Winner in life

Chapter 264 86 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

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The scenery of Linyunhai is really good. The summer vacation has just ended. The tide of summer tourists has gradually dispersed. The hotels near Linyunhai are not too crowded. The people from Helian Temple were arranged to stay in a hotel called Yunhaisu.

After placing the luggage, Ruihe went out for a walk.

This is the first time he has come to the seaside in all these years in this world. After a curious walk, he returned to the hotel and met a Taoist priest who looked familiar in the hotel lobby. In fact, the Taoist priest looked at Ruihe with a somewhat unfriendly look, which attracted Ruihe's attention.

He nodded to the man and walked into the elevator.

"Uncle Suiquan, do you know him?" The people from Suyu Temple were checking in at the front desk. Suiquan's face suddenly became bad when he saw Ruihe. His junior brother looked at the elevator strangely, and the tall and thin man was gone.

Suiquan forced a smile: "We don't really know each other, we've just met before."

"Oh. Uncle Master, come quickly, check-in is done, I'll help you carry your luggage."

When he went upstairs, Suiquan found that there were people from Helian Temple among the guests on the same floor. He held his breath and felt uncomfortable everywhere.

Ruihe returned to the room. He shared a room with Hongkan and Taoist Guizhen. Taoist Guizhen was not there. Hongkan greeted him: "Come and have some water. It's too hot outside. How dare you go out for a walk." Then he frowned, "Why do I feel that you are darker than an hour ago?"

"How could that be." Ruihe took the cup of water with a smile and drank most of it, sighing, "The sea of ​​​​clouds is really beautiful. The sea surface is still shining under the sun, like a shining mirror."

"The sea of ​​​​clouds is also beautiful at night. Let's go and see it at night , it's really too sunny now. "

Speaking of this, Ruihe mentioned Suiquan whom he had just met by chance: "He kept glaring at me when he saw me."

Hongkan was unhappy: "He still has the nerve to glare at you? He almost delayed his last exam in the competition!"

"Brother, don't be angry. Anyway, we didn't suffer any loss in the end, right?"

"That's true." Hongkan thought for a while and reminded, "It stands to reason that he shouldn't hate you. In any case, you should be careful. Who knows if he has a problem."

Ruihe smiled and nodded.

There are really many people coming to Linyunhai. When Ruihe was browsing the Daomen forum, he saw a post from the official account of the Linyunhai Mutual Aid Association, which announced the total list of participants this time. The number of participants was close to 10,000, a record high.

Ruihe and his group were considered to be the first to come. In the next three days, people from all walks of life arrived one after another. Linyunhai became lively at a speed visible to the naked eye. There were people everywhere when they went out, and the tables in the hotel restaurant were filled up day by day.

The temple master He Bai led Ruihe and Hong Kan to visit a Taoist temple they were familiar with. Jiqing Temple is a brother unit in Zhengdong City, and the two temples live in the same building. The two Taoist temples can at least help each other. This time, seven people came to Jiqing Temple, including Ruihe's colleague Ni Hong and Taoist Master Yue Zong who he knew in the early years.

Taoist Master Yue Zong took the initiative to greet Hong Kan and Ruihe, and told Ruihe about the past when Cai Ningzi took him to explore the poor sea.

"It's been five or six years in a flash, right?" Yue Zong looked very emotional, patted Ruihe's shoulders, patted Hong Kan's back, and nodded to Ni Hong, "You guys are all working in the Special Investigation Office now, and we Ni Hong usually thank you for taking care of us."

Hong Kan smiled lightly: "Master uncle, you are polite, it is Taoist friend Ni Hong who takes care of us."

After leaving the room of Jiqing Temple, Hong Kan said goodbye to He Bai and took Ruihe to meet his old friend.

"Jin Yue, whom I mentioned to you, we are both orphans. I was adopted by Helian Temple, and he was adopted by Xiaoxiao Palace."

Rui He nodded, remembering a list that he had made for Zhou Xiong's friend Dr. Wang.

Dr. Wang's son lost his soul when he went on an adventure with his classmates. When he went to the abandoned villa to look for the lost soul, Rui He also dug up another case, which was a dead body built on the wall of the bathroom. He also confirmed that Dr. Wang's son had lost his soul when he was in the villa, and that he was already possessed by a ghost when he continued to explore with his classmates. Because the ordinary soul-losing incident turned into an unknown wild ghost possessing a student and entering the university campus, the nature of the case changed, so Rui He called his senior brother over, and finally his senior brother came with Taoist Master Shen Yue from the local special investigation office in Jinzhou.

"Brother Jin Yue and Taoist Shen Yue are brothers?"

Hong Kan nodded: "You can tell from their Taoist names, right? That's right, they are from the same master, Jin Yue is the third, Shen Yue is the eleventh. I have always wanted to introduce you two to each other. He told me last night that he would arrive this afternoon."

The more important the person, the more they have to appear at the end. The same is true for the sects participating in the Linyunhai Conference. The day before the opening ceremony of the exchange meeting, that is, today, the last batch of guests arrived in large numbers, including the team of Xiaoxiao Palace.

He Jinyue had just put down his luggage and changed his clothes when Hong Kan came over with Ruihe. When he saw Hong Kan, his eyes showed a sincere smile: "Hong Kan!"

The three of them went outside to find a seafood buffet restaurant for dinner. He Jinyue was about the same age as Hong Kan, 61 years old, but looked older and wore glasses. His smile was very friendly.

"Hong Zhen, eat quickly. This is the first time I treat you to a meal. You must eat well. Otherwise, when you go back, your senior brother will find out that you are not full and he will come to trouble me." The tone of teasing Hong Kan was natural and intimate.

Ruihe smiled and nodded.

There were many people in the cafeteria and it was noisy everywhere. After eating, the three of them walked along the seaside and each talked about the current situation. When they walked to a quiet place away from the crowd, He Jinyue motioned to Hongkan and Ruihe to come closer and talk about some topics that could not be heard by outsiders.

"This exchange meeting is generally the same as in previous years. The activities such as exchanging Taoist techniques and appreciating rare magical instruments remain unchanged. However, I heard from our temple owner that there is another very important matter that needs to be discussed at the meeting this time. I have more I don’t know anymore, just keep an eye on yourself.”

"There is news that the Yunhai Association will reorganize the board of directors. It is likely to be brought up at the exchange meeting. If you, Helianguan, are interested in joining the board of directors, you must prepare in advance and don't be caught off guard."


When he returned to his room, Taoist Priest Guizhen had not returned yet, so Hong Kan went to invite He Bai over and told him the latest news he had learned from Taoist Priest Jin Yue tonight.

At first glance, these messages may not seem very practical, but they are of great significance to the Dutch audience who were stunned at the exchange meeting.

He Bai let out a breath, and his somewhat anxious demeanor in the past few days has calmed down a lot: "It's pretty much the same as what I asked about, but this is the first time I've heard that the board of directors is going to be reorganized, and the information must be hidden too tightly. Come in. You don’t have to have high hopes for the council, but we can stand for election and I’ll do it.”

Communicate and communicate, to put it tackily, actually means to let each sect shine and show off their own extraordinary features. The number of attendees from other sects is often in the dozens or hundreds, but Helian Temple only got five places. This shows that Helian Temple has a low status in the Taoist sect, and it is no more than a dream to run for the council.

He Bai is self-aware and motivated. Since the result is obvious, it is the best choice to strive to show Helian's view during the campaign. I have already planned in my mind to ask the people in the temple to send over some things that show the background and ability of Helian Temple. When the time comes, they can be used as a cover-up. It is also a good choice to have Hongzhen perform the orchid fire talisman on the spot and cast the orchid fire spell.

Once you are born and twice you are familiar, it is all about accumulating experience.

The next day was the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony started lively amidst the sound of firecrackers. After that, there was a big dinner party in the Yunhai Hotel. Because there were too many people, we couldn’t accommodate it all at once, so we hosted it in batches, starting at noon. At twelve o'clock in the evening, one group of people finished eating and the next group was picked up. It was the first time for Ruihe to participate in such a banquet, and he thought it was quite fun.

The people from Helian Temple are assigned to the group at 4:30 in the afternoon. If this point is neither higher nor lower, the status of the Taoist temples assigned to this time period is about the same as that of Helian Temple. In fact, among Taoist sects, the distinction between high and low is quite obvious. It is a bit exaggerated to praise the high and suppress the low, but the difference in treatment is real.

"What, is this time for afternoon tea or dinner?" A young Celestial Master muttered to the older man next to him at the same table, "After this meal, do you still want to have dinner? I can't eat it. Yes, then I have to eat midnight snacks tonight, what the hell, who are you looking down on..."

He Chenzi still had the same kind look. He picked up a shrimp for Rui and the others and said, "Eat it, the shrimp won't taste good when it's cold."

"Thank you, uncle."

"Thank you, great uncle."

"Fellow Taoist, which one of you are watching?" After sitting Rui and the lively young Celestial Master across from him were scolded by their elders, their eyes suddenly fell on Rui He. At this table, only Rui He is about the same age as him.

Ruihe smiled and said: "Zhengdong Helianguan."

"Oh." The young Heavenly Master pronounced the word "oh" with a meaningful feeling. Ruihe became interested and asked, "What about you?"

The young Heavenly Master raised his chest and said, "We are from Linxi Temple."

"Oh." Rui Hezuo suddenly realized, "Oh" was equally meaningful.

The young Heavenly Master's face turned green.

Hong Kan chuckled and quickly smoothed things over: "This is delicious, Xiao Qi, eat it quickly." He gave Rui He a spring roll.

The older man next to the young Celestial Master pulled him, and then said politely: "So you are fellow Taoists of Helian Temple, how disrespectful and disrespectful. I am the Taoist Master of Linxi Temple, and the Taoist name is true." He praised again. , "The Orchid Fire Talisman produced by you is really easy to use. I have used it once and was very impressed. It is a pity that I will not buy it again until next year. It is really a pity."

At this moment, He Bai spoke: "Fellow Taoist, you are ridiculous. I am He Bai, the master of Helian Temple. I have known you for a long time when we first met." He then greeted a Celestial Master who came to the table alone, "Fellow Taoist, I am——"

The old Taoist priest with a white beard touched his beard: "I am the master of Zhuyang Temple, my Taoist name is Sui Zhen."

Seeing the three patrons chatting, Hong Kan took the opportunity to pick up food for Rui He and whispered: "You are in a good mood today. You finally look like a little kid."

Anyway, he thought his junior brother's behavior just now was very innocent and cute.

Rui He also lowered his head and put his two heads together: "If I fight with him, will senior brother be angry?"

"Just fight, you are all children, fighting is normal."

Soon, Master Sui Zheng, who came to the meeting alone, left the table first, followed closely by the master and apprentice duo of Linxi Temple, leaving only the five members of Helian Temple on the table.

He Bai looked around and sighed: "I came here with my uncle Cainingzi before."

Things are different and people are different.

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! ! !

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