Wine and Gun

Chapter 459

-- "Studies in Scarlet", Mass Publishing House.

Chapter 112 Offended Luna 01

September 2, a Sunday morning.

In front of the Romanesque stone column where the Westland State Court stands, under the towering statue of the Goddess of Justice, there appears a hand—a human hand that is truly broken and bloody. When the hand was discovered by the staff who first arrived at the courthouse, it was standing frozen under the drooping blade of the sharp sword in Justitia's hand, and the skin was already a deathly blue-grey.

The hand seemed to be supported by something in a strange position. When the later autopsy, the forensic doctor will find that the flesh of the hand has been carefully supported with iron wires, so that it can maintain its current shape, just like the cage that imprisoned it: its fingers are bent, and the hand is holding it. A handful of bronze scales.

At one end of the scales is a slender, dark ostrich feather, which in ancient Egyptian mythology was used to symbolize the feathers of the goddess of truth, Matt; and at the other end of the scales is a bloody heart that flows down His blood had condensed into black in the small copper tray - that was the heart of a suburban láng.

The end of the scale that placed the heart was depressed by the weight, the entire scale was tilted, and the end that placed the ostrich feather was raised high.

According to the ancient Egyptian book of the dead, after death, Anubis, the god of death, measures the weight of the heart to determine whether the deceased is eligible to enter the afterlife world. If the heart of the deceased is heavier than a feather, the heart will be swallowed by a monster named Artemi.

Of course, the first eyewitness to the scene didn't think of it. When he arrived, the sky had not yet fully lit up, and under the dim sky light, his hand looked like black shadows rising from the river of death, and the bronze scales shone a soft arc.

The witness screamed.

a month later.

Zacharias has had a tough time since Gabriel Morgenstern's reckless meeting with the Sunday gardener.

In the final analysis, living under such a boss is not a job that a normal person can do at all, not to mention that you are the second-in-command of a transnational mafia, and what kind of feeling is it that half of Europe’s smuggled arms have passed through your hands? Speaking of Gabriel - she's pretty overwhelming even if she's not a mafia boss.

Even if Zacharias had been with Gabriel for so long, she didn't know when she planned to kill, when she planned to save people, and when she planned to develop a zombie virus to destroy the world - he said, at the same time. , the probability of these three things happening is about the same.

It's as if during this time, she can really leave the entire Hoxton business behind with peace of mind, and stay comfortably at the Sodomari in Westland every day, directing the designer to draw new interior design drawings. . Zacharias knew that after the Slade case, Miss Morgenstern was planning to bring Natalie Milkoff back to Hoxton, but that didn't mean she should justify taking the temporary role as Victorian. Stellan is the owner of the Sodom store.

"This really reminds me of the time when I just started my business, Saka." And Miss Mornstern even sighed at Zacharias who was having a meeting with Hoxton's men remotely. "I only had one store at the time, so I had to do everything myself."

Yes, of course she doesn't have to do it herself anymore, which is the fundamental reason why she pays Zacharias high wages. It was as if at this moment they were sitting in the VIP lounge, and Zacharias had to read a document from Hoxton with her laptop on her lap; Gabriel was sitting there. On the sofa, holding a glass of wine, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Zacharias' phone kept ringing, and he had to pick it up every few minutes. After the latest call, he was willing to take his eyes off the file and say to Gabriel: "Boss, you The person you want to see is here."

The caller was a subordinate he arranged near the airport. He actually didn't think anyone would come to the airport to assassinate his employer, but there was nothing wrong with being cautious. The killer who may exist now has not waited, and there is another hunter who has received the news uninvited.

Gabriel shook the glass and nodded slightly with the corners of his mouth raised, and Zacharias continued to look down at his documents-there were many things he did not advise Gabriel to do, but it was obvious that the other party didn't plan to do it at all. Listen to him, so he might as well spend this time doing a little more work, and trying to dissuade it is just in vain.

Sure enough, the door of the VIP room was opened within a few minutes, and there was a black-haired man in a casual coat and glasses framed on the bridge of his nose; this man was smiling, and he looked sassy and unrestrained, and he was called a little girl when he saw it. The type of blushing heartbeat.

Gabriel glanced at him from above the rim of the cup, and said lightly, "Gardener."

Sacharia gān brittle pretended not to be in this room.

Albarino Bacchus glanced across the VIP room, his eyes sharp, as if trying to find a hidden killer from the room (he might really think so). But when he spoke, his tone was still relaxed, and there was no clue: "I thought it was obvious that people who didn't buy a ticket could not enter the waiting hall."

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