Winner in life

$27.27 Traveling through 1972

Ruihe went to the class teacher's office to submit a report. He saw that the class teacher, Mr. Hao, looked unhappy and asked if he was feeling unwell. The head teacher sighed: "I don't know if the rumors this time are true or not. I really hope that the college entrance examination can be resumed. You students usually study hard, but without the college entrance examination, all your hard work will be in vain. What a pity!" He grabbed hold of his hands. Hair, "I have been contacting old classmates in the provincial capital recently, but there is no definite news."

Rui and Moran. He was so calm and calm because he already knew the future development, but others were full of confusion and fear about the unknown future.

When he walked out of the office, Ruihe saw the red setting sun in the west. He knew that tomorrow morning, the morning sun would rise again, illuminating thousands of lands.

When a group of high school freshmen were distracted by the so-called "news from the city" and had little interest in studying, while the educated youth in the commune intensively contacted their relatives in the city to inquire about the college entrance examination news, Ruihe stepped up his study pace. Last month, he graduated from high school and received his high school diploma.

However, a high school diploma will not bring him any job convenience at this time. It is really no joke to be unemployed after graduation. Li Dashui said that he would help him find out if the bamboo factory was still hiring. He also said that the manager was very impressed with him and that if he wanted to re-enter the factory, it would definitely work. Ruihe declined them all.

After actually seeing many people who were eagerly looking forward to the college entrance examination, Ruihe finally felt a real sense of urgency, and any trace of pride in planning for the college entrance examination many years in advance was completely eliminated. Look at those people whose eyes are shining with light and expectation. He has no reason to be proud or to feel superior. How competitive the college entrance examination is! Not only does he have high hopes for the college entrance examination, but there are also countless people who want to grasp this life-changing straw.

He has to work harder.

On October 21st, the exact news came that the college entrance examination was resumed! This year’s college entrance examination will be held nationwide in one month!

Ruihe's high school made arrangements immediately, changed the teaching plan, and made every effort to prepare for the college entrance examination in one month. Rui He and other newly graduated students in this class, who are willing to take the college entrance examination, all go back to school, hoping that teachers can prepare and review lessons for them again.

The middle school in the commune actually has a small number of students and teachers. There are more students in the junior high school than in the high school. The high school has only one class with twenty-three students.

Nowadays, few people are willing to go to high school. Many people are willing to go to technical secondary school. After completing the job package, they have an urban household registration. They can start working earlier than going to college to earn money and relieve the pressure on their families. After the college entrance examination was suspended, technical secondary schools became more popular and more difficult to take. As for worker, peasant and soldier trainees, there are few places. The number of places allocated to the communes every year is pitifully small, and they are not available at all. They are usually taken away by people with internal connections, such as the children of cadres, etc. Therefore, technical secondary school has become the only way for ordinary people to change their lives, and the competition is quite fierce.

In contrast, high school is much easier to pass. A large number of Ruihe's classmates came to high school because they failed to pass the technical secondary school entrance exam. Of the eighteen production brigades in the entire commune, the high school department of the commune middle school actually admitted only twenty-three students (excluding a few students who were admitted to key middle schools in the city), which shows the current number of high school graduates.

Now that the college entrance examination has resumed, almost all the students in the class have returned. After the school meeting, the graduates of this class were re-incorporated into the teaching plan.

Not many people have gone to high school in recent years. It seems that high school courses were discontinued a few years ago. Just because the number of students enrolled was in single digits and we couldn't afford to hold classes. After a few years of accumulation, the number of previous high school graduates in the commune is still the same. No small matter, in the next few days, past graduates will come to the school, hoping to temporarily attend school to prepare for the college entrance examination. After accepting two batches, the school declined and closed its doors completely after seeing that the teaching resources could no longer be afforded.

The college entrance examination has been stagnant for too long. Ten years have passed, and students who graduated in earlier years have long forgotten their knowledge. They only have one month left to pick it up again, which is not easy. Some candidates preparing for the exam can take time off to come to school because their families are not under great pressure and their family members are supportive. Ruihe also saw Lu Peiyin, who was assigned to his class.

Almost all the students live on campus. Ruihe also stayed on campus in order to save the time of going home, returning to school, cooking, etc., and paid three yuan for "tutoring fee plus meal fee." The principal said that the more he would pay, the less he would pay. So he went home, packed up his clothes and brought his books, lived in the school, and started the last month of sprint.

However, the school's review tasks are not going smoothly, and teachers lack more comprehensive review materials. Seeing this, Ruihe took out his set of "Self-Study Series of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry". The head teacher, Mr. Hao, was very excited: "I have asked my relatives to look for it, and I only found two volumes of "Algebra" and one volume of "Physics" and one volume of "Triangle" is still on the way, but I didn't expect you to have the complete set in your hands!"

"Teacher Xu Caiheng gave it to me before, and later I filled in the missing volumes myself."

Teacher Hao also recognized Xu Caiheng: "It turns out it's him. He also wanted to take the college entrance examination, but it's a pity that he couldn't get away before the elementary school holiday. By the way, can I borrow this set of books from the school for a few days? I'll ask the principal if he has any. I’ll take it and copy some exercises.”

"Okay." Rui He was a little embarrassed, "After copying, I plan to lend the book to Teacher Xu Caiheng and a friend of mine."

"Don't worry! I'll give it back to you!"

After discussing with Ruihe, Teacher Hao took the book away, and the school leaders went to the town to find connections and started printing the exercises in this set of books at a printing house they had a relationship with. There are a total of eighty-seven students preparing for the exam in the school, and each person is assigned one copy. An extra set of exercises is also given to Ruihe as a thank you for providing review materials.

Ruihe took time to go home, first delivered the book to Xu Caiheng, and then went to Li Dashui's house.

In the Li family, Li Dashui's younger sister had gone to high school. He had heard Li Dashui say before that it was said that Li Dashui's younger sister liked reading very much back then, and the youngest daughter in the family was very popular with her parents. If she liked reading, they would read to her. She started reading early. , although he is two years younger than Ruihe, he has already graduated from high school three years ago. I am eighteen years old this year, and I have worked as an operator in the production brigade through Guan Guan, specializing in answering the only telephone in the office of the Shangmei Village production brigade.

Xu Caiheng didn’t need to give him any more advice. Ruihe told Li Dashui emphatically: “If you need help, come to me at school. This is the first exam after the resumption of the college entrance examination. The country has been short of talents for so many years. If you can pass the exam this time, Well, there will definitely be a good place after graduation. Your sister has always loved studying, and now is a good opportunity. "

This is a good idea, and Li Dashui was very happy: "I heard she said she wanted to find review materials! She must like this set of exercises! I will give them to her when she gets off work, thank you, Xiaoshan."

Then Ruihe asked: "How is the business in the factory lately?"

"It's just so so. It seems that there is a lot less work assigned by the main factory this year. You can rest after you finish it. I have more free time now. I will go to school to visit you and express my condolences tomorrow."

Sure enough, the bamboo factory has been a little weak since this time, and the situation will be even worse next year until it closes down. What should Li Dashui do then?

"Brother Dashui, what are your plans for the future?"

Li Dashui asked in confusion: "What are your plans? It's fine for me to work in the bamboo factory now."

But the bamboo factory will close down in less than two years. For such a confidant good friend, whether it is the original person or him, his feelings for Li Dashui are sincere, and he must hope that the other person can live well. Li Dashui doesn't like reading. He has plans for Li Dashui, but he also knows that in this mission world, everyone is real. He cannot treat each other as a puppet and arrange other people's lives as he wants.

In his previous life, Li Dashui's life was neither good nor bad. He got married ten years earlier than his original self. By the time his original self got married, he already had a large family of children. He didn't make much money by guarding the private land at home, so he went to rent a store early to do business. Small daily necessities are similar to those in a canteen, and life is quite stressful. A few years later, Yuan's youngest son became seriously ill, so Li Dashui raked in all his family's money to help him out. After Yuan's leg was disabled while working at a construction site and he returned home, Li Dashui also helped out a lot.

At that time, the original person came back with a compensation of 12,000 yuan. He had to pay off the debt owed to Li Dashui first. Li Dashui didn't want to accept it, but his family had been living in a narrow old house and his three sons were all in their teens. How to get married if you don’t have a house? The original person couldn't bear the argument between Li Dashui and his wife, and insisted on returning the money to Li Dashui.

In the end, he was seriously ill and was about to die. In order to reassure him, Li Dashui even said that he would let his youngest son marry his youngest daughter.

The hearts of loving fathers are the same, so Zhang Xiaoshan resolutely refused. He only said that his daughter had skills and could support herself. He only asked Li Dashui to help take care of his daughter when he had time, so as not to let some local gangsters bully her. .

This was the deep friendship between the original person and Li Dashui. Ruihe was very moved after seeing it. In this life, he took over the friendly relationship with Li Dashui. In the process of getting along with him, he introduced Li Dashui as his best friend, and he sincerely wanted to make plans for Li Dashui. In his previous life, Li Dashui's life was not bad, but in terms of material, it was difficult to live a good life.

In a future where you can shop without a ticket, money will play an even greater role. Li Dashui has had a wife and children all his life. Although the reunion was sweet, he could not help but worry about the lack of life and worry about the future of his children when they grow up. Ruihe hopes that Li Dashui can live a better and more comfortable life in this life.

"Didn't you just say that the business of the bamboo factory is not good? I'm a little worried that it will close down."

Li Dashui laughed loudly: "Why do you think so? How can a good factory close down? No way! Don't think about it. Xiaoshan, are you under too much pressure to study? Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Now that the college entrance examination has resumed, let’s take it hard and you will definitely be able to do it.”

In turn, he was comforted by Li Dashui.

Ruihe sighed in his heart, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do now. He planned to put aside the issue of Li Dashui's future work for the time being and wait until after the reform and opening up. If Li Dashui was interested in doing business at that time, he would definitely help.

He had been waiting for so long and planning for so many years, and finally waited for the day when the college entrance examination was resumed. He was not proud that he would definitely pass the exam, but he saw the hope of changing his life.

As long as there is hope, the future will not be scary. His life with Li Dashui will definitely get better, he firmly believes in this.

After bidding farewell to Li Dashui, Ruihe returned to school and started the crazy and arduous final review with his classmates.

"Winner in Life [Quick Travel]"

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