Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1125: slap in the face

The next day, around 3:30 in the afternoon, in the small town of Sri Lanka, the base of the People's Army.

Su Tianyu made an appointment with Fei Pingsheng, and before he arrived, he was sitting in the dormitory with his legs crossed, swiping his phone to pass the time.

Hou Guoyu was sitting aside, exercising his left hand with fake fingers.

Su Tianyu was fiddling with the phone when a group message from the "Working Group of the General Bureau" popped up on the screen. He poked open the message and found that Lu Feng had retweeted a post: Covering the sky with one hand, the bombing of the bullseye bar with a lot of shady...

The title was very explosive, Su Tianyu immediately clicked on the post and took a rough look.

A strange user with the ID "I have sugar in my pocket" posted a post to expose the bombing in Dragon City last night. The content roughly said that what happened last night was not a so-called conflict at all, and there was actually another truth behind it.

The cause of the incident was that the relatives of the prince of the Jiang family who were stationed in Longcheng were selling psychotropic drugs, and the goods were robbed. They sent people to the Bull's Eye Bar to ask for goods, but they didn't expect to encounter a hard stubble. The two sides shot and fought, and the old man threw grenades, killing four students in vain.

The post also said that everyone in the Longcheng circle knows that the garrison is now as good as Huang Dudu, and they are crazily amassing money. And the police affairs in Dragon City have long been arranged to understand that those officials all wear the same trousers as them. This kind of off-the-table trading has been going on for many years, and now it has finally happened. With so many people dead, they still want to turn black and white!

Moreover, under the post, there is also a lot of supporting evidence, and even a character relationship diagram is listed.

In this picture, the first is the dead suspect Pharaoh. On the top of the old king is Lu Guangwei, and Lu Guangwei's cousin is Jiang Zheng, and Jiang Zheng's father is Jiang Yuanzhen, the commander of the Dragon City Garrison.

This user called "I have sugar in my pocket" also claimed that Jiang's family still has dozens of tons of goods in Longcheng, and they have monopolized the entire ground market. These people are wearing military uniforms, but they are doing the dirtiest business. It's just a pity that the innocent dead were killed without knowing what happened.

Moreover, the owner of the bullseye bar where the accident happened was called Wei Xiangzuo, and Wei Xiangzuo was the director of the Longcheng General Bureau, and he was a brother. Therefore, it is impossible for a bar with a major safety hazard to be seized.

At the end of the post, "I have candy in my pocket" is still lamenting. The four innocent victims were all college students who had just graduated. Originally, they just wanted to find a place to celebrate. It blew up.

Below the post, there are a lot of follow-up posts.

"I knew it, it's not that simple! Who doesn't know about the police and bandit family in Dragon City?"

"Poor those college students, they died so unjustly!"

"Who is the director of the General Bureau? Is it the psychopath who launched two wars?"

"I've said it a long time ago, there must be something wrong with the Longcheng Police Department filing the case so quickly, and you fools are the only ones who believe everything they say!"

"Dragon City? I would like to call it Little Gotham."

In the process of Su Tianyu brushing Weibo, more comments and reposts continued to emerge.

The entire public opinion is one-sided, and what is even worse is the official account of the Longcheng Police Department, especially under the post of the police report, there is a lot of scolding.

After Su Tianyu finished reading it, he immediately opened Weite's hot search list, and found that the popularity of this post had already reached the third place.

Su Tianyu flipped through it again, and found that this post was published at around 1:30 pm, which means that the police notice had just formed public opinion, and this post came to slap the face.

Su Tianyu frowned, feeling that something was wrong, immediately called Gu Baishun, and asked directly: "Weite's hot search, have you read it?"

Gu Baishun said softly: "Look, there must be something wrong with this matter, I'm investigating it."

"What did you find?" Su Tianyu hurriedly asked.

Gu Baishun sighed: "I found the account, but it's a dead account that no one has used for a long time. He was promoted by a group of big V's forwarding."

"Okay, pay more attention and see who is pushing this matter behind." Su Tianyu instructed.

Gu Baishun replied: "I understand."

The two briefly explained a few words and hung up the phone.

Su Tianyu took his mobile phone and continued to browse related hot searches.

At five o'clock in the evening, Longcheng Police Station.

In the director's office with bright and clean windows, Shang Yao sat at his desk, wearing reading glasses, looking gloomy at the computer screen in front of him. The room was very quiet, save for the beeping sound of his continuous scrolling of the mouse wheel.

"Boom boom boom!"

The door of the office was knocked suddenly, and Shang Yao said in a deep voice, "Come in!"

Police captain Lao Wu pushed open the door, walked quickly to Shang Yao, and said with a slightly nervous expression: "Shanghai, just after we sent out the police report, we immediately followed a post on Weibo. This post implied that The high...high level...of the police department...has something to do with this matter. Take a look at this news..."

When talking about the high-level, Old Wu couldn't help but paused for a while, secretly looking at Shang Yao's face.

Shang Yao's eyes slowly moved away from the computer screen, fell on Lao Wu's face, and said coldly, "I've already watched it."

The police department had just issued a notice, and immediately there were posts to expose it. This is a slap in the face of the police department.

"Someone should be pushing this behind the scenes." Shang Yao's eyes were gloomy, and he told Old Wu, "Call over there immediately and ask them to clear the goods in the city!"

"Okay!" Old Wu nodded, and immediately turned and left the office to contact the people over there.

After a while, Lu Guangwei was sitting in a black off-road vehicle, was holding a phone, and ordered his subordinates in a grumpy tone: "Xiao Chao, quickly send me the goods in the warehouse. Step on the horse next door, Hurry up!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Guangwei leaned heavily on the chair, his face full of irritability...

At 7 o'clock at night, in the Zhanan Wharf area, "Rongsheng" logistics company.

Taking advantage of the darkness, several large trucks drove into the warehouse next to the logistics When the doors of the carriages opened, more than 20 people jumped out from inside and walked quickly towards the neatly stacked warehouses. cargo boxes.

At the same time, around the warehouse, four young men wearing peaked caps walked over quietly.

One of the young men pointed to the wall in front of them, and the remaining three stopped after them, and then took out a few cans of portable color spray from the bag behind them.

"Bang bang bang!"

The four shake the paint spray.


With a slight puffing sound, they wrote a row of dazzling characters on the wall with paint spray: "Sanguanghui, revenge must be revenged!"

A few minutes later, the four youths sprayed a few more words and left quietly.

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