"Don't underestimate these burners, you will probably save your life at a critical moment!"

"I said in a previous live broadcast that those who died in the wild and had the highest fatality rate were often not beasts or food, only water, body temperature, and disease."

"This is why I always emphasize the three elements of survival: water source, camp, and fire. Among them, the latter two are related to body temperature. Cold is always the deadliest threat to survival in the wilderness!"

"Through Siberia's" Extreme Survival Game "show, I believe everyone also understands how important body temperature is to human survival."

"As early as January 27 last year, in the winter of Manzhouli, National Highway 301, two couples left the car angrily because of upheaval, and the man also took the pride to drive away. Eventually, the core temperature of the woman was too low and was alive freeze to death."

"And on May 2 of the same year, 30 people encountered heavy rain and were trapped in the mountains across the Aotai Line across the country. They were soaked. Only three days after the SOS emergency alert was issued, that is, on May 5, there were Two donkeys died of hypothermia, and the other two donkeys fell into a severe fever and coma. "

Listening to Chen Xu's so serious explanation, plus vivid real cases.

The audience then understood why Xu Xu paid so much attention to finding firewood.

With the stance of Argentina's mountains and forests now, it has rained so many days without any sun. The temperature in the jungle is already as low as a few degrees.

Such a low temperature, coupled with humidity, could easily be frozen to death if there was no fire.

"It seems that you must warm your baby in the wild!"

"Because Xu Ye's live commentary today, Sobao Nuanbao's official direct-sale store has been sold out."

"The case that Xuye said is too irritating. Just because of the quarrel, the man can leave the woman and leave it alone, freeze or die?"

"Oh, man."


Because of the problem of the case, the young girls' audience has condemned.

And the male audience is "not willing to be outdone," saying that not all men, like Xu's case, cannot be killed with one shot.

Just in the middle of the argument.

Chen Xu quickly turned over a hillside.

Next to a mossy boulder, he found several tall trees with brown bark and green crowns.

When he saw this, he instantly looked, took out the Indian Tomahawk, cut a hole into the trunk, and then along the hole, began to tear the bark.

But it was always drizzling in the sky.

A large amount of water droplets accumulated on the bark, and Chen Xu tear it hard, causing a large number of water droplets to splash on his body.

Some viewers said they didn't understand why Ye Xu had to tear such wet bark. What is the difference between this and the wet wood that has been soaked by rain for a few days?

In response, he took the bark and smelled it, then shook his head and smiled: "No, this is eucalyptus, mainly distributed in Australia and Madagascar, but also in a small amount in other locations in the southern hemisphere."

"Eucalyptus, like birches in the northern temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, has volatile oil in its bark, which has a strong combustion-supporting effect and is very resistant to burning. Among them, birch bark contains tannin, and eucalyptus is eucalyptus oil.

"This kind of bark is very recognizable because of its volatile oil, and all of them have a strong aroma, just like the Bornaceae tree we have used many times in Borneo before, it smells like a refreshing oil. "

"Not only the bark, but also the leaves on the branches. They also contain eucalyptus oil, which can help fuel the fire; let's find some iconic points for the time being, connect them and note their location."

"Wait until we go to sneak attack the rest of the survivors, and when we return, get some more to take home. Otherwise, taking the road like this is too wasteful, and it also limits our speed and flexibility!"

After that.

Chen Xu glanced around, and began to remember the location of the eucalyptus according to what he could see.

"We are in a dense and dense mountain forest. If we want to remember a point, we must look for a large reference object as much as possible. The bigger the better, such as the mountain tip, such as a river, etc., and try to find three."

"This is called the triangle positioning method. We all know that the triangle is the most stable structure. The same principle is used to confirm the coordinates. The three-point positioning is more accurate than the two-point positioning."

After finding enough three references, he slowly left.

after an hour.

Chen Xu climbed up a hillside again, and bypassed the cracks in the mountain before picking up the airdrop.

Walked under an arbor trunk in front.

He took a few breaths, took out a small piece of compressed biscuit from the tarpaulin bag, and took a bite to recharge his energy.

It was close to noon in Argentina.

In other words, before he knew it, he had been away for most of the morning.

Due to drizzle, the ground is very slippery. In addition, the more you go up the mountain, the more the **** shakes, the ground is very slippery, and the physical energy required to rush is almost several times as usual.

So much so that Chen Xu had to stop and take a rest, as he does now.


And just as he chewed the compressed biscuits.

Suddenly, he seemed to smell something.

As he spoke, he took two more steps, sniffed it, and frowned, "It looks like a firework!"

The audience stunned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In a place like the Argentinian jungle where birds do n’t shit, and it ’s still raining, you can smell the fireworks, there is only one possibility:

Camping nearby!

"There are enemies ahead!"

"Don't ask, come together!"

"A few upstairs are poisoned by eating chicken? I beg you, don't brush anymore, hurry up to the top of the mountain to gather and prepare **** guns!"



Chen Xu did not answer everyone's barrage, but made a "hush" gesture, took out the Indian Tomahawk, and walked in the direction of strong fireworks.

You know, rainy weather is the weather that can best cover up the smell.

In this environment, he can smell it, which shows that the location of the campsite is very close to him!


He walked forward cautiously.

And at this moment, between the two trees in front, a huge palm leaf shed attracted him.


And more than one!

I saw three female survivors kneeling on the ground under the huge shed, blowing air around a smoke-fired fire in the middle.

"Thank goodness, and finally raised the fire again!"

"Who ... if Lisuo and Bob wait for them to come back and know that we have destroyed the fire, we will definitely say us!"

The two women were speaking, and they looked weak.

But Chen Xu heard two familiar "old friends" from their conversation.

Is Risso affiliated with Bob Sen?

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