Winner in life

Chapter 263 85 A First-Class Divine Stupid

The Linyunhai Conference is jointly organized by several major Taoist sects. Although there is now an official organization, the National Taoist Association, it does not mean that Taoist folk organizations have completely disappeared. Some relatively influential folk legal Taoist organizations are still standing and still play a role in communication, mutual assistance, learning, and promotion. The Linyunhai Conference is a leader among them.

This is a relatively large-scale Taoist exchange conference, which is generally held every two or three years. The last time it was held was the year before last. I heard that there were more than 7,000 participants. It can be said that it is the largest Taoist event outside the Taoist competition. The Linyunhai Conference can be said to be a Taoist event that has been successfully held and has always maintained a good vitality. Ruihe is honored to be able to represent the Taoist temple to participate.

This year, Helian Temple received five invitations. Hebai, as the master of the temple, must go. In fact, every time the Linyunhai Conference is held, invitations will be issued to registered Taoist temples in China. Some small Taoist temples, or Taoist temples that are unknown and unknown, can only get one invitation humorously called "Special Invitation from the Master". Therefore, the invitation from the master of the temple is a fixed item of the Linyunhai meeting. Hebai must go. Taoist Guizhen went last time and this time is the same. There are three places left, Ruihe takes one, Hongkan takes one, and the last one is given to Hechenzi. After Cainingzi died, Hechenzi was the only one left among the 37th generation of disciples of Helian Temple. Hechenzi was also the disciple with the highest seniority in the Taoist temple. It was normal to give him this place.

In this way, the list of the exchange meeting of disciples across three generations of Helian Temple was determined.

Hongkan was very happy for Ruihe to be able to attend the Linyunhai meeting, and said excitedly: "I will take you to buy new clothes!"

Ruihe smiled and agreed, but still reminded: "Maybe you can't wear it even if you buy it. The master of the temple should let us wear Taoist robes."

Hongkan suddenly realized that going out to the meeting, wearing Taoist robes with the logo of their own Taoist temple is more imposing. If they stand in a row of the same Taoist robes, others will know that they are from Helian Temple.

Sure enough, He Bai notified everyone one by one, saying that he had already asked someone to make new Taoist robes, which would be delivered the day after tomorrow, and asked them to make time the day after tomorrow at noon to try on the clothes, and to change them quickly if they didn't fit.

The small Taoist temple Helian Temple was preparing intensively for the Linyunhai Club, cutting new clothes and booking air tickets. As one of the directors of the Linyunhai Mutual Aid Association, the Zhai family was also very busy for this grand event.

Zhai Sutian rarely felt a sense of powerlessness of "being too busy", for two reasons. One was that the 100-day banquet of his youngest daughter was also around the corner, and it had to be held, and it had to be a big one! However, the date of the Linyunhai Club was the same as the 100-day banquet, only a week apart.

Zhai Sutian held the 100-day banquet out of selfishness. With the Linyunhai Club, a grand event that would enhance the family's prestige, the 100-day banquet became a small wave, and it seemed that no matter how well and lively it was held, it could not compare to a finger of the Linyunhai Club. Forcing the family to prepare for the Hundred Days Banquet with all their heart would be a bit of a mismatch. Therefore, in order to avoid discordant voices in the family, Zhai Sutian could not mobilize too much of the family's power. Most of his trusted subordinates were transferred to prepare for the Linyunhai Club. Since there were not many people he trusted, he had to do many things himself, which made him need to do two things at once, and his head hurt.

The second reason naturally came from Zhai Yinglin. Zhai Yinglin had a good brain and had gained experience in the past few years. This time, the Linyunhai Club had seized the opportunity to get involved, and kept saying that he wanted to "experience". Can Zhai Sutian still stop his adult son from experiencing? Not only could he not stop it, but he had to show relief and joy. Being able to applaud and cheer was more in line with his image as a kind father.

In order to suppress Zhai Yinglin's limelight and weaken his image in the preparation of the Linyunhai Club, Zhai Sutian evolved his two-tasting into three-tasting. This time, the physical and mental pressure exceeded the standard. After the Hundred Days Banquet, he... fell ill.

In his fifties, Zhai Sutian was still as competitive as he was in his early years. He wanted to do everything to the best and show his dignity as the head of the family. But time is the cruelest executioner. It will take away your vigor and vitality without mercy, leaving you with a body that is more easily tired and exhausted.

The head of the family fell ill and could not attend the opening ceremony of the Linyunhai Conference in person. In order to compete for the position of the leader of the Zhai family delegation at the opening ceremony, the Zhai family made a lot of noise for a while, and finally settled it two days before the Linyunhai Conference.

After quarreling and compromising, Zhai Yinglin and a cousin of Zhai Sutian became the leaders. Together, they led a slightly changed list of disciples and went to the venue of the Linyunhai Conference with a mighty crowd of more than a hundred people.

Song Qiang was unable to go. She was indeed Zhai Yinglin's fiancée, but she was only a fiancée. She was not qualified to get a position in such a grand event. Zhai Yinglin asked her to take care of his biological mother Lu Qiao, and Song Qiang naturally agreed without hesitation. As soon as Zhai Yinglin left, she said she was going to find Lu Qiao and planned to have a good communication with her future mother-in-law.

"Auntie?" Song Qiang knocked on the door for a long time but no one answered. She couldn't help but worry. Yinglin's mother came last month. She really looks like Yinglin. You can tell at a glance that they are biological mother and son. But she is too thin and her mental state is obviously not good. As soon as she saw Yinglin, she threw herself on Yinglin and cried. Alas!

Aunt Lu was so miserable. Song Qiang lived on the same street with the Lu family since she was a child. She heard a lot about Aunt Lu from her parents, neighbors and others. Of course, they were all in a mocking tone, even when she was dating Ying Lin. After that, her mother secretly told her: "Don't be like Lu Qiao next door. She got pregnant before marriage. The man ran away and left a child with an unknown father. How miserable! Zhai Yinglin has a good family and a good person. , Mom agrees to your relationship, but you must hold on to it. If you dare to have a child out of wedlock, your father and I will break your legs! "

As a result, fate played a trick on people, and Ying Lin turned out to be Aunt Lu's child, and Ming Cong... Song Qiang sighed. Ming Cong was unwilling to use the identity of "Lu Mingcong" and was unwilling to recognize the Zhai family, so he named himself "Xu Ming Cong". I don't know what the name "Ruihe" means. In recent years, she has used the name "Hongzhen" to describe herself to the outside world. Outsiders don't know, and they call her Xu Hongzhen when they call her. Even she herself does the same.

Those memories that had been deliberately concealed came to life again with the arrival of Aunt Lu. Song Qiang felt sorry for Aunt Lu and also sympathized with her childhood sweetheart.

Who is wrong? The person who changed the child was Ying Lin’s biological father!

But can you blame him? He was also thinking about Ying Lin's future. In front of Ying Lin, Song Qiang did not dare to show any disdain and disgust for Zhai Suyuan. She instinctively felt that her boyfriend would not be happy. However, the friendship between childhood sweethearts for more than ten years was real, and she was also very sad, despising herself and hating herself.

No one knew about Song Qiang's inner suffering, and Zhai Yinglin, who had been getting along day and night, had no idea that his fiancée had a very bad opinion of his biological father. In fact, Zhai Yinglin also knows that his biological father is not responsible for human affairs. He dared to change children before, but now he dares to kill people! Manager Zhou told him that his biological father planned to kill Xu Hongzhen for his own sake, but failed. Instead, he was caught by Zhai Sutian and died.

That news was delivered by Manager Zhou desperately, and after that, Manager Zhou also disappeared. Last month, Zhai Sutian went to Zhengdong to suppress a man and brought him back. He was imprisoned in a top-secret forbidden room. He couldn't get any information at all.

To say that Zhai Yinglin has a deep relationship with his biological father is nonsense. But an unmasked biological father who is reckless and frantically paving the way for him is naturally more admirable than his adoptive father who is now extremely wary of him. Even though the education Zhai Yinglin received told him that what his biological father did was illegal and he died unjustly, Zhai Yinglin still felt a twisted sense of "happiness."

The bad things he did were all for me - this thought could make Zhai Yinglin's feelings for his biological father grow from scratch and sublimate in an instant. Naturally, the biological mother also received empathy and received great attention from Zhai Yinglin.

As Zhai Yinglin's fiancée, Song Qiang had a very good understanding of Zhai Yinglin's complicated feelings, but there were always some 70s or 80s. So when Lu Qiao didn't respond, she decided to go in and have a look. After Lu Qiao came here, Song Qiang took care of her food, clothing, housing and transportation, so she had a backup key in her hand.

After opening the door, she found no one in the room.

After calling Lu Qiao but no one answered, Song Qiang immediately called the nanny, "Where are you? Where's Aunt Lu?" The nanny was even more confused: "I'm at home. Ms. Lu gave me three days off. I left yesterday. Didn’t go to work.”

Song Qiang was shocked.

On the other side, Rui He followed the Guanzhu and others off the plane, accompanied by five chore disciples who helped them carry their luggage. They would also be responsible for taking care of the food and daily life of the five of them during the next half-month-long gathering at the Cloud Sea.

The place where the Kagyunhai Association is held is on the Kagyun Sea. Two hundred years ago, there was a small island on the Kagyun Sea. There was a Yunshao Palace on the island, which was the predecessor of the Yunshao Palace on land today. The island collapsed and sank to the bottom of the sea more than a hundred years ago. Yun Shao Palace moved to the mainland and developed very well. It can be said that it is the first sect in Taoism now, with many disciples and many believers.

"Master, I have read "Three Hundred Years of Kyushu". It seems that in the past three hundred years, many old Taoist sects have collapsed." Ruihe talked with Hebai, "Our Qingyun Mountain fell two hundred years ago. Yunshao Palace also sank more than a hundred years ago. In addition, the same was true for the Daxiao Palace. After the original site sank, one group rebuilt it on the spot, and the other moved away to build the Xiaoxiao Palace. "

Hebai said with a heavy face: "Yes. Although many people say that it was the years after the founding of the People's Republic of China when society developed rapidly, scientific progress replaced the fear of ghosts and gods, and the decline of belief led to the decline of Taoism, but in fact, as early as three hundred years ago, There is already verifiable data to prove that at that time, Dao sects began to disappear due to natural disasters." He patted Ruihe on the shoulder, "The secrets of heaven are not something that can be studied deeply. You just need to understand it, don't worry about it. You can’t dig deep to get to the bottom of things, let alone divine secrets, got it?”

Ruihe nodded: "I'm measured, don't worry."

In fact, Ruihe can also understand. From the changes in the law enforcement instruments after connecting to the underworld and the few interactions with Law Enforcement Officer Tao and Investigator Gui Yi, he can roughly perceive the current situation of the underworld. The underworld is really very orderly now. Orderly, clear division of labor, and everyone performing their duties.

In the human world, state agencies intervened in Taoist sects, unified management, and formulated relevant management regulations to strictly control the Celestial Masters and maintain the safety and integrity of ordinary people. The country's power and technological strength are also growing steadily, and some of the country's well-known policy slogans have even gained power in dissemination and promotion, which is a new type of faith power.

Regardless of whether it is the underworld or the yang world, there is not much need for the power of ghosts and gods. The decline of Taoism is inevitable. The way of heaven is constant, and ordinary people cannot spy on it, let alone interfere.

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! ! !

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