Wine and Gun

Chapter 460

"If you park a private jet on the tarmac, you will have a lot of privileges." Gabriel shook his head, his tone was very gentle, "This is the end of our business, I probably won't in the near future. Come back to America. Are you satisfied with the arrangements I made?"

"The arrangement she made". Zacharias just wanted to complain, and the arrangement she made was "Saka, help me plan a smuggling route for the Sunday gardener", "Saka, help me get a fake identity for the Sunday gardener, ask The kind that comes with a Ph.D."...and the omnipotent Zacharias will do everything for her.

"Very satisfied, in fact it couldn't be better." The gardener smiled slightly, this expression was very restrained, and clicked, "You and Mr. Bruce Pritzker are all going well?"

"He's a very good talker," Gabriel replied.

Of course, to be honest, politicians like Pritzker usually become very good at talking to pictures of their own underage children.

Zacharias knew what Gabriel Morgenstern wanted: She wanted a filthy place big enough for "Sodoma" to thrive, like the one she had in Hoxton. She had clearly put more effort into "Sodom" than "Schweigers", and Zacharias didn't need to point out her selfishness; for he only worked for Gabriel, and Not working for the Schweiger family.

In short, to achieve her ambitions in the Americas, she needs Bruce Pritzker as her pawn; good choice.

“In a place like Westland, every governor has a gangster behind them,” would say Gabriel, who always downplays the political shady, “supporting a burgeoning gangster organization and Old-school gangs are no different, right?"

- In fact, there is not only a difference, but a huge difference. An emerging gang organization means that there will be countless gang fights, intrigues, money transfers, and bloody struggles behind them. But that's not what Albarino Bacchus needs to worry about, he has only the first step to do: give Gabriel Pritzker's soft spot.

At this point, he really appeared just right, and made a very appropriate choice.

The Sunday Gardener was then freed, leaving Gabriel's men responsible for blood-staining Westland's underworld.

At this moment, Gabriel is smiling, it is clear that her arrangement in Westland is going well, and she even has time to say to Albarino: "Seriously, you really don't plan to go back to Horace with me. Keston? It's a nice country, and I can give you everything you want."

"'Everything'?" repeated the Sunday Gardener with a strange smile.

"Yes," answered Gabriel calmly, her voice a little softer, "all the materials you need, if you like—and of course I sincerely advise you not to murder princes or cardinals, The aftermath would be very, very troublesome.”

"As far as I know, you really can't deal with the aftermath of the two murders you mentioned." Zacharia couldn't help but reminded in German in a low voice: sometimes he really had a hard time judging when Gabriel said It's always good to be vigilant about whether what comes out is true or not.

And the Sunday gardener said, "But the truth is, you don't need a serial killer."

"Yes, but I've seen my friends fund artists. It seems to be some kind of cháo in the rich circle: you can either make friends with artists, or invest in art, or both." Gabriel El blinked. "That looks interesting, so I should try it too, no?"

"'Artist,'" Albarino repeated softly, the second time he had heard the word in a month, and he had rarely heard of Sunday gardeners in this way before. The encounter is so peculiar, "Is it the kind that uses the human body as the creative material?"

"Are they 'people' in your eyes?" Gabriel Morgenstern asked sharply.

Albarino picked up the corners of his mouth, and at that moment the look that emerged from his green eyes was completely alien and not human. Some people will describe him as "contempt" when they see this look, but it's not. People don't need to express contempt for things that are completely different from themselves.

He said quietly: "'What is an ape to a man? A laugh or a shame.'"

(The same is true of man to superman: a laugh, or a shame. You have been from worm to man, but most of you are still worms. Once you were apes, but now man is more than any kind of ape an ape)

Gabriel didn't seem surprised, apparently familiar with the chapter. Then she said, "I'm not surprised that you're the kind of person who likes Nietzsche."

"That's why this invitation sounds so tempting," Albarino replied.

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