Winner in life

$124.67 I want to be a big star (1/2)

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Seeing this sentence means that the purchase ratio is not enough. Ruihe has been here for half a year, and has been in the bamboo factory for four and a half months. After completing the last batch of large orders before the New Year, although it is only the middle of the month, the Spring Festival is approaching, and the factory decided to pay the wages for this half month and the New Year's money together. Ruihe went to the financial office to collect the salary for the month and the New Year's money, a total of 22.40 yuan. When he walked out of the financial office, he saw Lu Peiyin at first sight among the workers in line. But he just glanced at her and walked straight out.

Almost all the workers in the bamboo factory were crowded at the door of the accounting office waiting to get their wages. Other places were very quiet. After Ruihe walked out of the factory, he waved to Li Dashui under the banyan tree at the gate: "Let's go!"

Li Dashui spit out the grass roots and jumped up, "Have you collected it?"


The two walked home shoulder to shoulder. When the factory was recruiting, Li Dashui's name was written down by the manager. When the factory received the last batch of large orders before the New Year, one of the workers who cut bamboo strips in the factory had an injured hand and a foot. At that time, the manager called Li Dashui to work as a temporary worker. He only did the work of cutting bamboo and cutting bamboo strips. He rushed to work for more than half a month. Today, he received wages with the workers.

Li Dashui said happily on the way: "Eight yuan! My mother will definitely be very happy when I go back. I also asked the manager, and he said that I did a good job. When the factory resumes after the New Year, let me come back. If I do well for three months, I will be promoted to a regular employee."

"That's great, Aunt Xiu'e will be happy." Ruihe was very happy for him. If it weren't for Li Dashui, he wouldn't be able to enter the factory. He felt sorry that Li Dashui couldn't come in. Now he is very happy to make money together. "When the factory resumes after the New Year, we will go to work and go home together."

"Yes!" Li Dashui nodded. "By the way, I have already found out what you asked me to find out. Now the housing land in our village costs about 30 yuan per mu. My mother said that it is not expensive to invite villagers to build a house. Three meals are provided and each person only needs 80 cents a day. However, the materials cost 200 to 300 yuan. Do you really want to buy land to build a house? Didn't you give all your wages to your brother? Where did you get the money to buy the land?"

Ruihe thanked him: "Please thank Aunt Xiu'e for me. I have decided to separate the family after the Chinese New Year, and then save money to buy land after the separation."

"Will your brother agree?"

"As long as I agree, I just need to tell the team to move my household registration out and re-register it."

It has been more than four months since the last time they talked about separation. During this period, Zhang Dashan and his wife no longer mentioned the separation, but Ruihe still asked about it privately. Fortunately, in this era and in this village, separation is not a difficult thing, and you don't even need to find the elders in the clan to get their consent. As long as we make it clear with the village cadres, we can move our names out and re-register, and we don't even have to pay the handling fee. Ruihe breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

As for the division of the family property when the family is divided, we will discuss it privately. The house we live in now is the mud house left by the original owner's parents, with a total of three rooms and a small courtyard. After the original owner's parents died, that room became the kitchen. Zhang Dashan moved the stove in the courtyard into it, and the remaining two rooms are still one for each brother.

The house is already very broken, and it is definitely not valuable to say that it is valuable. Ruihe learned from Zhang Xiaoshan's memory that the land in the future will be very valuable. When the original owner divided the family, he only took 500 yuan. According to Zhang Dashan, 200 yuan of it was the money that the original owner gave to his family during these years of working, and the remaining 300 yuan was the money for the house. At that time, the Zhang family's house had been demolished and rebuilt long ago. It was a solid red brick and tile house, and there was Zhang Xiaoshan's sweat between the bricks and tiles.

Zhang Dashan took out 300 yuan and said he wanted to buy Zhang Xiaoshan's room for his children to live in after marriage. At that time, Zhang Dashan's eldest son was only 13 years old, and it was too early to get married, while Zhang Xiaoshan was already 30 years old and was about to get married. Although Zhang Xiaoshan was unwilling at that time, he had a good temper, and his fiancee's temperament was exactly the same as his, even more docile. Neither of them was a character who would argue with others, and Zhang Xiaoshan had to muster up the courage to say that he wanted to split up the family.

So he took 500 yuan and split up and left. It was 1986, and both the land price and the house price were much higher than in the 1970s. Zhang Xiaoshan could only reluctantly buy an old and dilapidated earth house. He finally saved up money to rebuild it, but the youngest son fell ill as soon as the money ran out...

Thinking of this, Ruihe asked Li Dashui again: "Is the owner of the old house that Auntie mentioned last time still selling it?" Someone at the old ancestral hall wanted to sell a house, which was a wing room in the old courtyard, and the asking price was 185 yuan.

Li Dashui shook his head: "I don't know, do you want to buy it?"

"I can't afford it." It's so old, and even if he buys it, it won't be much better than what he lives in now.

I can't afford it. I can't build it.

Ruihe had to accept the reality of continuing to live under the same roof with Zhang Dashan and his wife, and planned to separate the family but not leave home, and separate the money and food.

The matter of separation is imperative, Zhang Dashan invited the three sisters of the two to come back to persuade them. This is the first time Ruihe has seen the three sisters of the original body.

The three sisters have already started families and married to other communes. They don't have time to come back usually, but Ruihe has made up his mind. The sisters love their eldest brother and the youngest brother, so they persuaded him and saw that he didn't listen, so they just said that they can support themselves even if they separate, and they didn't say anything more.

Zhang Dashan and his wife disagreed, but there was nothing they could do. As long as Ruihe didn't hand in any wages but ate every meal at home, they couldn't stand it. But Ruihe didn't want to make it look so ugly. Fortunately, Zhang Dashan compromised after seeing that he had made up his mind. So on the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, they agreed to divide the family and invited the elders of the clan to be a witness.

First of all, the house. I don't know if it's because there are no children yet, or because the earthen house is shabby, Zhang Dashan has no objection to Ruihe's proposal to divide the earthen house where he lives and half of the kitchen room. The three earthen houses are connected together, and Ruihe lives in the one on the far right. He also occupies half of the yard, and the well is shared.

As for the family's food, he wants his share of the production team issued at the end of November, and one-third of the tickets that have not expired should be given to him. The village usually distributes food after the two rice harvests. Because he entered the factory after the second rice was planted, Zhang Tiansheng still remembered his work points for more than two months. Although it was not much, he was given some food, plus the basic food ration of 108 kilograms. Ruihe was allocated 131 kilograms of grain, and Zhang Dashan didn't mention the other miscellaneous grains, so he didn't ask for them.

In fact, although Ruihe entered the factory, the wages for the first four months plus the full attendance bonus totaled 171.2 yuan. He gave Zhang Dashan 80% every month, which was considered "public", and the money was enough for him to buy food. However, Ruihe saw that Zhang Dashan still bought sweet potatoes with the villagers, so there must be more money left. He estimated that there was at least 100 yuan left from the wages. Zhang Dashan only gave him 20 yuan, and he didn't say anything.

In order to make the division of the family smoother, Ruihe had already made such preparations and didn't care.

Then it was the family's private plot. Zhang's private plot was 1.5 cents, and Ruihe got 7 cents. Finally, there was a group of chickens raised in the yard, and Ruihe got five.

He only took the bowls and chopsticks he used for those small items, and gave all the others such as oil, salt, the only iron pot in the family, broom, etc. to Zhang Dashan, so that the division was complete.

Ruihe's many concessions made Zhang Dashan's reluctance to separate from the family fade a lot. The process of separation went smoothly. Before the Chinese New Year, they reported the separation to Zhang Tiansheng, the leader of their production team. Zhang Tiansheng agreed: "I will help you report it when the production team goes to work after the Chinese New Year." This is really not a difficult thing to do, it's nothing more than re-registering a name.

The separation was settled. Because Ruihe did not give his wages this month to the family, Zhang Dasao told Zhang Dashan that they had separated during the Chinese New Year. Zhang Dashan scolded her: "Xiaoshan is still my brother after the separation. How can he spend the Chinese New Year alone? Just do what I say and buy things to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner!" When the family was separated, the uncles and aunts said that the younger brother was a kind person and it was a blessing to suffer losses. Is this a good thing for him? He shamelessly took a large sum of money. During the Chinese New Year, it was just right to let Xiaoshan come over to celebrate the New Year together, so that others could see that he, as the eldest brother, took good care of his younger brother who had separated from the family. This woman! No sense!

Mrs. Zhang went out angrily, and just happened to meet Ruihe's face. Then she glared, turned her head, and walked out without stopping.

Ruihe looked puzzled, and put away the things he had just purchased after entering the house. It felt good to be able to be the head of the family and spend his own money. Ruihe had a plan in advance. He first used the kerosene certificate to buy oil to light the oil lamp, so that his house would have light at night. He also bought a new enamel pot that he had been thinking about for a long time, so that he could drink water in the future. The most important thing was that he bought paper and pencils.

He carefully opened the notebook, adjusted the pen holding posture many times, and then lay on the bed and carefully outlined, writing the three words Xu Ruihe stroke by stroke. "Is it written well?"

A voice in his head told him: "Very good and standard."

Ruihe smiled happily, and slowly stroked the three words with his fingers. After that, he put away the notebook and pen and continued to organize the things he had just purchased.

This time when he went shopping, he also bought three catties of cotton, twelve feet of cloth, white sugar, salt, cooking oil, a pottery pot for cooking, a thermos, and other daily necessities. Today, he spent 11.73 yuan on all the things he had to buy to support his family. This time, when the family was divided, Ruihe got his own cloth coupons. He was afraid that they would expire and he would not use them. Today, he used them all up to buy twelve feet of cotton cloth, which cost him six yuan.

After putting the quilt that had been dried in the sun into the house, Ruihe sat cross-legged on the bed and stuffed the core that had also been dried in the sun into it, and then patted the quilt carefully several times.

This set of quilts was already very old. When winter came, Ruihe turned it out, took off an older summer coat to patch the sheets, and pasted five more patches on it before it was patched. It was ugly, but everyone was living like this now. One person was only given one foot and two feet of cloth coupons a year, and an adult could only make a long coat and long pants. The rest could only be used to make a vest or shorts. Cloth coupons were precious. Even clothes were patched, so the quilts at home were even more unnecessary.

After folding the quilt and placing it at the head of the bed, Ruihe picked up the twelve-foot cloth he had just bought today and looked at it. The cloth was ordinary gray cotton cloth and felt quite soft, but he didn't know how to make clothes and couldn't bear to make new clothes now. He was still growing taller, and if he made new clothes now, he wouldn't be able to wear them next year. Ruihe also put the cloth away and got off the bed to sort out other scattered items.

At the end of his busy work, he put his hands on his hips and looked around his room, his eyes full of joy.

He cooked by himself at noon. In the past two days, with the help of Li Dashui, he separated the kitchen into two rooms. After sealing off the original half door, he opened a new door between his room and the kitchen, and then built a new stove and a new stove, making a complete separation of the house. After washing the newly bought clay pot, I put it on the stove and started cooking porridge. Iron pots are still relatively expensive now, so he doesn't dare to buy them. He washed the sweet potatoes while watching the fire, chopped them into pieces and added them to the clay pot. When the sweet potato porridge was ready, he added a spoonful of sugar, which made the meal much sweeter to him.

He was not idle after lunch. He made an appointment with Li Dashui to go fishing.

"Well, my throat feels uncomfortable." Rui He carefully peeked at Li Dashui. Seeing that Li Dashui was not suspicious, but looked at him worriedly, he couldn't help but smile, and sighed again in his heart that this was such a simple and good man.

After saying goodbye to the good man Li Dashui, Ruihe returned to his home. When he entered the door, he saw his old sister-in-law working on the stove. He quickly said hello: "Sister-in-law." The sister-in-law hummed and stirred the pot indifferently. The smell was like sweet potato porridge. I dug sweet potatoes a few days ago, and my family received three large bags. He weighed one bag weighing fifty or sixty pounds, so my family has been eating sweet potatoes these days.

Seeing that he couldn't have lunch yet, he picked up the broom at the door and swept the floor. After a while, Brother Zhang called him: "Come in and eat!"

"Come on!"


At the dinner table, Rui He looked up at the opposite side. Zhang Xiaoshan's eldest brother Zhang Dashan was drinking porridge while his sister-in-law was nibbling steamed red sweet potatoes. He walked around the two people's rice bowls, lowered his eyes and continued to drink porridge. There was also a small bamboo strip on the table with four freshly steamed sweet potatoes on it, but he didn't dare to take one more, otherwise his sister-in-law would glare at him. This was the experience he had gained in the past few days.

After washing the dishes and returning to his room, Rui He touched his stomach and felt that all the water in his stomach was sloshing around.

He didn't eat enough.

But he didn't dare to say anything yet. He didn't have Zhang Xiaoshan's memory, so he didn't know what the situation at home was like. The original person is young, he must be sixteen or seventeen years old, right? The original eldest brother, Zhang Dashan, looks like he is in his early twenties. He has strong muscles and looks very good at work. Moreover, he did not see any elderly people at home. Then the eldest brother is the head of the family and has to support the family! The eldest brother eats better than him. It is normal for the sweet potato porridge that the sister-in-law serves to the eldest brother to be thicker. This was also the case in his previous home. Good things should be given to dad first, so that he has the strength to work.

Ruihe licked his lips and slowly fell asleep. Just as I fell asleep, the gong sounded again, and the afternoon work began again.

The rice transplanting was extremely busy. At 4:30 in the morning, Zhang Tiansheng, the captain of the No. 11 Production Team of Meicun, beat the gong and called out everyone. He was lazy on weekdays, but for the sake of his fellow villagers, Zhang Tiansheng didn't care. Anyway, the work points were recorded and he didn't do enough. There is no full work credit. Not now! The eleven production teams of Shangmei Village are now competing vigorously! If you really end up in last place, you will be so embarrassed! Therefore, we must race against time now, and no laziness is allowed. Therefore, at 1:30 in the afternoon, when the sun is at its strongest, the gong rings early.

"I'll tell you the truth! The commune will hold a summary meeting after the rice planting. Our performance will be seen by the production team. If we don't perform well, people from the team will go to the meeting and criticize our team. , Are you ashamed? Are you ashamed? Take it seriously! Let me see who is slacking. Not only will I not record your work points, I will also write them down and report them to the commune meeting! Once..."

Every time Ruihe listened to the captain's lecture, he felt a little nervous. He was so anxious that he was afraid of being criticized! His father had taught him before that it didn't matter if he wasn't smart, but he had to be diligent. Diligence can make up for his weakness! You should listen more to smart and wise people and realize your own shortcomings and so on. In his opinion, the captain said it very well! Hard work can never be wrong. He must work hard to earn work points and food to support himself.

The pressure of hunger and survival made Ruihe suppress his longing for his sister and fear of this strange place, and worked hard in silence. He was fortunate that everyone around him was busy. By the final stage of transplanting, even the talkative Li Dashui was too tired to speak much. No one had the time or energy to pay attention to him. During this busy season, he carefully integrated into the environment. By the time the farming was over, he had learned the local dialect and found out more information about his original identity.

After the rice transplanting, the production team organized a celebration meeting. On a summer night, they made a big circle around the grain drying field. The captains of each production team came out to perform. Ruihe listened to the captains singing with wide eyes and felt weird. It sounds good, and the lyrics are pretty good, even he can understand it. It seems to be praising a particularly great person and a particularly great party, who brought everyone's good days. As Ruihe listened, pride surged in his heart. In the light of the fire, he looked at the smiling faces and the haystacks in the distance, and felt that this place was so nice that he almost wanted to cry.

Here, as long as you work hard, you will be rewarded with work points and food to eat, so much more. Rui He has never read a book and can only use the word "good" to describe it. He sincerely thinks that this place is good. Secretly, he is still thinking that it would be great if his sister was here too. No one would beat them here. They are brother and sister. They are all used to working, and they will definitely live a good life.

But he didn't know where this place was, let alone where to find his sister. After being disappointed for a while, Ruihe was attracted by the new program on the field.

"Come on, let's invite the educated youth from Shangmei Village to give a program, a poetry recitation!"

Ruihe opened his eyes wide and his mouth opened unconsciously. Li Dashui bumped his shoulder and asked slyly, "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yeah!" He nodded heavily, his eyes full of appreciation and yearning for beautiful things. Five young girls stood up in the crowd, their hair combed neatly to reveal their fair faces. Although they were wearing ordinary trousers and shirts, they held their heads high and chests puffed out when standing in a row, and they were indescribably youthful and beautiful. Lu Peiyin was also in it, standing in the middle, and she started: "Qinyuanchun, Changsha."

The four female educated youths around him recited together: "Standing alone in the cold autumn, the Xiangjiang River flows north, and the head of Orange Island."

The tone was passionate and full of emotion, and Ruihe's eyes were almost shining. It turned out that the educated youths were such educated people. He had heard Li Dashui say before that the educated youths came from the "city". Coming from the city to the countryside, the difference between heaven and earth was obvious. Ruihe was still thinking privately before: What mistakes did these young educated youths make? Why are they so similar to the exiles in the opera? Now that he saw that these educated youth were so good at reciting poems, and their temperament was different from others, he thought that his original guess must be wrong.

It was the first time he heard such majestic words and such a tone of speech, which was completely different from the local dialect he had just learned. It seemed that these female educated youth suddenly became unattainable.

"Are you staring straight?"

Faced with Li Dashui's ridicule, Ruihe felt a little embarrassed, so he lowered his head and touched his nose with the back of his hand, and asked in a low voice: "They recited it so beautifully, did they write it?"

"Of course not, this was written by the old chairman, it's very famous!"

"Oh." Although it was not written by female educated youth, Ruihe still felt that these educated youth were amazing.

"Don't be tempted by Lu Peiyin again. It's busy farming these days. Haven't you seen many men around her? This one helps with a little bit, that one helps with a little bit, and she doesn't have to work too hard. She's too popular. It will be difficult for you to continue to pursue her. It's better to find another one. In fact, the girls in our village are pretty good..."

"Don't say it. I know everything. I'm still young, so I won't say it for now. Brother Dashui, don't mention it again in the future."

The party soon ended. It was "eight o'clock" according to the time here. Ruihe lay in bed and heard his stomach growling again. But he was used to being hungry and didn't take it seriously. He slowed down his breathing skillfully and thought about other things to divert his attention.

He was still at the party tonight, and the scenes of the educated youth standing there lingered in his mind. "It's so beautiful." He whispered.

The straight back, the poems that he couldn't understand but felt very beautiful, this is a scholar. Ruihe was very envious. He had never read a book, but he always had a sense of awe and yearning for reading. It's great. He turned over again and slowly fell asleep. In his dream, he was sitting in the school, with a white fragrant book on the table. Looking to the left, his sister Ruizhu was smiling at him, revealing her missing front teeth.

So good.

When he woke up the next day, Ruihe still felt a little happy in his heart. He felt that such a beautiful dream made him happier than filling his stomach. He hoped that he could have such a dream every day.

He lowered his head to put on his shoes, and his tears dripped into the soil. He wiped his eyes vigorously and hugged his knees with his head down.

It was not until the sound of the gong outside that he raised his head and pursed his lips to go to the yard to fetch water to wash his face. The towel was made from old clothes, and it was so tattered that the original color could not be seen. He seemed to have put his face on the floor, wiped it hard a few times, and then hurried outside to gather.

The busy life did not leave Ruihe much time to think about random things. What he had to do now was to do the work assigned by the captain well, earn enough work points, and wait until the autumn harvest to get more food.

He was very hungry and wanted to have a full meal.

Ruihe just listened to such words and didn't take it to heart. He just asked: "Where is my elder brother? Why didn't he come?"

Zhang's wife's face turned green again. She put the cup down heavily and stared at Ruihe: "Really not lending it?"

Ruihe wiped the splashed water with a rag, and said as he wiped: "When the family was divided, my elder brother gave me 20 yuan, and I gave 80% of my salary for the four months after entering the factory to my elder brother. Excluding the cost of buying food, there should be at least 100 yuan left in the family after the division? This is what I earned. I don't know how much my parents left. Anyway, it was my elder brother who took care of it at that time. I didn't say much and didn't care about it. My elder sister-in-law thought I was easy to bully. It was almost the New Year and she came to my house to talk nonsense with me and put the shit pot on my head." As he said this, he looked up at Zhang's wife, with a sharpness in his eyes that Zhang's sister-in-law had never seen before.

"How about I go outside and beat the gongs and drums to invite all the villagers to come over and let everyone judge why I didn't care about your life or death."

Mrs. Zhang was so angry that she gasped and looked at her brother-in-law who was suddenly eloquent in disbelief: "You threatened me?"

"Mrs. Zhang, you threatened me first." Ruihe stood up, "I'm going to wash the quilt. If you're okay, go back first."

Seeing Mrs. Zhang slam the door and go out angrily, Ruihe took the quilt out to wash without much care. She could have talked to him nicely, but she didn't. Mrs. Zhang thought she could still control herself, but she was dreaming. Although he didn't want to make things too awkward with his original relatives, he didn't worry about that being his original eldest brother, but just didn't want to cause trouble for himself. The concession of splitting the family was also a decision made under his own weak power, in order to smoothly split the family without any complications. He didn't regret what he did at the beginning, but it didn't mean that he would make concessions today.

The reason he refused that day was the basis for his rejection of Mrs. Zhang today. No matter who he told it to, he was always right.

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