Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1103: Zuo Ye shot


After the young man walked into the apartment, Wei Xiangzuo took out his mobile phone and called Su Tianyu: "Xiaoyu, I'm done with the trick here. I found a few people from East Asia, and the leader is a stick. The boy eats with the little brother below me, he is very safe."

Su Tianyu paused for a moment and asked, "Did you find someone from East Asia?"

Wei Xiangzuo smiled and said, "Can we still find our own girl for this kind of thing? Don't worry, it will be settled with money. Just say hello to the judicial side, and I'll go there now."

Su Tianyu said: "No problem, just go."

The two hung up the phone, Wei Xiangzuo closed his eyes and rested, and sat in the car to continue waiting.

About twenty minutes later, with the sound of footsteps, the stick youth led the four or five girls in cool clothes and walked down.

These girls no longer had the smiles they had before, and their faces were also bruised and purple, but... they beat them themselves.

Wei Xiangzuo glanced at them, lowered the car window, pointed to the car behind and said, "You guys sit in the car behind."

"Okay." The stick boy nodded, and led the girls to the van behind, and got in.

The two cars started immediately and quickly left the street.

Wei Xiangzuo sat in the car, smoking a cigarette, without saying a word all the way.

Around three o'clock in the morning, the car stopped at the back door of the police station.

Wang Daolin, deputy director of the Police Department, came out to greet him in person. Wei Xiangzuo pushed the door and got out of the car, nodded at Wang Daolin: "Hehe, you have to work overtime again in the middle of the night."

"Hey, it's not easy to make the upper management think of me, hehe." Wang Daolin waved at them: "Come here, all of you."


The door of the van was opened, and under the urging voice of the young man, several girls got out of the car and walked to Wang Daolin.

"Follow me." Wang Daolin ordered Wei Xiangzuo and the others.

Wei Xiangzuo led a group of people, followed Wang Daolin into the lobby from the back door of the police station, and began to prepare to handle the case.

About ten minutes later.

In the interrogation room, Wang Daolin sat on a chair, looked at the embarrassed girls in front of him, and asked with a serious face: "Tell me the whole story, do you understand?"

The girls nodded, and a large group of police officers came over and began to take notes.

Ten minutes later, the reporting cars of the four media parked in front of the police station. The car door was pushed open, and a group of reporters rushed in with cameras and microphones.

Two days later, on a world-renowned social software "WeiTe", a big V with tens of millions of fans forwarded a post: "Real-name report, Dragon City 10th Infantry Division, Noah, the head of the guard regiment, is here During the vacation, wall-blasting an unarmed female intern with several other soldiers..."

Because of the influence of this big V, the post quickly attracted attention and was reposted a lot.

Weite is a social software facing the world, with a lot of support from all over the world. And this post made melon eaters in all regions pay close attention to this matter, and quickly pushed this post to the fifth position on the hot list.

More and more netizens joined in the comments, most of them were insulting the soldiers in the first district.

A Bangzi netizen named "Best Brothers" left a message: "It's not surprising at all. The soldiers in the first district are the most disgusting and degenerate people in the world! They left a lot of similar crimes here."

There is also a netizen named "Little life is not bad" commented: The crimes of the soldiers stationed in the first district are too numerous to record! They should be severely punished, and all of them should be pulled out and shot!

A netizen in the first district commented: These stupid guys, they are not worthy of being our soldiers! I'm going to take people to the streets to protest and get these **** out of the military!

There is also an Indian netizen who is "the strongest in the world" said: With this kind of army in the first district, it will only become more and more depraved! It is our army here that can be called the strongest in the world!

Half an hour after the post fermented, Dragon City's official account immediately posted a hot comment below: Pay close attention to this matter.

Immediately afterwards, the account of the Longcheng Judicial Unit also left a message: The case is under investigation.

These two hot comments are equivalent to confirming the authenticity of the post! Netizens directly exploded the pot, setting off an upsurge of anger against the soldiers in the first district!

The situation in Dragon City was originally complicated, and with the addition of secret pushers, once this incident happened, the heat was ignited. The official media in other regions also followed suit, together with the enthusiasm of all kinds of tens of millions of big Vs, they forwarded it one after another.

Soon, this post climbed a few more places, firmly occupying the number one position on the hot list!

After six o'clock in the evening, the matter has completely fermented. Noah was recalled urgently and called to the division office.

In the office, Parker was sitting at the desk, sweating profusely while listening to the phone: "Yes, yes... I see... Don't worry, I'll take care of it..."

Noah stood opposite the desk, with a nervous look on his face, peeking at Parker who answered the phone from time to time.

After submissively answering for a long time, Parker finally hung up the phone, picked up a towel, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Noah stood there, summoned up his courage and said, "General, please listen to my explanation...!"

Parker's gaze finally fell on Noah, and he asked coldly, "You idiot, what have you done?"

Noah turned pale, and hurriedly explained: "General, please believe me, this is just a very beautiful encounter..."

Parker was full of impatience, and directly interrupted him: "Did you pay?"

"..." Noah froze for a moment, and said speechlessly: "I assure you... this is really just a chance encounter, it is not a transaction."


Parker was stood up directly, swung his arms round, and slapped Noah loudly.

Noah was whipped and turned around in a circle, covered his face, and took two steps back with a confused expression.

Parker pointed at Noah's nose and roared angrily: "Why don't you pay? You damn, stupid, stupid pig who is dominated by the lower body! You have to pay!"

Noah's face flushed, his body trembled slightly, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Parker held his heaving chest and slowly calmed himself down. After thinking for a while, he pointed to the door and said, "Pack up your things, take your idiot friends with you, and get the **** out of Washington! Immediately, immediately!"

Noah nodded repeatedly, covered his face and ran out of the office.

Parker sat back on the chair, and continued to try to calm down...

At the same time, more than a dozen vehicles from the Riot and Terrorism Bureau have arrived at the gate of the police station.


The car doors were pushed open one after another, and Wang Daolin led a large group of people out of the car.

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