Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1270: finger direction

Wind from Dragon City First Arrival in Dragon City Chapter 1270 The direction of the finger At 10:30 at night, outside of Dragon City, in front of a residential building in Hongshan Town.

Many residents have opened their windows and are looking down curiously. In the distance, the sound of police sirens can be faintly heard. It is obvious that after hearing the gunshots, some residents have already called the police.

Daliang took a few brothers and guarded downstairs. At the same time, holding his mobile phone, he was shouting loudly: "Yes, call as many people as you want, come here quickly, I will give you the address... Don't ask why, just come! Also, put all the brothers' mobile phones first. Take it up, this operation must be kept secret, understand..."

Daliang was busy calling for help. Meanwhile, in the upstairs room, Kong Zhenghui was still worried as he looked at the corpse in front of him.

Except for some of Zhang Yuan's daily necessities that were put away, everything else was left intact, especially the crime scene, which was also well protected.

Just when Kong Zhenghui was a little upset, he suddenly found that something was wrong with the corpse.

Zhang Yuan was lying on the ground, his eyes were wide open, his body was very straight, and one arm was fully extended to the front.

Kong Zhenghui observed the corpse with a frown. After pondering for a long time, he turned and looked at the direction his arm was pointing at. There was a sofa over there.

Kong Zhenghui immediately stepped forward, went to the sofa and rummaged around, but found nothing unusual.

After deliberating for a while, Kong Zhenghui looked at the window behind the sofa, where the curtains of the bedroom were hung.

Stepping over, Kong Zhenghui opened the thick curtains at the corner, and vaguely saw something placed behind the heater, hidden very concealed, only a corner could be seen.

With his heart pounding, Kong Zhenghui reached out his hand and took out a tissue from his pocket. Using the tissue, he carefully held the things behind the heater, and found a box and a laptop wrapped in a leather case.

He took these things out and placed them on the table beside him.

"Brother Hui, what is this?" The young man next to him scratched his head and walked over, looking at the two things together.

Kong Zhenghui said solemnly: "I don't know, but the things inside should be very important."

The laptop needs a power-on password, and the combination lock on the metal box can't be unlocked either.

Kong Zhenghui stared at the two codes, frowning, thinking...


try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Just as Kong Zhenghui was thinking about something, the young man next to him took the handle of a gun and slammed the lock of the lockbox twice.


The lock was smashed, and the combination box was opened in response.

Kong Zhenghui looked at the young man with a look of astonishment.

The young man smiled honestly: "It's quite simple, no password is required."

Kong Zhenghui said in a very speechless voice: "You are a badass! This is physical evidence, what should you do if you smash it?"


The young man scratched his head again.

Kong Zhenghui knew that this kid was an idiot. Although he was skilled, his brain was not very strong, so he didn't reprimand him much.

What's more, the box was indeed opened...

Kong Zhenghui shook his head and looked inside the box.

At the same time, on a road out of Longcheng.

Several military vehicles were driving fast on the road, and Yu Mingyuan was sitting in one of the vehicles, his mind was in confusion.

Recalling what Kong Zhenghui said before, the other party bit the clue to Gu Baishun. Yu Mingyuan couldn't judge whether he really found something, or he was avenging himself.

But Yu Mingyuan also knew in his heart that Gu Baishun's position was very important. Xiaoyu is not here now, and the overall situation is almost under his control, and his influence on the association is also very strong. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Moreover, after so many years, Gu Baishun doesn't know what kind of hole card he has in his hands, and he is very threatening. After all, this person is not one of his own in the true sense. At such an important moment, Yu Mingyuan dare not gamble.

After thinking about it, Yu Mingyuan took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call to Anzecheng.

"Drip Lingling!"

At this moment, the phone rang first. Yu Mingyuan glanced at it, his face softened a little, he picked up the phone and said softly, "Hello?"

On the phone, Wen Xiaorou asked with some concern: "Ming Yuan, I went downstairs to see if you were not there just now. I heard from the baby that you took the guards of the Ming Dynasty out?"

Yu Mingyuan explained: "Yes, it's nothing serious. I'll go to the hospital to see Dabai. I see you are busy, so I won't bother you."

Wen Xiaorou hesitated to speak, remained silent for a long time, but couldn't help but said: "Ming Yuan, there have been a lot of things recently, don't worry me too much... I've been a little mentally weak recently, and I always have nightmares..."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}Yu Mingyuan comforted softly: "Don't worry, I'm really going to see Dabai. Mingchao knew that I was going out, so he insisted on arranging guards to follow me. It won't take me long, I'll be back in a while."

While talking, Yu Mingyuan saw several cars parked by the side of the road.

The car had a police badge printed on it, and several men in uniform were standing at the intersection, waving their hands slowly at their car, as if signaling to pull over.

Recently, the situation in Dragon City is tense, and inspections are frequent, Yu Mingyuan immediately said to Wen Xiaorou: "I won't talk about it for now, I will talk to you when I get home."

Wen Xiaorou urged Wan Wan: " You come back early, and you must pay attention to safety."

Yu Mingyuan smiled: "Don't worry, hang up."

When the two hung up the phone, Wen Xiaorou sat on the sofa in the living room in a daze, with worried and disappointed expressions.

At the same time, Yu Mingyuan also put down his phone, glanced in front of the car, looked at the cars with police badges on them, and asked, "What's going on ahead?"

Hongshan Town, in a residential building.

Kong Zhenghui opened the box and found two notebooks on the top. He squeezed it with a paper towel, picked up the top one first, and flipped through it in his hand, and found that the contents inside were messy, scribbled here and there, but it seemed to be related to Zhang Yuan's work.

For a while, no useful information could be discerned.

Kong Zhenghui put the notebook aside, picked up another notebook, and opened it carefully.

In this book, several maps are drawn, and some relevant key information is marked on them.

These maps caught Kong Zhenghui's attention, and he immediately looked through them carefully.

One of the simply drawn maps caught his attention, especially the key words marked: number of guards in the garrison compound, activity site No. 1, villa, surrounding streets...

Kong Zhenghui stared at the information, the more he looked at it, the more strange he became, and he couldn't help but start to mutter in his heart, did this group of people have other actions?

Suddenly, a bad premonition came into his heart, Kong Zhenghui woke up suddenly, and exclaimed: "Something is wrong!"

As he spoke, Kong Zhenghui hurriedly took out his cell phone, ready to call Yu Mingyuan.

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