Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1126: fire

Rongsheng Logistics Company, Port No. 2 Warehouse.

Several trucks were parked inside the No. 2 warehouse, with the doors open, and more than 20 people were sweating profusely carrying the cargo boxes inside.

A few people stood on the other side of the goods, and kicked them out after taking them down. The rest of the people caught the goods near the truck and carried them to the car.

There are too many goods, densely stacked together, there must be nearly 200 boxes. These people have been busy for most of the day, and they only moved dozens of boxes up.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Brother Chao stood in the compartment of a truck, and kept urging everyone while picking up the goods.

Just when everyone was moving in full swing, a horse boy walked to the wall panting. He had just lifted the heavy box when he suddenly frowned and sniffed hard.

"What are you doing on the horse?" Brother Chao saw the horse boy parked by the wall at a glance, and shouted at him: "Move quickly!"

Ma Zai turned his head and said hastily: "Brother Chao, something is wrong, it smells like smoke!"

"Where is the smoke..." Brother Chao sniffed, before he finished speaking, he also smelled a smell of burnt smoke.

"Fire! Brother Chao, it's on fire!" Outside the gate, a boy pointed at the No. 1 warehouse next door and shouted in panic.

"Wow!" Brother Chao hurriedly dropped the box in his hand, jumped off the truck, and walked quickly to the warehouse door.

As soon as he came out, Xiaochao froze in place. He saw that the No. 1 warehouse next door had caught fire at some point, and even the walls with fireproof partitions were on fire.

"Made!" Brother Chao suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't just stand there, put out the fire!"

Everyone also reacted, and started to put out the fire in a hurry. Some picked up fire extinguishers, some connected fire hydrants, rushed out and sprayed wildly at warehouse one.


"Wow, boom!"

No matter how busy everyone was, the fire was not small, but it was burning more and more vigorously. Because the fire started from inside the warehouse, a large amount of conventional goods had been piled up there, and there were many flammable items.

The billowing thick smoke shot straight into the sky, and soon, the fire spread to the No. 2 warehouse, forming a sea of ​​flames.

A young man couldn't help shouting: "Fuck! Someone poured gasoline on it? It can't be extinguished, even the wall is hit."

Brother Chao's face was blackened. Seeing that the fire was still going on, he immediately shouted to his subordinates: "Ahem... don't put out the fire, get out of the car quickly, or the goods will be smashed in!"

Several people rushed into the warehouse before the fire came over, and drove the truck out...

At the same time, in a residential building not far away, some residents saw a fire outside and hurriedly called the police.

Five minutes later, several trucks had already driven outside.

A crowd gathered near the truck, panting and exhausted, surrounded by depleted fire extinguishers. In front of them, a row of warehouses were burning, and the sound of crackling fire filled their ears.

Brother Chao wiped his dark face, and seeing the fire could no longer cover it, he could only immediately take out his mobile phone and make a call.

At the same time, Lu Guangwei was sitting in a black off-road vehicle with a gloomy expression.

"Drip Lingling!"

The phone rang, Lu Guangwei picked up the phone, and Brother Chao's voice came from inside: "Brother...the warehouse is on fire..."

"What joke?"

When Lu Guangwei heard this, his whole body was going to explode, and he immediately scolded: "Are you people who are riding on horses, are you trash? There are more than 20 people, can you watch the fire start?"

Brother Chao hurriedly explained: "Brother, we don't know either! It was the fire in the first warehouse, and we were all working in the second warehouse at the time! By the time everyone found out, the fire could not be suppressed."

Lu Guangwei's brain was buzzing, and he asked hastily, "How much is there?"

Brother Chao thought for a while and said, "There are about a hundred boxes left..."

Lu Guangwei clenched his fists tightly, and slammed heavily on the handrail next to him, cursing with blue veins on his forehead: "I belong to CNM! What else can you do? Hurry up and find a way to deal with the goods inside! Once it catches fire, the fire brigade Once it arrives, everything will be missed!"

"Yes!" Brother Chao replied and hung up the phone.

Lu Guangwei shouted at the driver: "Turn around! Go to the warehouse!"

At the same time, the Dragon City Police Department.

"Drip Lingling!"

Wang Daolin changed into casual clothes and was ready to leave work. Just as he was about to turn off the lights and leave the office, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Wang Daolin took out his mobile phone, glanced at the caller ID, and saw that it was an unfamiliar number: "Hello?"

A somewhat sharp voice sounded on the phone, which was obviously changed: "Director Wang, I am reporting anonymously. No. 108 Xinglong Street, Daokou, the No. 2 warehouse of Rongsheng Logistics Company has a large number of psychoactive drugs. I heard that You are going to be promoted, are you going to catch it or not?"

After speaking, without waiting for Wang Daolin to answer, the other party directly hung up the phone.

Holding the phone, Wang Daolin frowned.

Twenty minutes later, in front of the No. 2 warehouse.

The warehouse was still burning, and thick smoke billowed into the sky. Outside the warehouse door, there were crowds of spectators.

These people stood on tiptoe and looked into the warehouse through the iron gate outside. Most of them are nearby residents, and some live next to the warehouse. They were afraid that the fire would implicate themselves, so they ran out wearing only pajamas and pajamas.

There are quite a few people who picked up their mobile phones and took pictures of the videos in boredom, preparing to post them on Weibo.

At this moment, a white van suddenly stopped on the side of the road. With a bang, the car door was pulled open, and a well-known Twitter blogger jumped out of the car with his team.

The two began to quickly set up the mobile phone used for live broadcast, and then took out the fill light to adjust the light. There are two other people holding cosmetics and are quickly touching up the blogger's makeup.

After everything was done one of them handed over the microphone, opened the live broadcast software, and gave the blogger an ok gesture.

The blogger straightened his back, pointed at the warehouse that was emitting heavy smoke behind him, and said to the camera: "My family, I just received an anonymous report that Rongsheng Logistics Company has hidden prohibited psychotropic drugs! I have now Arrived at the company's warehouse here, but there is a raging fire at the scene..."

While the blogger was broadcasting live, a member of the team suddenly pointed at the wall next to him and shouted, "Come and see! There are words here!"

"Look, everyone, there are some new discoveries here!" The blogger pointed at the wall and walked over.

A group of people carried various equipment and walked towards their companions.

Soon, everyone came to a dark wall. I saw a few large characters written with red spray paint on the wall: "Sanguanghui, revenge must be revenged! There are a large number of prohibited psychotropic drugs hidden here."

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