Winner in life

$137.80 I want to be a big star (1/2)

The actions of the unknown "stupid but rich" rival did not cause much trouble to Fan Junli, nor to Ruihe. At 10:20, he arrived at the opening ceremony, and together with his fellow actors and colleagues, he offered incense and worshipped the gods, hoping that the filming of "Zhan Ying" would go smoothly. The crew was really low-key. Purple Sky Film and Television Company only posted a Weibo on the official Weibo to announce the official opening of "Zhan Ying", @all the main creators, and then officially started filming.

The official Weibo of the "Zhan Ying" crew was established at the same time, and also posted a concise Weibo to congratulate the opening of the filming. Jiajun Studio commented on the reposted Weibo, which attracted fans of Ruihe to ask questions. Many fans said: "This play seems to have been prepared for a long time, I thought it was finished." "I hope Brother Wu can perform well, I will definitely go to watch TV when the time comes!" "What role does Brother Wu play?"

The official Weibo of "Zhanying" did not reveal what role the actor played. The film company said that it would be revealed slowly according to the publicity plan, and the makeup photos would be released to cooperate with the announcement. Therefore, Jiajun Studio informed fans that they would know later.

Ruihe had no role on the first day of filming. The filming from the afternoon to 11 o'clock in the evening was all the roles of other actors. Lin Guanglin and Xi Feiyu filmed for almost a whole day, which was very enjoyable for Ruihe. Lin Guanglin is a veteran actor, and he plays the role of a powerful official to the core. His every move is full of power. Xi Feiyu won the Best Actor Award at the Plum Blossom Awards two years ago, and his acting skills are beyond doubt. The two of them acted back and forth, and there were very few NGs or retakes. Ruihe found that when Lin Guanglin and others were acting opposite each other, the other actors were always suppressed in momentum, unlike Xi Feiyu who could compete with him.

After watching for a whole day, the director was happy - the first day of filming was a good omen! Ruihe was also happy. Watching their performances gave him a lot of inspiration, especially in his future scenes, he would have the most scenes with Lin Guanglin and Xi Feiyu. If he didn't want to be suppressed, he had to work harder.

There was no scene for Ruihe the next day, but there was a big scene of the young Emperor Zhaoxu ascending the throne. Emperor Zhaoxu ascended the throne at the age of seven. Prime Minister Ge Ying, who was appointed as the regent, helped the new emperor ascend the throne. At this time, Ge Ying was full of loyalty, and Emperor Zhaoxu looked at him with admiration and trust. But soon, Ge Ying felt the huge difference between serving the young master and serving the previous emperor.

The emperor had to listen to him, and all the "reports to the emperor" were finally handled by him.

What a wonderful taste, making people feel uneasy at first, and then indulge in it.

The director was bold to start filming the enthronement scene the next day. Ruihe was amazed when he saw the court scene: "It's so well built." After a walk, all kinds of props were in line with the setting of the Great Yan Dynasty. Xiao Hu whispered: "I heard that they are all specially customized and have never been used by other crews."

Broadcom Studios has a prop library and provides rental services to all crews. There is too much to write about the last emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty. A few years ago, there was a "Zhaoxu Period", which is a classic TV series telling stories from the perspective of Emperor Zhaoxu. "Zhanying" takes a different approach. Instead, it starts with Lu Zhen, the left and right arm of Emperor Zhaoxu and later the Minister of Personnel, to show the helplessness, sadness and anger of a generation of emperors from his perspective. The narrative angle is closer to the main battlefield for power struggle during the Zhaoxu period - the court. Civil and military officials, you fight for me, what is the way to be an official? For the Zhanying family, is it to grab the soup in troubled times or to maintain orthodoxy?

As the anniversary drama of Purple Sky Film and Television Company, I heard from Fan Junli that this drama has a huge investment. Now, looking at this hall that is almost built in a one-to-one ratio, and hearing Xiao Hu say that the props are not rented but newly built, Ruihe sighed that the crew is rich and powerful, and also appreciated the crew's pragmatic attitude. The crew who is attentive to props should not disappoint people in other aspects.

Ruihe watched this drama from beginning to end today. When it was officially filmed, the scene was really beautiful. He stood behind the monitor and slightly tiptoed to see it clearly. The little actor who played the young Emperor Zhaoxu was said to be only eight years old. He wore a dragon robe and a crown and sat on the dragon throne with a stern face, without any stage fright.

Looking back, Sister Zhen touched her belly: "Sometimes, after seeing too many children in the entertainment industry, I am a little worried that my children will not be as good as others in the future."

Fan Junli quickly said: "Our children must have concentrated your intelligence and my appearance, and they will not be worse than others in the future." He coaxed Sister Zhen with a smile.

Ruihe's scenes officially started on the fourth day, because the scenes were not shot according to the script. In addition to Wang Qiusi, the chief director, there were also directors from Group A and Group B who shot the scenes of other actors. Ruihe's scenes were directed by Wang Qiusi himself. He explained the scenes to Ruihe very carefully: "This is the first scene of the adult Emperor Zhaoxu. At this time, he still trusts Prime Minister Ge, but doubts have been planted as he grows older and other ministers secretly remind him. This state will be performed in today's scene."

This scene is indeed important. Ruihe has rehearsed it several times in advance, but it is really not easy to shoot.


At the morning court on this day, Prince Rong, the cousin of Emperor Zhaoxu, requested the selection of concubines. As usual, Emperor Zhaoxu asked: "What does the Prime Minister think?"

Prime Minister Ge bowed slightly: "I believe that Your Majesty is only sixteen years old this year, and has been frail since childhood. He has only become stronger after several years of recuperation. If the draft is held at this time, it will be said to enrich the harem and expand the heirs, but in fact it will not be beneficial to His Majesty's body. According to In my opinion, it would be better to postpone the draft for two years and wait until His Majesty's dragon body is in better condition before choosing a good woman to enter the palace."

Prince Rong came out to object: "Your Majesty has reached the age of sixteen. I still remember that the late emperor got married at the age of fourteen. The Queen Mother Xiaoci was dignified and virtuous. She was respectful to those above and kind to those below. The peaceful and prosperous era managed by the late emperor included Xiaoci." The Queen Mother's contribution to stabilizing the harem and prolonging the succession of children clearly shows the benefits of starting a family and establishing a career first. This is a principle passed down from our ancestors. Your Majesty is a little weak, so it doesn't matter. You should be careful in choosing a good wife for Your Majesty. I will take good care of His Majesty's health. If Ge Xiang is still worried, I will take care of him first and choose a girl later."

Ever since Emperor Zhaoxu turned fourteen two years ago and Ge Ying postponed the wedding on the excuse of Emperor Zhaoxu's poor health, the clan has been somewhat dissatisfied with Ge Ying. According to the custom, the prince of this dynasty is to get married at the age of fourteen. Ge Ying's objection made the clan unavoidably uneasy. He made insinuations and submitted memorials to propose a draft, but they were all suppressed without any response. Looking back, he saw that there were many people from Ge Ying in the court. Prince Rong was panicked privately. After discussing with his close and reliable clan members, he planned today's draft.

How can His Majesty govern the country without starting a family? Without heirs, how can the throne be secure?

Prince Rong suspected that Ge Ying's mind was impure, but he was afraid that he would blame the wrong minister appointed by the late emperor to take care of his life, so he wanted to use the draft as a stepping stone to find out Ge Ying's intentions.

Faced with Prince Rong's words, Ge Ying sighed slightly: "Prince Rong is too anxious. Why don't I want His Majesty to get married earlier? When the late Emperor was alive, he was most worried about His Majesty's health. After so many years of recovery, he is still healthy. It's impossible to cure the root cause. The imperial doctor also said last month that your majesty is too weak to lose his vitality early. For this reason, there are not even one or two pretty maids in your palace, just for fear of spoiling your majesty's good intentions. I want the queen to enter the palace as soon as possible to serve His Majesty, but I have to say something ugly. After a country is established, it will definitely not be a poor family. It is necessary to select ladies from the rich family. For a lady from such a family background, you said that after selecting a lady to enter the palace, she will be alone. It’s not appropriate to stay in the empty boudoir.”

Prince Rong was choked with anger and said: "When did the imperial doctor say that it is not advisable to lose Yuan Yang early? Why did the Prime Minister only tell us about such a big event today?"

"Oh, I am also afraid that all my colleagues will be worried. The imperial doctor said that after a few more years of treatment, everything will be fine. I didn't know -"

Was it my fault?

Prince Rong saluted to the golden throne: "What do you think, Your Majesty?" He raised his head and looked at Emperor Zhaoxu earnestly. Emperor Zhaoxu's face could not be seen clearly behind the crown on the high throne.

The sixteen-year-old Emperor Zhaoxu felt that what his uncle told him yesterday made sense, and he felt a little confused in his heart. But after all, he had trusted Ge Ying for many years, and Ge Ying was left to him by his father. How could he suspect that the other party was disloyal? Therefore, at this time, Zhaoxu tilted his head slightly, and his beads swayed almost invisible. He sat as straight as a mountain, with his hands on the armrests. This is what he has learned over the years, sit more firmly and straighter, and let the ministers below him They saw his majesty. The young Emperor Zhaoxu cast his gaze on Prince Rong, with a slight smile on his stern face: "Prince Rong, please get up, I understand your painstaking efforts."

He thought that Ge Ying could be trusted, but he didn't know that it was his father who held him when he was sick and taught him the emperor's mental skills when he was young, or it was the emperor's unique suspicion and Prince Rong's words that made Emperor Zhaoxu's heart feel like this. Ripples appeared on the calm lake. Even if he suppressed it immediately, the ripples would eventually spread away, leaving traces in his heart.

Prince Rong saluted again and returned to the court.

Ge Ying's eyelids jumped twice quickly.

Emperor Zhaoxu turned to Ge Ying. He pursed his lips and nodded unconsciously with the fingers of his left hand resting on the armrest: "Ge Xiang, your thoughts are reasonable. I don't think the queen is in a hurry. Let's discuss it later."

Ge Ying responded in a deep voice: "Your Majesty is wise."

Prince Rong said: "Your Majesty! Even if you don't establish a queen, you can just choose one or two ladies to serve in the palace. For a small family, it is a great favor to be able to serve in the palace. How can you be resentful and resentful? "Recalling what Ge Ying just said, if a daughter from a famous family is treated coldly after entering the palace, the family behind her will complain.

"That's fine——"

"Your Majesty." Ge Ying interrupted Emperor Zhaoxu's words, "Your Majesty thinks things are too easy. When people enter the harem, the people of the world must have expectations for your majesty's children. They don't know the reason, and they will only have nothing to do in the harem. At that time, I had doubts about His Majesty's health and what was going on in his heart. His Majesty lived in the deep palace and had no idea, but he didn't know how much turmoil the loss of people's hearts would bring. It would be better to wait for another two years. By then, His Majesty's weakness will be gone, which is the best time. The emperor has several grandsons.”

Following Ge Ying's words, all the officials in the court started to move.

Prince Rong almost cursed out of anger. Ge Ying made it clear: No one can enter the harem, and they must have children. Otherwise, people all over the world will talk about it, wondering whether the emperor is inhumane.

How to say this! The common people are full and hungry, staring at the emperor's harem every day?

Emperor Zhaoxu's eyes looked at Ge Ying with a hint of contemplation, but he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he still had the usual serious look of a young emperor: "Let's discuss this later."


Ruihe carefully walked down the steps. A steward came to help him, but he was not as fast as Xiao Hu.

"Brother Wu, be careful, isn't it heavy?"

"Yeah, it's okay." Rui He actually felt uncomfortable. The crown he wore was really too heavy, and he had to maintain his appearance. These sets of shots took more than an hour to shoot, and the weight of the outfit made his neck and shoulders sore. However, these hardships are common. Speaking of which, it is winter now and the weather and temperature are relatively suitable. It would be even more uncomfortable if we shoot in summer.

"I'll go over and take a look." Ruihe didn't take a break and went behind the monitor to look. Lin Guanglin was also there. When he saw him coming, he pulled him over and said, "Stand here." Then he asked the director, "I just felt that there was a place where I didn't perform very well. Do you want to reshoot it?"

The director stared at the monitor for a while and nodded slowly: "No need." He smiled and said, "Just be a little more restrained and don't be so demanding of yourself."

Lin Guanglin looked proud and confident: "This is how I've been here all these years."

The director patted his hand and said, "Go and have a rest." He called Ruihe over and said, "Stand over a little bit. Look, it's good that you added this little hand movement here. Keep up the good work. You, Teacher Lin, are a veteran." You are a senior and he is very dedicated when acting. You should learn more from him. Your performance is still a bit difficult. You should go back and think about it. No matter how Emperor Zhaoxu is, he is an emperor, and your current performance is okay. , in line with his sixteen-year-old character, he needs to be more relaxed in the subsequent scenes, as the saying goes, he has a domineering spirit, do you understand? "

Rui He nodded one by one. Director Wang Qiusi looked up, frowned slightly, and then waved to Rui He: "Go to the back and take a rest."

Wearing this outfit in winter, it was still a bit hot under the light. After sitting down, Xiao Hu quickly used a fan to fan him. Another assistant, Zheng Xiaoqiu, handed him water: "Plain water, let it cool down." Ruihe followed He thanked him: "I just like to drink this." Zheng Xiaoqiu said hurriedly: "Sister Hu told me this. Sister Hu knows a lot!" Bodyguard Xu Jiang stood beside him motionless, as if standing in a military posture, Xiao Hu asked Is he tired? He said: "I'm used to standing." He doesn't talk much usually, but he and Brother Wang get along very well. The two of them often get together to say things that Rui and the others can't quite understand. I think it's the same. People who have served in the military tend to have a common language.

Ruihe drank water, and Xiaohu sat next to him and fanned him. He whispered: "This crew is really awesome. A group of people came when you were filming just now. I asked the set manager sister, and she said it was sponsored. The businessman was there. I came closer to observe, and then the producer asked the people away. After a while, the venue manager went in to prepare the tea, and when she came out, she said that there was another investment of 50 million. "

Rui He listened with great interest and felt completely relaxed. Hearing this, he asked, "Is this the manager you said is from the same town as you?" Seeing Xiao Hu nodding, he asked with a smile, "Can investments like this be told to the outside world?" Xiao Hu also smiled: "Sister, the field manager dares to say it, she should be able to say it."

When filming lasted until eight o'clock in the evening, Director Wang waved his hand and said that the investors would treat everyone to dinner. The next day, there was an additional Shang Gong beside Rui He, and Rui He's script also had one more page. He read it carefully and found that the scenes in Duojia were all about Shang Gong. They were well written and did not overwhelm the protagonist. Duojia's scenes were also reasonable. It was said that she was the female official whom Emperor Zhaoxu liked when he first fell in love, but later died of illness.

"Sure enough." Fan Junli put the script together after reading it, "This is not bad, it is measured. No matter if you invest more, you will have ample funds, and the drama produced will be excellent."

In this way, Ruihe took root on the set of "Haoying". After staying for five days, Fan Junli returned to Beijing to deal with matters. Less than half a month after filming started, the producers of "Brothers and Sisters" called Jiajun Studio and told them that the TV series had been sold to Ansu TV and was scheduled to be released on the second day of the Spring Festival. This drama was finalized in November 2015, which is not that long ago. It is considered fast to be aired during the New Year and Spring Festival. Fan Junli communicated several times before deciding on a publicity plan that Ruihe could not shirk. After the plan was finalized, he had to ask for leave from the crew and negotiate to adjust the number of scenes. Ruihe started promoting like this. After five promotions in succession, the crew did not fall behind, but he lost three kilograms and had to catch a flight to rest and sleep. The deficiency resulted in severe dark circles and bloodshot eyes, and it took Sister Zhen several days to help him press them down.

Time flies by quickly, and the Spring Festival is approaching. After intense filming of a big scene, "Haoying" announced a Spring Festival holiday, asking them to come back and start work on the eighth day of the first lunar month.

In total, the Spring Festival holiday lasted only ten days. Wu Meifang and his wife had already gone to Beijing on the 20th of the twelfth lunar month. Ruihe was unable to pick them up, so Liu Congbin was responsible for the whole process. Ruihe thought about going directly to the new house. After talking to Fan Junli, Fan Junli said: "Let's go back to Xiaoqin Lake first. Let's have a year-end dinner first, and then I will send you home. I also have to talk to your parents." See you and say New Year’s greetings.”

So the crew stopped working on the 28th day of the lunar calendar. Rui He, Xiao Hu and others took a flight back to Beijing. The studio employees gathered together to have a big meal at Xiaoqin Lake. Fan Junli booked a table from the hotel, and the wine was good. All dishes are available.

"Everyone has worked hard for a year." Fan Junli raised his glass and made a toast. After a round of drinking, he took out an envelope from his arms and poured it on the table. It contained bank cards. "Come, come, come, everyone who meets you will get a share. Each of you has one piece, which is your salary and year-end bonus this month." He said, picking up one and giving it to Ruihe, "This is yours. The password is written on the back. This is I don’t know what year-end bonus I’ll give you this year as a share of your work activities and other activities in 2016. I said I’d give you a car but you don’t want it, so I’ll just give you a sum of money and you can spend it however you like.”

Rui He accepted it with a smile, "I will definitely buy gifts and red envelopes for you and Sister Zhen's children, don't worry."

Fan Junli smiled and looked away at him: "Don't you dare refuse."

"Come on, this is A Zhen, this belongs to Xiao Hu, Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen..." Zheng Xiaoqiu and Xu Jiang, who have just arrived for a month, also received year-end bonuses, "Although you have only been here not long ago, you have worked diligently this month. I see it all in my eyes. Congwu also said that you are serious and like you. We are destined to work together. I am not a stingy person. The year-end bonus I will give you this time will definitely not be as big as that of your sister Hu. She has seniority. , It will definitely rise next year.”

Zheng Xiaoqiu and Xu Jiang hurriedly thanked them and became more determined. Working with a generous boss always makes people more motivated. Xu Jiang usually doesn't like to talk. At this time, he poured wine for himself, Fan Junli and Rui He. He raised it first: "I am a rough man, so I will give you a drink to Mr. Liu and Boss Fan. Please give me some advice on my work in the coming year." Drink it all in one gulp.

After three rounds of drinking, Fan Junli told Ruihe about finding a new stylist for him next year: "Your sister Zhen is looking for you. It would be better if you can find someone who is proficient in clothing and styling. I know there are many people around you." I like being surrounded by too many people." Two more assistants were added, and Xiao Hu secretly said to him: "Brother Wu is not used to it. Sometimes he is obviously startled when he turns around, and his eyes seem to say that he is harassing someone. , made me laugh to death.”

Fan Junli also laughed, but after laughing, he thought that in the New Year, he should find an expert who can take care of both makeup and clothing. Congwu has a quiet temperament. Usually a chatty little girl like Xiao Hu is enough. It is best to find someone gentle and quiet. Thoughtful. When he mentioned his request to Sister Zhen, Sister Zhen pinched him: "Are you looking for a work colleague or a girlfriend?" Fan Junli's reaction at the time was: "It doesn't have to be a woman, a man is fine too." Sister Zhen was furious. Fan Junli reacted belatedly and said quickly: "You must have forgotten what I just said. I'll just follow you. I'm sure I'll be right."

The tenth level of coaxing can coax Sister Zhen instantly.

Rui He Yinghao: "Sister Zhen is really not suitable to follow me around next year. The crew is also in a mess and it's not safe."

Sister Zhen touched her belly: "It doesn't show much yet, but my mother doesn't trust me. I won't dare to go to work next year, otherwise my mother may come to the set and cry." She is almost forty years old, her mother said She is an advanced maternal age and thinks about it day and night. She is happy and worried at the same time, so she asks Sister Zhen to quit her job and raise her baby at home every day. After thinking about it for a long time, Sister Zhen didn't want her mother to be worried every day even though she was seventy years old, so she decided to resign with Fan Junli's support.

"Listen to auntie. Didn't you say that your brothers, sisters and children are all grown up? The only thing auntie is worried about is you."

"Oh, you're right."

"Okay, stop talking about this, be happy!" Fan Junli raised his glass, "Let's get together and see you next year!"

The next day, Rui He carried a small suitcase and went to his home. Fan Junli and Sister Zhen went upstairs together and met Wu Meifang and Liu Weihe cordially and friendly, leaving an excellent impression on Wu Meifang and Liu Weihe. I tried to keep him for lunch but failed. When I sent him downstairs, he was already eating Xiaofan and Xiaozhen. When she returned home, Wu Meifang sighed: "You are such a good person. You always say that you have met a good boss, but I still don't believe it. I am afraid that you are coaxing me. But I felt relieved when I saw you today. They look like good people at first glance." Xiaowu, if your boss treats you well, you should also work hard and make money for them. "

Rui He smiled and nodded: "I understand, Mom."

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