Winner in life

32.32 Traveling through 1972 (Second update)

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As soon as Zhang Tiansheng finished speaking, "Here!" A young, tall man jumped out and rushed over. Zhang Weijun was a dark-skinned young man. He took it with both hands excitedly, quickly opened the envelope and pulled out the admission notice, shaking his hands and looking at it. The words, "Suhe Town Ceramics College? What kind of school is this? I didn't apply for this!"

"It will be great if you can go to university. As long as the university is a good school, what is there to choose?" Zhang Aiguo said with a smile, "Okay, go back. I will notify you when the notification comes again."

Ruihe was also disappointed, and Li Dashui quickly comforted him: "Wait a little longer, the Lantern Festival hasn't come yet, and the teachers at this school may not have gone to work yet. Besides, the notice has to be on the way, so it won't be that fast."

"I understand." Rui He went to the corner and picked up the basket. The two cabbages inside seemed to be wilted. He squatted down and broke off the hardened soil from his trouser legs, staring at his palms covered with dry soil in a daze. Surprise and disappointment mixed back and forth, making his current mood a little empty, and he felt confused and uneasy again.

No matter how much mental preparation he made, no matter how many plans he made after failing, he still hoped to receive an admission notice.

That is an affirmation of my hard work over the years, and it can also illuminate the way forward.

On the way home side by side with Li Dashui, Li Dashui kept looking for topics to divert Rui He's attention. However, Li Dashui had only been talking about his pregnant wife at home recently, so the topic was of course his daughter.

Yes, Li Dashui hopes to have a biological daughter.

"Usually Huihui likes to eat sour food, but after the Chinese New Year, she likes to eat spicy food. People say that sour children and spicy girls, this baby must be a daughter." Li Dashui said happily, "If it is a daughter, I will love her well and give her I made new clothes, took her to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy sweets, and even carried her to the theater during the Chinese New Year..."

Ruihe's heart softened as he listened. Perhaps it was because he had taken care of his younger sister Ruizhu before. He liked little girls very much and thought that such a delicate and cute girl was the most beautiful thing in the world. He matched Li Dashui's words and said, "I will also buy her sweets. "

Talking about their unborn "niece" all the way, Ruihe felt much better.

In the following days, the admission notices arrived at the commune, and then entered the production brigades. Shangmei Village received six admission notices one after another. Among them, there was an educated youth named Song Junjun who was very enviable by the educated youths. I heard that he was He was accepted into the technical secondary school in his hometown, which was only half an hour's drive from his home. Two educated youths left the Educated Youth Point one after another. After receiving the admission notice, Song Junjun quickly packed his luggage, made food arrangements, etc., and left the next day.

I heard that he cried when he said goodbye to the educated youth and fellow villagers, saying, "I can finally go home."

The return of educated youths is such a sad and anticipated topic.

After Song Junjun left, the atmosphere in the village became even more tense. Even Xu Caiheng couldn't hold it in and came to Ruihe to chat. He said: "I am the only one left." Three educated youths in the village passed the preliminary examination, and he was the only one who had not received the admission notice, and he was under great pressure.

Ruihe could only suppress the uneasiness in his heart and comfort Xu Caiheng. Xu Caiheng smiled and said, "I really hope that our admission notices will arrive today, no, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Qingnan has great confidence in me." , I don’t want to let her down by marrying me, I want her and my daughter to live a good life.”

The next day, Xu Caiheng received the admission notice. No one at the school knew him. He only saw from the registration instructions page that the school was in Linzhou. Although he was far away from home and didn't know whether it was a technical secondary school, a junior college or a university, he would be very happy if he could pass the exam! Rui He hurriedly went over to congratulate him and asked if he could help.

"The start of school is a bit tight. I have to apply for food and household registration quickly." Xu Caiheng said, "If you are free, please help me take care of my daughter. Her mother has to pack my luggage and she is not free."

Rui He was playing with her children in the yard. Zhang Qingnan, her mother and sister were packing things in the house. From time to time, the sound of conversations could be heard, and occasionally the words were very loud, which attracted the children to look in curiously. Xu Caiheng came back in the evening and warmly invited Rui He to stay for dinner. Rui He didn't want to disturb Xu Caiheng's family when they were busy, so he insisted on going back.

Xu Caiheng set off for the passenger terminal the next afternoon, and Ruihe went to see him off. Many students from Shangmeicun Primary School came and stood on the roadside to bid farewell to Xu Caiheng. Xu Caiheng finally said goodbye to his wife Zhang Qingnan. He took Zhang Qingnan's hand and said, "Wait for me."

Zhang Qingnan nodded with tears in his eyes: "I'll wait for you."

Ruihe watched Xu Caiheng sit on the bullock cart and drive away, feeling happy for the other party and disappointed for himself.

There were no problems with his physical examination, and the same should be true for his political examination. There shouldn't be any problems with his original family background...then his grades must not be good enough.

Two days after Xu Caiheng left to study, other candidates in Shangmei Village received their own admission notices. After sending Li Xiaomei away, Ruihe had completely calmed down and started working in the bamboo factory.

He inquired about the reporting time of the other six people. The furthest one was Li Xiaomei. She had been reported by the school before February 28th. This year's university semester is different from previous years. It will start in the spring. No matter how late it is, it will not be too late. , so Ruihe's hope for him is already very small. Except for Boyang University, the schools he applied to were all from this province, so no matter how far away they were, they would still be delivered. He didn't think he could get into Boyang University.

When Ruihe went to work in the factory, only the Li family, Zhang Tiansheng and Zhang Qingnan felt sad for him. Zhang Qingnan wrote in a letter: "You and I have seen Xiaoshan's diligence. He has not received the notice until today. It seems that there is no hope. I really feel sorry for him..."

When I went home to cook at night, a little girl rushed into the house. It turned out to be Zhang Dashan's eldest daughter Zhaodi. Zhaodi whispered: "Don't be sad, uncle, you will definitely pass the exam next time." The four-year-old girl looked at him obediently with big eyes. Ruihe's heart softened all of a sudden. He pinched a piece of sweet potato for her to eat, and also imitated her to ask softly: "How did you know that uncle took the exam?"

"Mom said." Zhaodi said while chewing, "She said uncle deserved it. What is deserved?"

Ruihe didn't want to say this to the child, so he coaxed her home, otherwise the child would suffer if the neighbors found out that the child came to play again.

However, after this episode, Ruihe was still in a bad mood at night and suffered from insomnia again. He was in a bad mood when he went to work the next day. After hearing the manager muttering that there were no orders sent in the early spring of this year, his heart was even more shrouded in a shadow.

"I won't stay in the bamboo factory for long." Ruihe said to himself. In the memory of his original body, at the end of 1978, the bamboo factory laid off all employees, and even couldn't last until the New Year to pay the annual bonus. Many workers complained behind their backs. He was absent-mindedly holding the bread bowl, thinking that he had to find an opportunity to buy a bicycle. Only with a car could he go to far places to do some small business. He remembered that a batch of bicycles would be shipped in from other places at the end of this year, and they could be bought without bicycle tickets. The original body bought a bicycle at that time.

But it would be too late to wait until the end of the year.

Ruihe decided to look for opportunities when the finished products were shipped to the main factory in the city. People in the city must have more connections than him.

He was thinking about something, his hands were moving non-stop, and he was actually distracted until someone tapped him and woke him up. Before he could turn around to see who tapped him, his eardrums were buzzed by a loud shout.

"Xiaoshan is here! The admission letter is here!"

At that moment, Ruihe lost the ability to think.

"Let's go!" Li Dashui grabbed his hand and pulled him up and ran out. The workers in the factory watched them leave, and only asked each other for news when they disappeared.

"Just now I heard that young man talking about a notice?"

"That's Dashui, he's also from our factory, and he's a good friend of Xiaoshan. He said there's a notice, so it should be the university's admission notice, right?"

"There's a notice so late?" A woman exclaimed, "What date is it? A while ago, many college students in the village went out, and there was a lot of noise. It's almost March now - February 24th, right? Can there be an admission notice?"

"I don't know, but it's not surprising if there is, maybe it's just that late?"

"Xiao Lu, do you want to go and see too, maybe your notice has arrived too?"

In the corner, Lu Peiyin gritted her teeth secretly, but when she looked up, she showed a sweet smile: "Aunt Li, you are kidding, I didn't even pass the preliminary exam, how could I have an admission notice?"

Goodwill laughter rang out all around, Lu Peiyin laughed for a while before lowering her head to continue working, but she was worried inside.

Blame her carelessness!

On the day of the college entrance examination, she was in a very low mood because her test results were not ideal. She was even more upset when she remembered that her fiancé's family was not happy about her taking the college entrance examination. They were already a little awkward, which made her feel even worse. In fact, she was not afraid of awkwardness with her fiancé's family. After all, they were just engaged and not married yet. Even if they got married, they could still get divorced! She didn't care at all, so she insisted on taking the college entrance examination.

As long as she passed the exam, she could leave this broken place immediately. She didn't care about her fiancé at all.

But she didn't pass the exam.

If she didn't pass the exam, all her plans would be in vain, and the deterioration of the relationship with her fiancé's family would become very serious at this time.

To make matters worse, she and another male comrade accidentally had a slightly intimate behavior on the ox cart when they left the school after the college entrance examination, which was known by her fiancé's family. Thinking back now, Lu Peiyin regretted it very much. At that time, she risked everything to go to the commune high school to prepare for the exam. There was a male comrade who cared about her very much and took great care of her in life and study. Compared with her fiancé's indifference to her, after more than a month, she really fell in love with him... That's why she accepted the man's hug and rested on his shoulder when she was depressed after the college entrance examination.

But she and he were innocent! She could swear!

Lu Peiyin took a deep breath and suppressed the rising resentment.

"Take it easy, take it easy."

She said to herself: "It doesn't matter if I don't pass the exam this time, I will definitely pass it next time!"

Her fiancé quarreled with her and made her lose face in the factory. It doesn't matter if she is always picked on for no reason. She will leave here, and all the suffering will pass.

Ruihe, with a confused head, mechanically followed Li Dashui out, unaware of the conversation of the workers in the factory workshop behind him, and he was still a little unresponsive.

"Brother Dashui, what did you just say? My acceptance letter?"

"Yes!" Li Dashui said loudly, "Didn't I take a leave to attend a wedding banquet this afternoon? When I came back, I met Uncle Tiansheng and he told me that he was about to send it to you, so I came to inform you in advance."

Ruihe's heart was beating and his eyes were shining. But the disappointment of that day was still as fresh as yesterday, and he asked hesitantly: "Brother Dashui, did you hear it right?"

"It must be right! How could I have misheard your name?" Li Dashui patted his shoulder heavily, causing Ruihe to stagger and almost fall to the ground. Li Dashui hurriedly grabbed him and said, "Don't get excited. It will be fine this time. What's yours will definitely come."

Ruihe calmed down and nodded: "Okay. Let's go."

The two left the bamboo factory and saw Zhang Tiansheng squatting on the side of the road in the alley in front of Ruihe's house. Zhang Tiansheng smiled at Ruihe with wrinkles on his face, stood up and waved to him: "Come on, your admission letter has arrived."

As he said that, he raised his hand, and Ruihe saw a brown envelope. At that moment, he could no longer see anything else in his eyes, only the thin envelope.

He walked over, his steps getting faster and faster, and then ran, like running towards a late dream.

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