Winner in life

$136.79 I want to be a big star (1/2)

When the other actors left one after another, Li Xiong went to the office and kicked Fan Jun: "They are all gone. Today I will help your Congwu University grow up. You said you are already forty years old, why are you getting more and more... Childish? Didn't you say before that this rough and straightforward method of carrying a sedan chair was too vulgar and tasteless?"

"Well, I was wrong before. In fact, the effect of this method is immediate. There will definitely be no big problems in the relationship between the crew and my colleagues when I join the Wu team." Fan Junli thanked him repeatedly, pinched his shoulders and hit his back, "Good brother Thank you.”

"Go, go, go home quickly. My sister-in-law is pregnant with the child. Don't let him worry."

"Okay! Let's get together another day. That boy Su Tian has opened another hotel. Let's kill him."

"Hey wait!" Li Xiong suddenly remembered something, "I originally wanted to call you, but now I'm going to tell you by the way. At four o'clock in the afternoon, something happened to Lei Yanyan, and she was in Caiyin Paradise."

Fan Junli raised his eyebrows: "Caiyin Paradise? The one your cousin's family owns? What happened?" He usually didn't pay attention to Lei Yanyan, but he considered himself stingy, so he was quite happy to hear the bad news about her. of.

"Yes, it's a five-star hotel owned by my cousin, right in Lizhou. Lei Yanyan checked in last night. I heard that it was very grand and there were many illegitimate people following her, which made the hotel increase security for fear of illegitimate people. Something happened. Something happened yesterday afternoon. An illegitimate boy somehow climbed into her room. There was no one on the fourteenth floor. Lei Yanyan and the others went out to shoot some street photos. "Li Xiong asked. "Do you know what happened?"

Fan Junli gave him a slap: "If you fart, hurry up, it's tempting for me!"

"Hey! Look at you, you are so impatient! That bastard was a little extreme. He took off his clothes and stood on the window of Lei Yanyan's room, hanging a banner to confess to her. It said 'Love Yan for Ten Thousand Years'. If Lei Yanyan If you don’t accept his proposal, he will jump down.”

"Tsk, you must be mentally ill."

"That's right." Li Xiong also found it very funny. Sneaking in while someone is not in the room and then confessing naked, what kind of logic is that?

"Is he okay?"

"He is fine. He was rescued. My cousin cried to me and spent a lot of money on local media. Otherwise, the reputation of his hotel will be affected." If the news gets out, which celebrity will dare to come in the future? Live? Will I be threatened with jumping off a building if I don't get married even though I'm living here? "Now we are deceiving ourselves. Such news will spread quickly in the industry."

Fan Junli sympathized with Li Xiong's cousin for a second and asked: "Then Lei Yanyan is not so unlucky. It has made me happy for so long."

Li Xiong rolled his eyes: "You are still as petty as before." At the party, Fan Junli said hello to his friends and helped him pay attention to news about the entertainment industry, especially several artists, including Du Fei. Lei Yanyan, Xia Mingyao and so on. His family background was also in business when he was young, and he was involved in basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation. Life is inseparable from these four things, right? Fa Xiao and Fa Xiao have grown up together. Fan Junli and Su Tian have played together since kindergarten. Their family backgrounds are similar. Fa Xiao’s business ranges from big to small. There are always big businesses such as five-star hotels and high-end hotels. Private clubs, etc., make it easier to get in touch with celebrity artists.

Therefore, some gossip can be obtained from his own family without having to buy it from the paparazzi. Fan Junli was so funny that he even made a promise: "I will give you the market price." Then he was beaten up by the gossips.

"I'm just being petty." Fan Junli also rolled his eyes, "I just don't like her, and I don't want to stumble her. I just like to hear about her bad luck. Is there anything else? You don't have to go home with me. Wife and kid.”

Li Xiong held back, otherwise he would really kick him: "Don't leave now, there will be follow-up, otherwise I can mention this matter to you? Lei Yanyan was also a victim in that matter, but my cousin told me that the illegitimate child who was rescued He was the one who sent him to the hospital in person. He happened to meet the police to take notes, so he was waiting outside the door. Unexpectedly, the bastard died while the notes were being taken. "

Fan Junli was finally surprised: "Dead?"

"Well, he's dead. My cousin told me that there seems to be some problem with the cause of death. The police are contacting the family of the deceased and plan to conduct an autopsy." Li Xiong saw Fan Junli thinking deeply and laughed and cursed: "Isn't this unlucky enough? Originally, she She was the victim, and now that the grudges have been resolved after her death, she can only admit that she is unlucky. My cousin just called me and told me that the relatives of the deceased have arrived. They are divided into three groups, blocking the hotel and going to the hospital to demand compensation. Speaking of it, he went all the way to Lei Yanyan’s agency, and he was simply amazed.”

Fan Junli also thought it was awesome, but said: "Your cousin is also awesome, and this can be monitored in real time."

"He was about to cry. The incident happened in his hotel. Although he died in the hospital, he couldn't escape. He was afraid of something happening, so he sent someone to keep an eye on him. He also said that he was lucky to be keeping an eye on him, otherwise The family of the deceased was so violent that the hotel was almost demolished. I called him in the evening and he said that the hotel had paid one million yuan in humanitarian compensation and the family of the deceased had evacuated the hotel. "Business people are afraid of encountering this kind of situation. Things, rubble and gems, whoever has the most worries about the family property usually turn big things into small things and quickly calm down the impact. Cousin Li Xiong's approach cannot be wrong, just spend money to buy peace.

"This is too - that." Fan Junli heard everything and finally felt that Lei Yanyan was unlucky. He was happy when she was unlucky, and went home happily humming a song.

Ruihe, on the other hand, went home early to wash up and put on a facial mask so that he could fall asleep. He was really tired today. The extra extra work meant that it was almost three o'clock when he got home, and it was already three-thirty when he finished packing. His whole body felt wrong when he stayed up late, and he was used to going to bed early, although he couldn't usually do it during filming. He sleeps regularly, but there is no filming recently and he only needs to train during the day, so Ruihe has been going to bed early and getting up early for more than half a month. He felt a little uncomfortable when Leng Buding stayed up late. His head was still pounding when he lay down, and he curled up and managed to fall asleep. He sang songs in his sleep all night long, which gave him a headache when he woke up in the morning.

When he went downstairs, Fan Junli was watching the morning news and eating breakfast. When he saw him, he waved: "Come on, come on, have breakfast."

Sister Zhen also greeted him: "I know you drank last night, so I asked Aunt Chen to cook millet porridge today."

"Oh, I didn't expect that I drank so much yesterday." Ruihe sat down with the porridge and talked about yesterday's events, "The dinner party of the "Hao Ying" crew went very smoothly. Everyone was very kind. Originally, I I just wanted to come back, but I got stuck." He took a mouthful of millet porridge and blew it, "I can't see Song Nanbo clearly."

"If you can't see clearly, you can't see clearly. It's not a good thing anyway. Just be careful. Another thing is that Xiao Hu is not enough as your assistant now. There are some things that it is not convenient for a girl like her to do for you. I'll recruit two more male assistants for you. I already have an idea. They'll go for interviews today." He turned to Xiao Hu and said, "You come with me. I'll give you instructions then."

Xiao Hu nodded quickly.

The morning news was finished quickly, and Fan Junli said: "It really wasn't broadcast." Speaking of the news he heard last night, "Illegitimate students are so rampant now, and the traffic niches are the ones who suffer the most." He said again She is happy to see Lei Yanyan suffer misfortune, but also hates illegitimate students.

Rui He was also surprised: "You didn't mean that the firefighters below caught him, so why did he die suddenly?"

"I don't know." Fan Junli said, "That's why I want to find two more assistants for you. Uncle Chen is half a bodyguard. At least one of the assistants you find must be skilled. One of my cousins ​​runs a security company at home. , there are many demobilized veterans, I have asked her to help me find a good one, and he will be placed by your side in the name of an assistant, which will be inconspicuous at all. "

Ruihe felt a little luxurious: "I actually don't have much to do around me. It would be enough if I don't add one more person."

"This is a show. In total, you only have three assistants and one makeup artist. How many more? Just listen to me."

Sister Zhen smiled and said: "Brother Fan, I don't need to save money for you. You are the pillar of the studio now. You can't make mistakes easily. It's safe to have two more people by your side."

Ruihe won't say much more, and plans to go all out in the next new movie so as to live up to the care of his agency.

Although the news of Lei Yanyan's misfortune has been suppressed, the industry has still heard about it. Many artist's management companies have also increased the confidentiality of the artist's schedule, and also increased the number of security personnel for the artist's travel. The entertainment industry was suddenly alarmed by the news of "illegitimate children". As a result, many airport photos and chance encounter photos were suddenly missing from entertainment news. Artists' schedules suddenly became confidential. They couldn't keep track of their idols' schedules. Airport pick-ups in various places There are many fewer fans of the machine.

Rui He didn't go out either. "Hao Ying" will start shooting on December 25th. He is working overtime to continue studying the script. He hopes to be in better performance condition when he joins the group. Guang Yunting said at the end of the concert After that, there seemed to be no work in a short period of time, so I made two appointments with Ruihe, but Ruihe had no choice but to decline with regret.

Fan Junli mentioned a few things about contacting Guang Yunting: "The contract he signed is not very good. The liquidated damages are 37 million. He will definitely not be able to pay it out. If the studio wants to sign him, it will be necessary." Advance payment, and I need to ensure that the money can be recovered in the newly signed brokerage contract. "It is impossible to make a loss-making transaction, so the brokerage period of the contract signed with Guangyunting will not be short, and it will probably start at ten years. . It is not easy to negotiate such a long appointment, and Fan Junli is also investigating the future possibilities of Guangyunting, and both parties are in a trial and error game with each other.

On the evening of December 24th, Great Wall TV's program focusing on people's livelihood was broadcast on time. Wu Meifang and his wife from their hometown in Nanzhou had dinner with TV news as usual. It had been several years since the couple had dinner, and their eldest brother often let them over. Let’s eat together, but we also have a family, but our son is not here, so why do we have the nerve to go to eldest brother’s house every day and disturb others? After the family house was demolished and rebuilt, they moved into the old house left by Grandma Liu. The eldest brother shouted more frequently, and the two of them were unwilling to go.

This evening Wu Meifang only cooked one dish as usual, fried pork with pickles, and there was a small bowl of fried peanuts she made on the table. She had eaten them for two days and couldn't count them as one dish. The couple was holding bowls and eating while watching TV series. Suddenly Liu Weihe opened his eyes wide, pointed at the TV and said, "Hey, that's the second dick!"

The peanuts Wu Meifang held rolled off the chopsticks and fell into the bowl.

She leaned her head forward and squinted her eyes: "It's true! My son is on the news!"

"It seems to be an interview, Christmas or something." Liu Weihe had already put down the bowl, stood up and looked closer, "It seems to have lost weight, look at the wrist, it is as thin as chopsticks." Wu Meifang also nodded: "Yes, I have lost weight. Being an actor is hard work! The third child said that I can’t eat meat every day, and I can only eat boiled vegetables without adding any oil, because I’m afraid I won’t look good on camera if I get fat.”

As she said that, Wu Meifang's eyes were a little sour: "Poor my second brother, he has worked so hard for this family, why is the boss so ignorant? I can't figure it out." She beat her chest with her hand.

"Don't think about it. Why are you talking about this again?" Liu Weihe came over to help her rub her chest. "You said you are such a powerful person, how could you be so angry with your son?"

Wu Meifang's eyes were soaked with tears: "No matter how powerful I am, I am still his mother!"

"Oh! Don't cry, hurry up and watch TV, you won't be able to watch it in a while." Liu Weihe wiped her tears.

In the past few years, the strong Wu Meifang has changed a lot. The mountain of life pressure has gradually been removed from her shoulders as the children grow up. Life has begun to get better. There is no need to live a life of calculative and stingy. Wu Meifang's edges and corners seem to have been smoothed.

In Liu Weihe's opinion, his wife's temper has improved a lot. She has greatly reduced her scolding of him, and his life has become better. Although he has been used to his wife's temper for so many years of marriage, who is born to be happy to be scolded all the time? But what comes with it is that his wife has become - as the third brother said, "sentimental". The second and third sons are all well behaved, but the eldest son, Congwen, who has always been highly expected, has been hurting their hearts in recent years.

Wu Meifang wiped her tears, looked up, and was very annoyed: "I'm interviewing someone else!"

"It's okay, I'll ask the eldest daughter to help us get the replay, and we can watch it on our mobile phones."

After coaxing for a while, Wu Meifang stopped crying. Liu Weihe actually likes his wife's current state. He can put his arms around her shoulders and lean her head on his chest, which makes him feel the happiness of being relied on by his wife, which he has never experienced in many years of marriage.

"Fang'er, listen to my advice. The eldest son is already 27 years old. We can't control him even if we are his parents." The eldest son always forced his family to pay for him to buy a house in Huazhou. During this period, he said some unpleasant and excessive words, which also hurt Liu Weihe's heart.

"Didn't the second son give you money? He gives you 5,000 yuan every month, and gives more on holidays and birthdays. Can't you save money?" But what about you? You have only taken money from your family for four years after graduation, and have never given a penny to your parents.

"Why build a house at home! I won't come back to live there!" But if you don't live there, your mother and I won't live there? Your brothers won't live there?

"You are so selfish. Don't you know how much pressure I am under in Huazhou? Lili's family asked me to marry into their family, saying that they would provide a house and car, but I refused. In the end, you treat me like this? I might as well be Lili's son!" It was this sentence that broke the hearts of Wu Meifang and Liu Weihe.

There is really not much money at home. The third child is still studying, and he insists on not taking the couple's money, saying that he has money. In fact, they all know that the second child must have subsidized a lot. The eldest child has not seen a penny since graduation. The second child is the most considerate. He sends money on time every month. The two of them can't spend so much, and they save most of it. But now that the house is being built in their hometown, that money is not enough. It was also the second child who sent one million without saying a word. Who of the relatives, friends and neighbors in his hometown doesn't say that the second child is filial?

But the eldest son also wants this money. Since the last time he came home and had a quarrel, he has not called again. Last month, he called to ask for this money. He did not even ask about the condition of his father who was receiving treatment for a bad back. Time and time again, the couple was disappointed.

"I really can't take care of it." Wu Meifang sighed, "The third son is right. I am biased. He and the second son went to college. The family didn't pay much. The second son is capable and subsidized his younger brother. I thought that the second and third sons don't need to worry about them, and I should worry more about the eldest son. But it's hard for the second son to make money. The third son said that he can't eat enough, wears cotton clothes in summer and short sleeves in winter, and has to go into the water in the middle of the night to soak in cold water. All the money he earns is hard-earned. How can I listen to the eldest son and ask the second son for money? The second son is also my child."

Liu Weihe listened quietly, patted her back slowly, and finally said: "The third brother is right, the eldest brother is relying on our love for him, so he has no scruples. Next time he calls, let him go to the second brother. He is too proud to confront the second brother."

At the same time, Liu Congbin, who was hiding his achievements and fame, was texting Ruihe: "Tonight is Christmas Eve, and everyone in my dormitory has run away. It's great to have a girlfriend, huh~"

At this time, Ruihe had already joined the crew and lived in the hotel arranged by the crew. The shooting location was not in Beijing, but in the Broadcom Film and Television City in Changjing Province, and he lived in the Helai Hotel. This film and television city is not unfamiliar to Ruihe. It was noon when he came in. He had no intention of going out for a walk, so he was reading in the room. When he saw Liu Congbin sending a text message, he immediately replied: "Then you should also find a girlfriend, so that you will have a companion on Christmas Eve in the future."

"Brother, are you free?"


The next second, Liu Congbin called: "What are you doing?"

Ruihe said that he was in Broadcom Film and Television City.

"A new play? I didn't see the news."

Ruihe smiled and said: "The crew asked to join the crew in a low-key manner, and there should be no publicity."

"No wonder...Brother, are you going home for the New Year this year? I don't want to go back." Liu Congbin explained the reason, "I want to invite my parents to Beijing to celebrate the New Year. All the houses in our family have been rejected. Now they live in an old house in the back alley. We have no place to live when we go back, and it is not convenient to live in my uncle's house."

Ruihe expressed his approval: "Then tell my parents and persuade them to come once. I called them and heard that the two elders were not in a good mood. I asked if the house was not built smoothly and they said it was not." He knew it in his heart. It’s better to come out and relax and see the prosperous scenery of the capital.

"Okay, then I'll go tell them." After Ruihe agreed, Liu Congbin said happily, "If they are willing to come up, I will clean the house and buy beds and quilts on the weekends." The two chatted about shopping. After chatting, Ruihe said: "If I am free at that time, I will go with you." After the two of them finished chatting and hung up the phone, Ruihe discovered that Xiao Hu had come in at some time. Brother Wang said: "Keep smiling. I don’t know what I’m laughing at, I’m just waiting for you to hang up the phone.”

Brother Wang from the special ability inspection department has been following him for more than a month. When he doesn't speak, he is really like a shadow, making people ignore his existence inadvertently. Just like now, when Rui He was on the phone with his brother, he really forgot that Brother Wang was also in the room.

"Then you guys chat, I'll be back in a while." Brother Wang said and went out on his own. The crew booked three rooms for Rui He and his assistants. Rui He's room was the highest among the three, Xiao Hu had a single room, and the two new assistants were named Zheng Xiaoqiu (a real assistant). One is named Xu Jiang (actually a bodyguard). The two of them live in the same room, but when the time comes, Brother Wang and Xu Jiang will spend the night in Ruihe's room. One is to monitor him, and the other is asked by Fan Junli to protect him personally.

Seeing Brother Wang going out, Xiao Hu jumped over and said, "Brother Wu, you are on the news. Your fans recognized you and are asking if it is you!"

Only then did Rui He remember that he had indeed been interviewed by a reporter from Great Wall Focus on the side of the road and shared some thoughts on Christmas. "I wrapped it so tightly, can they still recognize it?"

"I just recognized it!" Xiao Hu said with a smile, "Sister Zhen said that Brother Fan complained that you didn't tell him about it. After the fan base exploded, he couldn't even go to the movies with Sister Zhen."

"My fault, my fault. I was wearing a mask and eyes that day, and only my eyes were exposed. The reporter didn't ask me my name, thinking that no one would recognize me."

"Sister Zhen said that Brother Fan went to the company to keep an eye on people in the public relations department and pay attention to online trends. He wanted to come back tomorrow morning so that he could be in time for the launch ceremony."

Ruihe understood: "Okay, then you should rest early."

After much experience, Ruihe has understood that as long as he is exposed, the studio needs to keep an eye on online public opinion trends in the early stages, and combating gangsters is the main task. In fact, anti-fans are not the focus of artist management companies. As a public figure, if someone loves you crazily, there will definitely be someone who hates you crazily. Fame is a double-edged sword, and no one is immune. Therefore, black fans do not make the management company feel like a formidable enemy. What makes the management company prepare to monitor are the large number of trolls who do not know who they come from. The trolls swipe the screen to control comments. If the artist company is not paying attention, their own artist's The perception of passers-by was completely ruined.

Generally, only opponents who have short-term interests involved will be willing to spend a lot of money to buy a large number of trolls to blackmail you. If you can buy marketing and trolls to blackmail you every day, in Fan Junli’s words: “Maybe it’s true love.”

However, Fan Junli takes his work very seriously and responsibly. When he saw his artist suddenly appearing on a news program, fans had already made animated pictures, and they are not trending at the moment. Among Liu Congwu’s super topics, only fans are posing for themselves in enclosures. Meng shouted, "Brother Wu is so cute!" He did not omit this step. Following the old rules, he went to the company to tell the public relations department to pay attention to the popularity initiated by fans and not let outsiders fish in troubled waters.

Unexpectedly, something really went wrong.

"They were all copied and pasted, saying that you staged the photo. I have so much money to buy Great Wall TV, why don't I buy you a hot search!" Fan Junli complained to Ruihe when he came to the set the next day, "You There are no new dramas to be released recently, what use can I do to you?"

Rui He asked with concern: "I went to bed at nine o'clock last night. There was no movement before I went to bed. What happened in the end?"

"Go to bed at nine o''s good, it's good to go to bed early and get up early." Fan Junli chuckled, "I must have suppressed you in the end. You think it's funny or not? It's fun for our fans to see you on the news. They tease you. , it’s not even on the hot search, and almost no passers-by pay attention to it. What’s the use of buying it for your fans to show it to your fans? As a result, once he buys the hot search, it will bring you more popularity, which makes me don’t know what to do. Say yes. I think you have provoked an opponent who has no brains."

This made Rui He laugh: "You have to hurt others?"

"Okay, let me change the word, the opponent who is stupid and has a lot of money."

Next to him, Xiao Hu burst into laughter.

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