Winner in life

Chapter 210 32 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

The car accident happened too quickly. Ruihe reacted quickly and quickly cast two protective spells. A faint white light surrounded his body. Amidst the violent vibrations and terrifying rolling force, Rui He's whole body seemed to be wrapped in a thick layer of clouds. The protective jade tokens and protective talismans he wore were broken into pieces one after another. Black turns to gray.

The overturned car finally came to a stop. Rui He only suffered some skin injuries, but the driver was already unconscious. The driver only had a layer of protective spells on his body, but Rui He had many protective magic weapons, so he was seriously injured.

Ruihe immediately called the police and an ambulance. The ambulance arrived quickly. Ruihe and the driver were sent to the hospital for treatment. The doctor said in surprise: "You only have skin injuries!" The way he looked at Ruihe was like looking at an alien.

"I'm lucky. How is the driver?"

The doctor said: "He is undergoing emergency treatment. The situation is quite optimistic." He comforted Ruihe and said, "The area you passed by has been prone to frequent car accidents in the past two months. Eleven people have died, and some of the injured are still in our hospital. He's lying down. You two are lucky. Needless to say, this little skin injury doesn't even need a bandage, and the driver's condition isn't that bad either."

Rui He's heart skipped a beat: "That place often has car accidents recently?"

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on." The doctor actually felt that some of it smelled like ghosts and gods, but when he said it, it was a bit scary, so he was a little taboo.

The nurse helped Ruihe reduce inflammation and apply medicine to the wound, and he was discharged from the hospital. Ruihe consulted a doctor about the driver's condition and left 100,000 yuan for medical expenses and his phone number.

"This is my mobile phone number. If you need anything, you can call me." Referring to the aftermath of the car accident, maybe the traffic police will come to him.

Half an hour after entering the hospital, Ruihe left the hospital. He didn't have much time, he only had five days to spare, and it was even harder to get a taxi in the middle of the night. Ruihe waited for about ten minutes before he got one. After announcing the destination, the driver said: "There--sir, what are you doing there?" "

"Visiting relatives." Rui He opened his eyes and lied, "Isn't it haunted there? My relatives were frightened and fell ill, so I want to go visit them."

As soon as these probing words came out, the driver said "Hi" and looked at Ruihe with a more relaxed look. After all, he had to be afraid of going to a haunted house late at night. Who knew what he was carrying? He had been driving late at night for many years. He had encountered everything and accumulated a lot of experience.

For example, when you discover there is a problem while transporting passengers, it is best to pretend you don’t know anything and just play the national anthem recorded on the radio! Loop broadcasting ensures safe arrival at the destination for unloading. If something is wrong before driving, it would be more convenient to refuse the ride directly. The driver feels that there is endless money to be made, and the guest in question will not be taken with him if he can. When he heard the address just now, he felt a sudden change in his heart. Unexpectedly, the guest took the initiative to tell the situation, which greatly dispelled the driver's suspicion.

"That place has indeed been haunted recently." The driver stepped on the accelerator and turned on the radio. The national anthem played loudly, giving the driver a steady stream of courage and strength in the quiet environment at midnight.

"Is it seriously haunted there?"

"I don't know, is it serious? A driver in our Zhuyang driver group said that he had taken a customer there. The customer was generous and even chartered a car. As a result, the three of us were frightened." The driver said kindly, "How about I go first? I’ll take you to a hotel and you can go there tomorrow morning, right? It’s not a good time to see relatives this late at night!”

"That's okay, find the nearest hotel." Rui He thought for a while, and it was safer to inquire about the situation during the day. Now that he was physically tired and mentally exhausted, he might not be able to go directly to find the test questions.

The driver was even more happy when he saw that he listened to the advice: "Okay!"

In the middle of the night, there was only a young man on duty in the hotel lobby, and the sound effects of the game were deafening. Ruihe checked in. The hotel's soundproofing was poor, so he simply spent the night with his legs crossed. He went out at dawn the next day, in high spirits. When he checked out, he chatted with the waitress in the lobby and asked about the haunting in the alley opposite.

The waitress smiled and said: "Are you here to explore too? I advise you not to leave. That house is really weird. A few college students came here a few days ago and said they came to explore. But one of them went missing and two went crazy. The police were all There is nothing we can do.”

"Missing?" Rui He was surprised. On the way here, he checked online. This place had been on the local news several times, and it was nonsense to say that it was haunted. After all, people were said to be scared crazy and stupid. Well, some people said they saw a female ghost in red, and some said they saw a hanged ghost in white with a tongue one meter long... After all, it seemed like a joke. He said he was frightened, but there was no actual damage. At this time, Ruihe heard the waitress say that someone was missing, and quickly asked, "Is it really missing?"

"Can I still have a holiday?" the waitress said with a smile, "Those college students were staying in my store at that time! Three men and two women came, and one female student was missing. She disappeared three nights ago. This The police have been studying it for a few days, and they are still keeping people there under quarantine." Seeing Ruihe's face, he asked, "Are you here for adventure too?"

"So be it."

"I advise you not to go. What's not to do? Are you wearing these clothes to cosplay? The missing female student also came to the haunted house to take pictures. Is there a place where you can't take pictures? Don't go there!"

Ruihe smiled: "This is a Taoist robe, not a cosplay suit."

"Aren't you a cosplayer monk?"

"..." Ruihe changed the subject and asked a few more questions before thanking and leaving. He bought breakfast buns and soy milk on the roadside and walked to the haunted house while eating.

The haunted house actually doesn't look scary from the outside. It's an old courtyard house, and the exterior walls are quite old, at least a hundred years old. I heard from the waitress that this house has been uninhabitable for a long time and cannot be repaired. Six families originally lived in it and they have moved out one after another over the years. After the owner passed away, the house was inherited by their children. The new owners wanted to demolish the courtyard and rebuild it, but they could never reach an agreement. After many discussions, the house stood firm in the wind and rain.

The rumors of being haunted started half a year ago, but there were no real deaths. They just frightened a few intruders crazy.

Although no one was killed, Rui He did not dare to conclude that there was no evil ghost inside. It was the last exam and he did not want to make any mistakes. So he walked around outside to explore first, and then went in when the sun was getting higher and the sun felt warm on his body.

Because someone was missing inside, the police came to investigate after the report was made. It can be said that they dug three feet into the ground, and there was a cordon outside the yard. When Ruihe arrived, there was already someone in the yard. She was a middle-aged woman sweeping the floor with a broom. She frowned when she saw Ruihe, and the creases between her eyebrows twisted into an unapproachable shape: "Who are you? ?”

Without waiting for Ruihe to answer, he waved his hands with a dark face: "You students are not afraid of death, so hurry up and hurry up! Go back to class, explore some haunted house, you are full and have nothing to do!"

Ruihe said with a smile: "Auntie, are you the owner of this yard?" In the dark face of the middle-aged woman, Ruihe introduced himself, "I am the Celestial Master from Helian Temple in Zhengdong City. Listen. If you say this place is haunted, I will come and take a look. Look, this is my ID."

The disciples in Helian Temple all have identity certificates, which are disciple certificates to prove that they belong to Helian Temple. This certificate is of little use, and it is the difference between heaven and earth compared with the Heavenly Master Certificate. However, in the eyes of ordinary people, this certificate is effective evidence to distinguish between "liars" and "masters".

"So it's the master. Is the Lotus Temple in Zhengdong City? That's far away!" The middle-aged woman's face obviously improved a lot. "We have a Taoist temple called Su Yu Temple here. Are you traveling with us?"

"Yes, we are brothers."

The middle-aged woman looked behind Ruihe: "Little master, are you the only one?"

"Yeah, I'll check the situation first, and I'll officially catch the ghost tonight."

"So that's it, okay, let's take a look." The middle-aged woman thought that Ruihe's companions would come over tonight, so she felt a little more at ease. Otherwise, the young master looks to be the same age as his son, which makes him unreliable at first glance.

"Then how do you calculate your fees?"

"No charge."

"Huh?" The middle-aged woman didn't believe it. "It's haunted here, so we want to raise money and let Taoist priest Su Yuguan come and have a look. They quoted an appearance fee of 50,000 miles per trip!"

Rui He smiled: "I'm here to see the world this time, and I don't charge any money."

"Oh oh oh, go ahead and watch it." If you don't pay, you can watch it as you like.

"Auntie, can you tell me a little bit? I asked a few questions outside, but I think it's you, the landlords, who know better."

The middle-aged woman's face changed again. It was one of fear and fear. She tightened her grip on the broom and suddenly shivered. She looked around before saying, "Come out with me. We'll talk outside."

This aunt is also strange. She said she was scared. She was indeed scared. She didn't even dare to talk about the situation in the haunted house. She said she wasn't scared. She dared to clean the yard alone. Ruihe's sharp eyes saw the bulges in her pockets, which were obviously full of things.

When they got outside, a middle-aged woman who claimed to be Zhou said: "Last year, around the time of the twelfth lunar month, my old man and my old lady insisted on coming back to this old house to worship our ancestors, so our family went back to the old house. "

Aunt Zhou looked up at the sun and rubbed her hands, and then she dared to continue, "There is a well in our yard. It was abandoned many years ago. It was filled with tap water and was no longer used. The child fell in while playing and sealed it. Oh, that night we heard the sound of fetching water, that sound - the sound of the plastic bucket hitting the edge of the well when fetching water! "

She lowered her voice to add a bit of horror, "We didn't pay attention at first, thinking it was the strange sound made by rain hitting something. The more we heard it, the weirder it became. My father-in-law said it sounded like someone was fetching water. My mother-in-law scolded him. How could it be possible? How many years had the well been sealed? It took two big men to move it, and who would go to the well to fetch water at two or three in the middle of the night? The sound kept coming, and finally my husband and my father-in-law went to take a look. Oops! There was a plastic bucket next to the well, and it was full of water. I didn’t know if it was rainwater or well water. Look at the well again. , but it’s still covered.”

Aunt Zhou has a talent for telling stories. Her low voice and flickering eyes made Ruihe, who knew Aunt Zhou deliberately exaggerated, get goosebumps all over her body as she spoke under the clear daylight.

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! !

I'm not just taking a test~

I actually sang it hahaha

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