
Chapter 54:

Last time, the bouquet of flowers was spoiled by the group of animals downstairs. Tao Xiaodong was trampled by them when he went down at night. Tao Xiaodong's heart ached for that bouquet of flowers.

Tang Suoyan smiled and said, "I will buy it for you every day."

"That won't work, it's too wasteful." Tao Xiaodong said while gnawing on the chicken, "You can't spend the money like this, one bunch a month is the most."

He just said that on purpose to make Tang Suo smile like he was a jerk.

Tang Suoyan did indeed smile. Watching Tao Xiaodong eat, Tao Xiaodong looked up at him, stood up and went around the table to sit on the other side, next to Tang Suoyan, and sat on the side with him.

The right hand brought over his own plate, but the left hand didn't struggle, so he said, "Brother Yan, help me bring it here."

Tang Suoyan couldn't figure out what he was going to do, so he helped him bring the rest. Tao Xiaodong touched Tang Suoyan's leg and smiled: "I'll be strong if I get closer."

He tore off a piece of chicken breast and passed it to the side, and Tang Suoyan bit it with his hand.

None of them mentioned Tangning.

Tang Suoyan didn't read a book before going to bed at night, and lay down directly after washing. Tao Xiaodong left the night light at the door and hugged Tang Suoyan. Tang Suoyan pressed his face against his chest, while Tao Xiaodong hugged him like Tao Huainan. Circle in his arms, stroking his hair and stroking his back, a gesture of comfort and protection.

Tang Suoyan's breath passed through his pajamas to his skin, scorching hot and heart-burning.

Tao Xiaodong took Tang Suoyan's cell phone and asked softly, "Password?"

Tang Suoyan didn't look up, and didn't ask him what he was doing, he just replied boringly on him: "It's like a door."

Tao Xiaodong unlocked it, found Tangning's number in the contacts and added it to the blacklist. Tangning was also found on WeChat and deleted.

He has been fiddling with the phone with his right hand, and his left hand has kept the posture of wrapping around Tang Suoyan underneath, and has been gently sticking to his back.

After deleting, he turned around and took his mobile phone, and sent Tangning a message: If you need anything, please contact me.

In fact, according to Tao Xiaodong's understanding, Tangning would never seek out Tang Suoyan again. He was too ruthless, he was ruthless to others, and he was even more ruthless to himself. Normally Tao Xiaodong couldn't do such a naive thing, but today he can't do it.

He hoped that from now on, the word Tang Ning would disappear from Tang Suoyan's eyes. Even if he looked through contacts to find his phone number, he would not see this name, and when he opened WeChat, he would not accidentally see his circle of friends.

It is rare for him to focus on something so persistently, and today he is really serious.

People are different from each other. It is difficult to say right or wrong about many things, and there is rarely pure love and hate. But right or wrong, it doesn't prevent him from defending his shortcomings, and it doesn't prevent him from hugging Tang Suoyan now, feeling so distressed that he misses every day.

When the alarm clock rang in the morning, both of them woke up. This night he didn't sleep well, Tao Xiaodong didn't sleep for long, neither did Tang Suoyan. As soon as the alarm bell rang, Tao Xiaodong turned it off, and Tang Suoyan turned over again and buried his face on him.

Tao Xiaodong stroked his hair with a smile, and said, "Brother Yan, get up and go to work."

"I don't remember." Tang Suoyan said, "I didn't sleep well."

"Go to bed early tonight, get up." Tao Xiaodong backed off a little, not letting him post. It's not good to be so close to Tang Suoyan, and he has gained some experience after a few days.

Tao Xiaodong sent the man to the hospital. Before Tang Suoyan got out of the car, Tao Xiaodong said, "Don't forget to buy me a bouquet of flowers."

"I haven't forgotten," Tang Suoyan opened the door and got out of the car, turned around and said to him, "I remember."

Tao Xiaodong smiled, waved to him, and said goodbye.

After Tang Suoyan got out of the car, the smile on Tao Xiaodong's face slowly disappeared, and he drove all the way to the store expressionlessly. Huan Ge in the store saw him coming, and said cheerfully, "Brother Dong, you are hot."

Tao Xiaodong coped and said "Really".

"Yeah." Huan Ge watched another episode of the show, and when Tao Xiaodong was mentioned, the barrage was full of praise, and of course there were some ridicule. Huan Ge swam in the barrage, posting one by one, and he could watch three hours of the program for more than an hour by stopping and posting the barrage. But it's not always blowing, but also following the comments and commenting on the show.

"Now you and Uncle Da are CPs, and you two are locked up." Huan Ge said while raising his head and exaggeratingly laughing, "Hahaha, you two will start a business together and fight together and never leave."

Huang Yida went to record the show and hasn't come back yet, so it's not surprising that people make jokes about them. There is no limit to the jokes of straight men. Whoever made jokes about them in the show, Rhubarb laughed and added some material himself. Just kidding, everyone knows that Rhubarb has a wife and children, and no one takes it seriously, so they just joke around.

Tao Xiaodong tidied up his shelf of tools for two hours. He originally had a client today, and he made an appointment to come over at ten o'clock in the morning, but after a while, he came over after eleven o'clock.

After coming, I want to change the picture, saying that I don’t want the set of pictures that I ordered before, and I want to change it.

After talking about what kind of food I want for a long time, I didn’t make it clear. I just said that I wanted something scary, with a bit of blood, the kind that makes my heart tremble when I look at it.

Tao Xiaodong asked: "Birth?"

"I don't know what a birth head is." The customer took out his mobile phone, flipped through it for a long time, and showed him, "That's it, can I come?"

Tao Xiaodong said yes, and asked him again: "Are you sure? This picture is too fierce. It's uncomfortable to watch for a long time, and it's not easy to show it. You may regret it next month."

"Just tell me if you can do it or not. If you can't do it, I'll trade it for something else." The customer is about 30 years old, with a slightly fat and short cut, and his voice is a bit loud. Tao Xiaodong is not in a good mood today, and he is a little upset to hear the loud voice.

Tao Xiaodong didn't talk nonsense with him, and asked him: "Will you wait for me to show you the picture and then come after you have seen it, or should I come directly?"

I don’t know how long I have to wait for the re-production of the picture. He is too difficult to make an appointment, but the client is still a little uncertain whether he can do it, so he asked: "Have you done this before?"

Tao Xiaodong glanced at Xiaotian next to him, Xiaotian stood up to get the pad, and wanted to find Tao Xiaodong's gallery for him.

There is nothing to come or not, it depends on whether you want to do it or not. In Tao Xiaodong's eyes, the picture he just made was not very good, and the strength was not enough. It relied on the **** feeling of the picture itself to create visual discomfort to strengthen the impact.

The customer said it was his friend's tattoo, and it was an exhibition picture made for the master as a model.

Tao Xiaodong replied indifferently: "Which master."

The other party said that he didn't remember, but only remembered the surname Feng.

Xiaotian hadn't found the Shengshou gallery yet, Tao Xiaodong patted him and said "Japanese style" to him, Xiaotian nodded and continued to look. While waiting for the picture, the customer asked in a low voice: "Can you achieve this level, Mr. Tao?"

Tao Xiaodong laughed and said, "That's definitely not possible."

The customer's eyes widened, and he stepped back a little: "Huh?"

Tao Xiaodong took out his mobile phone from his pocket, rummaged through it for a long time, found a set of pictures from an old friend's circle of friends, and put them on the coffee table in front of him, which was subtly similar to the picture he had just now.

"You asked me to achieve this level for you, I can do it, but I can't do it five years after you just took that card." Tao Xiaodong snorted lightly, and said half-sarcastically, "Humiliate me."

I'm in a bad mood, and I have a gun in my mouth when I speak. If this remark was made public, it would be enough for the outside world to scold him for several rounds, how did he say it. Let’s not talk about whether you are shameless or elevate yourself. First of all, you have no respect for your peers.

He said so, and the gallery client Xiaotian found was shocked after seeing it, so he asked him to come directly without saying a word. Tao Xiaodong doesn't want to say any more nonsense, and he doesn't like to talk much today.

But today's mood is really suitable for the first birthday. Any unhappy or sharp emotions in my heart can be vented with the tattoo gun. For tattoo artists, the world composed of skin and paint is also a language. Similar to a literati's pen, similar to a director's lens.

A sharp knife went in from the neck and pierced out from the heart. The tip of the knife pointed straight forward with blood, and the sticky blood flowed with a dazzling cold light.

I worked on a picture for a long time, and I didn't have any lunch for lunch. I was afraid that Tang Suoyan wouldn't be able to finish it before he got off work at night.

After waiting for a few minutes in the hospital parking lot, Tang Suoyan came down with a bouquet of flowers in his arms.

The orange-red gerbera flowers are the same as last time, even though it's all night, they are still bright and very enthusiastic.

Tao Xiaodong took the initiative to get down from the driver's seat, took the flowers and sat in the passenger driver's seat. As soon as Tang Suoyan got into the car, Tao Xiaodong said, "Don't order it from the hospital, you can just ask them to send it home."

"The nurse collected it for me." Tang Suoyan said, "The nurse who took my boyfriend to get a tattoo at your place last time asked me if I wanted to give it to Mr. Tao, and it was pretty good."

"What do you say?" Tao Xiaodong asked with a smile.

"I said yes." Tang Suoyan fastened his seat belt and started the car, "She praised you for a long time."

"Sensible." Tao Xiaodong smiled, "Boss Tao gave you a 50% discount, it's not in vain."

Tang Suoyan drove out of the parking lot, and Tao Xiaodong touched the petals, feeling extremely rare.

When I got home, I looked for a vase first, but I couldn't put it in if I found it, so I asked Tang Suoyan to help him.

Tang Suoyan took a bath first when he went home, and Tao Xiaodong called him five or six times while taking a bath. When Tang Suoyan came out, he smiled helplessly, walked to Tao Xiaodong, who was squatting on the balcony covered with flowers, touched the top of his head with his fingertips, and asked him: "Have you ever counted how many times you say 'Brother Yan' in such a short time?" .”

Tao Xiaodong raised his head: "Brother Yan, how do we do this? How much water should we put?"

Tang Suoyan also knelt down and said, "Neither do I, and I'm not an emotional person either."

"Then I'll do my own research." Tao Xiaodong simply sat cross-legged on the ground, took a pair of scissors, cut off the flower branches, and inserted them into the vase one by one, "Go read, I'll take a shower after finishing it."

Tang Suoyan came over with two cushions, one for Tao Xiaodong and one for himself. Sitting next to the wall, reading a book while watching Tao Xiaodong cut flowers. The hands are not very easy to use, and the back **** dare not bend back, and the posture of pinching the flower is awkward and joyful.

Tang Suoyan didn't want to help him, but only smiled silently from time to time.

Tao Xiaodong turned around and saw him smiling, and asked him, "What are you laughing at?"

Tang Suoyan turned the pages of the book: "Laugh at you."

"What's wrong with me?" Tao Xiaodong turned around and continued.

Tang Suoyan looked at the book and touched his waist with his other hand.

Tao Xiaodong asked him, "Do you want to do it?"

Before Tang Suoyan could speak, Tao Xiaodong said again, "I'll finish it right away."

"I don't want to do it." Tang Suoyan put his arms around the front. Tao Xiaodong started playing with these things when he came back. The clothes hadn't changed yet. There was a big pocket in front of the sweater. Tang Suoyan put his hands in his pockets, and the position was comfortable, "Let's play." , don’t do it.”

Tao Xiaodong let out an "ah" and said, "I kinda think about it."

Tang Suoyan touched his neck.

Tao Xiaodong played with a bunch of flowers for more than an hour. A rough guy plays with flowers, what will he do. The vases were packed to the brim, the heights and heights were too ugly to see.

He still feels pretty good himself, and put it on the table. Tang Suoyan cleaned up the balcony for him, cleaned up the flower branches and the water on the ground, and Tao Xiaodong went to take a bath.

Tao Xiaodong puts things not very organized and has no rules. It's just that I'm used to being alone, and no one is looking after me at home. I left home when I was very young, and no parents talked about him.

Don't forget to hang the coat, just put it on the armrest of the sofa. I also keep the car key and elevator card handy, sometimes on the coffee table and sometimes on the dining table, and look for it before going out in the morning, and if I can’t find it, I call Brother Yan and ask if I saw it.

When he took a shower, Tang Suoyan cleaned it up for him, hung up his coat, put his car keys and elevator cards in the shoe cabinet by the door, and charged his mobile phone.

There are more and more Tao Xiaodong's things at home, and I change a set of clothes every day, and the changed set is not dirty and cannot be washed immediately, so I stack them into piles and put them on the balcony cabinet, saving them for next week.

He lives here. Tang Suoyan always has fruit at home, and Tao Xiaodong is not picky about food, he eats whatever he gives.

All of these made the house full of people, it didn't look so empty like he lived in it for a year.

The sound of water in the bathroom was intermittent, so Tang Suoyan cleaned up for him with the sound of water, and cut a plate of fruit for him after cleaning up.

Tao Xiaodong called him in the bathroom: "Brother Yan."

Tang Suo responded to him: "Hey."

"The bath liquid is gone." Tao Xiaodong said after washing.

"Yes." Tang Suoyan said, "These things are all in the bathroom cabinet inside."

Tao Xiaodong went to look for it.

On an ordinary night, what he said and did was ordinary.

It was very peaceful, all this made my heart very peaceful, and the sound of Tao Xiaodong walking in slippers made my heart sink.

A rare comfort in a peaceful life.

Tao Xiaodong walked over after delivering the bath liquid, picked a piece of carambola from Tang Suoyan's hand, and ate it.

"Sour." Tao Xiaodong said with a hiss.

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