Winner in life

$33.33 Traveling through 1972

When the envelope was received in his hand, Ruihe still felt that he was dreaming, especially when he saw the address on the envelope was written "Boyang University Revolutionary Committee", he felt like he was in a dream, and his heartbeat was beating too fast. Shortness of breath and smoke coming from the throat.

"Open it quickly and take a look!" Li Dashui was even more anxious than him and wished he could help him take a look. Zhang Tiansheng looked at him lovingly and urged him to open it quickly. He was also shocked when he first saw the envelope, and one could understand Xiaoshan's excitement.

"Let me take it easy." Rui He took a deep breath and began to open the envelope with trembling fingers. He took out the three pieces of paper inside. The top one was the admission notice, with the four words "Boyang University" printed in large characters. Ruihe couldn't understand what font it was, but he just thought the font was very beautiful.

That's right, he wasn't dazzled just now.

"Boyang University! It's Boyang University!" Li Dashui shouted, "Boyang University? Is it really Boyang University? Great!"

Zhang Aiguo looked at him with a smile: "Xiaoshan, you are the only one in our entire commune who has been admitted to Boyang University. Your Uncle Patriot also praised you. You have greatly improved our village's reputation!"

Not to mention the other six college students, just this one college student from Boyang University is enough to make Shang Micun feel proud.

Ruihe read the contents of the admission notice word for word. Written on the thin paper:

Comrade Zhang Xiaoshan from the Revolutionary Committee of Boyang University: With approval, you will study in the history major of the history department of our school. Please report to school before March 6th with this notice.

The signature is "Boyang University Revolutionary Committee" and the date of issuance is "February 16, 1978".

There is also a line of small words written in the bottom corner: For specific reporting matters, please see the attached "Notes for Admissions to Boyang University Students."

A large cluster of fireworks exploded in his heart, and his eyes flashed with tears.

"I felt sorry for you a few days ago. I didn't expect that good things take so long that I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Look how good this school is. It seems to be in Kyoto, right? A university in the same place as the old chairman must be a good university." Zhang Tiansheng took the photo Patting Ruihe on the head, "Kyoto is too far away from us. I think it will take a long time to take the train. You should go home and pack quickly. You must also hurry up with the necessary procedures. Don't be late for such a good school. ”

Rui He nodded gratefully: "I understand Uncle Tian Sheng."

"Don't worry about the money. When I went to the brigade to get the notice, your patriotic uncle also said that you are a top university and you are in a place as far away as Kyoto, so the expenses must be high. The brigade has provided it before. The other six student rewards will definitely cost you a few more dollars."

"I have money-"

"This is customary, so don't refuse. By the way, give me this family economic situation survey form. I'll take it to the brigade and fill it out for you. Once it's completed, you can stamp it." I've seen off several college students a while ago. , Zhang Tiansheng is now very familiar with these procedures. "Okay, don't thank me anymore. Go and do your own business quickly. I'll send it to you as soon as it's done."

As soon as Zhang Tiansheng left, other villagers who had heard the noise and gathered around quickly came over and asked each other: "Where is Boyang University?" "Didn't you hear just now? That's a university in Kyoto! And the old chairman From the same place!" "It's awesome, there is a Kyoto college student in our village!" "Congratulations, Xiaoshan, don't forget the people in the village when you are successful in the future..."

It was thanks to Li Dashui that he squeezed out from the enthusiastic villagers. He pulled Ruihe out and said, "Uncle and aunt Xiaoshan are going home to pack their things. Let's talk next time!" He pulled Ruihe and ran home.

It was the Li family who returned.

Li Dashui was familiar with the roads and said as he ran: "Go to my house to move the bicycle. I will take you to the commune police station and the county Youth League Committee to get your household registration and party and league relations settled first. Don't worry, I know the way. That's what Xiaomei wanted to do at that time." I took her there."

"Thank you, Brother Dashui."

"Thank you, I'm so happy that you passed the exam - Mom! Mom! Xiaoshan passed the exam! Get the bike out quickly, I want to take him to the commune!"

Li Dashui started howling as soon as he entered the house, shaking the entire Li family.

Not to mention the hesitation, Ruihe also calmed down completely under the care of Li Dashui. Yes, these procedures must be completed first, and buying things is not the most important thing - he has money, and it is not too late to buy things when he gets a place. . He still remembered that Teacher Hao said that it would take eight days and eight nights to take the train from here to Kyoto!

Eight days and eight nights.

It was the 24th now, and it would arrive before the 6th of next month. It seemed like he had just enough time to make a full plan, but he didn't know the way around Kyoto, and it would take a lot of effort to find the school. I can't leave today, and it won't be until tomorrow at the earliest.

You really need to hurry up!

Li Dashui took Ruihe home on his bicycle to get his household registration book. Then he stood up and stepped on the pedal, causing the bicycle to slide out.

In the Li family, Xiu'e couldn't sit still either. She had packed her daughter's luggage and was familiar with everything. She hurriedly went to the field to call someone and asked her husband to help notify Xiaoshan's sister, Zhang Dashan... She heard from her son that the relationship between the two was estranged and must be unreliable. Xiaoshan would definitely inform his sister if he wanted to go away.

Zhang Tiansheng was not there. After asking about the situation, the scorer quickly nodded and reassured. Reading is a big deal!

Li Dashui's father called his eldest son, and the two of them ran towards home. Zhang Dashan looked up in confusion, then lowered his head and continued working. The land needs to be cleared quickly, and spring plowing will begin in a month, so it will be busy.

The two men from the Li family went to look for Ruihe's sister separately. Brother Li was asked to walk to the nearby Ruxia Road commune, while his father borrowed a bicycle from the farther one.

Ruihe sat in the back seat of the car, carefully reading the precautions, and soon understood what was going on. With the help of Li Dashui, Ruihe got his household registration and youth league relationship done, and also got a letter of introduction from the commune. The staff of the commune told him: "You have to go to the province to get a letter of introduction to go to Beijing, otherwise you can't buy a train ticket to Beijing."

After that, he had to transfer his food relationship -

His food relationship would be transferred to Kyoto Baiyang University.

The road to the future has finally taken a step forward!

Ruihe could only grin after his long-cherished wish was realized in one day.

The formalities went smoothly. Ruihe took the admission letter and went through the certification smoothly. When he got home, he found that his three sisters and their husbands were already at home. He was stunned: "Sister..."

"Why are you still standing there, you silly boy? Go!"

"Come here, Xiaoshan. You have the letter with you, right? Let's go to the grain station to exchange for grain coupons." The eldest brother-in-law came over and patted Ruihe on the shoulder, looking pleased: "I, Wu Congjun, also have a college brother-in-law! Xiaoshan, you did a good job. I will let Zhiyuan learn from you in the future."

The eldest sister Zhang Ping smiled with her teeth showing: "Good! Xiaoshan, Let's go to the grain management office to get you a grain relationship. You will be a city dweller in the future!"

"And a Kyoto person!" Second sister Zhang Fen was also very happy, "By the way, it was Uncle Li and your eldest brother Li who notified us. Just now, your aunt Xiu'e also made a list for us and helped a lot! You must thank them later."

"Yes." Ruihe turned around and looked at Li Dashui, "Thank you, brother Dashui." When he had no idea just now, it was Li Dashui who pulled him forward. The Li family also helped him with the arrangements at home. He was very moved.

Li Dashui rolled his eyes: "Why are you being so polite to me? Let's go, listen to Sister Ping and go to the grain management office quickly. Get it done before they get off work. If it's fast, we can leave tomorrow! I'll go to the bus station to buy you a bus ticket to the provincial capital." As soon as he finished speaking, the elder sister immediately took out a wad of money from her pocket and stuffed it into Li Dashui: "Dashui, then I'll leave it to you."

"No, no!" Li Dashui hurriedly refused, but Zhang Ping was not willing to give in, so the two of them were arguing. Ruihe went over to help Li Dashui return the money to Zhang Ping. The money looked like it was almost ten yuan, but he was unwilling to let the elder sister pay. "Sister, I have money, stop arguing." Ruihe comforted Zhang Ping, turned around and took out money for Li Dashui, "Brother Dashui, go slowly on the road, there's no rush."

It would not be a wise choice to refuse now, so Li Dashui put the money away and stepped on the bus: "Don't worry."

"Then let's go, you said you would walk and you haven't left yet." Wu Congjun smiled and called the two brothers-in-law to move the grain. Ruihe then saw more than a dozen bags of food piled up in the yard. He didn't know whether it was rice, sweet potatoes or something else, but he was sure that except for the two bags in the corner, the others were not from his room. He turned around and asked his sister: "Is this from your house? No need! I have it at home. The report notes said that only one month of national general food coupons is enough."

"Change more for your own use, don't worry about it."

"Don't worry about you."

"Let's go!"

At night, Ruihe was packing alone.

It was 11:45 pm. The house that had been noisy and bustling for an afternoon became quiet. Only the bullfrogs and mosquitoes outside the window were making noises.

The household registration transfer certificate, the food relationship transfer certificate that took effect on April 1st... the national general food coupons for most of the half year, and the 24.70 yuan collected by the eldest sister, the second sister and the third sister. Ruihe couldn't help but redden when he thought of what the sisters said when they left at night.

He couldn't treat these people as virtual people. They clearly had a burning heart. He occupied the original body and enjoyed the sisters' meticulous care, but he always felt unworthy.

Ruihe put the things into the pocket of his underwear and put on the clothes.

The next morning, just after dawn, the sisters and brothers-in-law came again and brought Ruihe a lot of food and drinks for him to eat on the road.

"It takes eight days to take the train." Zhang Ping was very worried, "Why don't you let your brother-in-law accompany you?"

Wu Congjun swallowed his saliva. In fact, he had never traveled far. The farthest he had been was to the neighboring Xiwei City and Shanyang City. However, since his wife said so, he coughed and straightened his chest, showing a very confident look: "Yes, I can accompany you. Look, your brother-in-law is so strong and can protect you on the road. Thieves and thieves will definitely not dare to come."

Ruihe refused again: "I can really do it myself. I will ask for directions after getting off the bus. There will be no problem." It's so far, and he is not at ease with his brother-in-law taking the bus back to his hometown alone. It's better for him to go alone, without any worries.

"Okay." Zhang Ping touched Ruihe's head reluctantly and said sadly, "I was anxious when I couldn't wait for your notice a few days ago. I didn't expect you to leave as soon as the notice came. I didn't prepare anything for you." It's still so far away, how can she be at ease?

"Yes." Zhang Fen also wiped her eyes, "I thought you were studying in the province, or Chengyang Normal University would be fine..." I thought that since he was studying nearby, it would be convenient to send something to his brother, but I never thought that he would go thousands of miles away. He didn't even make a pair of shoes, how could he make a pair of shoes overnight.

After hearing the news yesterday, she and her husband immediately moved a bag of rice and a bag of dried sweet potatoes from home, and took all the savings of the family, five yuan, and rode a bicycle to rush over. After returning home last night, her mother-in-law gave her two yuan, saying that it was for her younger brother's studies, and asked her to send it over this morning.

The younger brother worked hard, and it seemed that he had become the most favored daughter-in-law of his parents-in-law overnight.

"Here, take it. This is what your Aunt Huang gave you. It's for you to study hard!" Zhang Fen stuffed the money into her brother's pocket. "I told you this yesterday. You're going to study in another place. Eat what you need. Don't save money. If you don't have enough money, write to your family and send it to me or your elder sister and younger sister. We'll send it to you."

Zhang Fang also said hurriedly, "This is what I made this morning. Sweet potato cakes, which are sweet, and this is a boiled egg. Take them all and eat them on the way."

Instantly, the sisters surrounded Ruihe, asking this one to take something and that one to take something. They kept giving him endless exhortations. Ruihe's eyes were sore, and he smiled and nodded obediently.

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