Winner in life

Chapter 211 33 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

Finally, Aunt Zhou concluded: "It has been haunted since that night. At first, I heard the sound of someone fetching water. My old neighbor's grandson was brave and kept watch all night to catch the person behind the haunting. He was frightened and can't recognize people now. Fortunately, no one died. Master, if you can, please get rid of the ghost. Otherwise, it will be a problem to leave this house. It can't be sold and my family can't live in it..."

It's hard to tell how much of what Aunt Zhou said was true or false. Ruihe listened with relish, just like listening to a storyteller telling a story. He also asked: "Aunt, aren't you afraid?"

"Of course!" Aunt Zhou glared.

"Then how dare you go in and sweep the floor?" Ruihe smiled, "Didn't you say you've moved to a new house?"

Aunt Zhou's eyes wandered: "...There are too many people coming here recently, bringing a lot of garbage. I just swept it."

Ruihe said "Oh", as if he believed it. Aunt Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll leave, you go do your work."

"Aunt Zhou, don't take things you shouldn't take. Sometimes it looks like you picked up rich gold and silver, but it may actually be a death talisman. You eat as much as you can and take as big a bowl as you want. There is no such thing as a free lunch. What do you think?"

"What are you talking about!" Aunt Zhou glared in dissatisfaction, "You are talking nonsense. Don't bother with my business. If you want to catch ghosts, go catch them yourself!" She was about to leave.

"Wait!" Ruihe wanted to ask about the missing female student, but Aunt Zhou left quickly.

Ruihe didn't insist and planned to find someone else to ask. As for the sentence he just reminded, Aunt Zhou didn't listen to it. She was greedy for cheapness and didn't know what she took from the haunted house. Every bite and drink was destined by heaven. If she took it, she would have to bear the cause and effect.

Entering the courtyard again, Ruihe checked the courtyard from beginning to end. It was a sunny day outside, but every corner of the courtyard was shouting cold. The amulets and talismans worn by Ruihe gave off a warm feeling in his heart, which spread from his heart to his whole body, dispelling the cold.

This courtyard was indeed strange.

Ruihe had also checked the well in the courtyard. Unexpectedly, the well was dry and there was nothing in it.

Ruihe didn't believe it, so he checked again from the beginning and finally decided on a few places: the dry well in the courtyard, two rice jars, four water jars, three pottery jars and other containers in the empty house. Ghosts need a place to live, and that place is generally backed by the sun and gathered by the moon, so these things are more suitable. In broad daylight, ghosts are attached to the utensils they live in, and they will not show up actively, so he can't see them.

Although he can use the scanning function of the law enforcement instrument to "see", he is not prepared to use it that way.

In the past year or so, he has used the law enforcement instrument many times, but he never used it once when his master Cai Ningzi personally took him to catch ghosts and monsters for training.

After all, the law enforcement instrument is not a "panacea" that can be used at will. What he needs is real skills. Therefore, from the time he entered the Lotus Temple to the present, he has only secretly used the law enforcement instrument to assist his own practice.

How to find the common points between Taoism and the law enforcement instrument, understand Taoism more thoroughly and infiltrate the law enforcement instrument into Taoism without leaving any traces is the most urgent problem for Ruihe to solve.

God rewards hard work. With the help of the law enforcement instrument's scanning function, Ruihe has mastered the skill of locating ghosts very keenly. Indeed, there are many ways to judge the traces of ghosts, such as the most traditional way of sprinkling incense ash and glutinous rice, or spreading flour, etc., which are all means. Not every ghost has the ability to show up. Many ghosts cannot be seen with the naked eye. Some evil ghosts even hide their whereabouts for their own safety. As a heavenly master, you must first "see" the ghost, and then you can catch it.

Without the Yin-Yang Eye, you can only make up for it with some external tools, such as activating the talisman and sticking it to a place where ghosts may be hiding, or setting up a formation to fight ghosts to make them appear. Ruihe learned a skill after many attempts through the law enforcement instrument, using the auxiliary function of the scanning function, that is, to adjust the vitality into the spirit platform, so that the spirit platform can reach an unprecedented clarity, and then start to "listen".

His five senses have made a qualitative leap after taking the gene-modified drug. After all, ghosts are not things that should exist in the world of the living. When they are active, the air has different fluctuations. Under special training, with the help of Lian Cong, who was unwilling to reincarnate in the law enforcement instrument, he spent a lot of time training himself to perceive Lian Cong's position when his eyes were closed, and finally developed a keen perception of ghosts.

Now taking an exam, Ruihe knows that his every move is monitored by the invigilator. It is not easy to take out the law enforcement instrument, and he does not want to take it. In his opinion, the law enforcement instrument is a means of saving life and should be used with caution.

After determining the possible hiding places of the ghosts in this courtyard, Ruihe tried them one by one. Now it is daytime, and ghosts like to travel at night. At this time, the other party does not move, so Ruihe does not need to use the perception skill, and directly sticks one talisman after another.

"Okay, no movement." After sticking the talisman, there was no movement in the room. Ruihe smiled. After ruling out the house, he set his sights on the most suspicious dry well. Aunt Zhou's words were somewhat credible. There was something wrong with the well. The big stone slab covering the well mouth was left aside, but there seemed to be a vent in the dry well. When he looked down at the bottom of the well, a cool breeze slowly came up from the bottom of the well, continuously.

After standing by the well and bending over to look at the dry well for a few times, Ruihe pasted three talismans on the wall of the well. After he finished pinching the formula and reciting it, the talisman paper ignited. With a bang, a gust of wind rushed out from the bottom of the well, blinding Ruihe's eyes. The ashes of the burned talisman were blown all over the yard.

It can be confirmed that the ghost in this courtyard is hiding in the dry well. He was about to take the next step to lure the ghost out, when suddenly there was a commotion outside the door. Looking back, Aunt Zhou strode in with a group of police officers in uniform behind her.

"It's him!" Aunt Zhou said, "I can't stop him. I really didn't let him in."

Ruihe stopped, took out his ID immediately, and explained his purpose.

One of the police was wearing a Taoist priest, and Ruihe knew at a glance that he was a colleague. The colleague looked at him and then smiled: "It turns out that you are a candidate for the big exam. The flood washed away the Dragon King Temple."

Ruihe took the ID and identity certificate returned to him by the police, and said with a smile: "I have no choice. I had to come in by myself for the exam." He apologized to Captain Wu, who claimed to be the person in charge of the missing female student case among the police, "It's wrong for me to cross the cordon without permission. I'm really sorry." He quickly admitted his mistake.

Captain Wu was not at fault for chasing him: "I can understand. Your big competition is like the college entrance examination, right? I heard it's very important."

"Thank you for your understanding."

The Taoist priest who came with the police called himself Suiquan. He was a registered Taoist priest of the Suyu Temple in Zhuyang City and a working Taoist priest of the Zhuyang City Special Investigation Office.

"A few days ago, a female student disappeared here. The police station in this district applied for assistance from the Special Investigation Office of the Municipal Bureau, and I was transferred here." Taoist priest Suiquan introduced, "But this place was listed as an examination room by the Taoist Association, which is difficult to deal with."

What's difficult?

Ruihe asked directly: "What do you mean?"

Suiquan smiled and said: "The missing female student case has been identified as a non-natural case. The case has been reported to the Municipal Bureau, and the Special Investigation Department has intervened. The procedure has been filed with the Special Investigation Department, which belongs to the Shuyang Special Investigation Department. I have to ask my superiors first. Can I call you nephew Hongzhen? Nephew Hongzhen, please wait a moment, I will go to ask for instructions."

"Ask for instructions? Does it mean that I can't catch the ghosts here?"

"You don't understand this, you have to follow the procedures."

"Uncle Suiquan, I don't understand what you said." Ruihe smiled politely, "Logically speaking, as long as the ghosts that are causing trouble are caught and the truth about the disappearance of the female students is found out, the case will be solved, right? Isn't the existence of the Special Investigation Department to solve non-natural and difficult cases? In this case, whoever catches the ghost will solve the case, is there any difference?"

He is a candidate for the Taoist competition. This case is a very important test question for him. If the ghost is caught by him and the points are given to him, the case can also be solved for the Special Investigation Department.

It's all good things that benefit the people, why should we care about who did it?

Suiquan was a little helpless: "So I said we should follow the procedures, it's okay, it's okay! You wait a minute!"

Ruihe frowned when he heard that there was no definite answer. But Suiquan said that he had to follow the procedures, and he couldn't say anything else, so he had to reply: "Okay, please ask Uncle Suiquan for instructions."

"Then you go out first, the colleagues in the police station will check again."

Ruihe walked out with a calm face, and Aunt Zhou was also asked to go out. It seemed that she saw that Ruihe, the heavenly master, was also driven out. She actually sneaked in herself, and she was afraid that Ruihe would tell the police and hold her responsible, so she ran away.

After waiting like this, it was noon. Ruihe stood outside the cordon and asked the police guarding the door: "Excuse me, did Taoist Suiquan get the result of his instructions?"

"Taoist Suiquan hasn't come back yet."

Ruihe pursed his lips and felt that something was wrong. But he had no choice. He felt hungry and went out to eat lunch. He found a food stall. When the proprietress brought him wontons, she looked at him curiously: "Young master, are you a Taoist priest? Did you catch the ghost?"

"Not yet. The police station has invited a Taoist priest and won't let me in for the time being."

"Since the police station has invited a Taoist priest, don't go! It's dangerous!" Seeing that Ruihe was young, the proprietress was afraid that something might happen to him. Seeing that Ruihe was blocked outside, she said it was a good thing.

"Many young people go there to explore, and some of them go crazy! If you ask me, it's better to just flatten the house, rather than letting those kids run in to play. Yesterday, the youngest son of the old man Tietou from the next alley ran in, and his soul hasn't come back yet. He just drools when he sits at home, and needs to be fed. What a sin!"

"Whose family is that child from?"

"Here, go to the end and turn..." The proprietress pointed in a direction, "Young master, do you have the ability to summon the soul? I don't know how many yellow papers the old lady in that family burned to summon the soul, but it's useless."

"I'm not sure, I'll go and have a look later."

"That's great, you're a professional, and that child is pitiful. It would be great if you could help." The proprietress was chivalrous and shook the spoon, adding another spoonful of wontons to Ruihe, "Eat more, eat more."

The author has something to say: Good morning! ! !

A new month is here, let's continue to play together

Heart to heart!

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