Winner in life

$26.26 Traveling Through 1972 (1/2)

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Ruihe waited outside the alley for a whole afternoon, and had no choice but to go back. Before going to bed at night, I heard that the dispute was still going on there. The captains of the two villages wanted to solve it privately, and it was not Zhang Tianci who caused the trouble. The two of them broke up after dating, and no one knew that Zhang Cuimei was pregnant when they broke up.

The development of the matter was too similar to what was said in the opera, and Ruihe was stunned when he heard this. I heard that this was said by Zhang Cuimei's parents. The parents only found out about their daughter's pregnancy a few days ago. After interrogating their daughter, they learned that their daughter also found out after Zhang Tianci's wedding. Originally, they wanted Zhang Tianci to "take responsibility". Whether to give birth to the baby and let him divorce and take responsibility, or to abort the baby and let him pay for nutrition, the villagers had many different opinions.

In short, Zhang Cuimei's parents really didn't know how their daughter miscarried that day.

Ruihe felt shocked. When he saw Sister Cuimei under the banyan tree in Shangmei Village, had she already miscarried? Or after returning home? At that time, she was indeed pale and ugly, but there was no blood on her body.

Now, the most widely accepted story came from the neighbor of Zhang Cuimei in Caihe Village. It is said that Zhang Laolai and his wife wanted their daughter to ask Zhang Tianci for money for abortion, and also asked for a lot of nutrition fees. Zhang Cuimei didn't want to, and they often quarreled at home. They quarreled for several days. Suddenly, she committed suicide. It must be forced by her parents. What she said was that she loved Zhang Tianci even after breaking up and couldn't bear to disturb him. It was very sad and romantic, and it was widely spread in the village.

In the end, the matter ended with Zhang Tianci compensating Zhang Cuimei's family for 200 yuan. Zhang Cuimei was hastily buried. Ruihe, Li Dashui and other workers in the bamboo factory made an appointment to go to worship together. Before the arrival of late autumn, Zhang Cuimei fell asleep completely in the ground, leaving many peachy stigmas behind her against her will.

Ruihe went to Zhang's house to visit Zhang Tianci. He almost collapsed. He had deep feelings for Zhang Cuimei, but those feelings slowly faded under the interference of her parents and the pressure of life.

"If you marry her, you will have to support an extra family. You will not be able to escape when her two younger brothers get married in the future." This is what his parents advised him, "She is a good girl, and you two can also make money, so just help her. Who doesn't help each other to make a living these days? But her family really has no sense of propriety. Cuimei is a good person, but she is too soft-hearted and has no position! Girls like her are all in their natal family. In the future, your children will not be able to compare with their natal family. What money and things, she will be soft-hearted when her parents cry. How will you live in the future?"

The persuasion of his parents finally made Zhang Tianci's heart shift, and he broke up with Zhang Cuimei. After that, he followed his parents' advice to go on a blind date and soon set a wedding date.

If the person you like cannot be together, it doesn't matter who you marry.

If life goes on like this, the passionate feelings of youth will eventually be worn away by the daily necessities of life, and it will only be a beautiful time in retrospect.

But Zhang Cuimei got pregnant, had a miscarriage, and committed suicide when Zhang Tianyi didn't know.

Zhang Tianci grabbed Ruihe's hand, but his eyes were unfocused. He said over and over again: "She is a stubborn woman. Her neighbors said that she wanted to be a single mother at home. I believe this. With her personality, she must want to live a good life and then throw it in front of me to show me, so that I will regret it. But the child is gone, and her family is pressing hard, she can't think it through..." Zhang Tianci's eyes were filled with tears, and his mouth was still nagging, which made Ruihe feel sad.

"She was wearing that skirt, hanging on the beam..."

"Stop talking, stop talking, brother Zhang, calm down."

The heartache and despair of the person involved cannot be soothed by a few words of comfort from outsiders. When Ruihe left, Zhang's mother wiped her tears and sent him out, saying with some sadness: "Only a few of you came to see him, and everyone else thought our Tianci was a bad man, and they were afraid of ruining their reputation by associating with him."

Several children suddenly appeared on the wall, and the children shouted: "Zhang Tianci is a coward, crying and hiding at home!"

Zhang's mother's face flushed all of a sudden, and Zhang Tianci's brother ran out of the house holding a broom: "What nonsense, go away!"

The children jumped off the wall and scattered.

"I will come to see brother Tianci next weekend, aunt, don't worry, this matter will be over after a while." Ruihe comforted Zhang's mother a few words, and said hello to Zhang Tianci's brother before leaving.

After that, Ruihe never saw Zhang Tianci again. When he went to visit him at the weekend, his mother said, "He and his wife went to live in his wife's cousin's village. His father asked him not to come back for the time being." She said Amitabha. Fortunately, her son and daughter-in-law reconciled.

Zhang Tianci's wife is from the same commune but a different brigade, but her cousin lives in a commune far away from here. It takes two hours to get there by bike, which is quite far from here. Zhang Tianci's father meant to live somewhere else first, not to let those gossipers see him at home and gossip every day. Come back to help when everyone is busy with the autumn harvest. At that time, everyone is too tired to talk, and no one will talk about his shortcomings.

Zhang Tianci's mother and Ruihe are also very familiar with each other. Seeing Ruihe coming to visit, her eyes were red. She held Ruihe's hand and cried, "We really didn't know Cuimei had a child. If we knew, no matter how much dowry her family asked for, we would have nothing to say! Give it to her family! My grandson..." She cried.

Hearing that her mother-in-law was getting more and more excited, the eldest daughter-in-law quickly advised her: "Mom, stop talking. Dad said you can't say that anymore. The four siblings must keep it in mind in the future. Dad asked them to go out to live, and it was also because mom always mentioned the children. , How uncomfortable does this make the four younger siblings? How can they survive?"

The dead have passed away, but the lives of the living still have to go on.

This sentence makes sense, but only the person involved knows how much helplessness and pain it contains.

Ruihe had several dreams about Zhang Cuibei. When he woke up from the dream, he always felt a little disappointed. A fresh life passed away so suddenly and quickly that he could not let go. He was still thinking, if he had persisted a little more that day and invited Zhang Cuibei to his house for lunch, would the outcome have been different?

When the autumn harvest came, school was on holiday. Ruihe went to the fields to harvest rice and saw Zhang Tianci among the villagers wearing straw hats who were bending over and sweating. He lost a lot of weight, but was very strong when working. Ruihe called him. Zhang Tianci turned around and was stunned for a moment, then smiled at Ruihe: "Come to my house after work! I brought something for you and Dashui. !”

After work, Ruihe called Li Dashui to find Zhang Tianci, and the three of them walked home together. Li Dashui was very concerned about Zhang Tianci and kept asking him how he was living outside.

"Very good, very good. My wife is pregnant. I sent her back to her parents' home and didn't ask her to come back for the autumn harvest."

Seeing that Zhang Tianci was in good spirits and cleared away the gloom, Ruihe felt relieved. When they arrived at the Zhang family, the three of them squatted by the well and washed their faces. Zhang's mother told them not to leave: "Stay for dinner! It's too late for you to go back, so don't be polite. . "When my son was isolated from others, these young men who kept coming to visit him were very lovable.

"Please stay, don't be polite."

Ruihe refused and stayed. Li Dashui didn't tell his family, thinking that his family had already cooked his food, so he said he would bother him next time.

While eating with the Zhang family, Ruihe also saw Zhang Tianci's pregnant wife. I can't see my belly yet, so I guess I'm still a month old. After dinner, Zhang Tianci moved out a box of books and introduced: "I got them in Su Nha Trang. My wife's relatives were Red Guards before and confiscated a lot of things at home. When I saw these books, I thought you would like them and come here." My relatives don’t like these either. They think they take up a lot of space. I didn’t spend a penny on them because they took up a lot of space. You’re welcome to move them home.”

Rui He squatted down and flipped through it a little, then thanked him: "I haven't read them all! Our school also has a library, but there are not many books. I will go to the bookstore in town to read on weekends. New books are too expensive."

Zhang Tianci also became happy: "As long as you like it!"

"I will make a cradle for my nephew later, so he can use it when he is born." Rui He promised.

"That's a good feeling!"

After thinking about it, Ruihe asked, "Brother Zhang, are you no longer going to the bamboo factory? I heard from Brother Dashui that you have already processed your resignation."

When I went to Su Nha Trang to escape the limelight, Zhang Tianci took a long leave.

Zhang Tianci sighed: "I won't go. I haven't lived in the commune in the past few years. My idea is to come back to help when the farming is busy. My wife's cousin's husband is the captain of Su Nha Zhuang, and my cousin has already done it for me. , I usually work in the fields in Su Nha Trang to record my work points. If you come back to help during the busy farming period at home, you will also be credited with your work points. That’s it!”

The autumn harvest was busy and work would resume at one o'clock in the afternoon, so Ruihe did not stay long.

By the time the autumn harvest was over, Ruihe was so tired that he shed a layer of his skin and lost weight. However, the food he received was actually piled up at home, which was a surprise. He ate rice without sweet potatoes for a week, and then regained his strength.

School started again, and Ruihe started reading the box of books he brought home from Zhang Tianci in his spare time. He was living a wonderful life.

Time flies, he made a cradle and gave it to Zhang Tianci, and Zhang Tianci's eldest son was born.

At the end of the same year, the original third sister Zhang Fang gave birth to a pair of twins, and Ruihe gave them some nutrition.

Li Dashui successfully went on a blind date and got married in June 1976. Ruihe sent him a generous gift.

Lu Peiyin, the bright beauty in her original memory, was engaged to the nephew of the owner of the bamboo factory just like in her previous life, which made many young men sad.

On September 9, 1976, the news broadcast a piece of news that shocked the whole country. The great chairman passed away, and the whole country mourned.

Ruihe heard the news in the school classroom. At that time, he and his classmates were in class. Suddenly he heard the sound of a rustling radio audition. The next moment, a male voice excitedly said that the old leader died in Kyoto at the age of eighty-three. Repeat I shouted three times and finally broke down in tears.

The teacher on the podium put down the textbook and cried bitterly on the table.

The classmates in the classroom also started crying. After all, Rui He came here halfway and could not feel the sorrow as deeply as the teacher and classmates. It was obvious that everyone was so sad. He was also infected by such a sad atmosphere, and his nose became sore and red. Eye sockets.

The death of the great man left the commune in a depressed atmosphere for several days, and even the children became a little quieter.

It was not until another autumn harvest that the commune became lively again.

In August of the next year, there was news in the city that the college entrance examination might be resumed. In the small Shangmei Village, the educated youth are a little restless. The news spread to the school, and the students were looking forward to it. August happened to be the labor class for freshmen. Rui and other seniors who had just graduated were called back to help teach the freshmen. The graduates of this class were very excited when they heard the news.

"I don't think it's possible. The college entrance exam has been suspended for so many years." Several students in the classroom were also talking about this topic. The male student who spoke first counted on his fingers: "One, two, three... Wow, it's been ten years this year!"

Another student whispered: "I don't think it's possible either."

"But many people in the city say so. I heard that the news came from Shanghai!"

"Do you believe the news from outside? It has been said for several years that educated youth can return to their hometowns. Have you seen them return?"

"I really hope I can take the college entrance exam. I didn't get into junior college two years ago. My mother taught me to study for three years and kept saying that high school was useless. I finally didn't go to school this year. There was a person in the building next door who got in this year. His mother brags about it downstairs every day. I just It's bad again."

"Wow, technical secondary school? Did you get into agricultural machinery or normal school?"

"Agricultural machinery, you can be assigned to an agricultural bureau after graduation, my mother is so jealous."

Rui He passed by with a book in his arms, and saw that the group of people in the corridor were classmates, so he stopped to join the conversation: "I think no matter whether the college entrance examination is resumed or not, we have graduated anyway, and what we have learned is there and we will not forget it in a short time. As long as we study well enough, we can get good grades even if the college entrance examination is resumed tomorrow."

"The study committee member is right! Xiaoshan, where are you going?"

"To the class teacher, Mr. Hao, Mr. Hao said he wants to see the labor class report of the freshmen." The labor class of the commune high school is real, and farming is the basic skill.

"Then go quickly."

"Okay." Rui He smiled and walked towards the office.

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