Winner in life

28.28 Traveling through 1972 (Second update)

"Winner in Life [Quick Travel]"

Ruihe devoted himself wholeheartedly to the wave of review and the progress was relatively smooth. Because he had prepared for the college entrance examination several years in advance, he usually worked very hard. He had a complete set of notes of all kinds. He had already thoroughly understood the "Self-study Series of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry" and had done all the exercises. He had taken ten notes in these years. Five volumes, two fingers thick. Sometimes he could also remind the teacher of chapters and pages that the teacher could not find. He was praised several times by Teacher Hao happily: "I knew you were very serious, but I didn't know that you had worked so hard in private."

Encourage him to be steady and he will definitely pass the exam.

"Our usual courses are somewhat different from the college entrance examination syllabus. It's good that you have studied this set of books before."

On December 14th, the Nanbi Province College Entrance Examination was held, and Ruihe went to the examination room with his classmates.

On this day, Ruihe got up at four o'clock. He brushed his teeth, washed his face, packed his things, and then went to the cafeteria. The school cafeteria was an ordinary long room connected by two large classrooms. When Ruihe and the others arrived, the cafeteria was almost ready. , the porridge and steamed buns were all served, and I heard the aunt who was fetching food say: "There are also fried dough sticks and eggs. The fried dough sticks will take five minutes, and the eggs will take ten minutes. You can get them later. I will take them with me when I take the exam." eat."

Ruihe thanked his aunt, made two steamed buns and two steamed buns, and filled a bowl of porridge with two pickles and finished them all. When he finished the last steamed bun, he could still hear the aunt who was cooking asking loudly: "Want two bowls of porridge? Your principal held a meeting and told us that we can't give you too much porridge. If you eat too much, your stomach will be full of water." You have to go to the toilet during the exam! Can you get a bowl of porridge? I’ll give you two more steamed buns to eat..."

After washing the dishes, Ruihe used school meal tickets to pack five steamed buns for lunch, and then went to the water room to fill a marching pot with hot water, and everything was ready.

"Xiaoshan! Come on, Teacher Hao is calling you!"

As soon as Rui He squeezed out of the water room, he heard his classmates calling him. Following the person's finger, he saw that the head teacher, Mr. Hao, was standing outside the cafeteria, so he hurried over.

Teacher Hao asked kindly: "Have you eaten enough? Did you bring your lunch? Where's the water? You need hot water! I'll rest assured that you can do your job. We'll set off at 5:30. Now that you've got everything done, go check on the class. Female classmates, please remind them and help them check if there is anything missing. We have to lead them to the school gate at 5:20. The car is waiting there for the male classmates. I asked Xiao Zhao to look at it. Now, give me some snacks, female classmate.”

Rui He all responded, took out the list of classmates in the class, and looked for them one by one. After checking all the lesbians in the cafeteria, he even went to the dormitory to call her if they were not there. However, one female classmate couldn't be found. When asked, her roommate said he didn't know. Ruihe searched and couldn't find anyone, so he had to report it to the head teacher.

"What time is it? Where is the person?" Teacher Hao was also worried, and mobilized other students in the class to help shout, and finally found him in the toilet. When they found the person, she had already fainted inside. The female classmates took the person out with all their hands. One of the girls was surprised and said: "Her belly seems a bit big?" After that, she pressed her eyes gently again. Her eyes widened, "She is pregnant with the child! It must be true, I have taken care of my sister-in-law's childbirth before!"

"Oh my god! I don't usually see that!"

"I didn't notice it either. She usually wears very thick clothes."

Teacher Hao, who came after hearing the news, had a dark face, was angry and worried, and ordered the female students: "Hurry up and take her to the dormitory! Don't look at the others, get your things and listen to the instructions of your squad leader and study committee. Everyone go to the school gate!"

There are five oxcarts, seven bicycles, and a tractor parked in front of the school. I heard that except for two bicycles that are owned by the school, the others are specially borrowed from the commune.

"Female classmates go up first. I'll call your name, and everyone who hears it will get on the bus." Rui He waved the list and shouted, "I just checked and you have all your things. Now you have to get on the bus." Don't let go, if you find something you forgot on the way, others won't wait for you! Okay, I'll read the names!

Over there, Zhao Hutian was also shouting: "Who knows how to ride a bicycle? Don't raise your hands randomly. You must be someone who can lead others. Let me make it clear. If someone doesn't know how to raise his hands randomly, you will be responsible for throwing your classmate down!" "

It was already 5:35 after the chaotic and orderly arrangements. Teacher Hao was a little anxious: "Come on, let's go. It takes an hour. It will be bad if you are late. Cyclists, be careful! Let's go!"

Teacher Hao and four other teachers took the students to the front on bicycles, and the bullock cart followed slowly and steadily. Rui He leaned against the wooden board with his eyes closed, and heard the sound of turning books in his ears. The early birds were chirping and flying on the village road. The vitality was close to his ears, making Rui He gradually feel sleepy.

"Wake up, Xiaoshan, we've arrived."

Rui He was pushed awake by his classmates, who motioned Rui He to look ahead: "Look there is Chengyang Normal University. I heard that everyone can become a teacher after graduation!"

"There are so many people." Rui He rubbed his eyes, straightened his back and looked forward. The road leading to Chengyang Demonstration College was full of people, including people riding bicycles and walking, riding tractors, and it was very crowded and busy. "What time is it?"

"Teacher Hao just said it's almost half past six, I can make it in time!"

Ruihe jumped off the bullock cart and picked up the classmates who jumped off one by one.

Teacher Hao squeezed back from the crowd in front, sweating profusely. When he saw all the students getting off the bus, he hurriedly said: "Go up! Go up first! There are too many people in front. I just took a look and there is no way to gather again after entering. Our cars can’t go in either. I’ll send you your admission ticket now, so be sure to keep it and don’t lose it!”

Rui He checked the admission ticket. There was a one-inch photo of him on it with his name written in his hand. The other half had the exam time and subject and the location of the exam room printed on it. He put his admission ticket close to his body, said goodbye to all the teachers, and went to Chengyang Normal University with other students.

There were too many people, and the bicycles jingled and jingled. Someone here shouted: "Oh, you hit me!" Someone over there was jumping and calling his companion: "Here! Come this way!"

Weaving through the crowd and around the scattered cars, we finally arrived at the gate of the college. The gate was surrounded and no one except the candidates could enter. Ruihe showed his admission ticket to the guard at the door before being let in. After entering the gate, the cramped congestion finally weakened a lot. Ruihe looked around.

"Hill! Little hill!"

He turned around and saw Li Dashui jumping around outside the gate and waving to him. He hurriedly ran over: "Why are you here?"

"I sent my sister to take the exam. Look! There she is."

Ruihe looked over and saw Li Dashui's sister queuing up to enter the gate. She smiled at Ruihe and said, "Wait for me, let's go in together."

"My sister, I'm begging you. Come on, Xiaoshan, take the exam!" Li Dashui took out two eggs from his arms, "I brought them specially for you. After you eat them, you will get a hundred points in the exam!"

"Okay, I'll do my best."

The two high-fived and said goodbye.

He first accompanied Li Xiaomei to find her examination room, and then finally went to find his own examination room. After finding it, because it was still early, he found a place at the entrance of the examination room to sit down cross-legged and flip through his notes. Slowly, his heart finally calmed down. When the announcement sounded to remind him that he could enter, he carefully packed his things and went out. Go to the toilet, and finally stack the examination materials at the entrance of the examination room according to the rules of the examination room.

Fifteen minutes later, the bell rang and the exam officially began.

This exam was divided into liberal arts and science subjects, and Ruihe chose liberal arts. In fact, he liked all the subjects very much and was very happy to learn them. Among them, physics and chemistry were things he had never heard of before. They were novel and mysterious to him. Unfortunately, he had no talent in these subjects and could never learn them well. On the contrary, he was very good at Chinese. Teacher Hao said that his writing was "simple" and he admired the beautiful words of poems and songs. He also liked reading history, so he suggested that he apply for "liberal arts".

"Your physics and chemistry are not as good as history and geography." Teacher Hao said at the time. "Now the college entrance examination has finally resumed. To be honest, the teacher doesn't know what the college entrance examination will be like in the future. To be safe, you still have to strive for this." If you pass the exam in one go, you need to do your best.”

So after considering interests and abilities, Ruihe applied for liberal arts.

The subject test in the morning was Chinese. The number of questions was very large, but the difficulty was not particularly high. Ruihe learned from the memory of the original person that the test in Nanqin Province this time was not a national test, but a test drawn up independently by the province. It is said that The number of exam questions was astonishing. After the exam, the candidates cried and said they couldn't finish it. Therefore, Rui He had already begun to train his speed in answering questions in a targeted manner. He usually read the books to pieces and remembered the knowledge points very firmly.

The Chinese language test went very well, and the final essay was also a coincidence. I chose one of the two essay questions, and one of them was the one that Teacher Hao had chosen before. It was called "The Gardener's Hymn - Remembering My Most Respected Teacher". Of course Hao The topic the teacher bet on is called "Teacher, I want to tell you", which is essentially the same. Ruihe was so happy that he carefully revised and perfected the essay he had written before and wrote it on the answer sheet.

The morning exam was over. After collecting the test papers, Ruihe went to the door to get his things, and then went to the next door exam room to find Li Xiaomei. When Li Xiaomei saw him, she pursed her lips and wailed: "I haven't finished it! There are too many questions!"

There was a lot of noise and noise all around. There were many candidates like Li Xiaomei who had finished the Chinese language test. Ruihe encouraged her not to lose heart so quickly, "Let's go and find a place to have lunch. We have to take the politics test in the afternoon. I heard Brother Dashui say this is You are the best." Li Xiaomei nodded sadly.

Ruihe went to the cafeteria of Chengyang Normal University. The cafeteria was bustling with people and he could buy meals directly with money. Rui He inquired around and entered the kitchen. There were two stoves in the cafeteria to lend to the candidates to heat their meals. Rui He put the steamed buns and eggs that he and Li Xiaomei had brought and steamed them, while Li Xiaomei went to see what was delicious in front of them, and finally brought back a stir-fried shredded pork with celery.

"It's so meaty! It's not expensive at all. This dish costs only 30 cents and you don't need a ticket!"

The two of them ate all the steamed buns together with the plate. Finally, Ruihe went to get a bowl of seaweed and egg soup. After eating and drinking, they found a place to rest in the shade of a tree. Ruihe stopped reading and closed his eyes for half an hour. He even washed his face before the exam. He also felt good about the political science test in the afternoon. After returning to school, the teachers did not teach again and only let them arrange their own time.

After reviewing until 8:30, Ruihe went to bed.

System 460 took a look and saw that the host was sleeping on the pillow. The words of encouragement he had prepared were no longer needed, so he had no choice but to disappear and rest in confusion.

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