Winner in life

Chapter 258 80 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

"Winner in Life [Quick Travel]"

The ghosts left one by one, and Judge Tao also wanted to leave. Rui He hurriedly said: "Can you please come here during your busy schedule? I have prepared some offerings. Can I burn them for you now?"


After getting the word, Rui He quickly took action. After Judge Tao finished enjoying the offering with his eyes narrowed, he struck while the iron was hot and made the same request as Gui Yi just now.

"Take it. If you want to notify me of something similar to today, just write it on the yellow paper with this pen and burn it. I will receive it."

Ruihe once again took the brush with both hands respectfully.

After Law Enforcement Officer Tao also left, and the gloomy atmosphere in the room slowly dissipated, Ruihe put away the small seal and brush properly, and then went to Hongkan's yard to look for him.

"Are you telling the truth?" Hong Kan was shocked.

"That's right." Rui He nodded solemnly, "I just got the summoning talisman of the underworld ghost in my dream. I tried it after I got up. Sure enough, the underworld judge was invited. He checked the book of life and death on the spot and confirmed Sheng Tao's lifespan. There are only three years, and the extra life is stolen. The ghost messenger from the underworld said that he was going to arrest Sheng Tao, and now Sheng Tao may be dead. "

Hong Kan took a long time to recover. He looked at his amazingly talented junior brother and said with difficulty: "If this is true - let's go! Follow me!"

He wanted to confirm Sheng Tao's current situation and couldn't wait any longer.

The two brothers stayed up all night and went out to look for Sheng Tao at almost midnight. In the car, Hong Kan also told the person in charge of the case, Officer Wu, about this matter. Officer Wu, who had just fallen asleep, was woken up. His thinking was confused due to sleepiness. He couldn't hear clearly for a long time and kept asking: " Huh? What did you say?" After Tossing finally came to his senses and didn't quite believe it, Hong Kan said, "Whether it's true or not, you'll know after a quick look!"

Officer Wu then said, "I've sent people to keep an eye on him. I'll let them go into the house and have a look."

Three minutes later, Hong Kan's cell phone rang, and Officer Wu said excitedly: "It's true! Sheng Tao is really dead!"

Twenty minutes later, the car arrived outside Sheng Tao's rented house. Ruihe saw it in person and found that Sheng Tao was indeed dead. His body was lying on the ground, full of horror.

Sheng Tao died suddenly, without illness, disaster or injury, just like a flower or a piece of grass being suddenly broken, his life ended abruptly.

According to Ruihe, Sheng Tao was seduced away by ghosts from the underworld, but this is just Ruihe's theory and has no evidence. To close a case, you can't just rely on one mouth, and what you say has no evidence.

Rui He then said, "I can ask ghost messengers from the underworld to come up again. Sheng Tao will definitely be judged after entering the underworld. I'll ask if I can bring him up again."

Officer Wu: "..." I don't really believe it.

Rui He smiled: "Give it a try, and if it doesn't work, let's talk again."

"Okay then, when will Master Xu Tianshi try?"

"I'll ask now."

The group of people returned to the police station. It was obviously late at night. Ni Hong, who had received the news, also rushed over. Together with other policemen on duty in the police station, they all stared at Ruihe. Ruihe used the brush given to him by law enforcement officer Tao and dipped it in cinnabar to write the reasons for the incident on the yellow paper. He wrote emphatically: "You are the law enforcement officer of the underworld. You should be able to understand the difficulties of the law enforcement department in the earth. We in the earth also need to close the case. I hope you can be accommodating."

"No response. Is it true?"

"It should be true. I heard that some heavenly masters can invite ghost messengers from the underworld."

"Are you talking about the Zhang Family Celestial Master? Shouldn't they be related down there?"

The policemen gathered outside the office of the Special Investigation Division were whispering. Ni Hong, who was also an employee of the Special Investigation Division, asked Hongkan: "Can your junior brother really do it?"

Hong Kan didn't actually believe it. There were many talismans that borrowed the power of ghosts and gods, but those who actually invited ghosts and gods to their true form had never appeared in their Lotus Temple. On the other hand, the Zhang family, the largest family in the Taoist family, heard that there was someone in the underworld. It seemed that their ancestors worked in the underworld and had very strong connections. Therefore, they had the ability to hire ghost messengers to help catch ghosts and other matters, which was enviable.

Minister Zhang, the director of their East Conquest Special Coordination Office, is a member of the Zhang family. Director Zhang was transferred from the headquarters of the Special Operations Office in Beijing due to illness. After leaving his front-line position, he was transferred to the Special Operations Office in Zhengdong City as the head of the branch. At the headquarters of the Special Operations Office, there were not many senior Shentian teachers due to injuries and illnesses, and not everyone could arrive. As a local branch director, Director Zhang’s background is not bad.

However, even though he had doubts in his heart, Hong Kan still stood by his junior brother when faced with Ni Hong's inquiry, smiling calmly: "My junior brother has never been a person who talks nonsense. He dares to say that he must be somewhat sure. Besides, He is still young. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. No matter what, it is an experience and a growth. "

Ni Hong choked up at these official polite words. He chuckled and turned away without saying anything more.

Hong Kan touched his forehead secretly and felt that there was still a thin layer of sweat on his forehead even though the air conditioner was blowing on. He was not only nervous and worried, but also very excited. He knew very well that this was a great opportunity. If he could succeed, Hongzhen would become famous in one fell swoop!

He knew that Ni Hong had been investigating the details of the deceased's boyfriend these days, and the direction of his investigation was completely different from his junior brother's judgment. The competition is fierce, so he naturally hopes that the credit for this case will fall on his own family. Hongzhen is not young anymore, and his twenties is a good time to make contributions.

In the office, Rui He sat quietly and patiently. Thirty minutes after burning the talisman, Rui He received a reply. A black vortex suddenly began to appear in the void, and the rich Yin Qi surged in the vortex without escaping at all. Ruihe guessed that this was probably the passage to the underworld, and the next second he saw a piece of paper money spit out from it.

The people who were waiting a little impatiently outside the door let out several exclamations. Ni Hong's eyes widened in disbelief, and Hong Kan held his head against the door panel and was extremely pleasantly surprised.

Inside the house, after Ruihe took the paper money, the vortex disappeared instantly, leaving no trace of Yin Qi behind.

There is a time written in cinnabar on the paper money, which is a quarter past twenty-one tonight.

Ruihe took the paper money and went out. It was an ironclad fact that he could contact the ghosts of the underworld. It was seen by more than ten pairs of eyes at the same time. Therefore, after he went out, he was highly praised and praised by Officer Wu and others.

"Blackjack and a quarter, does that mean he will bring people up at 9:15 tonight?" Out of awe, Officer Wu pronounced the word "him" very softly, as if he was afraid of disturbing him. who.

"That should be it." Rui He also breathed a sigh of relief. He was a little nervous before receiving the paper money. What should he do if the other party didn't respond? ——This question bothered him and made him spend the thirty minutes waiting like a year.

Fortunately, we waited, which meant that the connection with the Underworld Law Enforcement Officer No. 1 was officially established, which was a good thing with endless benefits. Besides, the law enforcement officer who met him for the first time accepted his friendship, so Kiichi, who was "more friendly" than the law enforcement officer, shouldn't reject him.

"Okay, let's wait until tonight." Officer Wu quickly made a decision, then waved his hand, "It's already two o'clock at night, everyone should disperse."

The evening came with great anticipation. Officer Wu was very measured and wise. Although he only brought two police officers from his team to take notes, he invited the deputy director of the Zhengdong City Bureau.

As for the inside of the Special Adjustment Office, all the staff were present. Minister Zhang, who had not been seen for many years, also arrived with his hands on crutches, covering his heart. In the Lotus Temple, He Bai, the head of the temple, also came, which made Ruihe nervous again. All he could say was : "I have only met the Underworld Judge once, and I don't understand the other person's temper. We both kept quiet and didn't want to offend him."

Everyone else should be fine.

Law Enforcement Officer Tao was very punctual and showed up on time at nine-fifteen minutes, accompanied by Gui Yi. To be precise, Sheng Tao was brought here in chains by Gui Yi.

Three non-human beings suddenly appeared, and the office was full of ghosts. Law Enforcement Officer Tao and the ghosts frowned at the same time, neither of them liked the police station, a place with strong righteousness and yang energy. Law Enforcement Officer Tao locked his eyes on Rui He: "Mr. Lu Mingcong, I came as promised." Then he motioned to Ghost to pull Sheng Tao over, "Sheng Tao has already been tried by the underworld, and I brought him here at the request of your law enforcement department in the underworld. , whatever you want to interrogate, do it quickly, we can’t stay too long.”

In fact, it was the first time that a dead soul who had already been interrogated returned to the underworld to be judged in the underworld. There was no precedent in the underworld, so Law Enforcement Officer Tao also asked the master of the ten halls for instructions. After receiving approval, he replied to Ruihe to set a time.

"Okay, don't worry." Rui He responded politely. Officer Wu and the others were a little scared at first. Later, when they saw that Law Enforcement Officer Tao and Gui Yi didn't do anything else, they felt relieved and began to interrogate Sheng Tao according to the procedure.

Officer Xiao, who was holding his camera to record the video, whispered: "Team Wu, we can't take the picture."

Officer Wu leaned over to take a look. Nothing could be captured in the camera frame around Sheng Tao. He hurriedly asked Ruihe: "Xu Tianshi, look at this -"

After asking for Gui Yi's consent, Ruihe put a talisman on Sheng Tao. Officer Xiao was satisfied now. Sheng Tao's appearance was very clear in the camera, which will be one of the strong evidences that will be retained from now on. .

Sheng Tao, who had already been to the underworld once, looked a little miserable. The crime of confusing the book of life and death was a serious crime. This crime was too serious. When he was let out, he was first punished by cannon and burned, and later he saw other methods of punishment in the underworld. Therefore, Very honest now. Anyway, the reincarnation in the next life has been decided, and the underworld trial that needs to be interrogated has been completed. In addition, with the two ghost agents standing behind, Sheng Tao became more honest and did not dare to lie. He explained everything in detail.

"I came under an overpass..." Sheng Tao explained that he met a fortune teller under an overpass one day two years ago. The fortune teller told him that he would not live for five years. At first, he didn't believe it, but later He only believed it after the fortune teller used his magical powers. In order to change his destiny against the will of heaven, the fortune teller taught him the magic of borrowing his fortune to help him change his destiny.

As for the materials for those practices, most of them were funded by the fortune teller, and the blood and fetal hair were obtained by him from the dead with great effort. He pretended to be a girl and be friends with the deceased online, encouraged the deceased to use fetal hair as a gift for her boyfriend, and then stole the sachet from the deceased's boyfriend. Anyway, he planned for two years before he succeeded.

"Why are you targeting Sulan?"

"The master said that Sulan's destiny is most consistent with my destiny, so it is best to cast a spell."

"What's the name of that fortune teller? Do you have his contact information?"

Sheng Tao murmured: "My surname is Wang, so I call him Master Wang. I don't have contact information. I don't have his mobile phone number. He said he never uses a mobile phone and asked me to go to him under the overpass if I need anything. But I got it from him." After that, I couldn’t find him under the overpass. He was a true immortal, and he must have traveled far away.”

In his heart, Master Wang is really a good person, but it is a pity that his bad luck was exposed, and Master Wang's hard work was wasted. Alas!

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! ! !

Good Master Wang:...

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