Winner in life

$31.31 Traveling through 1972

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Ruihe was excited for a while. Zhang Tiansheng looked at him happily and waited for him to calm down before saying: "Go to the commune education office tomorrow to fill in the application form. Don't forget it. I don't know how to fill in the application form either. Take a look. Ask your school teachers, they will definitely understand.”

"I understand, thank you Uncle Tian Sheng!"

After sending Zhang Tiansheng away, Ruihe went to Li's house. Everyone was happy together. When it came to applying for a volunteer tomorrow, Xiu'e said, "Let Xiaomei take you there on a bicycle, and you all go together."

"Let's ask your high school teachers first. Now that we have the holidays, we have to go home to look for them. Do you know where your teacher's home is?"

Ruihe nodded: "I know the home of the head teacher, Mr. Hao."

"That's good!" Xiu'e grabbed Ruihe's hand and patted it gently, looking at his soft and loving eyes, "Auntie, thank you, really thank you, you are a good child, and our whole family will remember your kindness."

"Auntie, don't say that. Brother Dashui has been very good to me since I was a child. My brothers are not so good. I will definitely help his sister. Besides, Xiaomei is the one who strives for her own success. I heard Brother Dashui say that she works very hard. , This is a good result she got in the exam."

"Yes, Mom, Xiaoshan and I are good brothers~" Li Dashui said proudly, putting his arms around Ruihe's shoulders and saying with a smile, "Good brothers for life."

His wife Tian Hui touched her belly and looked at it with joy in her eyes: "In the future, my sister-in-law will be a college student, and my uncle Xiaoshan will also be a college student. How beautiful it is."

Everyone laughed and the room was filled with laughter.

Ruihe couldn't sleep for a long time that night, so he tossed and turned in bed until two o'clock in the morning. In the quiet night, there was only the sound of the horseshoe clock ticking. Rui He hugged the quilt and looked at the bed curtain, feeling that his eyes were tired but his mind was very clear. System 460 couldn't stand it any longer: "Host, you have to fill in your application form tomorrow, so you'd better rest as soon as possible."

He turned over: "I can't sleep." After a pause, "I'm very happy."

"...You also need to sleep when you are happy. According to scientific calculations, the best sleep time for an adult is seven to eight hours a day, preferably no less than six hours. The best sleep time is from 10pm to the next morning. Six o'clock." System 460 said sternly, "It's already 2:07 in the morning. It's not good for your health if you stay up late."

"Okay, I'll try my best to go to sleep." Ruihe turned over and lay down embarrassedly. Chairman Mao also said in his quotations that the body is the capital of the revolution. He really had to go to bed quickly. He couldn't stay awake because he was too happy. It's not right to harm your body. After some self-reflection, Ruihe forced himself to stop thinking and managed to sleep for four hours. At around six o'clock in the morning, Li Xiaomei came to him on her bicycle: "Let's go to Teacher Hao first, and then rush to the commune. If we can't make it in the morning, we'll go in the afternoon."

Rui He thought it was too late to make breakfast, so he hurriedly filled his stomach with the leftover sweet potatoes from last night on the stove. After changing his clothes, he and Li Xiaomei set off together. He couldn't ride a bicycle yet, so he had to shamelessly let Li Xiaomei give him a ride.

“It’s more convenient to buy a bicycle if you have the chance.”

When Ruihe arrived at Teacher Hao's house, he discovered that a classmate he knew was already here, and he also came to inquire about volunteering. Teacher Hao is not sure. After all, the college entrance examination has been suspended for ten years. Ten years ago, he was only twenty-three years old and had not graduated from college. Even the admission scores of various colleges and universities in the year of his college entrance examination were forgotten.

"I don't know your scores, so it's difficult to fill them in." Teacher Hao was also anxious. "Now there is no way to check the admission scores of previous years. There is not enough time. The total score of this exam is 500 points, which is the same as the previous college entrance examination scores. The total scores are also different, making it difficult to compare.

My idea is to have four choices. The first one you want can fill in the best school. The next three will be downgraded in order. The fourth one is best to fill in a guaranteed one, such as our Chengyang Normal University. It is a junior college, and it is also the best university around here. Shanyang University in Shanyang City next door is also very good, and it is a comprehensive university. "

After hearing what Teacher Hao said, Ruihe felt confident. After everyone else had finished asking and leaving, he asked Teacher Hao: "I like liberal arts. What schools do you think are liberal arts schools?"

"Liberal arts. In fact, all universities have liberal arts majors. The most famous liberal arts department in this province is Nancong University. I remember that its Chinese department is very famous. The other normal schools should be liberal arts majors. Our nearest Chengyang Normal University Just..." Teacher Hao frowned and sighed: "I'm not familiar with universities here in Nanqin Province, but Nancong University must have the highest admission score. Outside the province, the most famous liberal arts department is Kyoto's Boyang University, with a Chinese department. There have been many knowledgeable professors. After the college entrance examination, I heard you say that your score should not be low, so I suggest you be the first to apply to Boyang University. Don't be so surprised, just study. You have to pursue it. If you don't apply for it, you will definitely regret it. Of course, you have to be careful about the next three choices. You can apply for Nancong University for your second choice. It is best to downgrade for the third and fourth choices. ”

"I understand, thank you teacher. How to fill in the major?"

"So what are your plans for the future?"

Rui He said directly: "I think being a teacher is very good. It is stable and peaceful. I can also read a lot of books in my spare time."

Teacher Hao laughed and sighed again. He sighed a little too much today. It was obviously a good day for students to succeed in their studies, but he always thought of his hometown and his previous life. It was really too long, so long that when he needed to look through his memories to answer students' questions, his heart always trembled at the thought of stepping back into that memory. Teacher Hao quickly calmed down and carefully made suggestions for the students: "I just said that I am not familiar with liberal arts universities and I don't know much about liberal arts majors. I will tell you a few subjects here. You can listen to it."

After Wei Rui cleared up his doubts, Teacher Hao looked at Li Xiaomei and asked kindly: "What about you?"

Because Li Xiaomei wanted to apply for a science school, Teacher Hao told her in detail and recommended her alma mater, Kyoto Jiqing University of Science and Technology: "The admission score must not be low. You can fill in the first choice, and the next three The other one is more confident.”

Li Xiaomei yearned for it: "Kyoto...I have never been to the province. No, I have never been out of Chengyang City. How far is Kyoto? Do I need to take a train?"

"Yes, take the train." Teacher Hao looked nostalgic, "It takes eight days and eight nights."

Ruihe sat in the back seat of the car, listening to Li Xiaomei chattering about her ambitions: "I really want to go to Kyoto, but it must be difficult to take the exam, and I don't know what my score will be. My mother said girls Being a teacher is the best, stable and decent, but I don’t like it..."

Rui He was also thinking in his mind while listening, and slowly came up with an idea. For his first choice, he planned to give it a try and apply for the famous Boyang University in Beijing. Boyang University can be said to be the most powerful university in the country. As Teacher Hao said, it is one of the highest palaces in the hearts of all college entrance examination students. No. What a pity. The next three should be from this province, the second should be from Nancong University, the third should be from Shanyang University... and the last one should be from Chengyang Normal University. Rui He thinks that being a teacher is also very good, being like Xu Caiheng A good teacher like Teacher Hao.

When he arrived at the commune, Ruihe received a volunteer form and solemnly filled out his four choices. His major was History. Finally, he checked the option "Submit to deployment", so that even if the school that admitted him does not have this major, he can be transferred to other majors.

Even if the application is filled out.

It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when we got home. The Li family left some leftovers and specially beat some eggs to make egg fried rice for Li Xiaomei and Ruihe.

Ruihe didn't go back in the afternoon and made orange jam with the Li family. In the evening, he firmly declined the Li family's warm invitation and went back to his home for dinner. That night, he squatted at the door with a bowl in his hand and ate in front of the moonlight. He felt that the moon was very round.

"I hope things will go smoothly for me."

Frogs croaked in the grass outside the house, and insects chirped, as if they were responding to him.


During the Spring Festival of 1977, many people felt restless, and Ruihe was no exception. During the Chinese New Year, he had to face the caring inquiries of his three sisters, which made him feel physically and mentally exhausted.

After waiting for the ninth day of the first lunar month, that is, the fifteenth day of the second lunar month, university admission notices began to arrive in the commune. The admission notices one after another were like water dripping into a frying pan, causing Shangmei Village to become noisy and restless.

Admission notices are first sent to the commune, and then distributed by the commune to each production brigade. The first admission notice Shangmei Village received was from an educated youth named Zhang Weijun. It was February 15th. At that time, Ruihe was picking up the vegetables he had grown in his private plot when he suddenly heard someone calling him from a distance.

He quickly turned around. Although he couldn't see clearly who was running over, his heart was beating crazily at that moment, and he intuitively felt that it was the news he was waiting for.

"Xiaoshan!" Li Dashui finally appeared in Ruihe's sight, and his voice changed due to the rush and excitement, "Notice! The admission notice is here!"

Ruihe's hand shook and the cabbage in his hand fell to the ground, "Really?"

"Really! Come and follow me!"

"Come here, come here!" Rui He squatted down and threw the cabbage into the basket on his back, then hurriedly picked up the basket and followed Li Dashui's pace.

"Where did you get the news? Where is the notice?" Rui He asked as he ran.

"My sister received a call from the commune!" Li Dashui was also very excited. "The notice is on the way and will definitely reach our brigade soon!"

"Very good!"

Very good!

Ruihe ran faster, as if he wanted to vent his excitement by running. He followed Li Dashui to the village brigade, and Li Xiaomei received them. She also looked happy and her cheeks were red with excitement: "Why are you here? Brother, you are so stupid, why did you bring Brother Xiaoshan here? The notice hasn't arrived yet! "

"That's fast!" Li Dashui disagreed, "I can't wait at home. You see your brother Xiaoshan is also very happy. It's better to wait in the brigade than at home."

"That's right, come on, come in and sit down."

Rui He entered the communication room, took the wooden bench handed over by Li Xiaomei and sat down, sitting on one end of the table with Li Dashui.

"Uncle Aiguo has already cycled to the entrance of the village and is waiting, but he only said that there is a notice, not who it is for. Brother Xiaoshan, don't worry."

"I'm not in a hurry." Rui He has calmed down a lot. He is now curious about which school he has been admitted to, where the school is and what he needs to prepare.

Looking forward to it! Which school is it?

Or is this not his notice?

My heart was in agony, and the waiting time seemed extremely long.

While waiting, almost all the college entrance examination candidates in the village came over, and everyone's face was flushed with excitement, and they were restless. After an hour, Zhang Aiguo came back, holding a file bag in his hand, walking vigorously, and looking at his expression, he was full of joy. He was stunned when he saw so many people in the team: "What are you doing?"

"Uncle Aiguo! I heard that the notice has arrived!"

"Hey, you are well-informed!" Zhang Aiguo took out an envelope from his arms, "Just one, with so many of you standing here, I can't make a notice for you."

Seven or eight pairs of eyes stared at the thin envelope.

One? Why just one?

Li Xiaomei asked the question that everyone wanted to ask: "Uncle Aiguo, who is this for?" She hoped that it would be her own notice.

"It's Weijun's!" Zhang Aiguo called to the crowd, "Weijun, come here, this is your notice."

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