."

"Other survivors: This is a survival game; Xu Ye: No, you are wrong, this is a home demolishing game!"

"I think Lao Ma can invite Xu Xu to be the spokesperson next time: Do you want to become as strong as Xu Xu? Then please let Krypton gold!"

"Protect us: Chen Xu!"


Facing these teasing barrage, Chen Xu made a "hush" gesture, and immediately followed everyone's "hey" smile, and gave a "you know" look.

No way, stealing home can make you rich!

Like Chen Xu's current equipment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ most of them were stolen from other survivors.

Especially the English hunting bow.

It can be said that without it, Chen Xu could not have killed so many prey, and the survival level of him and Lena could not have been so moist.

The thought of this hunting bow.

The audience subconsciously thought of the former white uncle. It was too sad to be stolen twice by Xu Ye in succession. According to what is popular now, it is simply a fatal enemy of life.

However, according to the list of the official website and the live broadcast room, this guy has been eliminated.

Finished the food.

Chen Xu packed his equipment, carried a tarpaulin bag, fully armed, and started to drive towards the south of the camp.

As for Lina, according to his assigned work, she is responsible for guarding the camp and fishing in the nearby lake.

An hour passed.

Chen Xu turned over the valley and finally entered the mountains to the south.

Along the way, you can see a lot of branches, dead leaves, and dead dead wood, but unfortunately, all of them are soaked in heavy rain.

The audience couldn't help but wonder: "On this day, can you really find the burning thing?"

Who knows, he is not very worried: “Do n’t think that you ca n’t find usable combustibles when it rains. We can find relatively dry branches from under the big tree with dense canopy, under the rock and through the hole.

"Furthermore, some fat-rich fruits that support combustion, bark, slime, oil shale, oily sand, etc. are all excellent burning materials!"

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