Winner in life

Chapter 265 87 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

"Still eating? If not, let's go outside for a seafood barbecue. I'll treat you." After sighing, He Bai waved his hand and said, "The meeting will officially start tomorrow. Everyone must eat their fill."

"No need, Master. We are all full." Ruihe and Hongkan shook their heads together.

"Well, go back to your room and rest. If you are hungry, we can talk tonight." He Chenzi said.

Taoist Guizhen, who had returned from expanding business, was also there. He had already gone to get a toothpick: "Bye, if you are free, let's go for tea. I just have something to tell you."

The opening ceremony that day was extremely lively. Fireworks were set off in the evening. Standing on the balcony facing the sea, the fireworks seemed to be blooming on the sea. It was very beautiful. At night, Ruihe went to bed early accompanied by the sound of fireworks. He was watching fireworks in his dreams. After getting up, he felt that the fireworks were still exploding in his mind.

The next day, the exchange meeting was officially held. The venue of the exchange meeting was a large conference hall nearby. It is said that this venue was built specifically for the exchange meeting and can accommodate 10,000 people at the same time.

"It used to be held in a hotel, but then the exchange meeting got bigger and bigger, and the hotel couldn't accommodate it anymore." He Bai introduced, "This venue has been built for about ten years, and the conditions are much better than in the hotel. Everyone can have a seat. But this time there are 10,000 participants, so it seems that the venue needs to be expanded again."

The seats at Helian Temple are at the back. Ruihe patiently sat there for three days, but didn't want to go there on the fourth day.

He is not bragging, he is a patient person and can calm down, but the exchange meeting is really boring!

On the first day, the Tianshi of Yunshao Palace spoke, and they talked about the achievements of Yunshao Palace in the past two years, such as how many disciples they have accepted, how many cases of crimes committed by evil spirits have been cracked down, how many dead souls have been saved, and how they have cooperated with the Special Investigation Office to carry out many tasks, etc. There was a topic about Taoist magic and talismans, but it was only mentioned briefly, talking about some misunderstandings and solutions when teaching new disciples.

On the second day, the Tianshi of the Zhang family spoke, and it was another long and boring day.

On the third day, which is today, everyone in Daqin Palace spoke again, from morning to night. Compared with the exchange meetings of the previous two days, the soup is the same, and people can fall asleep on the spot.

It is not enough to just watch quietly, you have to applaud and nod. There are cameras in the venue filming the whole process. He Bai told them to be polite and not to be photographed in a bad way, which would be edited into the meeting record and laughed at by others.

After sitting like this for three days, Ruihe felt that his spirit was about to wither.

"I can't stand it anymore." Hong Kan waved his hands repeatedly, "The annual meeting of the Special Investigation Office is not so sleepy." The annual meeting of the Special Investigation Office is held in Beijing, and civil servants from branches of the Special Investigation Office across the country must attend. Every year, there is an official atmosphere that has been passed down from generation to generation. You have to go.

"In this case, Hong Zhen and I will not go." Hearing Ruihe say that he didn't want to go, Hong Kan immediately agreed.

He Bai pressed his temple: "We can't have two people absent at once. So, you take turns. Hong Zhen won't go tomorrow morning, and Hong Kan won't go tomorrow afternoon."

Hong Kan nodded: "That's fine. Then the day after tomorrow morning I-"

"No, I won't go the day after tomorrow morning, and both of you have to go."

He Chenzi smiled and narrowed his eyes. Gui Zhen also sighed: "The master can't not go."

It's an honor to be invited to such an exchange meeting, but it's really hard to endure.

A week passed in this difficult way. The last Linyunhai exchange meeting lasted for half a month. According to convention, this year's meeting will be about the same. The number of participants began to decrease significantly. Unlike the first few days when the seats were full, everyone, like Ruihe and his fellow apprentices, would hide for as long as they could.

It was not until the eighth day of the meeting that there was new and exciting news at the exchange meeting.

"Before today's exchange meeting ended, the master of Yunshao Palace said that there would be an election campaign for the board of directors after the closing ceremony of the exchange meeting." He Bai came back from the meeting that day and told the news, "I have filled out the application form." He exhaled and waved, "Come on, come on, come and revise the campaign draft. I took the time to write one a few days ago, and I think it's not good."

Ruihe: "..."

Hongkan: "..."

He Chenzi yawned: "I can't stay up late at my age, I'm going to sleep first."

Guizhen: "I'm going to a client's house to check Feng Shui, I'm leaving first."

Hebai helplessly: "Master uncle, it's only seven o'clock now, you want to sleep?"

He Chenzi had already walked to the door and opened it, pretending to be hard of hearing and left.

"Master uncle Guizhen, can you still develop customers in this place?"

Guizhen put on his bag, brushed his sleeves, and stroked his beard. He looked like a fairy. Ruihe had to admit that the reason why Brother Guizhen was so popular in Zhengdong was that this unique "fairy" temperament helped a lot.

He smiled professionally: "Of course, this is the Linyun Sea after all. Although it is crowded with people from our sect, there are still some ordinary people who come here for vacation."

"Please walk slowly and be careful on the road." He Bai said helplessly, and looked at Hong Kan and Rui He, and said seriously: "The two uncles should not be sleepy, and have no business to complete, right? If not, come and help."

In this way, Rui He and the others helped to revise the campaign manuscript until twelve o'clock. He Bai was slightly satisfied and put the third version of the manuscript together, saying: "Continue tomorrow, Uncle Hong Kan, it's your turn to rest tomorrow morning, right? Uncle Hong Zhen will take the afternoon, right?" He stuffed the manuscript to Hong Kan, "Then please continue to revise it tomorrow."

Hong Kan almost wanted to cry without tears. He had been in the Special Investigation Division for several years and suffered from the pain of writing reports when there was something in the system and when there was nothing else to do. Although Minister Zhang did not come to the office, he was assigned a lot of tasks, including more than one case. One report, one week work report, monthly work report, quarterly and annual work report, can drive people crazy.

"Then I'm going to sleep. You can sleep too. Oh, by the way, remember to leave the door open for Master Guizhen and don't lock it."

Rui He couldn't help but laugh when he saw this: "I'll write it."

Hong Kan breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly handed the manuscript to Rui He: "Then I'm going to brush my teeth."

The next day, Rui He took the manuscript and revised it while listening to the meeting. During the break, he inadvertently looked ahead and found that the Zhai family area seemed to be quite empty.

"Did they change positions or not?" Ruihe asked Hebai.

"Oh, there was a meeting yesterday afternoon, and suddenly the young master of the Zhai family left the meeting, taking many people with him." He Bai looked at it and said, "It doesn't seem like he's back. Maybe there's something urgent."

In the evening, Ruihe had completely perfected the manuscript, and Hebai took the time to get familiar with it. That night, Ruihe suddenly woke up with heart palpitations while sleeping.

He turned over and sat up, rubbing his heart and frowning. This kind of heart palpitations came out of nowhere, as if something important happened that was related to him. He did some calculations for himself, and sure enough, he couldn't figure out anything involving himself.

Finally, Rui He fell back to sleep. When having breakfast the next morning, Taoist priest Guizhen stared at Rui He several times. Rui He asked, "Why do you always look at me, senior brother?"

"I think... there seem to be some changes in your parents' palace." Guizhen frowned slightly, put down her chopsticks, and said to He Chenzi, "Uncle, take a look, come and see the master and Hong Kan."

Rui He was surrounded by several people, and finally He Chenzi nodded slowly: "Yes, the sun is dark on the left. My father is seriously ill or his life is in danger."

Hebai's eyes flashed, and Hong Kan said with a smile: "Hongzhen has always been an orphan. No matter how the parents' palace changes, Hongzhen can't control it. Who knows where they are." Change the topic.

After breakfast, Rui He took a mirror to look at the parents palace on his forehead. Sure enough, as He Chenzi said, there was a difference in the left sun angle representing his father.

"Maybe something happened to Zhai Sutian. Hongzhen, you asked me yesterday why the Zhai family's area was empty. If something happened to Zhai Sutian, it would explain why the Zhai family delegation left the venue." He Bai touched his chin, "I don't know if something happened. What's the matter? Zhai Sutian is not yet sixty years old, and he held a 100-day banquet for his second child a while ago. Although I heard that he is ill and cannot come to the gathering, he shouldn't suddenly become critically ill, right? "

"I don't know." Rui He rubbed his face, "Stop talking about him, viewer, come and memorize the campaign draft, and I will supervise you."

He Bai: "..."

In private, Ruihe checked Zhai Sutian's life and death book.

Human lifespan is not static. Maybe you took a new path today, or maybe you ate an extra bowl of rice. It seems a bit exaggerated to say this, but a person's long life is accumulated by such seemingly small and ordinary things. Yes, minute by minute, every time you look back, every time you turn around, it will cause different consequences.

"So don't neglect good deeds because they are small. Don't do evil because they are small. Don't despise every decision you make on the road of life. Only by taking every step with a pious and serious attitude can you be responsible for your future." This is a quote from that year. Ningzi taught Ruihe what he said.

The information in Zhai Sutian's life and death book has indeed changed. The original date of death has turned into gray text, and there is a new death date below, which happens to be about the same time as Rui He woke up from his dream last night.

"It turns out he's dead..." Rui He murmured in a low voice. The empty scene in the area belonging to the Zhai family at the conference in the past two days appeared in his mind. What is the situation of the Zhai family now?

Did Zhai Sutian die like this?

Why does he feel a little ridiculous?

Zhai Sutian also felt that his own death was extremely ridiculous. How many overt and covert opponents had he defeated over the years? Having been in business as the head of the family for decades, it has long been entrenched and unstoppable. This illness was unexpected for him, but the doctor was right. As he gets older, his body's functions will inevitably decline to a certain extent. He needs to adjust his future work intensity and maintain good health.

Regarding future plans, Zhai Sutian still has at least forty years of psychological expectations. First of all, he must have a son of his own, a biological son who has been raised since childhood and who has grown up by his side. By this time, he wasn't so demanding anymore. As long as he wasn't as dull as a piece of wood or had a useless constitution with congenital blocked meridians, he could accept it.

My wife, who is in her fifties and pregnant with her second child, can use the unexpected pregnancy to cover up her shame. If she has a third child, she will really be laughed to death. Moreover, his wife, Kodan, is really not able to have another baby. She has already tried her best to give birth to this daughter. The child's 100-day banquet has been held so far, but her body has not been fully restored, so it is impossible for her to have another baby.

Therefore, for the sake of future generations, he had secretly found a lover. After his daughter was one month old, he frequently visited his lover's residence. Despite all the hard work, there was still no good news about his lover. The Hundred Days Banquet and the Clouds and Clouds Meeting were squeezed into the schedule one after another. Under the pressure of many parties, he actually fell ill.

Zhai Sutian reflected on this disease more and waited for the day when he would be resurrected with full blood and fight for another forty years.

Then, he was killed by Lu Qiao.

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! ! !

Zhai Sutian: Huh? ? ?

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