Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1269: silence

When Feng Qilongcheng first arrived in Dragon City Chapter 1269 Mikou saw the smashed windows upstairs, Kong Zhenghui suddenly had a bad feeling, and was about to take someone upstairs.


Just as they were about to enter the door, another kettle fell from upstairs and smashed to pieces on the ground.

Upstairs above the residents, many lights were turned on, and many residents were awakened by the two loud noises.

Kong Zhenghui also suddenly realized something, hurriedly grabbed the beam, and ordered in a hasty tone: "There is something wrong, there may be someone else in his room! Quick, you take some brothers, and quickly take a look around to see if anyone else has come out. "

"Understood." Daliang turned his head and shouted, stretching out his hand and pointing: "You guys, come with me, hurry up!"


Seven or eight brothers immediately held their guns and followed the beam to the back of the building.

Kong Zhenghui led the rest of the dozen or so people into the building and ran upstairs.

Downstairs, Daliang and the others quickly came to the back of the residential building. Just as they rushed out of the corner, they heard footsteps upstairs.

"Thump, thump, thump!"

"Brother Liang, there's someone over there!" A young man shouted, pointing at the top of his head.

Daliang looked up and found two masked men who jumped out of a window, jumped onto the slow platform of the opposite building, and were fleeing down the outdoor stairs of the opposite building.

The distance between the two buildings is very small, less than one meter.

"Stop them!"

Without hesitation, Daliang picked up Remington, ready to block the two people.


At this moment, three vans rushed over from the side street and stopped in front of everyone.

Daliang's heart skipped a beat, he reacted almost instinctively, and shouted: "They have someone to help them, hide for a while!"

These young people quickly stopped their steps, retreated to the corner, and hid behind the wall.


"Da da da!"

The doors of the three vans were opened, and more than a dozen gunmen jumped out of the vans, shooting in their direction.

A piece of wall dust was knocked out at the corner of the wall, and Liang and the others were crushed so hard that they could only watch the two masked men jump into the car.

The other party didn't like to fight, and immediately got into the car and left after picking up the person, and left in the blink of an eye.

Daliang had no choice but picked up the walkie-talkie and reported to Kong Zhenghui: "Brother, there is a group of people downstairs fighting with us."

Kong Zhenghui immediately asked, "Where are they?"

Daliang shook his head and said, "They were well prepared and there were a lot of people. We didn't stop them and let them run away."

"Understood! You guys are watching downstairs!" Kong Zhenghui resisted again: "Call some more brothers over here! Hurry up!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "Got it!"

In the corridor, Kong Zhenghui put down the walkie-talkie, led a dozen people, and rushed to the floor where the windows were smashed just now.

There were three families on the floor, two of which seemed to be unoccupied. There was a lot of dust on the door, and there were no couplets.

In the innermost room, the door is slightly open.

"Be careful!" Kong Zhenghui frowned and reminded.

Several young people around him immediately held the Remington, and one of them made two gestures.

Two youths quickly stepped forward and leaned against the door.


With a wave of Kong Zhenghui's hand, a young man suddenly opened the door, and the other held a Remington, looked inside sideways, and quickly scanned around: "Brother Hui, there is no one in the living room."



Several youths carried the Remington, stepped into the room, opened the door one by one, and checked the situation inside.

Including the big wardrobe and under the bed, they all took a look to prevent anyone from hiding in it.

Soon, a young man shouted: "Brother Hui, Zhang Yuan is in the bedroom...he's dead."

Kong Zhenghui stepped in and came to the bedroom inside. Zhang Yuan was still wearing the clothes she had when she met Guo Zhengdao, lying on the ground, stabbed several times in the back, covered in blood.

The living room was clean, but the bedroom was a bit messy with some obvious signs of a fight.

The window in the bedroom was also broken, and the chair and the kettle should have been thrown out from here.

"Brother Hui, what should we do now..." The young man next to him was a little frustrated. He didn't expect that at the end of the investigation, he would be silenced in front of his eyes.

Kong Zhenghui didn't speak. Although he was very annoyed in his heart, he still maintained his due calm and observed the scene carefully.

First of all, the entrance door was open, and there was no sign of prying. The murderer should be an acquaintance of Zhang Yuan, who entered the room normally, and met in a relatively private place like the bedroom.

In addition, Zhang Yuan was stabbed in the back, probably by the opponent's sudden backstab. But before he died, he struggled a bit and wrestled with the opponent, which made such a big commotion.

The murderer had already run away, they were still one step too late, and the clues were cut off.

The young man couldn't help asking again: "Brother Hui, have we been exposed? We just found out that Zhang Yuan met Guo Zhengdao, and he died in a blink of an eye. There must be ghosts in this!"

Kong Zhenghui tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, thought for a long time, and said, "Look for it, and put away all the things Zhang Yuan used in the house."

"Okay!" The young man called out to several people and began to pack up some items left by Zhang Yuan.

They were cleaning up. Kong Zhenghui stood beside the corpse, thought for a long time, and took out his cell phone to make a call.


In Longcheng, the garrison belongs to the compound.

In a clean small western-style building, Yu Mingyuan was sitting in the living room on the first floor, smoking a cigarette.

Since the accident in Dragon City, Yu Mingyuan hasn't been to the trading company for a while, considering safety issues. Moreover, he specifically asked Wen Xiaorou to stay in Longcheng for the time being.

The two of them did not continue to live in Yu's villa, but moved to the military compound here first. The house was provided by Tan Mingchao.

"Drip Lingling!"

The phone on the coffee table rang, Yu Mingyuan put down his cigarette, glanced at the caller ID, and immediately picked up the phone: "Zhenghui? How's your investigation going?"

Kong Zhenghui hurriedly said: "Ming Yuan, I've already caught the clue! This line really points to Gu Baishun!"

Yu Mingyuan frowned: "Why do you always treat him..."

Kong Zhenghui's tone was a little excited: "Listen to me! I didn't target him! I found this line! I caught him right away, but the other party moved faster and silenced him!"

"Stop talking about what?" Yu Mingyuan became more and more confused as he listened: "Where are you now?"

Kong Zhenghui said simply and clearly: "I'm in Dragon City right now! Just now the other party had an exchange of fire with my people in order to silence When the gun went off, the National Bureau of Statistics and other forces must have been alarmed! I You can't protect this plate by yourself, Mingyuan, you have to help me now, quickly bring someone over to protect the scene!"

As he said that, without waiting for Yu Mingyuan to agree, he continued like a cannonball: "This is Hongshan Town on the outskirts of Longcheng, Unit 120, Tuanjie Road... The nearest to here should be the 144th Regiment of the Anxi Garrison!"

Hearing Kong Zhenghui say these words, Yu Mingyuan also reacted, with a serious expression on his face: "Are you sure it's this line?"

Kong Zhenghui said loudly: "I have been investigating for several days, of course it is confirmed! As long as you bring someone to protect the scene, you can understand everything! Remember, you must let the people from the An department come, And if you can trust someone. Don't notify anyone else!"

Yu Mingyuan thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, I see."

After putting down the phone, Yu Mingyuan thought for a moment, then called Liu Hongxu and gave him the address.

After explaining for a while, Yu Mingyuan reminded: "You guys go right away, Kong Zhenghui has found clues there. Remember, don't notify Gu Baishun, let alone the Bureau of General Statistics."

Liu Hongxu said in a calm voice, "Understood."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Mingyuan sat on the sofa and thought about it for a long time, but he was still a little worried, so he called his brother-in-law again: "Ming Dynasty, borrow your guard platoon! I'm going out of town to do something!"

Tan Mingchao didn't even think about it, and agreed: "Okay! I'll let them pick you up!"

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