Winner in life

Chapter 259 81 A First-Class Divine Stupid

《Life Winner [Quick Transmigration]》

Ruihe was silent after hearing this. Only a true god would not interfere with the fate of life and death in the human world, and would rather use this evil method of one life for one life.

Officer Wu was also choked. After a few coughs, he continued to ask questions, and examined the case clearly and clearly, without missing any details.

In the end, Officer Wu asked all the questions he could. It was the first time for Officer Wu to interrogate a ghost. Officer Wu performed exceptionally well, with clear thinking and careful logic, and completed a very high-level interrogation.

At the same time, another clerk wrote and signed the interrogation record. Officer Wu signed his own name, and the deputy director of Zhengdong City, who had been silent and silent, also signed one, and the written report was half completed.

"Can he sign it?" Officer Wu asked Ruihe again.

Guiyi nodded directly this time, and Ruihe took out a pen and handed it to Shengtao, saying coldly: "Sign it."

Shengtao was shaking his hands and was about to sign. Ruihe reminded him: "Sign it better and press your fingerprint." Shengtao didn't dare to shake his hands anymore. After signing his name, he pressed a red fingerprint.

"Okay, okay?" Shengtao asked in a low voice. The momentum of the police station was too strong, as if he was in the strong sun, making him unable to hide and uncomfortable.

Officer Wu nodded: "Okay."

Shengtao breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and took the initiative to walk to Guiyi. Ruihe frowned slightly and called him: "Besides this case, don't you have anything else to confess?"

"?" Officer Wu and others looked at Ruihe in confusion, "It's all over, are there any other cases?"

Sheng Tao was stunned, Ruihe looked at Law Enforcement Officer Tao: "I remember you said last night that the reason why he didn't live long was because he committed too many sins, am I right?" He slowly said what Law Enforcement Officer Tao said, "Eleven children were molested, three young girls were raped, these crimes, won't you confess?"

The people present were shocked.


It was already past two in the morning when everything was done. Ruihe was well prepared and insisted on keeping Ghost One and Law Enforcement Officer Tao Two Ghosts, asking them to accept the offerings before letting them go.

Only by giving and taking can friendship be deepened. Letting people work overtime and go on business trips late at night should not be let go for nothing.

At three in the morning, Ruihe was able to go back with his senior brother. On the way, Guanzhu Hebai was very excited. Not sleeping all night did not make him lack energy at all, but he was full of energy.

What a face!

Just now in the police station, He Bai was too proud of his status to be rude. Now in his car, he didn't care about his image. His face was as bright as a sunflower. He praised Rui He for his good luck and his strong comprehension ability. Finally, he sighed: "It would be great if the master uncle was here. He must be very proud of you."

Just thinking back to the expressions of Ni Hong and Minister Zhang of the Special Investigation Department, especially Minister Zhang, is enough for He Bai to be happy for a year.

The next day, Rui He slept until six o'clock and got up on time, but he stayed up late last night. He went to bed at four o'clock. Although he woke up naturally now, his brain was like a bomb, and it was very noisy.

"Headache." Rui He hugged the quilt and rolled himself in. He slept past lunch and woke up at one o'clock in the afternoon. Hong Kan had been sitting in his dormitory for an hour.

"Are you hungry? I brought you some food." Hong Kan asked him to brush his teeth, "Hurry up."

"Brother, what time did you get up?"

"Twelve o'clock." Hong Kan smiled, "I'm old, so I sleep less." Rui He laughed.

After finishing the meal, Hong Kan said, "You were in the spotlight last night. I didn't expect Sheng Tao had those cases before. Now we've sued them all at once, which can be regarded as belated justice for the victims."

"Yes, justice delayed is better than no justice at all, brother, do you have anything else to tell me?" Rui He noticed that Hong Kan was absent-minded, put the drained bowl on the shelf, and turned to ask.

"Do you think the fortune teller surnamed Wang that Sheng Tao mentioned has anything to do with our master's death?"

"It's hard to say." Ruihe sighed, "There is only one similarity, that is, both involve the use of life-borrowing techniques, but the details will have to wait until the fortune teller is caught."

"You are right." Hongkan leaned against the kitchen door, "I just can't figure it out, I just want to think about it, I want to think about it--" His brows were furrowed, and the whole person looked gloomy and irritable.

Ruihe knew that Hongkan's heart knot had broken out again. Hongkan was different from himself. He really lived with his master Cai Ningzi for fifty years. Although he was not the oldest disciple, let alone the youngest disciple, and was stuck in the middle, he was an orphan and had lived in Helian Temple since he was a child. His feelings for Cai Ningzi were accumulated day by day and year by year, and they were extremely deep.

"Let's go, senior brother. Let's go to the study." Ruihe quickly washed the dishes and washed a bunch of grapes. Hongkan picked one and ate it, frowning: "Sour."

"It's quite sweet." Ruihe ate two and talked about what Shengtao told him last night, "I think that fortune teller is definitely weird. I found traces of evil spirits on the deceased that day, but Shengtao said he didn't know at all, let alone used a knife on the deceased. If it wasn't him, then it must be the fortune teller, but why did the fortune teller cover up for Shengtao? It's a bit far-fetched to say it's a cover-up. If you want to solve the problem once and for all, wouldn't it be better to disguise the deceased as suicide?"

"Yeah, I can't figure it out either. Forget it! What's the point of the two of us thinking about it here? We'll know when the fortune teller is caught."

Hongkan was stunned for a moment after speaking, realizing that this sentence was just said by his junior brother, and Ruihe also heard it. The two looked at each other and finally laughed.

"What are you doing? I heard your laughter in the yard." Master Hebai knocked on the door and came in. After a few pleasantries, he told Ruihe about the investigation a while ago. "My disciples have been keeping an eye on Ms. Lu. Last night when we were at the police station, we finally found a stranger going to Lu's house."

Ruihe handed Hebai a fruit plate and asked, "Have you confirmed his identity?"

"No, but I have found out where he lives."

Hebai smiled proudly, "Otherwise, I would not have the face to see you." He took out an envelope, "It was an old man in his sixties. He said he was here to deliver a courier to Ms. Lu. Ms. Lu bought local eggs from him. This is his address."

"Thank you, Master." Ruihe took it, opened the envelope, pulled out the paper inside, and wrote down the address inside.

"Don't go there without permission. If you want to go, I'll let the disciples guarding over there meet you."

"Well, I want to go there now."

An hour later, Ruihe and Hongkan came to the village where the old man now lived and met the two nephews who were following them. When he came here, Ruihe couldn't help but sigh: this village was still the place where he had settled when he ran away from home. He still remembered that he limped from house to house looking for a job at that time, and later found a job as a dishwasher in a restaurant. Those years of displacement had become dim in his memory. It was not until he came to this place that he realized that so much time had passed.

"That's it." The two nephews took Ruihe and the others to a yard. One of them said to Ruihe, "It's a mess inside because it's a mixed rental. We didn't go in because we were afraid of alerting the enemy, but everyone else called the old man Lao Li."

"I'll go in and take a look first. You wait for me outside."

Hongkan refused: "I must go in with you." So in the end, Ruihe went in with Hongkan.

The shared courtyard was indeed quite messy. After entering the gate, there was almost no place to stay. After asking for "Old Li", Ruihe soon came to the small room of "Old Li who sells local eggs". The old lady who was washing clothes by the well was still saying enthusiastically: "Don't be fooled, he doesn't raise local chickens! The local chickens he sells are ordinary eggs on the market!"

"Thank you." Ruihe smiled, "I'll take a look. I won't buy it if the quality is not good."

In the room, Manager Zhou was shocked. He knew what the owner's biological son looked like, and he was even more familiar with the other party's voice... When the child was exchanged, he was one of the links and did the work. The child had always been an invisible person until he suddenly entered Master Yuan's sight a few years ago, making him familiar with him.

"How did he find it? How could it be?" Manager Zhou bit his fingers nervously. In order to escape the pursuit of the Zhai family, he disguised himself as an old man in his sixties and hid in such a place. His identity and documents were prepared a long time ago. Master Yuan said that a cunning rabbit has three burrows-but if the person is gone, no matter how many burrows there are, it is useless.

"Is Lao Li here?"

The door was knocked again. Manager Zhou took a deep breath. He had just gone to look for Lu Qiao last night, and Xu Hongzhen came to the door today. He gritted his teeth and looked at this small compartment - the compartment was too small, only a single bed, a chair and a small table could be placed, and there was only a ventilation window, so he couldn't escape at all.

Should he fight? Can he beat him?

Manager Zhou recalled the blue fire that haunted Zhai Suyuan after his death. Master Yuan said that the fire was the work of Xu Hongzhen... He saw Master Yuan's ghost being burned to ashes with his own eyes. That scene is a nightmare that he still can't let go of when he thinks about it.

The hesitation lasted only a few seconds, and soon Manager Zhou made up his mind. He found a long-sleeved shirt to change into and hid a dagger in his sleeve.

He had already made an agreement with Lu Qiao last night. As long as Lu Qiao did what he said, there would be no problem. He was not afraid of death! He would avenge Master Yuan before he died!

The door was opened, Ruihe smiled slightly: "Old Li, right? How much do you sell your eggs?"

Manager Zhou's heart skipped a beat and clenched his right hand. "Sold out, not for the time being."

Ruihe raised his eyebrows and his eyes fell on his right arm: "Is that so? That's a pity. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you eat or not. Life is not impossible without eggs, don't you think?"

Manager Zhou insisted: "Sir, since the deal is not going to work, please go back."

"No hurry, don't you invite us in to sit down?" Ruihe stretched out his hand to press the door firmly.

"...Please come in."

Ruihe gestured to Hong Kan to wait at the door, and he walked in with Manager Zhou. The room was narrow, and the two of them were still standing after entering the room. Ruihe looked at Manager Zhou, and he did not fail to feel the murderous intent on the other side.

Murderous intent?

In fact, Ruihe had only two guesses about who this person was under, either Zhai Sutian's people or Zhai Suyuan's people. Zhai Sutian probably wouldn't want to kill him. He had given birth to a second child to suppress Zhai Yinglin's influence. His "eldest son" must be another bargaining chip. So is it Zhai Suyuan's people?

Zhai Suyuan is a centipede that will not die, so it's not surprising that he has one or two diehards.

If it was Zhai Suyuan's men, Ruihe curled his lips, and there was no smile in his eyes.

At that moment, Manager Zhou felt his hair stand on end.

The author has something to say: Early, early, early! ! !

Ah, I went out to play last night, and I feel so tired today. It's a tired Tuesday. The code girl will never compromise. Go for it!

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