The Supreme Elder raised his head slightly: "Come in."

The tenth elder pushed open the door and walked in. He came to the side of the Supreme Elder and bowed.

"I've met my ancestor."

While saluting, he also glanced at Wang Beichen, who was unconscious on the ground.

"What's the matter?" asked the Supreme Elder.

The tenth elder lowered his head slightly: "Ancestor, do you really plan to put the fate of your family on Wang Beichen?"

The Supreme Elder sighed after hearing this.

"We have no choice. Now it's time to gamble on the fate of the family. If we succeed, we will be king, and if we fail, we will perish."

The tenth elder also understood the current situation of the family, and there was a little more confusion on his face.

The Supreme Elder frowned upon seeing this: "Did something happen to the family?"

"No." The tenth elder struggled for a long time and finally said, "Ancestor, can Wang Beichen really take on this important task now?"

Upon hearing this question, the Supreme Elder fell silent.

The tenth elder continued.

"The prophecy of heaven says that [the son of prophecy] will be born among the children of the bearer of the Nine Swords, and this son of prophecy will possess supreme power, and his power is enough to change the world."

"According to the prophecy of heaven, the national master also used the great prophecy technique."

"The prophecy of the National Master shows that the bearer of the Nine Swords will be born in the Emperor Clan."

"Because of the prophecy of the National Master, the Great Emperor clans have been waiting for thousands of years, and finally the prophecy came true in my Wang clan."

"Wang Jiannian, the son of Wang Xiao, the clan leader since 1999, is the 5015th generation clan member. When he was born, he had nine sword-shaped birthmarks on his back."

"His birth alarmed all the elders. It was the second elder who used the Divine Ability on his back to conceal the secrets of the world. This allowed the news of the bearer of the Nine Swords to be concealed."

"After Wang Jiannian came of age, he married the daughter of a small family named Mo Elegy."

"The next year, Mo Erge gave birth to a son named Wang Xianxian."

"In the same year, due to the improvement of my ancestor's strength, the power of my Wang family's Great Emperor bloodline has further improved."

"The progress of our ancestor's strength is also regarded by us as the beginning of the rise of the Wang family."

"We originally thought Wang Xianxian was the son of prophecy, but subsequent verification disappointed us."

"Because the news about the ancestor was known to the rest of the Emperor Clan, out of fear of the ancestor, they all bowed their heads and sued for peace."

"Wang Jiannian also went to the imperial capital because of the property donated by the Murong family."

"During this process, the Murong family discovered the identity of the bearer of Wang Jiannian's Nine Swords."

"The Murong family began to make their own plans. Their senior officials came to the Wang family in person and paid a huge price for the family's daughter Murong Wan to marry Wang Jiannian."

"The next year, Wang Jiannian's second son, Wang Beichen, was born."

"Wang Beichen's talent showed us that he is the son of prophecy."

"But to be on the safe side, before retreating, we issued an order to the clan leader Wang Xiao, asking him to take strict care of Wang Xianxian and prohibiting him from leaving the Wang family."

"Because Wang Xiao didn't know the whole truth, and because of the benefits given to him by the Murong family, a trend against Wang Xianxian began to rise within the clan."

"The Murong family is probably behind this. They probably want to get rid of Wang Xianxian."

"Although the Murong family also believes that Wang Beichen is the son of the prophecy, the Murong family is unwilling to let go of anyone who is detrimental to them."

"It's just because Wang Xianxian had the mark of the third elder on his body at that time, so Murong never took action."

"Through negotiation, our Wang family allowed Wang Beichen to spend his childhood in the Murong family, let them cultivate their relationship, and then return to the Wang family when they were eight years old."

"Before Wang Beichen was about to return to the Wang family at the age of eight, Wang Jiannian forced his ex-wife Mo Elegy to commit suicide in order to make his current wife happy."

Hearing this, the Supreme Elder finally spoke up.

"Why not stop it?"

The tenth elder lowered his head and responded: "To us, Mo Elegy is not important, as long as Wang Xianxian's life is not in danger."

"In addition, Murong Wan is the face of the Murong family, so we acquiesced to this behavior."

"After all, Wang Beichen's talent is indeed more suitable for the identity of the son of prophecy. Compared with him, Wang Xianxian is too inferior."

After hearing the explanation, the Supreme Elder did not refute.

He doesn't care about these, he only cares about the Son of Prophecy.

"What about Wang Xianxian? Why haven't I seen this child before?"

The tenth elder recalled the young man's eyes full of hatred that day and swallowed involuntarily.

"He was kicked out of the family."

The Supreme Elder frowned: "Why did you let him go?"

"Because we have already determined the identity of Wang Beichen's prophesied son." The tenth elder replied calmly.

"Isn't the reason why you have been in seclusion for so many years just because you peeked into the secrets of heaven and received the backlash from heaven?"

"Following the prophecy of Heavenly Law and the prophecy of the National Master, you made the third prophecy."

"In your prophecy, the son of the prophecy of heaven will be born in the Wang family. He will bring unprecedented glory to the Wang family, or it may bring complete destruction."

"Now, Wang Jiannian's existence has verified your prediction."

"Your prophecy also mentioned that the child of prophecy will awaken his vocation this year and will be the strongest Talent of his generation."

"Only Wang Beichen fits this characteristic, so the son of the prophecy can only be him."

The Supreme Elder stared closely at the Tenth Elder: "What about Wang Xianxian?"

“He didn’t awaken to Talent, and his vocation was to be a winemaker.”

"Other people don't know it, but we all know that our calling is actually the crumbs of the Great Dao."

"The son of prophecy in the prophecy of Heaven is Sword Dao, but Wang Xianxian's vocation as a winemaker belongs to the Wine Dao."

"So, we finally locked in the identity of Wang Beichen's prophesied son."

The Supreme Elder continued to ask: "Then why did Wang Xianxian be expelled from the family?"

"Because Wang Xianxian's awakened vocation makes Wang Jiannian extremely disgusted."

"In addition, Wang Jiannian doesn't like Wang Xianxian."

"Under Murong's instigation, they decided to attack Wang Xianxian and tried to frame him to death."

"I happened to be there that day. Because I was disgusted with what Murong did, I gave Wang Xianxian a chance."

"But I didn't expect that what happened next was beyond my control."

"With the intervention of Princess Linghuang, Wang Xianxian left the family alive."

"Yu Xian'er?" The elder pointed his finger and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Why would the princess of the Yu family interfere in this matter?"

The tenth elder shook his head: "I don't know, but I didn't have time to think about it at the time."

"That His Highness risked his soul to protect Wang Xianxian. In addition, Emperor Monarch Baize also pleaded for mercy at that time."

"And you weren't out of seclusion at that time, so it's not convenient for me to say anything."

"After all, Emperor Monarch Bai Ze represents the Sovereign Clan. I dare not act rashly."

The Taishang Elder's eyes became a little dangerous: "Why does Mr. Yu pay so much attention to Wang Xianxian?"

"I don't know either. There were so many things that happened at that time that I didn't have time to investigate." The tenth elder was a little annoyed.

The Supreme Elder: "Then what do you mean by these words?"

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