Winner in life

$29.29 Traveling through 1972

The next day, the school sent the students to the examination room just like yesterday. Ruihe also asked the class teacher about the pregnant female classmate. Teacher Hao sighed:

"I asked Teacher Chu when I went back to school last night. She said that she had already sent her home. She said she was five months pregnant. Her family could not stop her and had to let her come to school to review. This is too much. What a mess. The teachers don’t know she is pregnant. What if something happens? Oh! You see, Comrade Zhang Shufen also has a child. She is now eight months old and was fine during the exam. Since she has to take the exam, her first priority is to take care of her. Take good care of yourself, otherwise what’s the point of working hard?”

Ruihe sighed: "It will be the same if I take the exam again next year. She fainted in the toilet yesterday. It was really scary. I don't know how long she lay on the ground. It was so cold." He had an impression of that female classmate and she was a very hard-working person. . Yesterday was too dangerous. She hid her pregnancy and almost no one noticed when she had an accident in the toilet.

"That's right! Forget it, don't talk about it. Today is the last day. You have to stay in good condition. I also know the approximate level of yesterday's questions. It's not difficult! The difficulty is that there are too many questions. You have to remember what I said as much as possible. Don’t do it in vain. It’s best if you can finish it. How did you do in the exam yesterday?”

"It's okay, everything is done." Rui He scratched his head, "I just don't know if I did it right."

Teacher Hao smiled: "That's good. Don't think about the subjects you've passed. If it doesn't work, I have to explain to others. You go find Tianhu and bring everyone over. It's almost time to get on the bus. ”

Ruihe called the monitor, Zhao Tianhu, to gather the students. Sure enough, Teacher Hao made another mobilization and reminder before getting on the bus and set off on time at 5:30.

I took the math test in the morning and the history and geography test in the afternoon. Ruihe felt he did pretty well in the mathematics exam, but the history and geography questions were too large. After the exam, he felt a little dizzy and felt weak.

But no matter what, this day is a very meaningful day for Ruihe. The college entrance examination is finally over. Sitting on the bullock cart returning to the commune, he felt confused for the first time, as if he had suddenly implemented a plan he had planned for several years, and could only wait for the results, losing all momentum.

"System 460, are you there?" He hasn't talked to the system for a long time. He has been very busy preparing for the exam recently. He is so full that the day passes in the blink of an eye, and he can fall asleep when he lies down at night. Ruihe was confused at this time and subconsciously wanted to talk to the system.

System 460 responded in his mind: "Is there something wrong with the host?"

"I'm a little nervous." Ruihe adjusted his sitting posture, closed his eyes and fell asleep, "What should I do if I fail the exam?"

System 460 thought for a while and felt that encouragement is the most important thing at this time, so he said: "There is a saying that failure is the mother of success. One failure does not mean anything. The teaching and experience gained from it are what lead to the next success. The key.”

Ruihe was stunned for a moment, and then felt that the confusion in front of him was gone, right! Of course it is best if you pass the exam this time. If you fail, there will be next year. You can take the exam again tomorrow summer. If he doesn't pass the exam this time, he will have to find a job. The more money he saves, the less he will use it. If the bamboo factory doesn't accept him, he will continue to work in the fields to earn work points. He can no longer give up and just study. Many people work during the day and read at night. He had been like this before, and he would definitely be able to do it.

After thinking about it like this, Ruihe's anxiety dissipated and he thanked the system: "I would be too panicked without you. 'Failure is the mother of success'. What you said is so good. I have written it down. I will definitely I won’t be discouraged!”

"Come on, host. Is there anything else?"

Rui He scratched his fingers and shook his head hesitantly: "No more."

The bullock cart moved forward in a swaying manner. The candidates were chatting excitedly and nervously, discussing answers. From time to time, excited shouts could be heard, and some people were sobbing quietly in the excitement. Ruihe opened his eyes and saw the orange-red sunset in front of him. The light made him squint, but he still couldn't help but admire: "The sunset is so beautiful."

Li Dashui stopped by his bullock cart on his bicycle and muttered: "I don't know if I can make it in time for dinner. Xiaoshan, come to my house to eat! I told my wife last night that she will cook for you for dinner." ”


Li Dashui leaned over and reached out to poke Ruihe, indicating to him to look at the ox cart behind them, and said softly: "Isn't she engaged? I don't remember that man is not her partner."

In the bullock cart behind, Lu Peiyin was leaning on the shoulder of a young man. Ruihe glanced away and asked softly: "Do you know her partner? I heard that she is the nephew of the owner of the bamboo factory."

"Yes, I have seen it. Later I was transferred to another group, which happened to be next to her. Her partner came to see her every day. I heard that working as a cashier in a bamboo factory earns a very high salary! It's strange, too. Who is that man? She is not afraid of being heard by her partner. "It's in public!

"Don't go and send the message." Rui He felt deeply that Lu Peiyin was a troublesome person. He didn't want to have any contact with him at all, and he was also afraid that Li Dashui would be resented by her.

"Am I that stupid? I won't say it. She and I don't know each other, and we haven't said a word to each other. That's it! I'll take my sister home first. Remember to come to my house for dinner! "

With De Ruihe's promise, Li Dashui pedaled hard, and the bicycle flew forward quickly. Li Xiaomei's long braid swayed in the wind.

After the exam and while waiting for the results, people in the school came to inquire for information every day, and the atmosphere was tense. But there are no changes in the village. After all, there are still only a few people taking the exam. It is the end of December in the Chinese calendar, and there is still more than a month before the Spring Festival. Now that there is a slack season, the work of the production team is easy, so everyone puts more energy into their own work. Keep the land on your own, or look for ways to make money elsewhere in order to live a good year.

After visiting his three sisters' homes, Ruihe started to get busy. The bamboo factory had another big order at the end of the year. Not only did they call Li Dashui back, but Ruihe also temporarily accepted him as a temporary worker. They were busy until the 19th day of the twelfth lunar month. Ruihe took thirteen yuan and sixty cents and went home to prepare. New Year.

Li Dashui couldn't stay at home for two days and came to Ruihe every day to complain: "I chase after me every day and ask questions, I'm going bald!"

It turned out that his family was very concerned about his sister's college entrance examination results and asked every day when the results would be out.

"I don't know either. I've cycled to the commune three times in the past few days! Why can't my sister just call and ask? Isn't she the one keeping the phone in the brigade office?"

"Xiao Mei is at work. Where can I use the office phone? Logically speaking, it should be out soon. It's been more than 20 days." Rui He thought for a while and then added, "But it's the Chinese New Year now, so we might have to wait. Years later.”

"Forget it, let's go to Xialu Commune to pick oranges in the afternoon. I want to pick more."

Rui He looked at him strangely: "Just pick it, I'll go with you. But you look weird, you look weird--" He frowned and thought about the adjective, "It's weird."

"Hey hey hey." Li Dashui wasn't angry, but laughed even more mischievously, "You don't know, someone in the family wants to eat something sour. My mother said that when making orange jam this year, we should make it sour and not add a lot of sugar. "

"Those wild oranges are so sour, who in your family wants to eat them?" Why don't you add a lot of sugar? How sour would that be? Ruihe couldn't help but drool just thinking about it.

"My wife!"

"That sister-in-law is very powerful and can take sour food." Rui He smiled, but then he saw Li Dashui's expression became even more exciting. Rui He's hands were itchy and he couldn't help but say, "Don't smile like that again. Not only is it vulgar, but it’s also stupid. What on earth did you have in mind to be so weird?”

"I have a wife!" Li Dashui cried out loudly after holding it in for a long time. "Oh my God, it feels so much better to tell me! But my mother said that the child is still young and less than three months old and she won't let me tell anyone!"

Ruihe was surprised at first and then overjoyed: "Really? That's great! You're going to be a father!"

"Hehehehe." Li Dashui smiled so hard that he couldn't see his eyes. He was also very happy. "She said she wanted to eat something sour. I want to pick a lot of oranges and bring them home for her to eat."

Rui He also made a calculation: "I will also make a cradle for your child. It is not three months yet? I calculated that it will be summer when he is born, and it will be cool to sleep in the cradle then. Mr. Xu's child was born before, and the child My uncle gave me malted milk. I heard that he came from a big city and there are relatively few department stores. Fortunately, there is no need for a ticket. I will go to the town to have a look later..."

As he talked, he thought of Li Dashui's eldest son in his previous life. He was a very honest and honest child, and he didn't know if he would still be him in this life.

"This life is different from the previous life." Ruihe said in his heart.

I still remember that Zhang Dashan's eldest daughter was born in the autumn of 1974. He was not the son in his previous life. At that time, he asked the system. The world he experienced was strictly speaking different from his.

He remembered what System 460 said at the time: "We have released the host to this point in time, which means that there will be infinite possibilities in the future. One of the small aboriginals will make a completely opposite decision to the previous one. It is very likely to change the trajectory of his own life. Therefore, the host must think twice about everything and remember not to be impulsive." After answering the question, he finally reminded Ruihe again.

From that moment on, Ruihe knew that the future was changing. At that time, he was still afraid, afraid that the college entrance examination would not be resumed? Who knows what changes have occurred in the top leadership of this country in this life? But at present, it seems that the trajectory is still the same as in the previous life. Maybe the people who have changed are only the people who have been in contact with him. After all, what he is doing now is completely different from the original person.

"But as long as the child is born healthy, it will be fine." Rui He sighed for a while and then put the matter aside. It didn't matter whether Li Dashui's wife gave birth to a boy or a girl - in fact, even the eldest son might not be the one from the previous life. Li Dashui got married late in this life. Although the bride was still the same person, many things were different.

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