Wine Sword Immortal: Divine Level Winemaker, Drunkenly Kills Tianmen!

Chapter 52 Maybe The Little Rich Woman Is Quite Powerful.

Looking at the words on the screen, Wang Xianxian suddenly felt guilty.

He didn't know how to answer. His fingertips stayed on the screen for a long time and couldn't put them down.

Yun Ying saw this and patted his shoulder.

"What? Are you scared?"

"No." Wang Xianxian shook his head: "I just feel a little ashamed."

"She will consider many things about me, from life plans to small training details, and even my mood..."

"She is like the sun high in the sky, always shining on me."

"Compared to her, I am like a sewer rat, with a dark heart, hiding in hiding, and not daring to show my true colors to others..."

"While coveting her warmth, I also avoid her sunshine..."

After hearing Wang Xianxian's words, Yun Ying touched his head.

"Whether it's a mouse or not is not up to you."

"Your mother's last wish was that you could live freely and happily."

"She didn't want to be a shackles that bound you, which is why she didn't tell you the truth about her death."

"I know what kind of hatred you hide in your heart, and I also know what you want to do to the Wang family."

"But you are too weak now. Focusing on hatred will destroy the beauty around you."

"Your enemy is a behemoth that has been inherited for nearly ten thousand years. To destroy him, you need supreme power."

"In the process of gaining power, you must stick to your heart and suppress your inner demons."

"Don't let hatred cover your nature. Even if it's for Mo Elegy, you should learn to exercise restraint."

"As for your little benefactor, I don't know if she is the sun that hangs high in the sky and illuminates all things."

"But that day, that dusk, that sun, lit up for you."

"Why didn't that girl expose you? Why did she give you advice even though she knew you were hiding it from her?"

"How can a man be so humble?"

Yun Ying's voice was very gentle, and she kept stroking Wang Xianxian's hair.

"Those who are afraid of the sun are destined to be unable to enjoy its warmth."

Hearing Yun Ying's comfort, Wang Xianxian's tone was a little sad.

"Without revenge, am I really qualified to enjoy life..."

After hearing what Wang Xianxian was saying, Yun Ying quietly put her head on the young man's forehead.

"If you think like this, your mother will be sad..."

The young man's body trembled, and then he fell into silence for a long time.

It seemed like a long time passed.

Finally, the boy slowly raised his head, his eyes becoming surprisingly bright.

The fingertips that had been unable to reach the screen for a long time also began to dance.

Lying on the bed, Yu Xian'er couldn't help feeling a little regretful when she saw that Wang Xianxian hadn't responded to her message for a long time.

"Shouldn't he say that? Is he thinking blindly?"

She wanted to withdraw the message, but she felt that if she withdrew it, she would lose three hundred taels of silver.

Just when she was about to send a message, the message tone suddenly sounded.

[Xianxian: I think Yunjiu is very happy, but I don’t envy him because, like him, I am supported by a rich woman. ]

Seeing this news, Yu Xianer's earlobes turned red involuntarily.

"Ah...he...he is talking nonsense...what are you talking about!"

[Cats don’t like fish: Who took care of you? It’s an investment. Do you know, you have to pay it back! ]

[Cats don’t like fish: You don’t want to default on your debt, do you? ]

This time the message was responded to very quickly.

[Xianxian: I will tell everyone that I will always be yours. ]

The young man strikes out bravely.

"Well done!"

Yun Ying looked at the news sent by Wang Xianxian and clapped her hands excitedly.

"As expected of you, even if you are reincarnated, you still can't lose the charm in your bones!"

Yu Xian'er on the bed opened her mouth in shock, waiting for her to react.


The shy girl covered her face with a pillow and kept rolling on the bed.

After being suffocated by the pillow, Yu Xianer brushed away her scattered hair and picked up her phone again.

[Cats don’t like fish: You did it on purpose! ]

[Xianxian: Yes, Your Highness. ]

[Cats don’t like fish: You are so bold, I will put you in the cold palace! ]

[Xianxian: Your Highness, you said that I am not a sewer rat. ]

[Cats don’t like fish: Of course not. ]

At this moment, it seemed as if all the sadness had pressed the pause button.

Wang Xianxian smiled, smiling more happily than ever before.

[Xianxian: Your Highness, I long for sunshine. ]

The boy's words were incomprehensible, but Yu Xian'er understood them.

The girl's finger gently touched the screen.

[Cats don’t like fish: there must be some. ]

After sending the message, both of them fell into a long silence.

Yun Ying looked at Wang Xianxian at Aperture Opening with an aunty smile.

"Even if he is riddled with hatred, he cannot destroy the carefree nature of the immortal."

"Only those who are brave can enjoy the world."

Taking a deep breath, Wang Xianxian took the lead in breaking the silence.

[Xianxian: Your Highness, do you think Yunjiu can defeat the Sword Emperor? ]

[Maomao doesn’t like fish: I don’t think he needs to defeat the Sword Emperor. The most sensible thing to do is to be defeated by the Sword Emperor, let the Wang family harvest this wave of luck, and then grow wretchedly. ]

[Xianxian: Your Highness, do you believe that Yunjiu can defeat the Sword Emperor? ]

[Cats don’t like fish: I believe it. ]

[Xianxian: Yunjiu will defeat the Sword Emperor. ]

[Cats don’t like to eat fish: fighting will be very dangerous and will cause injuries. ]

[Xianxian: I think Yunjiu won’t be afraid. ]

[Cat doesn’t like fish: but the rich woman behind him will be angry. ]

[Xianxian: Yunjiu will not be injured, because it will be a crushing battle. ]

[Cats don’t like fish: After defeating the Sword Emperor, there will be big trouble. ]

[Xianxian: Don’t be afraid, he has a rich wife, maybe her little rich wife is quite powerful. ]

[Cats don’t like fish: You learn what I say. ]

[Xianxian: I assure you, it will be an extremely grand and gorgeous victory. ]

[Cats don’t like fish: OK. ]

[Xianxian: Your Highness, I may not have time to accompany you these days. I made wine for you and put it in your bracelet. ]

[Cat doesn’t like fish: Okay, I understand, I also need to be busy during this time. ]

[Xianxian: Your Highness, good night. ]

[Cats don’t like fish: Good night, scapegoat. ]

After ending the chat, Wang Xianxian stared at the phone screen for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, the boy finally put down his cell phone.

"Keep brewing."

After Yun Ying saw it, he didn't stop him.

"According to what that little girl said, after winning the Sword Emperor, the next life will not be easy."

Wang Xianxian lowered his head slightly: "I'm used to hard times, aren't I?"


The young man condensed two wine swords in his right hand.

"If you don't like things, just cut them off..."

Yun Ying raised her head suddenly, and she looked at the supreme aura surrounding the young man in shock.

"This is……"

Suddenly, Yun Ying laughed.

"Then let the so-called Sword Emperor see what a sword is."


The ancestral home of King Tianjian and the ancestral hall of Sword Emperor.

The Supreme Elder looked at Wang Beichen, who was groaning in pain, with complicated eyes.

"Stick to your heart and hold on."

Wang Beichen couldn't bear the pain in his body.

"Grandpa... I can't... hold it any longer..."

At this time, Wang Beichen's body was as red as a cooked shrimp.

In the ancestral hall, a large amount of light golden substance was continuously poured into Wang Beichen's body.

This light golden substance seemed to bring great pain to Wang Beichen.

"Why is Clan Yun resisting Beichen?" The Taishang Elder's face looked a little ugly. "Is this child too young? Clan Yun thinks it's not the right time yet?"

He looked up at the huge statue of the Sword Emperor.

"Ancestor, do we really have to wait any longer?"

"The moment of prophecy has arrived, the battle for the Great Dao has begun, luck is too important to the Wang family now..."

"Both the family and you need great luck in this era."

“With the beginning of a new era, more Prodigy will inevitably emerge.”

"One wrong step, every wrong step, a slow step, a slow step..."

"Only the son of prophecy can prevent my Wang family from destruction, and only the son of prophecy can make my Wang family rule the world."

"Although this child is still young, I believe in the prophecy and I believe that he can lead my Wang family to new heights."

The Supreme Elder stared at the Sword Emperor statue and thought for a long time before finally making up his mind.

He stopped pouring luck and took out a transparent porcelain bottle.

Inside was a drop of golden blood.

Just as he was about to open the porcelain bottle, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Ancestor, the executioner Wang wants to see you."


Reply to everyone’s questions.

The division of realms was originally from Grade One to Ninth Grade, but I found that there were too many realms and it was easy to get confused, so I decided to unify them.

All the grades of this book will be, 1 is the lowest and 9 is the highest (I need time to change it, I will change it tomorrow, I will take a break if it takes too long)

Also, I hope you won’t be anxious. Any book needs time to develop the world view, and character creation also requires pen and ink. The novel is only 100,000 words now. I know everyone has a lot of ideas, but please give me some time and I will come up with them.

By the way, I don’t know if you like emotional dramas, so I’d like to collect some opinions.

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