Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1102: It's ape dung


Time flies, and ten days have passed in the blink of an eye.

During these ten days, Dragon City did not hold a meeting of overseas Chinese groups. After the 10th Infantry Division learned that the conference was cancelled, it didn't bother again.

However, from time to time, they would send soldiers to patrol near the organizing committee building and hospitality hotels, in order to increase the pressure on the General Bureau.

However, both sides are very restrained and try their best to avoid conflicts, including the local police department, and they are too lazy to talk to each other.

During this period of time, the entire Dragon City fell into a very strange and quiet state.

The 10th Infantry Division garrison compound on Friday evening.

Noah finished his day of duty and went back to his dormitory to rest. As a group leader, his dormitory is very clean and tidy, with only two beds in the spacious room.

Noah casually untied the collar of his military uniform, sat down on the sofa, then took out his cell phone and made a call: "Hey, dear Rosa, what are you doing?"

There was silence on the phone for a while, and a woman's slightly panting voice came: "I'm...running..."

"Tomorrow is my day off," Noah asked, "Would you like to come to Dragon City to see me, I miss you very much, dear."

"Tomorrow... no..." Rosa rejected Noah's request: "Tomorrow... there is a job."

"Another **** job...!"

Rosa paused: "I...we need this salary, don't we?"

"Okay." Noah shrugged: "Then I will have a vacation by myself."

Noah hung up the phone. Just as he was thinking about how to spend his vacation, the door of the dormitory was pushed open, and James, the deputy head of the guard regiment, walked in.

After seeing Noah, the burly black guy grinned and asked, "Noah, how is it? Is your wife coming tomorrow?"

"She won't come." Noah said helplessly: "It seems that I can only spend the holiday with you."

"Extremely happy." James clenched his fist and thumped Noah's chest: "Since your wife won't come, how about we have a long-lost singles night? Just like before we got married."

Noah responded immediately: "This is a good idea! We have been working too hard recently, we should relax."

"Then what are you waiting for!" James clapped his hands and urged, "Quickly, I'll call some like-minded brothers and set off immediately."

The two started to get busy, Noah changed into civilian clothes, and James went to call four good officers.

About fifteen minutes later, the six of them left the station in two taxis and headed for Zhanan Port, which is more prosperous and more interesting in Dragon City.

In Zhanan Port, in a well-known Thai restaurant, Noah and others, who had walked around the street twice, were sitting around the table, chatting while eating.

"My God, this is the delicious restaurant you said?" Noah looked at the food on the plate with disgust: "I'd rather stay in the dormitory and order a pizza!"

"You have to know how to enjoy, Noah." James persuaded him with a smile: "It's good to change the taste once in a while."

While several people were talking, there was a sound of laughter from the side.

Everyone turned their heads together and saw four or five beautiful young girls walking in the direction of the door. These girls were probably in their twenties, with curvy figures, long and attractive white legs, and their appearance was very in line with the aesthetics of Westerners.

Judging from their body shapes, they don't look like Chinese girls, but rather East Asian girls.

A few girls chatted and laughed, walked to a table beside them and sat down. Looking at the pairs of white thighs, Noah suddenly felt a little hot.

Several other officers beside them unconsciously set up small tents. After all, they stayed in the station for too long, and it was difficult to meet a person of the opposite **** on weekdays. And the soldiers in the first district all like this mouthful. If you can make it, you can make it, if you can't make it, then...

The girls also seemed to have noticed their hot eyes, they showed a little shyness, lowered their heads secretly, and chatted with laughter.

This made Noah's eyes straighten, and he couldn't help sighing: "What a group of beautiful girls."

Several partners nodded. Under their watchful eyes, the girls also ordered food and began to enjoy the food. They would look at them from time to time and chat with each other with smiles.

Noah's heart was itchy, and he couldn't help but turned to James beside him and said, "Brother, how about we make a bet?"

James also looked away, looked at Noah and asked, "What are you betting on?"

"Bet two glasses of wine, why don't you come to those girls' contact information." Noah looked at James with a smile.

"Hey, who are you talking to?" James patted his chest: "Order those two glasses of wine that belong to me, sit here and wait obediently!"

With that said, James stood up, straightened his collar, walked gracefully, and walked in front of several girls holding wine glasses.

"Beautiful girls, can I invite you to lunch?" James showed his big white teeth, showing his masculine charm, and asked them in English with a smile on his face.

The girls laughed again, whispering among themselves. One of the girls with red hair replied in poor English: "I'm sorry, we're leaving soon. We're going to the 'MIX' bar next door."

James was stunned for a moment, and the girl blinked at him again: "Lovely handsome guy, let's meet again by fate."

After finishing speaking, the girls were giggling again, communicating with each other in stick language, while walking outside.

When the group of girls reached the door of the restaurant, they turned their heads together, gave James a look, and then smiled and opened the door to leave.

After a moment of recollection, James came back with his crotch sandwiched.

After sitting down again, James said to Noah: "I feel it, that red-haired girl, she has love for me."

Noah immediately asked back: "Then why didn't they have dinner with us?"

"They went to the bar next door." James had long forgotten about the two glasses of wine, pointed to the door and said, "Shall we go have a good time?"

Several companions were eager to try, waiting for Noah's opinion.

Noah thought for a while and said with a smile: "Yes, we are going to have a happy holiday, and the bar is a good choice."

Everyone smiled at each other, immediately paid the bill, and left the restaurant quickly.

There is a row of bars on Zhanan Port, which is equivalent to a small city that never sleeps. Noah and the others walked on the street for a while, and then they saw the "MIX" bar with big neon lights.

Several people couldn't wait to go in, looking for the girls in the crowd at the bar. Noah had the best eyesight, and soon spotted one of them.

A girl was standing on the dance floor, following the music, twisting her body crazily.

Noah couldn't help swallowing, and immediately squeezed in front of the girl, writhing with her.

The girl's eyes lit up, she stuck to Noah's body, and shouted, "Why are you here?"

Noah grinned back: "This is the fate that God created for us...!"

The two stuck together and jumped up, their limbs rubbed against each other, which made Noah's belly more intense.

When the time was right, Noah put his arms around the girl's waist and asked in her ear, "Can we have a nice weekend together?"

The girl smiled, did not answer, nor refused, but pointed to the sisters who were drinking in the booth beside her.

Noah smiled, and waved to the brothers who had been eyeing him for a long time: "Hey, this way!"

Only then did the officers gather together and walk towards the booth...

At about twelve o'clock at night, Noah and the others left the "MIX" bar with the help of several drunken girls. And two of the brothers, because they were not favored, could only order a "fast food".

After another two hours, the officers left an apartment building. While waiting for the car, Noah said refreshedly: "It was really a wonderful night! I feel like I need a day off."

Several people laughed. After another wait, they got into two taxis and left the street.

Not long after Noah and the others left, two black cars parked under the apartment building.

Wei Xiangzuo rolled down the car window, glanced in the direction of the apartment, then picked up a travel bag full of cash, threw it to a stick young man sitting in the co-pilot, and said at the same time: "Go up and have a look."

The stick boy nodded obediently and replied: "Yes."

After finishing speaking, the stick youth opened the car door and walked towards the apartment building.

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