Winner in life

$127.70 I want to be a big star (1/2)

Seeing this sentence means that the purchase ratio is not enough. "Don't ask, just say whether you want to borrow it or not!"

Rui He shook his head: "Sister-in-law, let me tell you the truth. I have only saved these two hundred yuan after working very hard this year. You want to borrow them all at once and you don't let me ask why. This is too disrespectful. It makes sense. We are relatives, and I will help if I can, but two hundred yuan is definitely not enough."


Sister-in-law Zhang took a deep breath to suppress her anger and complained about her husband again. It was so easy to let my brother-in-law separate and leave the family. Thank you now! But the husband said something like "Don't let outsiders laugh", "It's not shameful to make trouble" and "it has a bad reputation". That's all bullshit! You have real money in your hands, no matter what other people do! It's fine now. If she wants to borrow money, she has to lower her voice and say something nice. Her husband doesn't dare to say a word about it. What a shame! Is this something she does alone?

She lowered her head and took a sip of water. The water made with orange jam was sour and sweet, but her heart was a little sour, so her mouth also became sour: "Your life is getting better. The life and death of my brother and sister-in-law." You don’t like it either.”

Ruihe just listened to this and didn't take it seriously. He just asked: "Where's eldest brother? Why didn't he come?"

Sister Zhang's face turned green again. She put the cup down hard and stared at Ruihe: "You really don't want to borrow it?"

Ruihe wiped the splashed water with a rag and said while wiping: "My eldest brother gave me twenty yuan when we separated, and I gave 80% of my salary for the four months after joining the factory to my eldest brother, except for buying As for the food expenses, after the separation, the family still had at least 100 yuan, right? This was what I earned. I don’t know how much my parents left behind. Anyway, my eldest brother was doing the cooking at that time, so I didn’t care about it. He thought I was easy to bully, and he came to my house to talk nonsense with me when he was about to celebrate the New Year, and put a shit basin on my head." As he said that, he raised his eyes and looked at Sister Zhang, his eyes were sharper than what Sister Zhang had ever seen before.

"How about I go outside and beat the gongs and drums to invite all the villagers over and let everyone comment. Why on earth do I care about your life and death?"

Sister-in-law Zhang gasped with anger and looked at her brother-in-law who was suddenly so articulate in disbelief: "Are you threatening me?"

"Sister-in-law, you were the one who threatened me first." Ruihe stood up, "I'm going to wash the quilt. Sister-in-law, if you have nothing to do, go back first."

Seeing Mrs. Zhang slamming the door angrily and going out, Ruihe took out the quilt and washed it without much care. She could have spoken properly, but she couldn't. Mrs. Zhang thought she could still control herself, but she was just daydreaming. Although he didn't want to get into too much trouble with his relatives, he didn't care that he was his eldest brother, he just didn't want to cause trouble for himself. The concession of the family separation was also a decision made because I was weak and wanted to separate the family smoothly without causing any complications. He doesn't regret what he did back then, but that doesn't mean he will give in today.

The rejection that day gave him the confidence to reject Sister Zhang today. No matter who he told, he was always reasonable.

"But, sister-in-law, what are they going to do with two hundred yuan?" Rui and Zuo Siyou were puzzled. After the separation, because they lived close together, he could actually hear what was going on next door, such as purchasing large pieces of furniture, spending large sums of money for illness, etc. However, there was no such movement in Zhang Dashan's family. Zhang Dashan has at least 100 yuan in savings, and now he wants 200 yuan from him. Could it be that he wants to buy a house?


When Ruihe came back to his senses, he realized that Xu Caiheng had arrived and quickly welcomed him in: "Sit down and drink water."

"The orange jam this time tastes better than last time." Xu Caiheng praised, and the two started class.

After today's class was over, Xu Caiheng said he was getting married at the age of 28 and invited Ruihe to come over and have some sweets. This news is so sudden!

"Are you getting married? Who is the bride?"

"It's Qingnan. We'll be having drinks at Xiaogangjiao Chiyu Lane at noon on the 28th. You must come."

"Definitely go!"

"I won't be here tomorrow. You have finished these three papers in the past few days."

After sending Xu Caiheng away, Ruihe started to walk around the house. Originally, he bought half a catty of sesame cake and half a catty of brown sugar cake in the town, intending to give Xu Caiheng a New Year gift. Now that he suddenly heard that the other party was getting married, the gift was too thin. Xu Caiheng taught him that he was very dedicated. If he had anything he didn't understand, just ask him, and the other party would tell him carefully. He has made rapid progress in the past year and has already learned at the fifth grade level. Xu Caiheng has contributed a lot to this.

He placed two packs of snacks on the table and looked around. Indeed, there were no other gifts to congratulate the newlyweds. In the middle of the year, when Li Dashui's eldest sister Li Damei got married, he went to a banquet. When meeting relatives and friends, he always gave cloths, enamel jars or thermos bottles, sheets, etc. to the family. What he gave at that time was also a hot water bottle. This time Xu Caiheng gets married, and he plans to buy a pair of enamel jars with double happiness printed on them. In the end, he will give them a gift of five yuan, which should be enough.

After dinner, Ruihe went to Li Dashui to talk about the matter and asked him to go out together. Li Dashui patted his chest and agreed. He liked to go out for fun the most. His good friends didn't have to go to class to ask him to go out with him. He was very happy. "The name Qingnan looks so familiar. Do you recognize Xiaoshan?"

Rui He shook his head: "I only heard Mr. Xu say once that I knew they were in love."

Li Dashui knocked on Ruihe's door early the next morning: "I also brought money to see what else I can buy."

"Auntie didn't tell you?" All of Li Dashui's money is with Auntie Xiu'e.

"Hi! My mother said that men should not go out empty-handed and have no confidence in doing anything. She gave me five yuan! She told me to buy it for the Chinese New Year to visit relatives."

The two walked to the town, and when they were chatting on the way, Li Dashui took the initiative to talk about Xu Caiheng's blind date. "Coincidentally, my mother knows her. It turns out that she is Zhang Qingnan, who is also from our village and lives near the port. I heard that she is the fifth child in the family, with two older sisters and two older brothers, and a younger brother."

The main area of ​​Shangmei Village is relatively round and regular, but a small area extending from the border with the mining road also belongs to Shangmei Village. That piece of land is close to the port, so it is usually called Xiaogangjiao.

Ruihe suddenly realized: "It turns out that she is from Xiaogangjiao, no wonder I don't have any impression of her." He has no relatives there and usually doesn't go there.

"Really? I don't remember her, but my mother has seen her. She said she's very good at work and a good girl." Li Dashui frowned. "My mother won't tell me whether she's pretty or not. I'm really afraid that she'll find me a partner who's very good at work but looks like a female demon. I'll cry to death."

"Don't talk nonsense." Ruihe couldn't help but knock him. "I think what your aunt said is right. It's better to be able to work. You two can work together to save money. It'll be great to live a prosperous life in the future. Can you eat or drink with your face?"

That's what his mother said before, and it's definitely right.

Marry a virtuous wife.

Li Dashui covered his ears with a cry: "Why do you say that? We are good brothers, you have to stand on my side..."

Ruihe couldn't help laughing: "On the way, the kids on the side of the road are laughing at you."

The two chatted and laughed as they walked into the city. They didn't feel tired after walking for two hours. Ruihe quickly bought two enamel pots, but when he was about to leave, he saw a counter suddenly crowded with people, and many people were crowding there.

"What's wrong?"

"We have scraps of cloth for sale! No coupons needed!"

Ruihe and Li Dashui's eyes lit up when they heard the conversation, and they rushed over to buy. There were too few cloth coupons! How could there be enough for so many people in the family? Three years new, three years old, and three years of mending. It's really no joke. The winter clothes Ruihe is wearing now are the ones Zhang Dashan gave him. He has worn them for four years. They are too short to be lengthened and too torn to be mended. Therefore, Ruihe bought new thick cotton cloth to make winter clothes.

As for the 12-foot thin cotton cloth bought at the end of last year, in the middle of this year, I gave Aunt Xiu'e 50 cents to help cut and make a pair of trousers, a vest and a pair of shorts, all of which were made wide. I couldn't bear to throw away the remaining scraps, so I kept them to make two pairs of thousand-layer sole shoes and continue to make patches. Originally, he was reluctant to use those cloths, but the work this year was too busy. The clothes were always worn out when moving bamboo and weaving. In the hot summer, the sweat soaked the clothes from morning to night. That’s why he had to make new clothes.

It is said that the department store occasionally sells scraps of cloth, the price is low and no tickets are required, but Ruihe has never had the opportunity to catch up. This time, he was lucky enough to come across it, and it would be a pity not to buy some.

As a result, the two big guys were so tall that they could hardly squeeze past other female customers! Ruihe barely grabbed three bundles of rags and spent fifty cents. The rags were tied together with ropes. One bundle was about as thick as an adult man’s arm and as long as a palm. The colors were messy and varied. However, the customers who grabbed them were all smiling, thinking that they had grabbed a great bargain.

Ruihe was also happy. Now he had materials to patch the sheets, and he could also make a few more pairs of thousand-layer soles for next spring and summer. Summer shoes are too worn out. In addition, he could also change a towel by patching.

Li Dashui said bitterly, "I just grabbed a bundle." He was strong and his height was like his parents, not very tall, about 1.65 meters. The crowd was crowded and there were many female comrades, so Li Dashui didn't dare to squeeze in.

Buying rags was a pleasant surprise, and today's shopping trip was successfully concluded. Ruihe and Li Dashui planned to return to the village, but unexpectedly saw someone secretly selling clothes in the alley on the way back.

"Brother, do you want to buy clothes?"

There was a little girl at the entrance of the alley. When she saw them passing by, she ran over and whispered, and introduced them, "These are clothes from Shanghai!"


Ruihe wanted to take a look at the clothes from the big city, and so did Li Dashui, so the two walked into the alley.

The dishes were indeed rich, with six dishes on the table, two of which were meat dishes, namely tofu minced meat soup and a steamed crucian carp, and two other sweet dishes, namely the combination of sweet potato and taro, and a sweet soup of ginkgo, lotus seeds and Euryale. The remaining dishes were fried potatoes and stir-fried cabbage. Each dish was served in a large bowl, and the quantity was sufficient.

Ruihe suddenly remembered that Xu Caiheng always looked tired in the second half of this year. At that time, he thought it was because of the busy school affairs. Now he thought that he should be tired from preparing for the wedding like Brother Mingyong.

There were five tables in total. In addition to the educated youth and school colleagues and Ruihe, the others on the man's side were all relatives of the woman. Ruihe ate and listened, and heard that none of Xu Caiheng's relatives in the city came, and everyone had many guesses.

The banquet was over quickly. Some people brought their bowls and some dishes back home. The plates on the dining table were all empty. Ruihe said goodbye to Xu Caiheng and wished him a happy wedding. Xu Caiheng hurriedly gave him a bag of return gifts: "Take the wedding candy back and eat it slowly."

When he returned home, he found something wrong. Looking left and right, Ruihe found that the quilt was a little messy. Turning around, he saw that the bamboo products piled in the corner were not the same as before. He was a person who liked cleaning, so he kept the small room in order. Although the room was small, things were not messy and he knew where everything was placed. When he looked around, he was shocked to find that someone had entered his house!

"Is there a burglar at home?" When Rui He thought that there might be a burglar at home, his first reaction was to look at his property.

He has a lot of savings, and he has deposited money at the rural credit cooperative in the city three times this year. But it's too far there, and it takes a day to go back and forth, so he hasn't deposited the next four months' salary yet, and plans to do so after the new year before starting work.

There is still more than 150 yuan hidden at home, Rui He hid it under the bed board. He quickly opened the mattress and straw mat and found that the money under the bed board had disappeared. At that moment, Ruihe's heart was gripped by strong fear and anger. Anger, panic and regret kept coming up, making his eyes mist.

Suddenly he turned around and looked in the other direction of the room——

His deposit slip contains a deposit slip of three hundred yuan.

It doesn’t matter who takes the deposit slip, as long as the person who goes to withdraw money says that he is the depositor written on the deposit slip, the staff will give the money, and they will not recognize the person who acknowledges the slip.

His heart was beating faster. Ruihe almost ran and jumped to the wardrobe. The wardrobe was just made during his spare time in the middle of the year. It used materials from the bamboo factory. The manager turned a blind eye to these things. , as long as you don't secretly steal the materials and sell them, but just make small items for yourself, he won't tell you anything. So in the middle of the year, Ruihe learned to make himself a wardrobe, which looked decent.

The closet door was ajar, and the clothes inside were a little messy. Rui He didn't care. He took a deep breath and took out all the clothes. After a few flips, he pulled out a partition in the middle of the cabinet. The partitions are also made of bamboo sheets. Ruihe braided them into two layers for firmness, and sandwiched thin wooden strips in the middle for support. It still feels very thin to the touch. Rui He had calmed down a lot by this time. He didn't believe that the thief could dismantle the wardrobe or the partition - and he even dismantled this inconspicuous partition alone.

He carefully removed the partition and inserted an oil paper packet inside. After opening it, there were three deposit slips.

"It's's okay..." Rui He collapsed on the ground, unable to recover for a while. If these deposit slips were also stolen, he really felt like the sky was falling.

But he still lost one hundred and fifty dollars.

One hundred and fifty dollars.

I lived frugally and worked from morning to night. My clothes were soaked with sweat. My palms and fingers were scratched and I didn’t have time to heal them. The thick calluses pricked my face when I washed my face. A month's salary is just over forty yuan, and it takes more than three months to save without eating or drinking.

It's gone.

One-third of the savings from studying were missing.

Rui He's eyes went dark for a while. System 460 saw this and quickly woke him up: "The host is excited first, call the police immediately." After saying this, he was also stunned. Rui He jumped up and said, "Yes, I'm going to call the police!"

As a result, he rushed to the gate and stopped suddenly. Call the police? Where to call the police?

Gritting his teeth, he rushed to the next door and knocked on it: "Brother and sister-in-law, come in from my house -" The door next door was locked with an iron lock, indicating that the owner was not there.

So Ruihe rushed to Li Dashui's house. The men of the Li family had all gone to work in the family's private plot, and only the women were at home. Aunt Xiu'e raised her eyebrows when she heard this: "Shangmei Village has never had anything like this happen to us. Who is doing this sneaky thing!" She pulled Ruihe up and said, "I'll take you to the captain! I'll definitely give it to you. Please give me an explanation!”

Oh my God! A total of one hundred and fifty yuan was lost, my God! Qian Xiu'e, who was not her own, felt so heartbroken that she almost fainted.

Zhang Tiansheng happened to be at home, and his eyes changed after hearing Ruihe's words: "One hundred and fifty yuan?" Deruihe nodded with red eyes, and he stood up immediately. This is too bad, this is a big amount!

"Are the door locks broken? Where are the windows?"

Rui He shook his head: "I don't know. The door lock should not be broken. I used the key to unlock it when I came back. The window... I didn't have time to look at it."

Zhang Tiansheng understood that Xiaoshan was still young and had no time to react when he first discovered that his home had been robbed. He asked Rui He to relax: "I'm going to go out to check now, so you can relax first!" After that, he strode out.

Zhang Tiansheng reported the matter to the Shangmeicun Production Brigade, and the captain Zhang Aiguo asked several production team captains to investigate together. The nature of the burglary during the Chinese New Year was too serious. It was not a petty theft but only 150 yuan. Zhang Aiguo took it very seriously and asked the team leaders: "Ask the people in the old house, especially around Xiaoshan's house, to see if there are any." I saw an outsider passing by Xiaoshan’s house. He said he was having a wedding reception at Xiaogangjiao at noon, and the door lock was not broken. Maybe an acquaintance committed the crime. Let’s ask!”

Soon a gong sounded outside, and the villagers were called together for questioning.

After hearing the news, Li Dashui came back from his own land to accompany Rui He. He knew Rui He's plan for next year, so he was very angry that a thief came to steal the money: "That's disgusting! He just happened to steal it when you were going out to have a wedding banquet. It must have been planned! Don’t be sad, we will definitely catch the thief!”

Rui He nodded lightly: "I hope so." He didn't have high expectations for the thief he found.

"Oh, it's unlucky. It just so happens that your brother is not at home. Otherwise, the thief wouldn't have broken in through the window. It would be great if they were at home. They would definitely hear the noise."

Saying this now only adds to his worries, Ruihe is still quite angry with himself.

The reason why the family has not saved the 150 yuan is because the rural credit cooperative is too far away. It takes less than two hours to walk to the city. The bamboo factory does not have fixed holidays. When free, it may be Saturday. Or take a day off on Sunday, which he usually doesn't have time to go to. Second, it was difficult to dismantle the cabinet frequently, which was troublesome and laborious, so he put the money under the bed board in order to save trouble.

If you were not lazy, you would have deposited your money in a credit union early! Even if you ask for leave, just go.

Why do you want to be lazy! Why do you want to be lazy!

Regret almost drowned him.

Li Dashui saw that he looked unhappy, and he put his arm around his shoulders and comforted him silently.

In the evening, Zhang Tiansheng came to Ruihe's house and sighed as soon as he entered the door: "The thief broke in through the window. People near your house said that they didn't see anyone climbing the window with strange behavior. As the New Year approaches, there are more people from other villages coming in and out. I have asked all the people from other villages who have been close to the old house, and there are witnesses to prove that they did not approach your house. Alas!" After speaking, Zhang Tiansheng sighed heavily and looked at Ruihe: "Xiaoshan, I can't do anything about it. Fortunately, you are young and can continue to earn money even if you lose it. This time is a lesson. In the future, you must hide your money well, preferably in a credit union."

Although he had guessed that this would be the result, Ruihe was still very disappointed. He forced himself to thank Zhang Tiansheng and grabbed a bag of brown sugar cakes used at home for the New Year and gave it to Zhang Tiansheng: "Give it to my younger brothers and sisters." Thank him for running around today.

How could Zhang Tiansheng be willing to take his things? After refusing with a fierce face, he sighed: "I'll be relieved if you work hard. Xiaoshan, life is like this. Sometimes there are always some bastards who come to mess things up. Don't be discouraged. I also heard that you work in a bamboo factory. That's good. As long as you are healthy, you can earn everything back."

Sending Zhang Tiansheng away, Ruihe forced a smile and said to Li Dashui: "You should go back too. It's late."

Li Dashui shook his head: "I told my mother that I will sleep at your place tonight. It's almost nine o'clock. Let's go to bed. I'll take you fishing tomorrow!"

"Okay." Ruihe sighed again.

"Don't sigh!" Li Dashui pulled him, "Go to sleep!" and went to make the bed.

The bed was still messy. Ruihe turned up all the bedding when he checked the money under the bed board in the afternoon. Li Dashui made the bed and put down the mosquito net. "I'll sleep outside and you inside. Why do you have such long hair? Xiaoshan, do you have a girlfriend?" He smiled slyly. "Did she stay at your house overnight?"

"Well, my throat is uncomfortable." Ruihe carefully peeked at Li Dashui. Seeing that Li Dashui did not doubt him but looked at him worriedly, he could not help but smile. He sighed in his heart again that he was such a simple and kind person.

After saying goodbye to the good man Li Dashui, Ruihe returned to his own home. When he entered the door, he saw the original sister-in-law busy at the stove. He quickly greeted her: "Sister-in-law." The sister-in-law hummed and stirred the pot indifferently. It smelled like sweet potato porridge again. A few days ago, they dug sweet potatoes and their family was given three large bags. He weighed a bag of fifty or sixty kilograms, so the family has been eating sweet potatoes these days.

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